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化石时期:三疊紀中期至晚期,240–210 Ma
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 爬行綱 Reptilia
目: 幻龙目 Nothosauroidea
科: 幻龙科 Nothosauridae
属: 幻龙属 Nothosaurus
Münster, 1834
Nothosaurus mirabilis

Münster, 1834


  • Conchiosaurus Meyer, 1834
  • Chondriosaurus Meyer, 1838
  • Dracosaurus Agassiz, 1846
  • Elmosaurus Huene, 1957
  • Kolposaurus Skuphos, 1893
  • Menodon Meyer, 1838
  • Oligolycus Fristch, 1894
  • Opeosaurus Meyer, 1847
  • Paranothosaurus Peyer, 1939
  • 興義龍 Shingyisaurus Young, 1965
  • Elmosaurus lelmensis Huene, 1957
  • Nothosaurus blezingeri Fraas, 1896
  • Nothosaurus schimperi Meyer, 1834
  • Nothosaurus angustidens Meyer, 1844
  • Shingyisaurus unexpectus Young, 1965
    Synonyms of N. giganteus:
  • Nothosaurus andriani Meyer, 1839
  • Nothosaurus angustifronis Meyer, 1844
  • Nothosaurus aduncidens Meyer, 1853
  • Nothosaurus baruthicus Geissler, 1895
  • Nothosaurus chelydrops Fraas, 1896
  • Paranothosaurus amsleri Peyer, 1939
    Synonyms of N. marchicus:
  • Conchiosaurus clavatus Meyer, 1834
  • Nothosaurus crassus Schroeder, 1914
  • Nothosaurus friedericanus Jaekel, 1911
  • Nothosaurus oldenburgi Schröder, 1914
  • Nothosaurus procerus Schröder, 1914
  • Nothosaurus raabi Schröder, 1914
  • Nothosaurus schroderi Huene, 1944
  • Nothosaurus venustus Münster, 1834
  • Nothosaurus winterswijkensis Albers and Rieppel, 2003
    Synonyms of N. mirabilis:
  • Dracosaurus bronni Giebel, 1847
  • Ichthyosaurus lunevillensis Alberti, 1837
  • Nothosaurus bergeri Meyer, 1834
  • Nothosaurus muensteri Meyer, 1839



N. raabi的化石 - 柏林自然歷史博物館
幻龍的骨架模型 - 柏林自然歷史博物館




幻龍屬目前已有約12個已命名種。模式種N. mirabilis,化石發現於德國殼灰岩階(Muschelkalk,歐洲地層單元,相當於安尼西階拉丁尼階)地層,是在1834年由德國古動物學家Georg zu Münster所敘述、命名。同樣在1834年,Georg zu Münster命名了Paranothosaurus,化石發現於德國奧斯納布呂克縣,目前被改歸類於幻龍屬的一個種,巨型幻龍(N. giganteus[2]N. juvenilis的化石也發現於德國[3]N. edingerae的化石發現於殼灰岩階上層與考依波階(Keuper,歐洲地層單元,相當於拉丁尼階瑞替階[4]N. jagisteus的化石發現於德國荷亨洛赫縣的殼灰岩階上層[5]荷蘭溫特斯韋克更發現3種幻龍的化石,地質年代屬於殼灰岩階下層,包含:N. marchicus[6]N. winterswijkensis[6]、溫特斯韋克幻龍(N. winkelhorsti[7]N. cymatosauroides的化石則發現於西班牙的殼灰岩階地層[8]

除了歐洲以外,N. haasiN. tchernovi的化石都發現於以色列拉蒙凹地(Makhtesh Ramon)[9][10]。楊氏幻龍(N. youngi)、羊圈幻龍(N. yangjuanensis)、小吻幻龙(N. rostellatus)的化石都發現於中國貴州省[11][12][13]

過去還有許多種被歸類於幻龍屬,但目前都是無效種。其中,在1914年命名的N. procerus,目前是N. marchicus次異名[14][15]。其他的無效種包含:N. crassusN. oldenburgiN. raabiN. schroderi、以及N. venustus


N. edingerae

巨型幻龍 N. giganteus

N. mirabilis

N. haasi

N. tchemovi

N. jagisteus

N. marchicus

溫特斯韋克幻龍 N. winterswijkensis

楊氏幻龍 N. youngi

羊圈幻龍 N. yangiuanensis

N. juvenilis

N. winkelhorsti

幻龍屬的演化樹,取自於N. Klein與P.C.H.





幻龍出現在BBC的2003年《與恐龍共舞》(Walking with Dinosaurs)特別節目:《海底霸王》(Sea Monsters)。在節目中,奈吉爾·馬文抓住一隻幻龍,並向觀眾解說其頭部特徵。

柏林自然歷史博物館展出一個拉氏幻龍(Nothosaurus raabi)的完整化石。





  1. ^ Palmer, D. (编). The Marshall Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals. London: Marshall Editions. 1999: 72. ISBN 1-84028-152-9. 
  2. ^ Diedrich, C. The vertebrates of the Anisian/Ladinian boundary (Middle Triassic) from Bissendorf (NW Germany) and their contribution to the anatomy, palaeoecology, and palaeobiogeography of the Germanic Basin reptiles. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2009, 273 (1): 1–16. 
  3. ^ Rieppel, O. The status of the sauropterygian reptile Nothosaurus juvenilis from the Middle Triassic of Germany. Paleontology. 1994, 37: 733–745. 
  4. ^ Rieppel, O.; and Wild, R. Nothosaurus edingerae Schultze, 1970: diagnosis of the species and comments on its stratigraphical occurrence. Stuttgarter Beiträge für Naturkunde, Serie B. 1994. 
  5. ^ Shang, Q.-H. New information on the dentition and tooth replacement of Nothosaurus (Reptilia: Sauropterygia). Palaeoworld. 2007, 16: 254–263. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Albers, P. C. H. A new specimen of Nothosaurus marchicus with features that relate the taxon to Nothosaurus winterswijkensis. Vertebrate Palaeontology. 2005, 3 (1): 1–7. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Klein, N.; and Albers, P. C. H. A new species of the sauropsid reptile Nothosaurus from the Lower Muschelkalk of the western Germanic Basin, Winterswijk, The Netherlands. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 2009, 54 (4): 589–598. 
  8. ^ Rieppel, O.; and Hagdorn, H. Fossil reptiles from the Spanish Muschelkalk (mont-ral and alcover, province Tarragona). Historical Biology: An International Journal of Paleobiology. 1998, 13 (1): 77–97. 
  9. ^ Rieppel, O.; Mazin, J.-M.; and Tchernov, E. Speciation along rifting continental margins: a new Nothosaur from the Negev (Israël). Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences Series IIA. 1997, 325 (12): 991–997. 
  10. ^ Rieppel, O.; Mazin, J.-M.; and Tchernov, E. Sauropterygia from the Middle Triassic of Makhtesh Ramon, Negev, Israel. Fieldiana. 1999, 1 (40). 
  11. ^ Li, J.; and Rieppel, O. A new nothosaur from Middle Triassic of Guizhou, China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica. 2004, 42 (1): 1–12. 
  12. ^ Jiang, W.; Maisch, M. W.; Hao, W.; Sun, Y.; and Sun, Z. Nothosaurus yangjuanensis n. sp. (Reptilia, Sauropterygia, Nothosauridae) from the middle Anisian (Middle Triassic) of Guizhou, southwestern China. NeuesJahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte. 2006, 5: 257–276. 
  13. ^ Shang, Q.-H. A new species of Nothosaurus from the early Middle Triassic of Guizhou,China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica. 2006, 44 (3): 237–249. 
  14. ^ Schroder, H. Wirbeltiere der Riidersdorfer Trias. Abhandlungen der Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt, Neue Folge. 1914, 65: 1–98. 
  15. ^ Rieppel, O.; and Wild, R. A revision of the genus Nothosaurus (Reptilia. Sauropterygia) from the Germanic Triassic with comments on the status of Conchiosaurus clavatus. Fieldiana. 1996, 1 (34): 1–82. 


  • Dixon, Dougal (2006). The Complete Book of Dinosaurs. Hermes House.
  • Haines, Tim, and Paul Chambers. The Complete Guide to Prehistoric Life. Pg. 64. Canada: Firefly Books Ltd., 2006

