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母语国家和地区 蒙古国
360万-400万(作為標準通用語言) (2021年人口估计)[1]
  • 中蒙古语支
    • 喀尔喀蒙古语
ISO 639-3khk

蒙古语西里尔字母Халх аялгууQalq-a ayalγu,[χɑɮχ ɑjɮ.ɢʊː]),亦稱現代蒙古語[3]蒙古國官方唯一的蒙古語標準音,亦是全球蒙古民族最通用的蒙古语系方言。




标准语和口语间有许多差别。例如,标准语近指代词是基于词根ʉː/n-(除主格 in [i̠n]宾格,后者用ʉːn-[7],这与卫拉特语所展现的现象一致。[8]另一方面,口语还运用基于词根inʉːn-inĕn-范式[9]这和察哈尔蒙古语的情况很像。[10]同一现象还可见于远指代词/tir/[11]

喀尔喀蒙古语可被粗略地划分为南北两种,包括苏尼特等。两种方言的共同创新有塞擦音去颚化,即/tʃ/除在*i前>/ts//tʃʰ/ > /tsʰ/,而南喀尔喀话则跟随察哈尔和鄂尔多斯蒙古语,展现出出于语音异化的去送气化,如*tʰatʰa > /tatʰ/[12]但更多蒙古学者认为喀尔喀和察哈尔间的边界等于蒙古和内蒙古喀尔喀地区的边界。[13]

尤其在新派口音中,/p/(或/w/)> [ɸ],如同书面蒙古语qabtasu > 苏尼特[ɢaptʰǎs] ~ [ɢaɸtʰǎs]“封面”。[14]

一种蒙古喀尔喀方言分类将其分为3个次方言:中、西、东。蒙古西里尔字母正字法是基于中喀尔喀方言的。最大的区别是声母х在阴性词中的发音,中喀尔喀方言读如字,西喀尔喀则是送气塞音kh,东喀尔喀则是浊塞音g。例如:хөтөл(中喀尔喀),көтөл (西喀尔喀),гөтөл (东喀尔喀)。声母х在阳性词中的表现同样不一样,第二个辅音是清音时西喀尔喀方言是h(几乎脱落),在东喀尔喀则是gh。例如:хутга(中喀尔喀),hутага(西喀尔喀),гутага(东喀尔喀)。声母т在东喀尔喀方言中发作d。例如:талх(中喀尔喀),талк(西喀尔喀),далх(东喀尔喀)。




  • 蒙古
    • 中部
      • 标准喀尔喀
      • 哈特噶勒
      • 达尔汗
    • 东南
      • 达里冈爱
  • 俄罗斯
    • 宗噶
    • 萨尔图
      • 两种方言官方归为“布里亚特”方言
  • 内蒙古
    • 乌兰察布土语:
      • 察哈尔
      • 卫拉特
      • 达尔汗
      • 四子王旗
      • 茂明安
      • 克什克腾
  • 锡林郭勒土语:
    • 乌珠穆沁
    • 库希特
    • 阿巴嘎
    • 阿巴嘎淖
    • 苏尼特


  1. ^ National Census 2010 of Mongolia (PDF). [2021-04-24]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2013-10-25). 
  2. ^ Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin; Bank, Sebastian (编). Halh Mongolian. Glottolog 2.7. Jena: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. 2016. 
  3. ^ 侯万庄, 王浩. 现代蒙古语教程 Орчин цагийн монгол хэлний сурах бичиг. Beijing: 北京大学出版社. 2017-01-01. ISBN 9787301272312. 
  4. ^ Svantesson et al. 2005: 143. Janhunen 2003: 179-180提到这是可能的。Sečenbaγatur et al. 2005: 207缺乏必要论证过程就将锡林郭勒和乌兰察布土语划入了察哈尔方言。
  5. ^ Sečenbaγatur et al. 2005: 372,也见Svantesson et al. 2005: 36
  6. ^ Sečenbaγatur et al. 2005: 372, cp. Mongolian State (2003): Törijn alban josny helnij tuhaj huul’页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), retrieved 2009-03-27
  7. ^ cp. Street 1957: 88,国际音标据Svantesson et al. 2005: 2,6-7, 91。但其在书写习惯上写[ʉ]而不是[u],这与Ölǰeyibürin (2001)相同。
  8. ^ Birtalan 2003: 220, Bläsing 2003: 239
  9. ^ Poppe 1951: 72
  10. ^ 参见Sečenbaγatur et al. 2005: 237。虽然这文献的逻辑有点迷糊,它将一些南喀尔喀方言划进察哈尔方言,但它没有提到类似ʉːn-的词根。
  11. ^ 参考与/in/相同的参考文献。
  12. ^ Svantesson et al. 2005: 143, 206
  13. ^ 如Sečenbaγatur et al. 2005: 207, 372-373,或许还有Amaržargal 1988: 22-25
  14. ^ Ölǰeyibürin 2001: 17-18。他误以为清浊构成对立,但他用的转写来自Svantesson et al. 2005,这个方案中对立的是送气。
  15. ^ Janhunen, Juha A. Mongolian. John Benjamins Publishing. 2012: On page 9, Juhanen writes: "In Outer Mongolia, the Khalkha group comprises, apart from Khalkha proper, the Khotgoit (Xotgaid) and Darkhat (Darxed) dialects in the north and the Dariganga (Darygengg) dialect in the southeast. This group also includes the Tsongol (Tzonggel) and Sartul (Sartool) dialects, officially classified as “Buryat”, on the Russian side. On the Inner Mongolian side, the Khalkha group comprises the so–called Ulan Tsab (Oulaan Tzab) dialects, including Chakhar (Tzaxer), Urat (Ourd), Darkhan (Darxen), Muumingan (Moo Minggen), Dörben Huuhet (Deurben Xuuxed) and Keshigten (Xeshegten), as well as the so–called Shilingol (Shiliin Gol) dialects, including Udzumuchin (Udzemcen), Khuuchit (Xooced), Abaga (Abegh), Abaganar (Abeghner) and Sunit (Seund). Most of the dialects genetically belonging to the Khalkha group but areally spoken on the Inner Mongolian side are in some ways transitional, in that they incorporate secondary influences from dialects of the Khorchin type. Khalkha proper itself is also dialectally diversified and comprises, among others, two major groups of subdialects known as Northern Khalkha and Southern Khalkha. The modern Ulan Bator dialect of Khalkha, which for political reasons has a prestige status in Mongolia, has also developed into a distinct form of speech.". ISBN 978-90-272-3820-7 (英语). 


  • Amaržargal, B. (1988): BNMAU dah’ mongol helnij nutgijn ajalguuny tol’ bichig: halh ajalguu. Ulaanbaatar: ŠUA.
  • Birtalan, Ágnes (2003): Oirat. In: Janhunen (ed.) 2003: 210-228.
  • Bläsing, Uwe (2003): Kalmuck. In: Janhunen (ed.) 2003: 229-247.
  • 杨虎嫩 (ed.) (2003): The Mongolic languages. London: Routledge.
  • 杨虎嫩 (2003a): Mongol dialects. In: Janhunen 2003: 177-191.
  • Ölǰeyibürin (2001): Sünid aman ayalγun-u geyigülügči abiyalaburi-yin sistem. In: Mongγol Kele Utq-a ǰokiyal 2001/1: 16-23.
  • Poppe, Nicholas (1951): Khalkha-mongolische Grammatik. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner.
  • Sečenbaγatur, Qasgerel, Tuyaγ-a, B. ǰirannige, U Ying ǰe (2005): Mongγul kelen-ü nutuγ-un ayalγun-u sinǰilel-ün uduridqal. Kökeqota: Öbür mongγul-un arad-un keblel-ün qoriy-a.
  • Street, John (1957): The language of the Secret history of the Mongols. American Oriental series 42.
  • Svantesson, Jan-Olof, Anna Tsendina, Anastasia Karlsson, Vivan Franzén (2005): The Phonology of Mongolian. New York: Oxford University Press.