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社会民主主义(英语:Social democracy)是一种社会主义思想,支持通过在自由民主体制资本主义经济体系下,通过经济干预和社会干预的手段促进社会正义意识形态。社会民主主义支持代议制参与民主制。社会民主主义主张实行收入再分配,通过调控手段使经济发展符合大众共同利益。建设福利国家亦是社会民主主义的目标之一。[1][2][3]社会民主主义希望使资本主义社会能更加民主、公正和团结。20世纪后半叶,西欧北欧国家,尤其是实行北欧模式的北欧国家,都深受社会民主主义的影响。[4][5]


今日,社会民主主义主要的议题包括消除社会不平等、贫困,以及特权阶级对他人的压迫[11]。同时,社会民主主义者还主张建立面向全民的公共服务体系,比如老人照护儿童保育义务教育全民医保劳工保障英语workers' compensation等体系[12]。社会民主主义亦与工人运动工会有着紧密联系。社会民主主义者支持工人的谈判权,希望能将政治上的民主决策权延伸到经济中,促进雇工与其他经济利益相关者的共同决策[13]




























  • 经由一套管理体制管理民营企业以确保劳工、消费者和中小企业的利益。
  • 社会市场经济超越自由市场,或者,在某些情况和范围下,进行计划经济
  • 拥护公平贸易超越自由贸易
  • 广泛的社会福利体制(虽然大多没有民主社会主义和其他社会主义团体所主张的广泛程度),尤其要缓和贫穷人口,并且为人民投保以避免人民受疾病或失业的影响而失去收入。
  • 由政府持有或者由政府补助,为国民提供教育、医疗系统、孩童照顾等等的服务。
  • 从中等至偏高比率的税率,以支援政府的支出,并实施累进税制度。
  • 一套规范产业的制度(法定的最低工资,确保工作环境,保护劳工免受资方随意的解雇,支持集体谈判权)。
  • 环境保护的法规(但没有绿党主张的那样广泛,反对对企业实施过多管制)。
  • 支持移民多元文化政策
  • 现世主义开放社会政策,虽然在这方面程度不尽相同,但皆支持LGBT权利性别平等和女性自主生育权,部分容许供消遣用的药物大麻等,但或会因为政治上的考量而反对。
  • 支持具国际主义色彩的外交政策,以保护及推广人权,并支持有效的多边主义及国际合作。










  1. ^ Heywood 2012,第128页: "Social democracy is an ideological stance that supports a broad balance between market capitalism, on the one hand, and state intervention, on the other hand. Being based on a compromise between the market and the state, social democracy lacks a systematic underlying theory and is, arguably, inherently vague. It is nevertheless associated with the following views: (1) capitalism is the only reliable means of generating wealth, but it is a morally defective means of distributing wealth because of its tendency towards poverty and inequality; (2) the defects of the capitalist system can be rectified through economic and social intervention, the state being the custodian of the public interest […]"
  2. ^ Miller 1998,第827页: "The idea of social democracy is now used to describe a society the economy of which is predominantly capitalist, but where the state acts to regulate the economy in the general interest, provides welfare services outside of it and attempts to alter the distribution of income and wealth in the name of social justice."
  3. ^ Badie, Berg-Schlosser & Morlino 2011,第2423页: "Social democracy refers to a political tendency resting on three fundamental features: (1) democracy (e.g., equal rights to vote and form parties), (2) an economy partly regulated by the state (e.g., through Keynesianism), and (3) a welfare state offering social support to those in need (e.g., equal rights to education, health service, employment and pensions)."
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Weisskopf 1992,第10页: "Thus social democrats do not try to do away with either the market or private property ownership; instead, they attempt to create conditions in which the operation of a capitalist market economy will lead to more egalitarian outcomes and encourage more democratic and more solidaristic practices than would a more conventional capitalist system."
  5. ^ Gombert et al. 2009,第8页; Sejersted 2011.
  6. ^ Social democracy. Encyclopædia Britannica. [10 August 2015]. (原始内容存档于2018-04-08). 
  7. ^ Adams 1993,第102-103页: "The emergence of social democracy was partly a result of the Cold War. People argued that if the Stalinist Soviet empire, where the state controlled everything, showed socialism in action, then socialism was not worth having. [...] The consensus policies of a mixed and managed economy and the welfare state, developed by the post-war Labour government, seemed in themselves to provide a basis for a viable socialism that would combine prosperity and freedom with social justice and the possibility of a full life for everyone. They could be seen as a compromise between socialism and capitalism."
  8. ^ Miller 1998,第827页: "In the second, mainly post-war, phase, social democrats came to believe that their ideals and values could be achieved by reforming capitalism rather than abolishing it. They favored a mixed economy in which most industries would be privately owned, with only a small number of utilities and other essential services in public ownership."
  9. ^ Jones 2001,第1410页: "In addition, particularly since World War II, distinctions have sometimes been made between social democrats and socialists on the basis that the former have accepted the permanence of the mixed economy and have abandoned the idea of replacing the capitalist system with a qualitatively different socialist society."
  10. ^ Heywood 2012,第125–128页: "As an ideological stance, social democracy took shape around the mid-twentieth century, resulting from the tendency among western socialist parties not only to adopt parliamentary strategies, but also to revise their socialist goals. In particular, they abandoned the goal of abolishing capitalism and sought instead to reform or ‘humanize’ it. Social democracy therefore came to stand for a broad balance between the market economy, on the one hand, and state intervention, on the other."
  11. ^ Hoefer 2013,第29页.
  12. ^ Meyer & Hinchman 2007,第137页.
  13. ^ Meyer & Hinchman 2007,第91页; Upchurch, Taylor & Mathers 2009,第51页.
  14. ^ 现代资本主义和欧洲社会民主主义-中国社会科学在线. [2014-12-12]. (原始内容存档于2015-05-06). 
  15. ^ 社会党国际-法兰克福宣言页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆):"3. Socialism aims to liberate the peoples from dependence on a minority which owns or controls the means of production. It aims to put economic power in the hands of the people as a whole, and to create a community in which free men work together as equals."
  16. ^ 社会党国际-原则宣言页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆):"1. The idea of Socialism has caught the imagination of people across the world, promoted successful political movements, decisively improved the lives of working men and women, and contributed to shaping the 20th century."
  17. ^ Democratic Socialism Works & People Are Happy About It!, page 1. [2014-12-12]. (原始内容存档于2014-12-13). 
  18. ^ 社会党国际-法兰克福宣言页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆):"11.Socialism is an international movement which does not demand a rigid uniformity of approach. Whether Socialists build their faith on Marxist or other methods of analysing society, whether they are inspired by religious or humanitarian principles, they all strive for the same goal—a system of social justice, better living, freedom and world peace."


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