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“法国普通律”(法语:Tempérament Ordinaire,意思是“普通的音律”或“常见的音律”)是一个音律学术语,特指一种键盘乐器调音方式。这种调律的方法主要在17~18世纪关于键盘乐器音准的理论和实践的法语著作中介绍,在现在的一些古典音乐演奏中仍有使用。



一个早期的历史文献中,这个名称由克里斯蒂安·惠更斯使用在1691年《有关谐波周期的文件》中。这里数次以比较的方法说明“普通律”。惠更斯信的主要目的是描述和讨论的一个非常规的“八度的31等分”。他是这样做的:首先综述常规已知的音律,然后他介绍了他的新方案(实际上之前大约已经有类似设想);他讨论了它们之间的差异。惠更斯对传统音律的描述是非常精确的,它是明确的(1/4音差)中庸全音律。 (需要一些小的计算看到匹配的对应关系,on the one hand, the figures in the right hand column of Huygens' table of 1691, which is headed 'Division of the octave following the temperament ordinaire', and on the other hand, the interval-values in the quarter-comma mean-tone scale. Huygens' figures are in base-10 logarithms, but in the inverse sense, and offset by 5: they range from 5 at the lower C, to (5-log10(2)) at the C an octave above. If H is Huygens' number for any note, then in modern terms, the number of cents in the interval that it makes with the lower C is ( 1200 / log10(2) ) * (5-H), and its frequency-ratio with the lower C is antilog10( 5-H ). Thus Huygens' value for G natural, 4.8252574989, corresponds to ~696.578... cents, and to a ratio of 1.495348...; and so on.)

Huygens referred to this conventional arrangement, variously, in the course of his comparisons, as "the Temperament that I have just explained", "the Temperament", "the ordinary Temperament" (temperament ordinaire), "the Ordinary Temperament" (with both words capitalized), and then by mentioning "the new Temperament" as contrasted with "the one that everyone uses".

Accordingly, it does appear that for Huygens in 1691, "temperament ordinaire" was a phrase denoting just the temperament in ordinary use, with no sign that he was using this expression as a proper or conventional name or label; and it also appears that for him, the one in ordinary use was (quarter-comma) meantone temperament.



“第一,从键盘中间的C开始。前4个五度略窄,直到E,使C与E为纯律大三度(相当于四分之一音差中全律);这被称为“the proof”。

