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物自体 (康德)


物自体,或自在之物(德語:Ding an sich;英語:Thing in itself)是康德所介绍的概念。物自体是独立于观察的客体。这个概念在哲学家中间产生了很多争论。[1]




And we indeed, rightly considering objects of sense as mere appearances, confess thereby that they are based upon a thing in itself, though we know not this thing as it is in itself, but only know its appearances, viz., the way in which our senses are affected by this unknown something.[2]





I could not enter into the system without the assumption of the concept of the thing-in-itself and, on the other hand, I could not remain in it with this concept.[4]


Gottlob Ernst Schulze


匿名出版的《埃奈西德穆》英语Aenesidemus (book)成功给了康德以致命的一击,根据康德的说法,物自体无法导致现象,因为因果律的范畴只能运用在经验的客体上。因此康德也无法宣称物自体的存在。此书后来表明正是G. E. Schulze英语Gottlob Ernst Schulze所著。

这个矛盾后来也被接受为是物自体这个概念存在的主要问题。这本书与此书对物自体的一击对费希特产生了巨大影响。叔本华称G. E. Schulze为康德所有对手中最犀利的一位。[5]




Aenesidemus, which I consider one of the most remarkable products of our decade, has convinced me of something which I admittedly already suspected: that even after the labors of Kant and Reinhold, philosophy is still not a science. Aenesidemus has shaken my own system to its very foundations, and, since one cannot live very well under the open sky, I have been forced to construct a new system. I am convinced that philosophy can become a science only if it is generated from one single principle, but that it must then become just as self-evident as geometry.[6]





Philipp Mainländer


Mainländer英语Philipp Mainländer的观点较为特别,他称颂康德打破了他自己原来的哲学规则,Mainländer也认为物自体是存在的。

He did it, because he feared nothing more than the allegation, that his philosophy is pure idealism, which makes the whole objective world into illusion and takes away all reality from it. The three remarks of the first part of the Prolegomena are, with this in mind, very much worth reading. I cannot condemn this great inconsequence. It was the smaller one of two evils, and Kant bravely embraced it.[7]



  1. ^ Thielke, Peter; Melamed, Yitzhak. Salomon Maimon. Zalta, Edward N. (编). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Fall 2015. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University “Perhaps the most obvious problem — and certainly one of the earliest — that Kant faces concerns the issue of the thing in itself.”. 2015 [2018-02-10]. (原始内容存档于2020-06-04). 
  2. ^ Kant Immanuel. Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics. : § 52c. 
  3. ^ 伊曼努尔·康德, 庞景仁 译. 任何一种能够作为科学出现的未来形而上学导论. 商务印书馆. 1997-4: 86. ISBN 9787100017985. 
  4. ^ S. Atlas. From Critical to Speculative Idealism. : p. 21. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Arthur Schopenhauer. The World as Will and Representation.. Kant’s greatest merit is the distinction of the phenomenon from the thing in itself … This defect, as is known, is the introduction of the thing in itself in the way chosen by him, the inadmissibleness of which was exposed at length by G. E. Schulze in "Aenesidemus " and was soon recognised as the untenable point of his system. … It is most remarkable that one of Kant’s opponents, and indeed the acutest of them, G. E. Schulze …. : Vol. 1 Criticism of the Kantian Philosophy. 
  6. ^ Fichte. Early Philosophical Writings. Cornell University Press. 1993: p 4. 
  7. ^ Philipp Mainländer. Die Philosophie der Erlösung. "Er that es, weil er Nichts mehr fürchtete als den Vorwurf, seine Philosophie sei der reine Idealismus, welcher die ganze objektive Welt zu Schein macht und ihr jede Realität nimmt. Die drei Anmerkungen zum ersten Buche der Prolegomena sind, in dieser Hinsicht, sehr lesenswerth. Diese große Inconsequenz kann ich nicht verdammen. Sie war das kleinere von zwei Uebeln, und Kant ergriff es herzhaft.". : p. 438.