Pantala flavescens female
author: John C. Abbot
source: [1]
statement ofthe author:
Hi Philipp,
Hereby, I John C. Abbot declare that I'm the photographer of the photos on www.odonatacentral.com which are marked with John C. Abbot
I allow, that the pictures that show the "Pantala flavescens" may be published on wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike license .
I know that in terms of copyright others, may have the right to use the picture, even for commercial uses.
I know that this acquiescence normally could not be withdrawn.
I know that this acquiescence is only in terms of copyright, and that I'm allowed to take action against people who use the picture illegitimate under other terms
March 27, 2006, John C. Abbot
John C. Abbott, Ph.D.
Section of Integrative Biology
Curator, Brackenridge Field Laboratory Insect Collection
Texas Memorial Museum Research Associate
1 University Station #L7000
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 78712 USA
Office Phone: (512) 471-5467
Lab Phone: (512) 232-1896
Fax: (512) 475-6286
Email: jcabbott(at)mail.utexas.edu
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