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胰島素的翻譯後修飾。 At the top, the ribosome translates a mRNA sequence into a protein, insulin, and passes the protein through the endoplasmic reticulum, where it is cut, folded, and held in shape by disulfide (-S-S-) bonds. Then the protein passes through the golgi apparatus, where it is packaged into a vesicle. In the vesicle, more parts are cut off, and it turns into mature insulin.

翻译后修饰(英語:Post-translational modification,縮寫PTM;又稱後轉譯修飾)是指蛋白質翻译後的化學修飾。對於大部份的蛋白質來說,這是蛋白質生物合成的較後步驟。PTM是細胞信號傳導中的重要組成部分。














Flowchart of the process and the data sources to predict PTMs.[3]

蛋白質序列包含通過修飾酶識別的序列基序,並且可以在 PTM 數據庫中記錄或預測。 隨著發現大量不同的修改,需要在數據庫中記錄此類信息。 PTM 信息可以通過實驗手段收集,也可以從高質量、手動整理的數據中預測。 已經創建了許多數據庫,通常側重於某些分類群(例如人類蛋白質)或其他特徵。





蛋白質及其 PTM 可視化軟件列表

  • PyMOL[7]——將一組常見的 PTM 引入蛋白質模型
  • AWESOME[8] – 查看單核苷酸多態性對 PTM 的作用的交互式工具
  • Chimera[9] – 可視化分子的交互式數據庫




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  2. ^ Van G. Wilson , 编. Sumoylation: Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. Horizon Bioscience. 2004. ISBN 978-0-9545232-8-2. (原始内容存档于2005-02-09). 
  3. ^ Lee TY, Huang HD, Hung JH, Huang HY, Yang YS, Wang TH. dbPTM: an information repository of protein post-translational modification. Nucleic Acids Research. January 2006, 34 (Database issue): D622–7. PMC 1347446可免费查阅. PMID 16381945. doi:10.1093/nar/gkj083. 
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  7. ^ Warnecke A, Sandalova T, Achour A, Harris RA. PyTMs: a useful PyMOL plugin for modeling common post-translational modifications. BMC Bioinformatics. November 2014, 15 (1): 370. PMC 4256751可免费查阅. PMID 25431162. doi:10.1186/s12859-014-0370-6. 
  8. ^ Yang Y, Peng X, Ying P, Tian J, Li J, Ke J, Zhu Y, Gong Y, Zou D, Yang N, Wang X, Mei S, Zhong R, Gong J, Chang J, Miao X. AWESOME: a database of SNPs that affect protein post-translational modifications. Nucleic Acids Research. January 2019, 47 (D1): D874–D880. PMC 6324025可免费查阅. PMID 30215764. doi:10.1093/nar/gky821. 
  9. ^ Morris JH, Huang CC, Babbitt PC, Ferrin TE. structureViz: linking Cytoscape and UCSF Chimera. Bioinformatics. September 2007, 23 (17): 2345–7. PMID 17623706. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btm329可免费查阅. 
  10. ^ 1tp8 - Proteopedia, life in 3D. www.proteopedia.org. [2023-04-18]. (原始内容存档于2009-08-28). 

