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拉丁語法律術語列表(英語:List of Latin legal terms)是在法律術語、及法律格言中所使用的相關拉丁語術語之列表,而本條項這些「拉丁語法律術語」只是部分列表;列表中的法律術語條項本身全部、或者實質上均源自於拉丁語


術語或短語 英語翻譯 中文翻譯
a fortiori "much more so"; from the stronger case; with stronger reason; with greater force 何況;更不用說;更加;更有理由[註 1]
a posteriori "from what comes after"; inductive reasoning 憑經驗的;推溯;歸納;由果溯因
a priori "from what comes before"; deductive reasoning 先驗的;推理;演繹;由因及果
a quo "from which" 來自;由此
ab initio "from the beginning" 一開始;從一開始;由最初開始;自始
actus reus "guilty act" 犯罪行為
ad hoc "for this purpose" 特設;專責
ad idem "of the same thing or result"; of the same mind; essentially the same 一致;同心;意見相同
ad infinitum "without limit" 永遠;無限
ad litem "for the suit" 為了訴訟的目的
ad valorem "according to value" 從價
allocatur "it is allowed" 訟費評定證明書
alter ego "other self" 藉法人假借的身分
amicus curiae "friend of the court" 法庭之友〔不屬訴訟一方而主動或應法庭邀請就案件提供意見或協助的人〕
animus possidendi "intention to possess a thing" 管有意圖;擁有某物的意圖
animus testandi "intention to make a testament or will" 訂立遺囑的意圖
bona vacantia "goods that belong to no one" 無主財物
casus belli "case belligerent" 宣戰原因;足以引起戰爭的挑釁;開戰理由
caveat emptor "let the buyer beware" 買者自慎
certiorari "to be apprised" 移審令;移審令狀;移審撤銷令
Cessante ratione legis cessat et ipsa lex. When the reason of the law ceases, the law itself also ceases. 法律本身隨法理消失而告終
compos mentis "master of one's mind"; full possession of mental powers 精神健全
consensus ad idem "a meeting of minds" 意見一致;達成協議
contra proferentem "the words of a contract are to be taken most strongly against the person who proposes it"; in full verba chartarum fortius accipiuntur contra proferentem 解釋合約條文時應以不利於條文提出者的解釋為準(的原則)
coram non judice "not before a judge"; or before a judge not authorised to take cognizance 不在法官席前;在無審判權的法官席前
corpus delicti "the body of a crime" 犯罪事實;犯罪遺體;罪體
corpus juris "the body of law"; the law as the sum of laws 法令大全;法典
crimen falsi "the crimes of falsifying"; dishonesty, fraud, corruption, perjury, forgery, etc; also falsi crimen 與偽造、欺詐、貪污、作偽證等有關的罪行
curia advisari vult; cur. adv. vult "the court will advise"; the court will consider 容後判決
trespass de bonis asportatis "trespass for carrying goods away"; trespass to goods 侵害動產行為;侵物行為
de bonis non administratis; d.b.n. "(of) the goods not administered" 待管遺產;未作管理的遺產;未分配的遺產
de facto "of fact"; in fact 事實上;事實;實際上
de jure "of law"; according to law 法律上;法律;按照法律的
De minimis non curat lex. The law does not take account of trifles. 法律不問瑣事
de minimis principle 「法律不問瑣事」的原則
de novo "anew" 更始;重新
Deorum injuriae diis curae. "The gods take care of injuries to the gods." 得罪神者,神將自罰之〔刑法上的褻瀆罪屬侵害公眾的罪行,而非侵害神明的罪行〕
dictum "a saying" 法官的意見
doli incapax "incapable of guilt" 無犯罪能力;無能力犯罪
donatio mortis causa "gift in contemplation of death"; also gift mortis causa 臨終贈予;臨終贈與;臨終遺贈;預期死亡而作出的贈與
duces tecum "bring with you" 着令攜帶文件出庭
ejusdem generis "as of the same kind" 同類;同類原則
et sequentes; et seq. "and those which follow" 以及下列各項;以及其後的;及以下的
ex aequo et bono of equity and the good 公平善意原則
ex ante "from before"; based on assumption and prediction 事前;預期
ex cathedra "from the chair"; with authority 來自權威方面
ex delicto "from a tort"; offence against the law; in tort 侵權法上;由於侵權而引起的(訴訟)
ex facie "from the face"; in view of what is apparent 形式上;從表面看
ex gratia "out of grace"; as a favour; not by legal necessity 特惠
ex officio "by virtue of one's office" 當然;依職權
ex parte "from a party"; from or on behalf of only one side to a law suit 單方面
ex post "from after"; based on knowledge and facts 具追溯力的;根據過去
ex post facto "form what is done afterward"; after the fact 事後;事後的
ex proprio motu "of his own motion" 出於自願的;自動作出的;主動作出
exempli gratia; e.g. "for the sake of example"; as an example 例如
extant "existing" 現存;維持
factum "a fact"; a thing done 已發生的事;既成之事
felo de se "felon of himself"; suicide 自殺
fiat "let it be done" 指令;准照
fieri facias "may you cause to be done" 財物扣押
writ of fieri facias "may you cause to be done" 扣押債務人財產令狀;財物扣押令
forum non conveniens "an inappropriate forum" 不便審理的法院;不便訴訟地
functus officio "having performed his/her office" 職份已完;權責終結
gravamen of the offence 罪行重點
guardian ad litem 訴訟監護人;辯護監護人
writ of habeas corpus "may you have the body" 人身保護令;人身保護令狀
hostis humani generis "enemy of the human race" 人類公敵
in absentia "being absent from" 缺席
in camera "in a chamber" 以非公開形式;在法官私室(審議);閉門
in curia within or of the court; in open court 在法庭內
in esse "in being"; in actual existence 確實存在的
in extenso "in full"; at length; unabridged 全文;未經刪減;詳盡
in forma pauperis "in the form of a poor person"; not liable for court costs 以貧窮者身分免付訟費
in futuro "in the future" 將來的
in limine "on the threshold" 最初;開始
in loco parentis "in the place of a parent" 代替父母地位;身居父母地位
in pari delicto "in equal fault" 同樣有錯;皆有過失
In pari delicto melior est conditio possidentis. When both parties are equally at fault, the position of the possessor is the better. 在雙方皆有過失的情況下管有者佔優勢
In pari delicto potior est conditio defendentis. In a case of equal or mutual fault the defending party is in the better position. 在雙方皆有過失的情況下被告人佔優勢
in pari materia "upon an analogous matter or subject" 在類似情況下;關於同一事宜
in personam "against a person" 對人
in propria persona "in one's own person" 無律師代表;親自(出庭)
in re "in the matter of"; regarding 有關……事宜;關於……事
in rem "against a thing" 對物
in situ "in place"; back in place 原址;在原處;就地
in terrorem "in order to frighten" 威嚇性的;警告性的
in toto "entirely; completely; wholly" 整個;全部;完全
indicia "indications" 標誌;記號;證明;象徵
infra "below" 以下;在下面的
injuria absque damno "injury without damage"; also injuria sine damno 沒有造成損害的法律過失〔不產生賠償權〕
injuria sine damno "injury without damage" 未造成損害的侵權行為
innuendo "by nodding"; meaning; to wit; that is to say 影射;暗指;狀書的註解;譏諷;附註句
inter alia "among other things" 其中包括;連同其他事宜
inter se "between or among themselves" 相互之間
inter vivos "between living persons"; from one living person to another 在世時;生者之間
gift inter vivos "between living persons"; from one living person to another 生者之間的贈予
intra vires "within the powers of" 在權限以內
ipse dixit "he himself said it"; bare assertion 未經證實之言;武斷的話;親口所述的未經證實之言
ipsissima verba "the selfsame words" 一如其言;確切原文
ipso facto "by that very fact"; by its very nature; regardless of right or wrong 因此事實
entail ipso jure "the law itself" 在法律上……導致
jurat "(He) swears" 誓章末處
jus "law"; "right"; "justice" 權利;法;法則;法律
jus accrescendi right of survivorship 尚存者取得權
jus ad bellum right to war 戰爭權
jus civile "law of the citizen"; also civil law 民事法律;民法;私法
jus cogens "coercive law" 強制性法則
jus gentium "the law of nations"; international law 國際法;國際法律;國際間的法律
jus in bello "law in war"; law of war 戰爭法
jus naturale "the law of nature"; private natural right; natural law 自然法則
plea of jus tertii "the right of a third party", plea of the right of a third party 第三方權利之訴
lacuna "void"; "gap" 法律漏洞;空白;空隙;缺陷;脫漏
lacuna in legislative provisions "void"; "gap" 法律條文的空隙
lacuna in the evidence "void"; "gap" 證據上的空隙
lex fori "the law of the forum or court" 審判地法
lex loci actus "the law of the place where an act is done" 行為地法
lex loci celebrationis "the law of the place where a ceremony is performed" 儀式舉行地法
lex loci contractus "the law of the place where a contract is made" 締約地法
lex loci delictus "the law of the place where the tort was committed" 侵權行為發生地法
lex situs "the law of the place where the property is located"; also lex loci rei sitae 財產所在地法
lex scripta "written law" 成文法
lex non scripta "unwritten law" 不成文法
lis pendens "a suit pending in court"; suit pending in court 待決案件
locus "place" 地點;場所;所在地
locus actus "place of the act" 行事之地
locus in quo "the place where sth. is alleged to have occurred" 事發地;案發現場
locus poenitentiae "a place of repentance" 反悔;改變主意等的機會[如在拍賣中撤回出價、合約義務形成前取消合約、正式達成協議前退出交易等的機會]
locus sigilli; L.S. "the place of the seal" 印章位置;蓋印處
locus standi "place of standing"; the right to bring an action or to be heard in a given forum 參與……的資格;出庭資格;發言權
mala fide "in bad faith"; also mala fides 不真誠;惡意
malum in se "evil in itself" 本質上邪惡的
malum prohibitum "wrong merely because it is proscribed" 法律禁止的
mandamus "we command" 履行義務令;履行職務令;履行責任令
order of mandamus "we command" 履行義務令;履行責任令
writ of mandamus "we command" 履行義務令狀
mens rea "guilty mind" 犯罪意圖;犯罪意念
Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea. An act does not make a person guilty unless his or her mind is guilty. 沒有犯罪意圖的行為不構成犯罪
causa mortis "in contemplation of death" 臨終作出的;預期死亡而作的
succession mortis causa "in contemplation of death" 死亡繼承
mutatis mutandis "having changed [the things that] needed to be changed" 在加以必要的變通後;加以必要的變通;可作必要的變通;在細節上經適當的修改後;經必要的變通後
writ of ne exeat regno; ne exeat regno "let him not go out of the realm" 防止被告人離開和移走財產令狀
Nemo dat quod non habet. He who hath not cannot give. 不能給付自己沒有的東西;不能付出自己沒有的東西
Nemo debet esse judex in propria causa. No one should be judge in his own cause. 無人可裁判自己的案件
Nemo est supra leges. No one is above the law. 無人可凌駕於法律之上
Nemo in propria causa testis esse debet. No one can be a witness in his own cause. 無人可在自己的案件中充當證人
Nemo judex in causa sua No one should be a judge in one's own case. 任何人不得成為自己案件的法官
Iniquum est aliquem rei sui esse judicem. It is unjust for anyone to be judge in his own cause. 自審己案有違公正。
nihil dicit; nil dicit "he (she) says nothing" 不答辯;無答辯
nisi "unless" 暫准
nolle prosequi "not to prosecute" 中止檢控
non compos mentis "not of sound mind" 精神不健全
defence of non est factum "not my deed" 否認曾訂立合約(或聲稱簽署文件時不知道文件內容)的抗辯
non liquet; n.l. "it is not clear" 不明確;不能確定何地法律;適用案情不清
novus actus interveniens "a new intervening act" 新介入的行為
Noscitur a sociis. It is known from its associates. 詞義不清時,按上下文的文意理解
nudum pactum "nude pact"; a promise unsupported by consideration; voluntary promise; also nude contract 無償合約
Nudum pactum ex quo non oritur actio. A naked agreement is that from which no action arises. 不能就無償合約興訟
nulla bona "no goods to levy"; no goods to levy 沒有財物可供檢取
nunc pro tunc "now for then" 具追溯力的
order nunc pro tunc "now for then" 事後補正的命令
obiter dictum "thing said in passing"; thing said in passing 判詞旁論;法官宣判時所提出的附帶意見
Actori incumbit onus probandi. The burden of proof rests upon the plaintiff. 舉證責任在原告人
ore tenus "orally"; by word of mouth 口頭上
par delictum "equal wrong"; equal wrong 同等的過失
pari passu "with equal step"; at an equal pace 平等地;同時及同等地
rank pari passu "with equal step"; at an equal pace 享有同等權益
sharing pari passu "with equal step"; at an equal pace 享有同等權益
pendente lite "while the action is pending" 訴訟待決期間;案件待決
administrator pendente lite "while the action is pending" 訴訟待決期間遺產管理人
administration pendente lite "while the action is pending" 訴訟待決期間的遺產管理
per capita "by head" 按每個人計算
per contra "on the other hand" 反之;對比;相反
per curiam; per cur. "by the court" 用官判詞;由法庭作出的;由法院決定;引用法官判詞
per incuriam "through want of care or inadvertence" 有疏漏的判決;疏忽所致
per quod "whereby" 因此;歸咎於;由於
defamation per quod "whereby"; defamation requiring reference to additional facts 不明顯的誹謗;非直接的誹謗
Quod per me non possum, nec per lium. What I cannot do in person, also cannot do through the agency of another. 凡自己不能作出的,亦不能假手於人
per se "of, in, or by itself"; inherently 本身
defamation per se "of, in, or by itself"; defamation by itself 本質即屬誹謗者
Qui facit per alium facit per se. A person who acts through another acts himself. 代理人所作的等同於主事人所作
per stirpes "according to stock" 按家系〔無遺囑遺產分配辦法〕
post hoc, ergo propter hoc "after this, therefore because of this"; confusing sequence with consequence 事隨其後,故必由此引起〔時序與因果關係的混淆〕
post mortem examination "after death" 驗屍;死因檢驗
prima facie "at first sight"; on the face of it 表面
pro bono publico "for public good"; for the community as a whole 為了公眾利益
pro forma "for form"; as a matter of form 基於形式上的;形式上;既定格式
pro hac vice "for this occasion or particular purpose" 只此一回;限於此目的
pro rata "in proportion"; ratably 按比例
pro se "on one's own behalf"; on one's own behalf 為個人(利益);親自(訴訟)
Quilibet potest renunciare juri pro se introducto. Every one may renounce or relinquish a right introduced for his own benefit. 人人皆可放棄自己所獲之權利
pro tanto "for so much"; to that extent 以此為限;至此
pro tempore; pro tem. "temporarily"; for the time being 暫時;臨時
in propria persona "in one's own person"; in person 無律師代表;親自(出庭)
qua "as claimed by"; in the capacity of; as 以……的身分;藉……的身分
sed quaere "but question" 需再深入審查
quantum "as much" 分量;總量;量;金額;額量
quantum meruit "as much as one has deserved"; the reasonable value of services 按服務計酬
quantum valeba(n)t "as much as it may be worth"; the reasonable value of goods and services 按值付價
quasi "as if" 準;近似;類似
quid pro quo "something for something"; tit for tat 交換條件;對價;相等的補償
in statu quo; in statu quo ante "in the same condition as previously" 按原狀;維持原狀
quo warranto "by what authority"; a prerogative writ 追究職權或特權依據的令狀
ratio decidendi "the reason for a decision"; reasons for judgment 判詞主旨;判決理由
res thing 物;財產
res ipsa loquitur "the thing speaks for itself"; the thing speaks for itself 不證自明;事實昭顯
res gestae "things done"; events which happened 已做的事;已成之事;有關事實〔以別於傳聞〕
res judicata "the thing has been decided"; a matter adjudged or settled by judgment; also chose jugée 已判事項;既判案件;已判決的事項
res nullius "thing of no one" 無主物;無主財產
respondeat superior "let that master or principal answer" 由委託人答辯〔委託人對代理人(或僱主對僱員等)所負的轉承責任〕
scienter "knowingly"; knowingly 故意;知情;明知
writ of scire facias (sci. fa.) "let him or her know" 告知令狀
seriatim "in series" 依次;逐條;順序
traversed seriatim "in series" 逐一拒認
sine die "without day"; indefinitely 無期;無限期;待續無期
adjourned sine die "without day"; indefinitely 無限期押後;休會待續無期
sine qua non "without which is not" 不可或缺的
causa sine qua non "cause without which not" 不可缺少的原因
situs "poistion, situation" 所在地
stare decisis "to stand by things decided and not to disturb settled points"; in full stare decisis et non quieta movere 遵循先例;遵照先例原則
status quo "the state in which; the state at which things are or were" 原狀;現狀
status quo ante "the situation that existed before something else occurred" 原狀
sua sponte "on its own motion"; on its own motion 主動;自行
sub nomine; sub nom. "under the name"; under the name of … 在……名(義)下
subpoena "under penalty" 傳召
subpoena ad respondendum commanded to appear and respond 傳召到庭答辯令狀
subpoena ad testificandum commanded to appear and testify 着令出庭作證的傳召證人出庭令;着令出庭作證的傳召出庭令狀
subpoena duces tecum commanded to bring all pertinent documents to court and testify 着令攜帶文件出庭的傳召證人出庭令;着令攜帶文件出庭的傳召出庭令狀
suggestio falsi "suggestion of an untruth" 假聲明;虛假的提示或暗示
sui generis "of its own kind"; of its own kind 自成一類;獨特的;自成一類的
writ of supersedeas "you shall desist" 中止訴訟程序的令狀
Suppressio veri expressio falsi. Suppression of the truth is the expression of what is false. Also suppressio veri. 隱瞞事實等於說謊
supra "above" 以上;在上面的;見上文
terra nullius "land that belongs to nobody" 無主地;無人擁有之地
trial de novo "trial anew" 重審
uberrima fides; uberrimae fidei "of the utmost good faith" 符合絕對真誠原則
ultra vires "beyond strength" 越權;越權的
vel non "or not"; whether or not 不論是否
veto "I forbid" 否決
vice versa "the change being turned"; conversely 反之亦然
vide "see"
videlicet; viz. "it is permitted to see"; to wit; namely 即;就是
vir et uxor "husband and wife" 夫婦


術語或短語 英語直譯 定義及用法 中文翻譯
accessio something added 民法中,添附英语Accession (property law)即以創造方式將屬於數所有人之物進行合併成一新形態財產的獲取方式,其以不丟失原財產身份的方式向新財產中添加勞動成果或其他商品的合併新物權之法律運作(參考 commixtio[混合]及specificatio[規範])。 添附


術語或短語 英語直譯 定義及用法 中文翻譯
advocatus diaboli Devil's advocate 教會法中,對於封聖候選人的資格、即對宣福禮的認證及宣告,進行質疑的列聖審查官。 聖審查官(直譯為魔鬼的訟辯人


  1. ^ 普通法中,“更有理由”的論據是“來自更強理由的論證”;意即,由於其中一個事實為真,也因此第二個(相關和包含在内的)事實也須為真。


  • Gabriel Adeleye & Kofi Acquah-Dadzie. World Dictionary of Foreign Expressions: A Resource for Readers and Writers. Ed. by Thomas J. Sienkewicz & James T. McDonough, Jr. Wauconda, Ill.: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, 1999.
  • Ruben E. Agpalo. Agpalo’s Legal Words and Phrases. Manila, Philippines: Rex Book Store, 1997.
  • Harold Rudolf Walraven Gokkel & Nicolaas van der Wal. Juridisch Latijn, 6th edn. Deventer: Kluwer, 2001.
  • V.G. Hiemstra & H.L. Gonin. Trilingual Legal Dictionary, 3rd edn. Cape Town, South Africa: Juta, 2001.
  • William Allen Jowitt. Jowitt’s Dictionary of English Law, 2nd edn. Revised by John Burke, Clifford Walsh, & Emlyn Williams. 2 vols. London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1977.
  • Cezar C. Peralejo & Pacifico A. Agabin. English-Filipino Legal Dictionary. Quezon City, Philippines: Sentro ng Wikang Filipino, University of the Philippines, 1995.
  • Theo B. Rood. Glossarium: A Compilation of Latin Words and Phrases Generally Used in Law with English Translations. Bryanston, South Africa: Proctrust Publications, 2003.
  • Jan Scholtemeijer & Paul Hasse. Legal Latin: A Basic Course. Pretoria, South Africa: J.L. van Schaik Publishers, 1993.
  • Datinder Sodhi & R. S. Vasan, eds. Latin Words & Phrases for Lawyers. New York: Law and Business Publications, 1980.
  • Russ VerSteeg. Essential Latin for Lawyers. Durham, North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press, 1990.



