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英國記者和政客Ian Gilmour引用了圣巴托洛缪大屠杀作為一個實例比較基督教恐怖主義與現代恐怖主義,並寫道:「教宗額我略十三世說這大屠殺給了他比勒班陀戰役更多的快樂,他委託喬爾喬·瓦薩里梵蒂岡描繪壁畫。」 [2]大約2000至25000雨格諾派(也译做胡格诺派,法國新教徒)被天主教暴徒殺害,因此被稱為“該世紀最嚴重的基督教屠殺”。這次大屠殺導致開始了第四次法國宗教戰爭,雙方許多其他大屠殺和暗殺都找這次大屠殺做藉口。Peter Steinfels列舉了火藥陰謀作為一個歷史上明顯的基督教恐怖主義例子,當時蓋伊·福克斯與其他天主教革命家想炸毀威斯敏斯特宫企圖推翻英國的新教政權。 [3]


火藥陰謀陰謀家 (1605年)

英國近代早期見證了宗教改革引起的宗教衝突以及反對宗教改革的抵制[4]。 1605年的火藥陰謀是一群英國天主教徒企圖暗殺新教國王詹姆斯一世並炸毀英國政府所在地威斯敏斯特宮的一次失敗的嘗試。 儘管宗教恐怖主義的現代概念,或者說根本不是恐怖主義,在十七世紀還沒有開始使用,但大衛·C·拉波波特和林賽·克拉特巴克指出,使用爆炸物的陰謀是十九世紀無政府主義恐怖主義的早期前兆[5]。 蘇·馬漢 (Sue Mahan) 和帕瑪拉·格里塞特 (Pamala L. Griset) 將這一陰謀歸類為宗教恐怖主義行為,並寫道“福克斯和他的同事從宗教角度為他們的行為辯護。”[6] 彼得·斯坦費爾斯 (Peter Steinfels) 也將這一陰謀描述為宗教恐怖主義的著名案例[7]



羅馬尼亞東正教基督教影響的運動,例如铁卫团和蘭謝里運動(Lăncieri),被以色列猶太大屠殺紀念館斯坦利·G·佩恩分別定性為反猶太主義法西斯主義,它們參與了布加勒斯特大屠殺(Legionnaires' rebellion and Bucharest pogrom),並在 1930 年代犯下了許多出於政治動機的謀殺案[8][9][10][11][12]









National Socialist Council of Nagaland(NSCN)領導了那加兰邦的叛亂,直到現在還與它的軍隊持續中。Isaac Muivah明確地指它是"Nagalim for Christ." [17]






羅馬尼亞反犹太主义羅馬尼亞正教會法西斯主義運動,例如鐵衛隊Lăncieri,在猶太人大屠殺布加勒斯特大屠殺英语Legionnaires' rebellion and Bucharest pogrom及30年代的政治性的謀殺有責任。[19][20][21][11]












在20世紀,極端主義團體的成員例如天軍英语Army of God (United States)開始攻擊墮胎診所和醫生。 [36][37][38]

為數不少的恐怖襲擊,包括在1996年夏季奧林匹克運動會期間由Eric Robert Rudolph策劃的百年奧林匹克公園爆炸案被指控與個人和團體基督徒的認知英语Christian Identity基督教愛國者運動英语Christian Patriot movement有聯繫,包括在美國定為恐怖組織的「基督的羔羊」。[39][40][41]

在1999年年底之前一個名為關心基督徒英语Concerned Christians的組織從以色列涉嫌策劃襲擊的聖地耶路撒冷被驅逐,他們相信他們的死亡將「帶領他們到天堂」。[42][43]

在2009年5月31日佐治·蒂勒英语George Tiller醫生被反墮胎主義者司各特·羅德英语Scott Roeder謀殺而動機就是因為基督教。[44]

Hutaree英语Hutaree是總部設在密歇根阿德里安的基督教民兵組織。2010年在底特律聯邦大陪審團起訴其9名成員煽動陰謀、使用簡易爆炸裝置,教導使用爆炸物,並持械犯罪。 [45]







還有部分極端組織基督徒身份是全球教會和個體鬆散的聯繫並專門去把神學種族化,聲稱北歐白人是失蹤的以色列十支派、上帝的選民的直接後裔。它已經與群體有關,如雅利安國雅利安共和軍天軍菲尼亞斯祭司,和上帝的誓约,剑和盾。它被認為是一個影響過很多世界各地的恐怖襲擊,包括2002年索韋托爆炸英语002 Soweto bombings[46][47][48][49]






  1. ^ B. Hoffman, "Inside Terrorism", Columbia University Press, 1999, p. 105–120.
  2. ^ Ian Gilmour, Andrew Gilmour. Terrorism review. Journal of Palestine Studies (University of California Press). 1988, 17 (2): 136. doi:10.1525/jps.1988.17.3.00p0024k. 
  3. ^ Peter Steinfels. A Day to Think About a Case of Faith-Based Terrorism. New York Times. 2005-11-05 [2010-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-20). 
  4. ^ Holmes, Peter; McCoog, Thomas M.; Crosignani, Ginevra; Questier, Michael C. Recusancy and Conformity in Early Modern England: Manuscript and Printed Sources in Translation. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. 2010. ISBN 978-0-88844-170-6. [页码请求]
  5. ^ Rapoport, David C. Terrorism: The first or anarchist wave. Routledge. 2006: 309. ISBN 978-0-415-31651-4. 
  6. ^ Mahan, Sue; Griset, Pamala L. Religious Terrorism: Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. Terrorism in Perspective 3rd. Sage Publications. 2013: 42–44. ISBN 9781452225456. Like many terrorists throughout history, Fawkes and his colleagues justified their actions in terms of religion. Like other instances of 'holy terror', the Gunpowder Plot was deeply rooted in events that had occurred long before. 
  7. ^ Steinfels, Peter. A Day to Think About a Case of Faith-Based Terrorism. The New York Times. 5 November 2005 [2023-07-22]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-02). 
  8. ^ Paul Tinichigiu. Sami Fiul (interview). The Central Europe Center for Research and Documentation. January 2004 [26 November 2013]. (原始内容存档于2 December 2013). 
  9. ^ Ioanid, Radu. The sacralised politics of the Romanian Iron Guard. Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions. January 2004, 5 (3): 419–453. S2CID 145585057. doi:10.1080/1469076042000312203. 
  10. ^ Leon Volovici. Nationalist Ideology and Antisemitism有限度免费查阅,超限则需付费订阅. 1991: 98. ISBN 978-0-08-041024-1. citing N. Cainic, Ortodoxie şi etnocraţie, pp. 162–4 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Roots of Romanian Antisemitism: The League of National Christian Defense and Iron Guard Antisemitism (PDF). Background and Precursors to the Holocaust (Wayback Machine): 37. [2022-01-06]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2013-12-31). 
  12. ^ Payne, Stanley G. (1995). A History of Fascism 1914–1945. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press (pp. 277–289) ISBN 0-299-14874-2
  13. ^ Taming the Spirit Wrestlers. Time Magazine. 1966-02-11 [2010-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2010-10-28). 
  14. ^ The MIPT terrorism annual 2004 (PDF). National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism. 2004. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2009-03-05). 
  15. ^ Constitution of National Liberation Front Of Tripura. South Asia Terrorism Portal. [2010-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-25). 
  16. ^ National Liberation Front of Tripura, India. South Asia Terrorism Portal. [2010-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2015-04-01). 
  17. ^ 存档副本. [2010-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2017-11-27). 
  18. ^ Claire Mitchell. Religion, Identity and Politics in Northern Ireland. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. 2006: 51. ISBN 0754641554. 
  19. ^ Paul Tinichigiu. Sami Fiul (interview). The Central Europe Center for Research and Documentation. 2004-01. (原始内容存档于2013-12-02). 
  20. ^ Radu Ioanid. The Sacralised Politics of the Romanian Iron Guard. Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions. 2004, 5 (3): 419–453(35). doi:10.1080/1469076042000312203. 
  21. ^ Leon Volovici. Nationalist Ideology and Antisemitism. : 98. citing N. Cainic, Ortodoxie şi etnocraţie, pp. 162–4 
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 Alexander Verkhovsky. Ultra-nationalists in Russia at the beginning of the year 2000. Institute of Governmental Affairs (University of California, Davis). [2010-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2010-11-26). 
  23. ^ UCSJ Action Alert. Union of councils for Jews in the Former Soviet Union. [2010-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2008-12-28). 
  24. ^ Bases of the social conception of Russian National Unity (RNU). Russian National Unity. [2010-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2008-09-19). 
  25. ^ Xan Rice. Background: the Lord's Resistance Army. The Guardian. 2007-10-20 [2010-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2011-01-02). 
  26. ^ 26.0 26.1 Ruddy Doom and Koen Vlassenroot. Kony's message: A new Koine? The Lord's Resistance Army in northern Uganda. African Affairs (Oxford Journals / Royal African Society). 1999, 98 (390): 5–36. 
  27. ^ Ugandan rebels raid Sudanese villages. BBC News. 2002-04-08 [2010-01-02]. (原始内容存档于2006-08-22). 
  28. ^ K. Ward. The Armies of the Lord: Christianity, Rebels and the State in Northern Uganda, 1986–1999. Journal of Religion in Africa. 2001, 31(2). 
  29. ^ Marc Lacey. Uganda's Terror Crackdown Multiplies the Suffering. New York Times. 2002-08-04. 
  30. ^ In pictures: Ugandan rebels come home. BBC News. [2010-01-02]. (原始内容存档于2004-06-10). One of the differences on the LRA pips is a white bible inside a heart 
  31. ^ David Blair. I killed so many I lost count, says boy, 11. The Telegraph. 2005-08-03 [2020-10-05]. (原始内容存档于2006-01-01). 
  32. ^ Matthew Green. Africa’s Most Wanted. Financial Times. 2008-02-08 [2010-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2012-03-11). 
  33. ^ Christina Lamb. The Wizard of the Nile: The Hunt for Africa’s Most Wanted by Matthew Green. London: The Times. 2008-03-02. 
  34. ^ Marc Lacey. Atrocity Victims in Uganda Choose to Forgive. New York Times. 2005-04-18 [2010-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2012-02-22). 
  35. ^ Patrick Q. Mason. Sinners in the Hands of an Angry Mob: Violence against Religious Outsiders in the U.S. South, 1865–1910 (PDF). University of Notre Dame. 2005-07-06 [2010-05-16]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2011-07-20). 
  36. ^ Frederick Clarkson. Kopp Lays Groundwork to Justify Murdering Abortion Provider Slepian. National Organization for Women. 2002-12-02. (原始内容存档于2009-08-21). 
  37. ^ Laurie Goodstein and Pierre Thomas. Clinic Killings Follow Years of Antiabortion Violence. Washington Post. 1995-01-17 [2010-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2011-06-28). 
  38. ^ 'Army Of God' Anthrax Threats. CBS News. 2001-11-09 [2010-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2010-11-15). 
  39. ^ Bruce Hoffman. Inside Terrorism. Columbia University Press. 1998. ISBN 0231114680. 
  40. ^ Eric Rudolph charged in Centennial Olympic Park bombing页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), FBI release, October 14, 1998.
  41. ^ Eric Robert Rudolph: Loner and survivalist. CNN. 2003-12-11 [2006-11-26]. (原始内容存档于2006-12-20). Rudolph and his family were connected with the Christian Identity movement, a militant, racist and anti-Semitic organization that believes whites are God's chosen people. 
  42. ^ Apocalyptic Christians detained in Israel for alleged violence plot. CNN. 1999-01-03 [2010-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2007-07-18). 
  43. ^ Cult members deported from Israel. BBC News. 1999-01-09 [2010-01-02]. (原始内容存档于2004-01-01). 
  44. ^ George Tiller's killer has no regrets, doesn't ask for forgiveness. Houston Belief. 1999-02-09 [2010-02-28]. (原始内容存档于2010-02-13). 
  45. ^ "US 'Christian militants' charged after FBI raids 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)" BBC, March 30, 2010. Retrieved March 30, 2010.
  46. ^ Mark S. Hamm. In Bad Company: America's Terrorist Underground. Northeastern. 2001. ISBN 1555534929. 
  47. ^ James Alfred Aho. The Politics of Righteousness: Idaho Christian Patriotism. University of Washington Press. 1995: 86. ISBN 029597494X. 
  48. ^ Alan Cooperman. Is Terrorism Tied To Christian Sect?. Washington Post. 2003-06-02 [2010-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2012-12-10). 
  49. ^ Martin Schönteich and Henri Boshoff. 'Volk' Faith and Fatherland: The Security Threat Posed by the White Right. Pretoria, South Africa, Institute for Security Studies. 2003. ISBN 1919913300. (原始内容存档于2006-04-11). 


  • Mason, Carol. 2002. Killing for Life: The Apocalyptic Narrative of Pro-Life Politics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
  • Zeskind, Leonard. 1987. The ‘Christian Identity’ Movement, [booklet]. Atlanta, Georgia: Center for Democratic Renewal/Division of Church and Society, National Council of Churches.