User:Addis-Bot/20140530/List of diplomatic missions of Switzerland
This is a list of diplomatic missions of Switzerland, excluding honorary consulates. Switzerland is well known as a protecting power, having used its embassies abroad to represent the interests of states hostile to each other since the Franco-Prussian War. In the Second World War Switzerland served as protecting power for 35 countries on both sides—its embassy in Washington represented Germany, Italy, Japan, and Vichy France. In many post-war conflicts, including in the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Asia, the Middle East, and Serbia, Switzerland has provided a continuity of representation after formal relations were severed as a protecting power, facilitating the delivery of humanitarian aid and conflict resolution.
[编辑]- 阿尔及利亚
- Algiers (Embassy)
- 安哥拉
- Luanda (Embassy)
- 喀麦隆
- Yaoundé (Embassy)
- 科特迪瓦
- Abidjan (Embassy)
- 刚果民主共和国
- Kinshasa (Embassy)
- 埃及
- Cairo (Embassy)
- 衣索比亞
- Addis Ababa (Embassy)
- 加纳
- Accra (Embassy)
- 肯尼亚
- Nairobi (Embassy)
- 利比亞
- Tripoli (Embassy)
- 马达加斯加
- Antananarivo (Embassy)
- 摩洛哥
- Rabat (Embassy)
- 莫桑比克
- Maputo (Embassy)
- 奈及利亞
- Abuja (Embassy)
- 卢旺达
- Kigali (Embassy)
- 塞内加尔
- Dakar (Embassy)
- 南非
- 苏丹
- Khartoum (Embassy)
- 坦桑尼亚
- Dar es Salaam (Embassy)
- 突尼西亞
- Tunis (Embassy)
- 辛巴威
- Harare (Embassy)
[编辑]- 阿根廷
- Buenos Aires (Embassy)
- 玻利维亚
- La Paz (Embassy)
- 巴西
- Brasília (Embassy)
- Rio de Janeiro (Consulate-General)
- São Paulo (Consulate-General)
- 加拿大
- 智利
- Santiago (Embassy)
- 哥伦比亚
- Bogotá (Embassy)
- 哥斯达黎加
- San José (Embassy)
- 古巴
- Havana (Embassy)
- 多米尼加
- Santo Domingo (Embassy)
- 厄瓜多尔
- Quito (Embassy)
- 危地马拉
- Guatemala City (Embassy)
- 海地
- Port-au-Prince (Embassy)
- 墨西哥
- Mexico City (Embassy)
- 巴拉圭
- Asunción (Embassy)
- 秘魯
- Lima (Embassy)
- 美国
- Washington, D.C. (Embassy)
- Atlanta (Consulate-General)
- Chicago (Consulate-General)
- Los Angeles (Consulate-General)
- New York (Consulate-General)
- San Francisco (Consulate-General)
- 乌拉圭
- Montevideo (Embassy)
- 委內瑞拉
- Caracas (Embassy)
[编辑]- 亞美尼亞
- Yerevan (Embassy)
- 阿塞拜疆
- Baku (Embassy)
- 孟加拉国
- Dhaka (Embassy)
- 緬甸
- Yangon (Embassy)
- 中华人民共和国
- 中華民國
- Taipei (Trade Office of Swiss Industries in Taipei)
- 賽普勒斯
- Nicosia (Embassy)
- 印度
- 印度尼西亞
- Jakarta (Embassy)
- 伊朗
- Tehran (Embassy)
- 以色列
- Tel Aviv (Embassy)
- 日本
- Tokyo (Embassy)
- 约旦
- Amman (Embassy)
- 哈萨克斯坦
- Astana (Embassy)
- 韩国
- Seoul (Embassy)
- 科威特
- Kuwait City (Embassy)
- 吉尔吉斯斯坦
- Bishkek (Embassy)
- 黎巴嫩
- Beirut (Embassy)
- 马来西亚
- Kuala Lumpur (Embassy)
- 蒙古国
- Ulan Bator (Consular Office)
- 尼泊尔
- Kathmandu (Embassy)
- 巴基斯坦
- 巴勒斯坦民族权力机构
- Ramallah (Representative Office)
- 菲律賓
- Manila (Embassy)
- 卡塔尔
- Doha (Embassy)
- 沙烏地阿拉伯
- 新加坡
- Singapore (Embassy)
- 斯里蘭卡
- Colombo (Embassy)
- 叙利亚
- Damascus (Embassy)
- 泰國
- Bangkok (Embassy)
- 土耳其
- 阿联酋
- 乌兹别克斯坦
- Tashkent (Embassy)
- 越南
- Hanoi (Embassy)
Swiss Embassy in Berlin
Swiss Embassy in Budapest
Swiss Embassy in The Hague
Swiss Embassy in Kiev
Swiss Embassy in London
Swiss Embassy in Moscow
Swiss Embassy in Oslo
Swiss Embassy in Paris
Swiss Embassy in Prague
Consulate-General of Switzerland in Saint Petersburg
Swiss Embassy in Sofia
Swiss Embassy in Stockholm
- 阿尔巴尼亚
- Tirana (Embassy)
- 奥地利
- Vienna (Embassy)
- 白俄羅斯
- Minsk (Consulate-General)
- 比利时
- Brussels (Embassy)
- 波黑
- Sarajevo (Embassy)
- 保加利亚
- Sofia (Embassy)
- 克罗地亚
- Zagreb (Embassy)
- 捷克
- Prague (Embassy)
- 丹麦
- Copenhagen (Embassy)
- 芬兰
- Helsinki (Embassy)
- 法國
- Paris (Embassy)
- Lyon (Consulate-General)
- Marseille (Consulate-General)
- Strasbourg (Consulate-General)
- 格鲁吉亚
- Tbilisi (Embassy)
- 德国
- 希腊
- Athens (Embassy)
- 匈牙利
- Budapest (Embassy)
- 愛爾蘭
- Dublin (Embassy)
- 義大利
- 科索沃
- Pristina (Embassy)
- 拉脫維亞
- Riga (Embassy)
- 盧森堡
- Luxembourg (Embassy)
- 北馬其頓
- Skopje (Embassy)
- 荷蘭
- The Hague (Embassy)
- 挪威
- Oslo (Embassy)
- 波蘭
- Warsaw (Embassy)
- 葡萄牙
- Lisbon (Embassy)
- 羅馬尼亞
- Bucharest (Embassy)
- 俄羅斯
- Moscow (Embassy)
- Saint Petersburg (Consulate-General)
- 塞爾維亞
- Belgrade (Embassy)
- 斯洛伐克
- Bratislava (Embassy)
- 斯洛維尼亞
- Ljubljana (Embassy)
- 西班牙
- 瑞典
- Stockholm (Embassy)
- 烏克蘭
- Kiev (Embassy)
- 英国
[编辑]- 澳大利亞
- 新西兰
- Wellington (Embassy)
Multilateral organizations
[编辑]- Brussels (Permanent Missions to the European Union and to NATO)
- New York City (Permanent Mission to the United Nations)
- Paris (Permanent Missions to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and UNESCO)
- Rome (Permanent Mission to Food and Agriculture Organization)
- Strasbourg (Permanent Mission to the Council of Europe)
- Vienna (Permanent Mission to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe)