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The driver was positioned inside the chassis and used conventional steering levers to control the tank, while the commander was positioned in the turret where he also acted as gunner. The two crew members could communicate by means of voice tube.[1] Machine gun ammunition was stowed in five bins, containing various numbers of 25-round magazines.[2] Author Lucas Molina Franco suggests that 833 Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf. A tanks were built in total,[3] while authors Bryan Perrett offers the number of 300[4] and Terry Gander 818 units.[5]

Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf. A on display at the Deutsches Panzermuseum Munster, Germany

Many of the problems in the Ausf. A were corrected with the introduction of the Ausf. B. The engine was replaced by the water-cooled, six-cylinder Maybach NL 38 TR, developing 98匹馬力(73千瓦特), and the gearbox was changed to a more reliable model. The larger engine required the extension of the vehicle's chassis by 40 cm (16 in), and this allowed the improvement of the tank's suspension, adding an additional bogie wheel and raising the tensioner.[6] The tank's weight increased by 0.4 tons. Production of the Ausf. B began in August 1935 and finished in early 1937—Franco writes 840 were constructed,[7] but notes that only 675 of these were combat models,[8] while Perrett suggests a total number of 1,500 (offsetting the low number of Ausf. A he proposes)[4] and Gander a total of 675.[5]

Sister tanks


Two more combat versions of the Panzer I were designed and produced between 1939 and 1942. By this stage the design concept had been superseded by medium and heavy tanks and neither variant was produced in sufficient numbers to have a real impact on the progress of the war. These new tanks had nothing in common with either the Ausf. A or B except name.[9] One of these, the Panzer I Ausf. C, was designed jointly between Krauss-Maffei and Daimler-Benz in 1939 to provide an amply armored and armed reconnaissance light tank.[4] The Ausf. C boasted a completely new chassis and turret, a modern torsion-bar suspension and five interleaved roadwheels.[10] It also had a maximum armor thickness of 30 millimeters (1.18 in), over twice that of either the Ausf. A or B, and was armed with a 20-millimeter (0.78 in) EW 141 autocannon.[11] Forty of these tanks were produced,[12] along with six prototypes.[9] Two tanks were deployed to 1 Panzer Division in 1943, and the other thirty-eight were deployed to the LVIII Panzer Reserve Corps during the Normandy landings.[13]

PzKpfw I Ausf. F on display at the Belgrade Military Museum

The second vehicle, the Ausf. F, was as different from the Ausf. C as it was from the Ausf. A and B.[14] Intended as an infantry support tank, the Panzer I Ausf. F had a maximum armour thickness of 80 millimeters (3.15 in) and weighed between 18 and 21 tonnes.[15] The Ausf. F was armed with two 7.92-millimeter MG-34s.[16] Thirty were produced in 1940, and a second order of 100 was later canceled. In order to compensate for the increased weight, a new 150匹馬力(110千瓦特) Maybach HL45 Otto engine was used, allowing a maximum road speed of 25 kilometers per hour (15.5 mph). Eight of the thirty tanks produced were sent to the 1 Panzer Division in 1943 and saw combat at the Battle of Kursk. The rest were given to several army schools for training and evaluation purposes.[17]

Combat history


Spanish Civil War


On 18 July 1936, war broke out on the Iberian peninsula as Spain dissolved into a state of civil war. After the chaos of the initial uprising, two sides coalesced and began to consolidate their position—the Popular front (the Republicans) and the Spanish Nationalist front. In an early example of a proxy war, both sides quickly received support from other countries, most notably the Soviet Union and Germany, who wanted to test their tactics and equipment.[18] The first shipment of foreign tanks, fifty Soviet T-26's, arrived on 15 October.[19] The shipment was under the surveillance of the German Navy and Germany immediately responded by sending forty-one Panzer I's to Spain a few days later.[20] This first shipment was followed by four more shipments of Panzer I Ausf. B's,[21] with a total of 122 vehicles.[22]

The first shipment of Panzer I's was brought under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Wilhelm Ritter von Thoma in Gruppe Thoma (also referred to as Panzergruppe Drohne). Gruppe Thoma formed part of Gruppe Imker, the ground formations of the German Condor Legion, who fought on the side of Franco's Nationalists.[23] Between July and October, a rapid Nationalist advance from Seville to Toledo placed them in position to take the Spanish capital, Madrid.[24] The Nationalist advance and the fall of the town of Illescas to Nationalist armies on 18 October 1936 caused the government of the Popular Front's Second Republic, including President Manuel Azaña, to flee to Barcelona and Valencia.[25] In an attempt to stem the Nationalist tide and gain crucial time for Madrid's defence, Soviet armor was deployed south of the city under the command of Colonel Krivoshein before the end of October.[26] At this time, several T-26 tanks under the command of Captain Paul Arman were thrown into a Republican counterattack directed towards the town of Torrejon de Velasco in an attempt to cut off the Nationalist advance north. This was the first tank battle in the Spanish Civil War. Despite initial success, poor communication between the Soviet Republican armor and Spanish Republican infantry caused the isolation of Captain Arman's force and the subsequent destruction of a number of tanks. This battle also marked the first use of the molotov cocktail against tanks.[27] Ritter von Thoma's Panzer Is fought for the Nationalists only days later on 30 October, and immediately experienced problems. As the Nationalist armor advanced, it was engaged by the Commune de Paris battalion, equipped with Soviet BA-10[來源請求] armored cars. The 45-millimeter (1.7 in) gun in the BA-10 was more than sufficient to knock out the poorly armored Panzer I at ranges of over 500 meters (550 yd).[28]

Comparison of light tanks in the Spanish Civil War[29][30][31]
T-26 Panzer I CV.33 CV.35
Weight 9.4 t 5.4 t 3.15 t 2.3 t
Gun 45 mm cannon 2× 7.92 mm
MG 13
6.5 mm or 8 mm
machine gun
8 mm Breda
machine gun
Ammunition 122 rounds 2,250 rounds 3,200 8 mm or
3,800 6.5 mm
Road range 175 km 200 km 125 km 125 km
Armor 7–16 mm 7–13 mm 5–15 mm 5–13.5 mm

Although the Panzer I would participate in almost every major Nationalist offensive of the war, the Nationalist army began to deploy more and more captured T-26 tanks to offset their disadvantage in protection and firepower.[32] At one point, von Thoma offered up to 500 pesetas for each T-26 captured.[33] Although the Panzer I was initially able to knock out the T-26 at close range—150 meters (165 yd) or less—using an armor-piercing 7.92 millimeter bullet, the Republican tanks began to engage at ranges where they were immune to the machine guns of the Panzer I.[34]

The Panzer I was upgraded in order to increase its lethality. On 8 August 1937, Major General García Pallasar received a note from Generalísimo Francisco Franco which expressed the need for a Panzer I (or negrillo, as their Spanish crews called them) with a 20-millimeter gun. Ultimately, the piece chosen was the Breda Model 1935, due to the simplicity of the design over competitors such as the German Flak 30. Furthermore, the 20 mm Breda was capable of perforating 40 millimeters of armor at 250 meters (1.57 in at 275 yd), which was more than sufficient to penetrate the frontal armor of the T-26. Although originally forty Italian CV.35 light tanks were ordered with the Breda in place of their original armament, this order was subsequently canceled after it was thought adaptation of the same gun to the Panzer I would yield better results. Prototypes were ready by September 1937 and an order was placed after successful results. The mounting of the Breda in the Panzer I required the original turret to be opened at the top and then extended by a vertical supplement. Four of these tanks were finished at the Armament Factory of Seville, but further production was canceled as it was decided sufficient numbers of Republican T-26 tanks had been captured to fulfill the Nationalist leadership's request for more lethal tanks. The Breda modification was not particularly liked by German crews, as the unprotected gap in the turret, designed to allow the tank's commander to aim, was found to be a dangerous weak point.[35]

In late 1938, another Panzer I was sent to the Armament Factory of Seville in order to mount a 45 mm gun, captured from a Soviet tank (a T-26 or BT-5). A second was sent sometime later in order to exchange the original armament for a 37-millimeter Maklen anti-tank gun, which had been deployed to Asturias in late 1936 on the Soviet ship A. Andreiev. It remains unknown to what extent these trials and adaptations were completed, although it is safe to assume neither adaptation was successful beyond the drawing board.[36]

Panzer I deliveries to Spain (1936–1939)[37]
Date Number of Vehicles Additional Information
October 1936 41 Formed part of the Condor Legion
December 1936 21  
August 1937 30  
End of 1937 10  
January 1939 30  
Total: 122  

Second World War


During the initial campaigns of the Second World War, Germany's light tanks, including the Panzer I, formed the bulk of its armored strength.[38] In March 1938, the German Army marched into Austria, experiencing a mechanical breakdown rate of up to thirty percent.[39] However, the experience revealed to Guderian several faults within the German Panzerkorps and he subsequently improved logistical support.[40] In October 1938, Germany occupied Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland, and the remainder of the country in March 1939. The capture of Czechoslovakia allowed several Czech tank designs, such as the Panzer 38(t), and their subsequent variants and production, to be incorporated into the German Army's strength. It also prepared German forces for the invasion of Poland.[41]

Poland and the campaign in the west

Panzer I Ausf. A in combat during the German invasion of Norway.

On 1 September 1939, Germany invaded Poland using seventy-two divisions (including 16 reserve infantry divisions in OKH reserves), including seven panzer divisions (1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 10., "Kempf") and four light divisions (1., 2., 3., 4.). Three days later, France and Britain declared war on Germany. The seven panzer and four light divisions were arrayed in five armies, forming two army groups.[38] The battalion strength of the 1 Panzer Division included no less than fourteen Panzer I's, while the other six divisions included thirty-four.[42] A total of about 2,700 tanks were available for the invasion of Poland, but only 310 of the heavier Panzer III and IV tanks were available. Furthermore, 350 were of Czech design—the rest were either Panzer I's or Panzer IIs.[43] The invasion was swift and the last Polish pockets of resistance surrendered on 6 October.[44] The entire campaign had lasted five weeks (with help of the Soviet forces which attacked on 17th of September), and the success of Germany's tanks in the campaign was summed up in response to Hitler on 5 September: when asked if it had been the dive bombers who destroyed a Polish artillery regiment, Guderian replied, "No, our panzers!"[45]

The Poles suffered almost 190,000 casualties (including around 66,300 killed) in the campaign, the Germans around 55,000 (including around 35,000 wounded).[46] However, some 832 tanks (including 320 PzI, 259 PzII, 40 Pz III, 76 PzIV, 77 Pz35(t), 13 PzBef III, 7 PzBef 38(t), 34 other PzBef and some Pz38(t))[47] were lost during the campaign, approximately 341 of which were never to return to service. This represented about a third of Germany's armor deployed for the Polish campaign.[47] During the campaign no less than a half of Germany's tanks were unavailable due to maintenance issues or enemy action, and of all tanks, the Panzer I proved the most vulnerable to Polish anti-tank weapons.[48]

A Panzer I Ausf B on the streets of Calais, France in May 1940, while rounding up British prisoners of war

Furthermore, it was found that handling of armored forces during the campaign left much to be desired. During the beginning of Guderian's attack in northern Poland, his corps was held back to coordinate with infantry for quite a while, preventing a faster advance. It was only after Army Group South had its attention taken from Warsaw at the Battle of Bzura that Guderian's armor was fully unleashed. There were still lingering tendencies to reserve Germany's armor, even if in independent divisions, to cover an infantry advance or the flanks of advancing infantry armies.[49] Although tank production was increased to 125 tanks per month after the Polish Campaign, losses forced the Germans to draw further strength from Czech tank designs, and light tanks continued to form the majority of Germany's armored strength.[50]

Months later, Panzer Is participated in Operation Weserübung—the invasion of Denmark and Norway.[51]

Despite its obsolescence, the Panzer I was also used in the invasion of France in May 1940. Of 2,574 tanks available for the campaign, no fewer than 523 were Panzer I's. Furthermore, there were only 627 Panzer IIIs and IVs. At least a fifth of Germany's armor was composed of Panzer I's, while almost four-fifths was light tanks of one type or another, including 955 Panzer II, 106 Czech Panzer 35(t), and 228 Panzer 38(t).[52] For their defense, the French boasted up to 4,000 tanks, including 300 Char B1, armed with a 47-millimeter (1.7 in) gun in the turret and a larger 75-millimeter (2.95 in) low-velocity gun in the hull. The French also had around 250 Somua S-35, widely regarded as one of the best tanks of the period, armed with the same 47 millimeter main gun and protected by almost 55 millimeters (2.17 in) of armor at its thickest point. Nevertheless, the French also deployed over 3,000 light tanks, including about 500 World War one-vintage FT-17s.[53] The two main advantages German armor enjoyed were radios allowing them to coordinate faster than their British or French counterparts[54] and superior tactical doctrine.[55]

North Africa and campaigns in the east

Panzerbefehlswagen in Russia

Italian setbacks in Egypt and their colony of Libya caused Hitler to dispatch aircraft to Sicily, and a blocking force to North Africa. This blocking force was put under the command of Lieutenant General Erwin Rommel and included the motorized 5th Light Division and the 15th Panzer Division. This force landed at Tunis on 12 February 1941.[56] Upon arrival, Rommel had around 150 tanks, about half Panzer III and IV.[57] The rest were Panzer I's and IIs, although the Panzer I was soon replaced.[58] On 6 April 1941, Germany attacked both Yugoslavia and Greece, with fourteen divisions invading Greece from neighboring Bulgaria, which by then had joined the Tripartite Pact.[59] The invasion of Yugoslavia included no less than six panzer divisions,[60] which still fielded the Panzer I.[61] Yugoslavia surrendered 17 April 1941, and Greece fell on 30 April 1941.[62]

The final major campaign in which the Panzer I formed a large portion of the armored strength was Operation Barbarossa, 22 June 1941. The 3,300 German tanks included about 410 Panzer I's.[63] By the end of the month, a large portion of the Red Army found itself trapped in the Minsk pocket,[64] and by 21 September Kiev had fallen, thereby allowing the Germans to concentrate on their ultimate objective, Moscow.[65] Despite the success of Germany's armor in the Soviet Union, between June and September most German officers were shocked to find their tanks were inferior to newer Soviet models, the T-34 and Kliment Voroshilov (KV) series.[64] Army Group North quickly realized that none of the tank guns currently in use by German armor could penetrate the thick armor of the KV-1.[66] The performance of the Red Army during the Battle of Moscow and the growing numbers of new Soviet tanks made it obvious the Panzer I was not suitable for this front.[67] Some less battle-worthy Panzer I's were tasked with towing lorries through mud to alleviate logistics problems at the front.[67]

Foreign service


After Germany, Spain fielded the largest number of Panzer I tanks. A total of 122 were exported to Spain during the Spanish Civil War,[68] and, as late as 1945, Spain's Brunete Armored Division fielded 93. The Panzer I remained in use in Spain until aid arrived from the United States in 1954 when they were replaced by the relatively modern M47 Patton.[69] Between 1935 and 1936, an export version of the Panzer I Ausf. B, named the L.K.B. (Leichte Kampfwagen B), was designed for export to Bulgaria. Modifications included up-gunning to a 20-millimeter gun and fitting a Krupp M 311 V-8 gasoline engine. Although three examples were built, none were exported to Bulgaria, although a single Panzer I Ausf. A had previously been sold. In 1937, around ten Ausf. As were sold to China during a period of Sino-German cooperation, which were used in the Battle of Nanjing by the 3rd Armored Battalion. A final order was supplied to Hungary in 1942, totalling eight Ausf. B's and six command versions. These were incorporated into the 1st Armored Division and saw combat in late 1942.[70]



Between 1934 and the mid 1940s several variants of the Panzer I were designed, especially during the later years of its combat history. Because they were obsolescent from their introduction, incapable of defeating foreign armor, and outclassed by newer German tanks, the Panzer I chassis were increasingly repurposed as tank destroyers and other variants.[71] One of the most well known variants was the Panzerbefehlswagen ("small armored command vehicle"), built on the Ausf. A and Ausf. B chassis—200 of these were manufactured. The Panzer I Ausf. B chassis was also used to build the German Army's first tracked tank destroyer, the Panzerjäger I. This vehicle was armed with a Czech 47-millimeter (1.85 in) anti-tank gun.[72]

  1. ^ Perrett, German Light Panzers, pp.5–6
  2. ^ Specifically, there was an eight magazine bin in the turret, and four bins in the hull containing 8, 20, 6 and 19 magazines, respectively. For more information see Perrett, German Light Panzers, p. 6
  3. ^ Franco, Panzer I, p. 10
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Perrett, German Light Panzers, p. 6
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Gander, Tanks & Armour: Panzerkampfwagen I & II, p. 11
  6. ^ Franco, Panzer I, pp. 21–21.
  7. ^ Franco, Panzer I, p. 22
  8. ^ Franco, Panzer I, p. 34
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Gander, Tanks & Armour: Panzerkampfwagen I & II, p. 14
  10. ^ Franco, Panzer I, pp. 37–38
  11. ^ Franco, Panzer I, p. 6 Both Franco and Perrett mention that the EW 141 cannon 20 millimeters, although Gander mentions a caliber of 7.92 millimeters. However, there is a picture of an Ausf. C with a 20-millimeter cannon on page 15 of Gander.
  12. ^ Franco, Panzer I, p. 37
  13. ^ Franco, Panzer I, p. 38
  14. ^ Gander, Tanks & Armour: Panzerkampfwagen I & II, pp. 14–15
  15. ^ Perrett, German Light Panzers, pp. 6–7. Perrett claims a weight of 18 tonnes, although Franco claims 21.
  16. ^ Gander, Tanks & Armour: Panzerkampfwagen I & II, p. 14; although this is similar to the armament of earlier Ausf. A and B, these two were armed with the older MG-13s, not the modern MG-34.
  17. ^ Franco, Panzer I, pp. 38–39
  18. ^ Candil, Soviet Armor in Spain: Aid Mission to Republicans Tested Doctrine and Equipment.
  19. ^ Candil, Soviet Armor in Spain, p. 32; for reference, Wikipedia's T-26 article includes a table of every shipment of T-26Bs to Spain throughout the entirety of the war.
  20. ^ 38 Ausf. A and 3 Panzerbefehlswagen I Ausf. B command vehicles. García, Las Armas de la Guerra Civil Española, p. 308
  21. ^ Perrett, German Light Panzers, p. 46
  22. ^ García, Las Armas de la Guerra Civil Española, p. 311; Perrett offers the total number of 180, but then contradicts himself by later stating only 100 vehicles were sent. Las Armas de la Guerra Civil Española puts the correct number at 122.
  23. ^ Ramos, La Legión Cóndor en la Guerra Civil, p. 96
  24. ^ Beevor, The Spanish Civil War, pp. 97–104
  25. ^ Moa, Los Mitos de la Guerra Civil, p. 323.
  26. ^ Candil, Soviet Armor in Spain, p. 32
  27. ^ Daley, Soviet and German Advisors Put Doctrine to the Test, pp. 33–34
  28. ^ Daley, Soviet and German Advisors Put Doctrine to the Test, p. 35
  29. ^ Franco, Lucas Molina. Panzer I: El inicio de una saga. Madrid, Spain: AF Editores. 2005: 613. ISBN 84-96016-52-8 (Spanish). 
  30. ^ Franco, Lucas M. (2006). "El Tanque de la Guerra Civil Española" in Historia de la Iberia Vieja, No. 13. ISSN 1699-7913
  31. ^ Miller, Illustrated Directory of Tanks and Fighting Vehicles: From World War I to the Present Day, p. 164
  32. ^ García, Las Armas de la Guerra Civil Española, pp. 327–328
  33. ^ McCarthy, Panzerkrieg, p. 34
  34. ^ Candil, Soviet Armor in Spain, p. 36
  35. ^ Franco, Panzer I, pp. 47–49
  36. ^ Franco, Panzer I, p. 50
  37. ^ García, José María; Lucas Molina Franco. Las Armas de la Guerra Civil Española. 28002 Madrid: La Esfera de los Libros. 2006: 613. ISBN 84-9734-475-8 (Spanish). 
  38. ^ 38.0 38.1 McCarthy, Panzerkrieg, p. 51
  39. ^ Perrett, German Light Panzers, pp. 35–37
  40. ^ McCarthy, Panzerkrieg, p. 42
  41. ^ McCarthy, Panzerkrieg, pp.42–43
  42. ^ Perrett, German Light Panzers, pp. 37
  43. ^ McCarthy, Panzerkrieg, pp. 50–51
  44. ^ McCarthy, Panzerkrieg, p. 59
  45. ^ Guderian, Panzer Leader, p. 73
  46. ^ Wojna Obronna Polski 1939, page 851
  47. ^ 47.0 47.1 Fritz Hahn, Waffen und Geheimwaffen des deutschen Heeres 1933–1945, Polen 1939
  48. ^ McCarthy, Panzerkrieg, p. 60
  49. ^ Cooper, The German Army, p. 176
  50. ^ McCarthy, Panzerkrieg, p. 61
  51. ^ Perrett, German Light Panzers, p. 18
  52. ^ Guderian, Panzer Leader, p. 472
  53. ^ McCarthy, Panzerkrieg, p. 72
  54. ^ McCarthy, Panzerkrieg, p. 73
  55. ^ McCarthy, Panzerkrieg, p. 90
  56. ^ Latimer, Alamein, pp. 27–28
  57. ^ Bierman, The Battle of Alamein, p.67
  58. ^ Perrett, German Light Panzers, pp. 43–44
  59. ^ Porch, The Path to Victory, p. 149
  60. ^ McCarthy, Panzerkrieg, p. 94
  61. ^ Perrett, German Light Panzers, p. 44,
  62. ^ Porch, The Path to Victory, p. 159
  63. ^ McCarthy, Panzerkrieg, p. 99; 750 were Panzer IIs, 150 Panzer 35(t) s, 625 Panzer 38(t) s, 965 Panzer IIIs and 440 Panzer IVs.
  64. ^ 64.0 64.1 McCarthy, Panzerkrieg, p. 103
  65. ^ Beevor, Stalingrad, p. 29
  66. ^ Raus, p. 34
  67. ^ 67.0 67.1 Perrett, German Light Panzers, p. 45
  68. ^ García, Las Armas de la Guerra Civil Española, p.311
  69. ^ Franco, La Brunete: Primera Parte, p. 31
  70. ^ Franco, Panzer I, p. 64
  71. ^ Gander, Tanks & Armour: Panzerkampfwagen I & II, p. 62
  72. ^ Perrett, German Light Panzers 1932–42, p. 7