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由Arthur Szyk (1927年)绘制的卡利什法页首。

犹太人自由总宪章,又被称作卡利什法卡利什特权,授予了中世纪的犹太人在西欧遭受迫害时,得以在波兰获得特殊保护和差别照护政策。该法是由大波兰公爵虔诚者波列斯瓦夫英语Bolesław the Pious于1264年9月8日在卡利什颁布,法令内是承认犹太人皇家金库忠仆,并以统治者之名提供保护[1]:19。继任的波兰国王们都批准了该法:1334年的卡西米尔三世、1453年的卡西米尔四世和1539年的西吉斯蒙德一世。(当时)在波兰境内的犹太人身份是自由人而非农奴,进而也享受到1573年华沙联盟法定化的国家所采取的信仰宽容。






以下是对卡利什法36条内容的翻译节选: [2]

1. ...Should a Jew be taken to court, not just only a Christian must testify against him, but also a Jew, in order for the case to be considered valid.

2. ... If any Christian shall sue a Jew, asserting that he has pawned securities with him, and the Jew denies it, then if the Christian refuses to accept the simple word of the Jew, the Jew by taking oath must be free of the Christian.

10. ... As punishment for killing a Jew, a suitable punishment and confiscation of property is necessary.

11. ... For striking a Jew, the usual punishment in the country shall apply.

13. ... Jews shall not pay for the transport of their dead.

14. Christian destroying cemetery except normal penalty will lose assets.

17. ...Any Jew may freely and securely walk or ride without any let or hindrance in our realm. They shall pay customary tolls just as other Christians do, and nothing else.

22. ... If any of the Christians rashly and presumptuously jeers at their synagogues, such a Christian shall be required to pay and must pay to our palatine their guardian two talents of pepper as punishment.

30. ... No Christian may summon any Jew into the ecclesiastical court in any way whatsoever, or for whatever property or summons he be summoned, nor shall the Jew make answer before the judge in the ecclesiastical court, but the Jew shall appear before his palatine appointed for that term, and furthermore the aforesaid palatine, along with our governor for that term, shall be required to defend and protect that Jew, and prohibit his responding to the summons of the ecclesiastical court. No Christian is to accuse a Jew of blood libel.

36. ... Jews are allowed to purchase any items, as well as to touch bread and other food.



一些波兰研究人员如亲俄罗斯的Romuald Hube ,在分析过源文件后,声称原始文件及其获验证的副本都无法寻获,指控该文本是15世纪出于政治目的而伪造出来的[3][4][5][6]



在1920年代,波兰犹太裔艺术家&活动家Arthur Szyk (1894-1951年)采用45幅水彩和水粉微型画的系列描绘,提质普及起卡利什法[7]。除原拉丁文版本,该创作者还将法条文本转译为波兰语希伯来语意第绪语意大利语德语英语西班牙语[8] 。1929年该作的微缩版本,于波兰各地进行展出,即在罗兹华沙克拉科夫和卡利什[9]。在获得波兰政府支持下,精选的法条微缩版于1931年在日内瓦展出[10],1932年作为14城市巡展的一部分再于波兰展出[11],接着1933年在伦敦[12]、1940年在多伦多[13]和1941年在纽约连番展出,然后于1944年、1952年和1974-75年则在未有政府资助之下多次于纽约展出[14]。1932年由Éditions de la Table Ronde de Paris再版了卡利什法 ,以收藏家的豪华限量版形式制作了500份[15] 。Szyk的原始微缩作品现在由犹太博物馆(纽约)所收藏[16]


  • 卡利什的犹太人历史
  • 华沙联邦
  • 宗教宽容
  • 波兰的人权


  • Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski ,在波兰的犹太人.一部纪录片历史, Hippocrene Books, Inc., 1998,ISBN 0-7818-0604-6
  • http://wwwg.uni-klu.ac.at/eeo/Kalisz_Statut页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 (英)亚当·扎莫伊斯基, (Adam Zamoyski). 波兰史. 中国友谊出版公司. 2019. ISBN 9787505747401. 
  2. ^ The Statute of Kalish of Bolesław the Pious for Jews in 1264. [2022-08-29]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-17). 
  3. ^ Bylina, Stanisław. Kościół, kultura, społeczeństwo: studia z dziejów średniowiecza i czasów nowożytnych. Semper. 2000-01-01. ISBN 9788386951789 (波兰语). Page 340: "uznany przez badaczy za falsyfikat" = deemed by researches as false.... 
  4. ^ Alexander, Manfred; Kämpfer, Frank; Kappeler, Andreas. Kleine Völker in der Geschichte Osteuropas: Festschrift für Günther Stökl zum 75. Geburtstag. Franz Steiner Verlag. 1991-01-01. ISBN 9783515054737 (德语). 
  5. ^ Polsce, Uniwersytet Jagielloński Międzywydziałowy Zakład Historii i Kultury Żydów w. Żydzi w dawnej Rzeczypospolitej: materiały z konferencji "Autonomia Żydów w Rzeczypospolitej Szlacheckiej" : Międzywydziałowy Zakład Historii i Kultury Żydów w Polsce Uniwersytet Jagielloński 22–26 IX 1986. Wyd. Ossolińskich. 1991-01-01. ISBN 9788304037977 (波兰语). 
  6. ^ Wajs, Hubert. Pomniki praw człowieka w historii. Tom 1. Biuro Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich. 2008-01-01. ISBN 9788392704911 (波兰语). Page 57 : "W 1453 r. król (...) zatwierdził przywilej dla Żydów, opierając się na rzekomym przywileju króla Kazimierza Wielkiego, w istocie sfałszowanym" = In 1453 r. king confirmed the Jewish privilege based on an alleged privilege by king Casimir the Great which was in essence a falsification 
  7. ^ Ansell, Joseph P. "Art against Prejudice: Arthur Szyk's Statute of Kalisz." The Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts 14 (1989): 47–63. doi:10.2307/1504027.
  8. ^ United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, "The Art and Politics of Arthur Szyk" 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期2008-12-28.
  9. ^ Ansell, Joseph P. Arthur Szyk: Artist, Jew, Pole. Portland: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2004. 62.
  10. ^ Ansell 71.
  11. ^ Ansell 74.
  12. ^ Ansell 77.
  13. ^ Ansell 118.
  14. ^ Ansell 121, 126, 234, 237.
  15. ^ Ansell 59–60.
  16. ^ Widmann, Katja and Johannes Zechner. Arthur Szyk – Drawing Against National Socialism and Terror. Berlin: Deutsches Historisches Museum, 2008.