描述Pompeii - Osteria della Via di Mercurio - Erotic Scene 1.jpg
English: Drawing by César Famin of a Roman fresco from Pompeii. The fresco was located in the Osteria della Via di Mercurio, (Caupona of the street of Mercury).[1]
The building that this fresco was in is located at; "VI 10,1.19".[1] The fresco was in room b of this building on the east wall.[1]
The fresco has meanwhile been destroyed.
This drawing is from: César Famin, Herculanum et Pompei. Le Musée Secret. (Paris 1836), Plate 35.
It is speculated that on the wall painting there were two lines that were below the two figures[1] and that these two lines were shadows. It is speculated that these two lines have been drawn as tightropes that the two figures are balancing on in this drawing.[2][1]
John R. Clarke: Ars Erotica. Darmstadt: Primus 2009
A second image of the same drawing.
A second drawing of the same fresco. M. L. Barre. 1877
↑ John R. Clarke (2009年) (german) 《 Ars erotica: Sexualität und ihre Bilder im antiken Rom》、达姆施塔特: Primus 国际标准书号: 3896783971.
Drawing by César Famin of a roman fresco from the Osteria della Via di Mercurio, (Caupona of the street of Mercury) (VI 10,1.19, room b) in Pompeii. The drawing is dated to 1827.