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新川洋司笔下的斯内克(Metal Gear Solid
首次登场Metal Gear》(1987)
设计新川洋司(Metal Gear Solid系列)
配音北美:大卫·海特(David Hayter)

固蛇英语Solid Snake,日语:ソリッド・スネーク,通称“斯内克”(Snake),又译“固体蛇”或“索利德·斯内克”),是系列作另一位主角裸蛇“Big Boss”的克隆人,因故身体急速老化后改用“Old Snake”代号,是一位由科乐美小岛秀夫创作的电子游戏合金装备系列中的虚构人物,同时也是大部分作品的主角。本名大卫(David),姓氏不详[1][2]。由大冢明夫担任人物的日语声优,而英语声优则是身为演员和编剧家的大卫·海特。4代时的动态捕捉演员为冈本良史。

初登场时,斯内克是一名隶属于FOXHOUND部队的间谍雇佣兵特种行动士兵,并由玩家控制,需透过经由无线电中的指挥人员和专家来单独行动。后来在游戏中提到他还是孩子时就身在战场(和绿扁帽潜入伊拉克)。海报造型是按《终结者》中的凯尔·瑞斯(Kyle Reese)设计的。

斯内克这个角色已经受评论家的好评,且被评为游戏史上最受好评的角色之一。但是在《合金装备4 爱国者之枪》中的老态则引起了各种各样的反响。



在他出场亮相时,斯内克的视觉外观是引用流行的演员。据考证是以John Carpenter的漫画《Snake Plissken Chronicles》的主角大蛇·普利斯金(该漫画曾改编成两部电影,《纽约大逃亡》及《逃出洛杉矶》),以及《第一滴血》的主角约翰·兰博为原型(三代中的主角斯内克也就是Big Boss也参考此二人)。这样的设计显示了他作为一个棕色头发、身穿深色西装的成年男人。这个外观仍大多是一致的整个后续地分支,有因他的年龄推进而改变。《合金装备2 自由之子》中,他化名为Iroquios Pliskin伪装成隶属于海豹部队的海军中尉。在《合金装备4》中他经历了一个明显、急剧的变化,他的加速老化让他看起来更接近老人。尽管如此,他仍然穿着他的西装执行任务或不同的伪装,看起来像其他的角色或年轻的自我。

本名David,是爱国者借由拿取Big Boss五十五岁时的基因,以上了年纪的Eva身体作为代孕,透过人工创造最强士兵计划“恐怖之子计划(恐るべき子供達計画/Les Enfants Terribles)”所制造出来的克隆人,因此身体细胞急速老化。智商达180,精通六种语言,包括英语和法语。他大多数的生活都在战场上[3]。前FOXHOUND成员,曾参与并解决“世外桃源反叛事件”(Outer Heaven Uprising)及“赞给巴尔之乱”(Zanzibar Land Disturbance),在两次事变中摧毁了Metal Gear及Big Boss的野心而拯救世界,得到“传说中的佣兵”这称号。退伍后在阿拉斯加隠居,之后因“暗影摩西岛事件”(Shadow Moses Incident)而被迫再次参与任务。事件后,加入了反Metal Gear组织“Philanthropy”(博爱),在世界各地参与反Metal Gear运动。作为一个刚强的老将,他将自己的情感埋得很深。每次任务都有不同的动机[4]。他被认为是一个孤独的人[5][6]。他表示向往军队和国家就是自己的一部分[7]。随着这些特质,他有一个更人性化的一面,即会调侃和奉承女性[8]和牺牲自我[9]。用坚定的信念,即使在战场上展现出友谊[10]、爱[11],仍可大显身手,且暴力不值得光荣[12]。不过斯内克的暴力知觉似乎是被否定的,作为他的敌人或伙伴至少有一人称,说实话,他喜欢杀人,并标记他比他杀掉的人更邪恶[13][14][15]




从《幽灵行动:野境》中的特别任务 [守护者]中,得知他已经退休。


  1. ^ Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (1998).
    Meryl: "So... where to, Snake?" // Snake: "David. My name is David..." // Meryl: "Okay, so where to, Dave?"
  2. ^ Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Kojima Productions (2008).
    Big Mama: "My, how you've grown... David..."
  3. ^ Roy Campbell: ...You were there too I believe. Didn't you infiltrate western Iraq with a platoon of Green Berets? Snake: I was just a kid myself back then. (Metal Gear Solid)
  4. ^ Colonel Campbell: [Solid Snake], there's enough dirt in your file from your days as an agent to keep you in the stockade until you're a very old man.
  5. ^ Snake: Right now my fifty huskies are my only family. I've got to take care of them. (Metal Gear Solid)
  6. ^ Meryl Silverburgh: Is there anyone you like? Solid Snake: I've never been interested in anyone else's life... Meryl Silverburgh: So you are all alone. Just like Mantis said. Solid Snake: Other people just complicate my life. I don't like to get involved. Meryl Silverburgh: You're a sad, lonely man.(Metal Gear Solid)
  7. ^ Solid Snake: I told you, even if I do owe you I don't owe anything to this army or this country!. Colonel Campbell: You will accept this assignment! Solid Snake: Why should I be stupid enough to do that? I'm no patriot. (Metal Gear Solid)
  8. ^ Solid Snake: ...I just didn't expect a world-class designer of military technology to be so...cute. Mei Ling: You're just flattering me... Solid Snake: No, I'm serious. Now I know I won't be bored for the next 18 hours. (Metal Gear Solid)
  9. ^ Naomi: ...Why did you go so far out of your way to save her? For Campbell's sake... or... maybe it's because you like her? Solid Snake: I don't want to see any woman die right in front of me. Naomi Hunter: Oh really? Since when did anybody's death bother you so much? Colonel Campbell: Naomi! It's true that [Solid Snake] has killed a lot of people, that doesn't mean he doesn't have a heart. (Metal Gear Solid)
  10. ^ Naomi Hunter: ...Friends? Solid Snake: ...Frank Jaeger Naomi Hunter: But... didn't you try to kill each other? Solid Snake: That's true. We did. In Zanzibar. But it was nothing personal. We were just professionals on opposite sides, that's all. Naomi Hunter: And you still call yourselves friends? Solid Snake: Hard to believe? War is no reason to end a friendship. (Metal Gear Solid)
  11. ^ Otacon: I wanna ask you... Do you think love can bloom even on a battlefield? Solid Snake: Yeah...I do. I think at any time, any place... people can fall in love with each other. (Metal Gear Solid)
  12. ^ Vulcan Raven: Rejoice, Snake! Ours will be a glorious battle. Solid Snake: This isn't glorious. It's just plain killing. Violence isn't a sport! (Metal Gear Solid)
  13. ^ Solid Snake: It's only when I'm cheating death on the battlefield. The only time I feel truly alive. Meryl Silverburgh: Seeing other people die makes you feel alive, huh? You love war and don't want it to stop... Is it the same with all great soldiers throughout history?
  14. ^ Meryl Silverburgh: You monster! Snake: Let him talk. He doesn't have much time left. Psycho Mantis: I've seen true evil. You Snake. You're just like the Boss... No, you're worse. Compared to you, I'm not so bad.
  15. ^ Solid Snake: I don't want that kind of world! Liquid Snake: Ha! You lie! So why are you here then? Why do you continue to follow your orders while your superiors betray you? Why did you come here? Solid Snake: ...... Liquid Snake: Well... I'll tell you then. You enjoy all the killing, that's why. Solid Snake: What! Liquid Snake: Are you denying it? Haven't you already killed most of my comrades? Solid Snake: That was... Liquid Snake: I watched your face when you did it. It was filled with the joy of battle.

