时间 | 宙 | 代 | 纪[1] | 世 | 期[2] | 重大事件 | 年代,百万年前[2] |
n/a[3] | 显生宙 | 新生代[4] | |||||
第四纪 | 全新世 | 末次冰期结束,人类文明兴起。第四纪冰河时期退去,目前的间冰期开始。新仙女木期发生寒流,大草原构成了撒哈拉,人类开始农业活动进而建立城市。旧石器时代/新石器时代文化(石器时代)开始公元前1万年,让位给红铜时代(公元前3500年)和青铜时代(公元前2500年)。经历铁器时代(公元前1200年)文化持续在复杂性和技术方面成长进步,引起世界各地许多史前文化,最终通向古典时代,如罗马帝国,文化发展甚至到了中世纪至今。在1400至1850年小冰期(冰阶)导致北半球短暂的冷却。另请参阅考古时期目录厘清早期的文化和年代。1815年坦博拉火山爆发,造年欧洲和北美天气异常形成火山冬天导致无夏之年(1816年)。继工业革命以来,地球大气层中的二氧化碳含量从280ppmv(体积的百万分之一)上升到目前的390ppmv。[5] | 0.011700[4][6] | ||||
更新世 | 晚更新期 (区域性塔兰托期、第勒尼安期、埃姆间冰期、桑加蒙间冰期) | 许多大型哺乳动物(更新世巨型动物)蓬勃发展然后灭绝。晚期智人逐步进化。第四纪冰河时期继续的冰川作用和间冰阶(伴随着地球大气层中二氧化碳水平从百万分之100到300的波动[5]),这种情况进一步强化冰室地球,大约持续了160万年。末次冰盛期(距今3万年),末次冰期(距今1万9千至1万5千年)。石器时代人类出现文明曙光,相对于以前的冰河时代的文化技术水平复杂度与日益增加,如雕刻和黏土雕像(例如莱斯皮格维纳斯),特别是在地中海和欧洲地区。在7万5千年前多巴湖超级火山爆发,导致火山冬天把人类推向灭绝的边缘。更新世以老仙女木期结束,老仙女木期(Allerød)和新仙女木期气候事件与新仙女木期形成与全新世的边界。 | 0.126 | ||||
中更新期 (原爱奥尼亚期) | 0.781 | ||||||
卡拉布里亚阶 | 1.806* | ||||||
格拉斯期 | 2.588* | ||||||
新近纪 | 上新世 | 皮亚琴察期/勃朗期 | 252万年前第四纪冰河时期开始,寒冷干燥的气候强化了目前的冰室条件。南猿、许多现有哺乳动物属,和全新世软体动物出现。能人出现。 | 3.600* | |||
赞克尔期 | 5.333* | ||||||
中新世 | 墨西拿期 | 适度的冰室气候,不时中断冰河时期;北半球开始造山运动。现代哺乳动物和鸟类家庭能被分辨出来。马科动物和乳齿象多种多样。禾本科植物变得无处不在。第一种类人猿出现(仅供参考,请参阅文章:“乍得沙赫人”)。凯库拉造山运动形成了新西兰的南阿尔卑斯山脉,一直延续到今天。欧洲的阿尔卑斯山造山运动放缓,但也延续至今。在中欧和东欧喀尔巴阡造山运动形成喀尔巴阡山脉。在希腊和爱琴海的希腊造山运动放缓,但一直持续到今天。中新世中期发生生物集群灭绝。广袤的森林慢慢地通过光合作用吸收了大量的二氧化碳,逐渐降低大气中的二氧化碳水平从650ppmv到大约100ppmv[5]。 | 7.246* | ||||
托尔顿期 | 11.62* | ||||||
塞拉瓦尔期 | 13.84* | ||||||
兰盖期 | 15.97 | ||||||
布尔迪加尔期 | 20.44 | ||||||
阿基坦期 | 23.03* | ||||||
古近纪 | 渐新世 | 恰特期 | 温暖但气候变冷,接近冰室气候。动植物特别是哺乳动物快速进化和多样化。这个时期主要发生了现代类型的开花植物进化和传播。 | 28.1 | |||
鲁培尔期 | 33.9* | ||||||
始新世 | 普里阿邦期 | 适中,气候变冷。史前哺乳动物(例如:肉齿目,踝节目,犹因他兽科等)蓬勃发展,并继续在始新世发展。“现代”哺乳科类物种出现。原始鲸多样化。禾草首次出现。再次的冰川作用行成了南极洲冰帽;满江红事件触发冰河时代,而冰室地球气候跟随到这一天发生,从沉降和衰变的海床海藻沉淀大量大气中的二氧化碳[5],浓度从3800ppmv降低到650ppmv。在北美落基山脉的拉腊米和塞维尔造山作用结束。欧洲的阿尔卑斯山造山运动开始。在希腊和爱琴海希腊造山运动开始。 | 38.0 | ||||
巴尔顿期 | 42.3 | ||||||
卢台特期 | 47.6* | ||||||
伊普雷斯期 | 56.0* | ||||||
古新世 | 赞尼特期 | 热带气候。现代植物出现;接着恐龙的灭绝一些原始血统的哺乳动物逐步多样化。
大型哺乳动物首次出现(相当于熊或小型河马尺寸)。在欧洲和亚洲的阿尔卑斯造山运动开始。5500万年前印度次大陆与亚洲挤压,在5500-5500万年之间喜马拉雅运动开始。 |
59.2* | ||||
塞兰特期 | 61.6* | ||||||
达宁期 | 66.0* | ||||||
中生代 | 白垩纪 | 晚白垩世 | 麦斯里希特期 | Flowering plants proliferate, along with new types of insects. More modern teleost fish begin to appear. Ammonoidea, belemnites, rudist bivalves, echinoids and sponges all common. Many new types of dinosaurs (e.g. Tyrannosaurs, Titanosaurs, duck bills, and horned dinosaurs) evolve on land, as do Eusuchia (modern crocodilians); and mosasaurs and modern sharks appear in the sea. Primitive birds gradually replace pterosaurs. Monotremes, marsupials and placental mammals appear. Break up of Gondwana. Beginning of Laramide and Sevier Orogenies of the Rocky Mountains. Atmospheric CO2 close to present-day levels. | 70.6 ± 0.6* | ||
坎帕期 | 83.5 ± 0.7* | ||||||
桑托期 | 85.8 ± 0.7* | ||||||
科尼亚克期 | 89.3 ± 1.0* | ||||||
土仑期 | 93.5 ± 0.8* | ||||||
森诺曼期 | 99.6 ± 0.9* | ||||||
早白垩世 | 阿尔布期 | 112.0 ± 1.0* | |||||
阿普第期 | 125.0 ± 1.0* | ||||||
巴列姆期 | 130.0 ± 1.5* | ||||||
豪特里维期 | 136.4 ± 2.0* | ||||||
凡蓝今期 | 140.2 ± 3.0* | ||||||
贝里亚期 | 145.5 ± 4.0* | ||||||
侏罗纪 | 晚侏罗世 | 提通期 | Gymnosperms (especially conifers, Bennettitales and cycads) and ferns common. Many types of dinosaurs, such as sauropods, carnosaurs, and stegosaurs. Mammals common but small. First birds and lizards. Ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs diverse. Bivalves, Ammonites and belemnites abundant. Sea urchins very common, along with crinoids, starfish, sponges, and terebratulid and rhynchonellid brachiopods. Breakup of Pangaea into Gondwana and Laurasia. Nevadan orogeny in North America. Rantigata and Cimmerian Orogenies taper off. Atmospheric CO2 levels 4–5 times the present day levels (1200–1500 ppmv, compared to today's 385 ppmv[5]). | 150.8 ± 4.0* | |||
启莫里期 | 155.7 ± 4.0* | ||||||
牛津期 | 161.2 ± 4.0* | ||||||
中侏罗世 | 卡洛维期 | 164.7 ± 4.0 | |||||
巴通期 | 167.7 ± 3.5* | ||||||
巴柔期 | 171.6 ± 3.0* | ||||||
阿连期 | 175.6 ± 2.0* | ||||||
早侏罗世 | 托阿尔期 | 183.0 ± 1.5* | |||||
普连斯巴奇期 | 189.6 ± 1.5* | ||||||
锡内穆期 | 196.5 ± 1.0* | ||||||
海塔其期 | 199.6 ± 0.6* | ||||||
三叠纪 | 晚三叠世 | 瑞替期 | Archosaurs dominant on land as dinosaurs, in the oceans as Ichthyosaurs and nothosaurs, and in the air as pterosaurs. Cynodonts become smaller and more mammal-like, while first mammals and crocodilia appear. Dicroidium flora common on land. Many large aquatic temnospondyl amphibians. Ceratitic ammonoids extremely common. Modern corals and teleost fish appear, as do many modern insect clades. Andean Orogeny in South America. Cimmerian Orogeny in Asia. Rangitata Orogeny begins in New Zealand. Hunter-Bowen Orogeny in Northern Australia, Queensland and New South Wales ends, (c. 260–225 Ma) | 203.6 ± 1.5* | |||
诺利期 | 216.5 ± 2.0* | ||||||
卡尼期 | 228.0 ± 2.0* | ||||||
中三叠世 | 拉丁尼期 | 237.0 ± 2.0* | |||||
安尼西期 | 245.0 ± 1.5* | ||||||
早三叠世 | 奥伦尼克期 | 249.7 ± 1.5* | |||||
印度期 | 251.0 ± 0.7* | ||||||
古生代 | 二叠纪 | 乐平世 | 长兴期 | Landmasses unite into supercontinent Pangaea, creating the Appalachians. End of Permo-Carboniferous glaciation. Synapsid reptiles (pelycosaurs and therapsids) become plentiful, while parareptiles and temnospondyl amphibians remain common. In the mid-Permian, coal-age flora are replaced by cone-bearing gymnosperms (the first true seed plants) and by the first true mosses. Beetles and flies evolve. Marine life flourishes in warm shallow reefs; productid and spiriferid brachiopods, bivalves, forams, and ammonoids all abundant. Permian-Triassic extinction event occurs 251 Ma: 95% of life on Earth becomes extinct, including all trilobites, graptolites, and blastoids. Ouachita and Innuitian orogenies in North America. Uralian orogeny in Europe/Asia tapers off. Altaid orogeny in Asia. Hunter-Bowen Orogeny on Australian Continent begins (c. 260–225 Ma), forming the MacDonnell Ranges. | 253.8 ± 0.7* | ||
吴家坪期 | 260.4 ± 0.7* | ||||||
瓜德鲁普世 | 卡匹敦阶 | 265.8 ± 0.7* | |||||
沃德期/卡赞期 | 268.4 ± 0.7* | ||||||
罗德期/乌非姆期 | 270.6 ± 0.7* | ||||||
乌拉尔世 | 空谷尔期 | 275.6 ± 0.7* | |||||
阿尔丁斯克期 | 284.4 ± 0.7* | ||||||
萨克马尔期 | 294.6 ± 0.8* | ||||||
阿瑟尔期 | 299.0 ± 0.8*
| ||||||
石炭纪[7]/ 宾夕法尼亚纪 |
晚宾夕法尼亚世 | 格热尔期 | Winged insects radiate suddenly; some (esp. Protodonata and Palaeodictyoptera) are quite large. Amphibians common and diverse. First reptiles and coal forests (scale trees, ferns, club trees, giant horsetails, Cordaites, etc.). Highest-ever atmospheric oxygen levels. Goniatites, brachiopods, bryozoa, bivalves, and corals plentiful in the seas and oceans. Testate forams proliferate. Uralian orogeny in Europe and Asia. Variscan orogeny occurs towards middle and late Mississippian Periods. | 303.7 ± 0.1 | |||
卡西莫夫期 | 307.0 ± 0.1 | ||||||
中宾夕法尼亚世 | 莫斯科期 | 315.2 ± 0.2 | |||||
早宾夕法尼亚世 | 巴什基尔期 | 323.2 ± 0.4* | |||||
石炭纪[7]/ 密西西比纪 |
晚密西西比世 | 谢尔普霍夫期 | Large primitive trees, first land vertebrates, and amphibious sea-scorpions live amid coal-forming coastal swamps. Lobe-finned rhizodonts are dominant big fresh-water predators. In the oceans, early sharks are common and quite diverse; echinoderms (especially crinoids and blastoids) abundant. Corals, bryozoa, goniatites and brachiopods (Productida, Spiriferida, etc.) very common, but trilobites and nautiloids decline. Glaciation in East Gondwana. Tuhua Orogeny in New Zealand tapers off. | 330.9 ± 0.2 | |||
中密西西比世 | 维宪期 | 346.7 ± 0.4* | |||||
早密西西比世 | 图尔奈期 | 358.9 ± 0.4* | |||||
泥盆纪 | 晚泥盆世 | 法门期 | First clubmosses, horsetails and ferns appear, as do the first seed-bearing plants (progymnosperms), first trees (the progymnosperm Archaeopteris), and first (wingless) insects. Strophomenid and atrypid brachiopods, rugose and tabulate corals, and crinoids are all abundant in the oceans. Goniatite ammonoids are plentiful, while squid-like coleoids arise. Trilobites and armoured agnaths decline, while jawed fishes (placoderms, lobe-finned and ray-finned fish, and early sharks) rule the seas. First amphibians still aquatic. "Old Red Continent" of Euramerica. Beginning of Acadian Orogeny for Anti-Atlas Mountains of North Africa, and Appalachian Mountains of North America, also the Antler, Variscan, and Tuhua Orogeny in New Zealand. | 372.2 ± 1.6* | |||
弗拉斯期 | 382.7 ± 1.6* | ||||||
中泥盆世 | 吉维特期 | 387.7 ± 0.8* | |||||
艾菲尔期 | 393.3 ± 1.2* | ||||||
早泥盆世 | 埃姆斯期 | 407.6 ± 2.6* | |||||
布拉格期 | 410.8 ± 2.8* | ||||||
洛赫科夫期 | 419.2 ± 3.2* | ||||||
志留纪 | 普里道利世 | 无生物划分阶 | First Vascular plants (the rhyniophytes and their relatives), first millipedes and arthropleurids on land. First jawed fishes, as well as many armoured jawless fish, populate the seas. Sea-scorpions reach large size. Tabulate and rugose corals, brachiopods (Pentamerida, Rhynchonellida, etc.), and crinoids all abundant. Trilobites and mollusks diverse; graptolites not as varied. Beginning of Caledonian Orogeny for hills in England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and the Scandinavian Mountains. Also continued into Devonian period as the Acadian Orogeny, above. Taconic Orogeny tapers off. Lachlan Orogeny on Australian Continent tapers off. | 423.0 ± 2.3* | |||
兰多维列世/卡尤加世 | 卢德福德期 | 425.6 ± 0.9* | |||||
戈斯特期 | 427.4 ± 0.5* | ||||||
文洛克世 | 侯默期/洛克波特期 | 430.5 ± 0.7* | |||||
申伍德期/托纳旺达期 | 433.4 ± 0.8* | ||||||
兰多维利世/ 亚历山大世 |
特列奇期/安大略期 | 438.5 ± 1.1* | |||||
爱隆期 | 440.8 ± 1.2* | ||||||
鲁丹期 | 443.4 ± 1.5* | ||||||
奥陶纪 | 晚奥陶世 | 赫南特期 | Invertebrates diversify into many new types (e.g., long straight-shelled cephalopods). Early corals, articulate brachiopods (Orthida, Strophomenida, etc.), bivalves, nautiloids, trilobites, ostracods, bryozoa, many types of echinoderms (crinoids, cystoids, starfish, etc.), branched graptolites, and other taxa all common. Conodonts (early planktonic vertebrates) appear. First green plants and fungi on land. Ice age at end of period. | 445.2 ± 1.4* | |||
凯迪期 | 453.0 ± 0.7* | ||||||
桑比期 | 458.4 ± 0.9* | ||||||
中奥陶世 | 达瑞威尔期 | 467.3 ± 1.1* | |||||
大坪期 | 470.0 ± 1.4* | ||||||
初奥陶世 | 弗洛期 (formerly Arenig) |
477.7 ± 1.4* | |||||
特马豆克期 | 485.4 ± 1.9* | ||||||
寒武纪 | 芙蓉世 | 第十期 | Major diversification of life in the Cambrian Explosion. Numerous fossils; most modern animal phyla appear. First chordates appear, along with a number of extinct, problematic phyla. Reef-building Archaeocyatha abundant; then vanish. Trilobites, priapulid worms, sponges, inarticulate brachiopods (unhinged lampshells), and many other animals numerous. Anomalocarids are giant predators, while many Ediacaran fauna die out. Prokaryotes, protists (e.g., forams), fungi and algae continue to present day. Gondwana emerges. Petermann Orogeny on the Australian Continent tapers off (550–535 Ma). Ross Orogeny in Antarctica. Adelaide Geosyncline (Delamerian Orogeny), majority of orogenic activity from 514–500 Ma. Lachlan Orogeny on Australian Continent, c. 540–440 Ma. Atmospheric CO2 content roughly 20–35 times present-day (Holocene) levels (6000 ppmv compared to today's 385 ppmv)[5] | c. 489.5 | |||
江山期 | c. 494* | ||||||
排碧期 | c. 497* | ||||||
第三世 | 古丈期 | c. 500.5* | |||||
鼓山期 | c. 504.5* | ||||||
第五期 | c. 509 | ||||||
第二世 | 第四期 | c. 514 | |||||
第三期 | c. 521 | ||||||
纽芬兰世 | 第二期 | c. 529 | |||||
幸运期 | 541.0 ± 1.0* | ||||||
前寒武纪[8] | 元古宙[9] | 新元古代[9] | 埃迪卡拉纪 | Good fossils of the first multi-celled animals. Ediacaran biota flourish worldwide in seas. Simple trace fossils of possible worm-like Trichophycus, etc. First sponges and trilobitomorphs. Enigmatic forms include many soft-jellied creatures shaped like bags, disks, or quilts (like Dickinsonia). Taconic Orogeny in North America. Aravalli Range orogeny in Indian Subcontinent. Beginning of Petermann Orogeny on Australian Continent. Beardmore Orogeny in Antarctica, 633–620 Ma. | 630 +5/-30* | ||
成冰纪 | Possible "Snowball Earth" period. Fossils still rare. Rodinia landmass begins to break up. Late Ruker / Nimrod Orogeny in Antarctica tapers off. | 850[10] | |||||
拉伸纪 | Rodinia supercontinent persists. Trace fossils of simple multi-celled eukaryotes. First radiation of dinoflagellate-like acritarchs. Grenville Orogeny tapers off in North America. Pan-African orogeny in Africa. Lake Ruker / Nimrod Orogeny in Antarctica, 1000 ± 150 Ma. Edmundian Orogeny (c. 920 - 850 Ma), Gascoyne Complex, Western Australia. Adelaide Geosyncline laid down on Australian Continent, beginning of Adelaide Geosyncline (Delamerian Orogeny) in that continent. | 1000[10] | |||||
中元古代[9] | 狭带纪 | Narrow highly metamorphic belts due to orogeny as Rodinia forms. Late Ruker / Nimrod Orogeny in Antarctica possibly begins. Musgrave Orogeny (c. 1080 Ma), Musgrave Block, Central Australia. | 1200[10] | ||||
延展纪 | Platform covers continue to expand. Green algae colonies in the seas. Grenville Orogeny in North America. | 1400[10] | |||||
盖层纪 | Platform covers expand. Barramundi Orogeny, McArthur Basin, Northern Australia, and Isan Orogeny, c. 1600 Ma, Mount Isa Block, Queensland | 1600[10] | |||||
古元古代[9] | 固结纪 | First complex single-celled life: protists with nuclei. Columbia is the primordial supercontinent. Kimban Orogeny in Australian Continent ends. Yapungku Orogeny on Yilgarn craton, in Western Australia. Mangaroon Orogeny, 1680–1620 Ma, on the Gascoyne Complex in Western Australia. Kararan Orogeny (1650-Ma), Gawler Craton, South Australia. | 1800[10] | ||||
造山纪 | The atmosphere becomes oxygenic. Vredefort and Sudbury Basin asteroid impacts. Much orogeny. Penokean and Trans-Hudsonian Orogenies in North America. Early Ruker Orogeny in Antarctica, 2000 - 1700 Ma. Glenburgh Orogeny, Glenburgh Terrane, Australian Continent c. 2005–1920 Ma. Kimban Orogeny, Gawler craton in Australian Continent begins. | 2050[10] | |||||
层侵纪 | Bushveld Igneous Complex forms. Huronian glaciation. | 2300[10] | |||||
成铁纪 | Oxygen catastrophe: banded iron formations forms. Sleaford Orogeny on Australian Continent, Gawler Craton 2440–2420 Ma. | 2500[10] | |||||
太古宙[9] | 新太古代[9] | Stabilization of most modern cratons; possible mantle overturn event. Insell Orogeny, 2650 ± 150 Ma. Abitibi greenstone belt in present-day Ontario and Quebec begins to form, stablizes by 2600 Ma. | 2800[10] | ||||
中太古代[9] | First stromatolites (probably colonial cyanobacteria). Oldest macrofossils. Humboldt Orogeny in Antarctica. Blake River Megacaldera Complex begins to form in present-day Ontario and Quebec, ends by roughly 2696 Ma. | 3200[10] | |||||
古太古代[9] | First known oxygen-producing bacteria. Oldest definitive microfossils. Oldest cratons on Earth (such as the Canadian Shield and the Pilbara Craton) may have formed during this period[11]. Rayner Orogeny in Antarctica. | 3600[10] | |||||
始太古代[9] | Simple single-celled life (probably bacteria and archaea). Oldest probable microfossils. | 3800 | |||||
冥古宙 [9][12] |
早雨海代[9][13] | Indirect photosynthetic evidence (e.g., kerogen) of primordial life. This era overlaps the end of the Late Heavy Bombardment of the inner solar system. | c.3850 | ||||
酒神代[9][13] | 本代的名称来源月球地址年代由神酒海和其他更大的月海的撞击事件所组成的。 | c.3920 | |||||
原生代[9][13] | Oldest known rock (4030 Ma)[14]. The first life forms and self-replicating RNA molecules evolve around 4000 Ma, after the Late Heavy Bombardment ends on Earth. Napier Orogeny in Antarctica, 4000 ± 200 Ma. | c.4150 | |||||
隐生代[9][13] | 已知最古老的矿物(锆石,4404±8百万年)。[15]月球形成(4533百万年),可能来自大碰撞。地球形成(4567.17至4570百万年)。 | c.4600 |
- ^ Paleontologists often refer to faunal stages rather than geologic (geological) periods. The stage nomenclature is quite complex. For an excellent time-ordered list of faunal stages, see The Paleobiology Database. [2006-03-19].
- ^ 2.0 2.1 Dates are slightly uncertain with differences of a few percent between various sources being common. This is largely due to uncertainties in radiometric dating and the problem that deposits suitable for radiometric dating seldom occur exactly at the places in the geologic column where they would be most useful. The dates and errors quoted above are according to the International Commission on Stratigraphy 2004 time scale. Dates labeled with a * indicate boundaries where a Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point has been internationally agreed upon: see List of Global Boundary Stratotype Sections and Points for a complete list.
- ^ References to the "Post-Cambrian Supereon" are not universally accepted, and therefore must be considered unofficial.
- ^ 4.0 4.1 Historically, the Cenozoic has been divided up into the Quaternary and Tertiary sub-eras, as well as the Neogene and Paleogene periods. The 2009 version of the ICS time chart recognizes a slightly extended Quaternary as well as the Paleogene and a truncated Neogene, the Tertiary having been demoted to informal status.
- ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 For more information on this, see the following articles: Earth's atmosphere, carbon dioxide, Carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere, global warming, climate change, Image:Phanerozoic_Carbon_Dioxide.png, Image:65 Myr Climate Change.png, Image:Five Myr Climate Change.png, and Template:DF temperature
- ^ The start time for the Holocene epoch is here given as 11,700 years ago. For further discussion of the dating of this epoch, see Holocene.
- ^ 7.0 7.1 In North America, the Carboniferous is subdivided into Mississippian and Pennsylvanian Periods.
- ^ The Precambrian is also known as Cryptozoic.
- ^ 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 The Proterozoic, Archean and Hadean are often collectively referred to as the Precambrian Time or sometimes, also the Cryptozoic.
- ^ 10.00 10.01 10.02 10.03 10.04 10.05 10.06 10.07 10.08 10.09 10.10 10.11 Defined by absolute age (Global Standard Stratigraphic Age).
- ^ The age of the oldest measurable craton, or continental crust, is dated to 3600–3800 Ma
- ^ Though commonly used, the Hadean is not a formal eon and no lower bound for the Archean and Eoarchean have been agreed upon. The Hadean has also sometimes been called the Priscoan or the Azoic. Sometimes, the Hadean can be found to be subdivided according to the lunar geologic time scale. These eras include the Cryptic and Basin Groups (which are subdivisions of the Pre-Nectarian era), Nectarian, and Early Imbrian units.
- ^ 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 These unit names were taken from the Lunar geologic timescale and refer to geologic events that did not occur on Earth. Their use for Earth geology is unofficial.
- ^ Bowring, Samuel A.; Williams, Ian S. Priscoan (4.00–4.03 Ga) orthogneisses from northwestern Canada. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 1999, 134 (1): 3. Bibcode:1999CoMP..134....3B. doi:10.1007/s004100050465. The oldest rock on Earth is the Acasta Gneiss, and it dates to 4.03 Ga, located in the Northwest Territories of Canada.
- ^