English: The Green and golden bell frog, Ranoidea aurea, is a magnificent looking frog and can often be mistaken for a garden ornament! In the late 1860s several consignments of these frogs were received from Sydney and released by the Auckland Acclimisation Society. There have been several attempts to establish populations of this species in the South Island, but it appears that the climatic conditions are not favourable and the species is restricted to the upper half of the North Island (north of Gisborne). They occur around the same ponds as the Southern Bell frog and may interbreed
Čeština: Žába rosnice zlatá (Litoria aurea) je původem z Austrálie. V 60. letech 19. století proběhlo několik pokusů o vysazení a založení trvalých populací tohoto druhu na novozélandskémJižním ostrově.
Español: Litoria aurea es una rana arbórea originaria del este de Australia. Ha sido introducida en Nueva Zelanda en la decada de 1860 y es común en el noroeste de Isla Norte.
Magyar: A levelibéka-félék családjába tartozó arany levelibéka (Litoria aurea). Kelet-Ausztráliában őshonos békafaj, melyet az 1860-as években telepítettek be Új-Zélandra
한국어: 초록황금종개구리(Litoria aurea)는 매우 아름다운 모습의 개구리다. 1960년대 말 이 개구리의 배송들이 시드니에 도착하여 오클랜드 순화 협회(Auckland Acclimatisation Society)에 의해 풀려났다. 이 종을 남섬에 집단으로 정착시키기 위한 여러 차례의 시도가 있어 왔다.
Эрзянь: Пиже эли Сырьнень баягань ватракшось (The Green and Golden Bell Frog, Litoria aurea) — те пек мазый ватракш. 1860-це иень прядомсто знярыя не ватракштнэнь кучизь Сидней ошсто ды сынст нолдызь Оклендэнь акклиматизациянь вейсэндявкссось (Auckland Acclimisation Society).
Português: Rã-de-sino-verde-e-dourado (Litoria aurea), uma rã arbórea originária do leste da Austrália. Foi introduzida na Nova Zelândia na década de 1860 e é comum no noroeste da Ilha Norte.
English: The Green and Golden Bell Frog (Litoria aurea), is a magnificent looking frog. In the late 1860s several consignments of these frogs were received from Sydney and released by the Auckland Acclimisation Society. There have been several attempts to establish populations of this species in the South Island.
Čeština: Žába rosnice zlatá (Litoria aurea) je původem z Austrálie. V 60. letech 19. století proběhlo několik pokusů o vysazení a založení trvalých populací tohoto druhu na novozélandskémJižním ostrově.
English: The Green and Golden Bell Frog (Litoria aurea), is a magnificent looking frog. In the late 1860s several consignments of these frogs were received from Sydney and released by the Auckland Acclimisation Society. There have been several attempts to establish populations of this species in the South Island.
Español: Litoria aurea es una rana arbórea originaria del este de Australia. Ha sido introducida en Nueva Zelanda en la decada de 1860 y es común en el noroeste de Isla Norte.
Magyar: A levelibéka-félék családjába tartozó arany levelibéka (Litoria aurea). Kelet-Ausztráliában őshonos békafaj, melyet az 1860-as években telepítettek be Új-Zélandra
Português: Rã-de-sino-verde-e-dourado (Litoria aurea), uma rã arbórea originária do leste da Austrália. Foi introduzida na Nova Zelândia na década de 1860 e é comum no noroeste da Ilha Norte.
한국어: 초록황금종개구리(Litoria aurea)는 매우 아름다운 모습의 개구리다. 1960년대 말 이 개구리의 배송들이 시드니에 도착하여 오클랜드 순화 협회(Auckland Acclimatisation Society)에 의해 풀려났다. 이 종을 남섬에 집단으로 정착시키기 위한 여러 차례의 시도가 있어 왔다.