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Dr. Hallowell on the Today show discussing Adult ADD

While ADD tends to be associated with childhood, we’ve learned that it is far more widespread among adults than previously understood. While there are some children with ADD/ADHD who will outgrow it, we now know that the vast majority will not. Listed below are criteria for adult ADD that we developed from our clinical experience:

A sense of underachievement, of not meeting one’s goals (regardless of how much one has actually accomplished). Difficulty getting organized. Chronic procrastination or trouble getting started. Many projects going simultaneously; trouble with follow through. A tendency to say what comes to mind without necessarily considering the timing or appropriateness of the remark. A frequent search for high stimulation. An intolerance of boredom. Easy distractibility; trouble focusing attention, tendency to tune out or drift away in the middle of a page or conversation, often coupled with an inability to focus at times. Often creative, intuitive, highly intelligent Trouble in going through established channels and following “proper” procedure. Impatient; low tolerance of frustration. Impulsive, either verbally or in action, as an impulsive spending of money. Changing plans, enacting new schemes or career plans and the like; hot-tempered. A tendency to worry needlessly, endlessly; a tendency to scan the horizon looking for something to worry about, alternating with attention to or disregard for actual dangers. A sense of insecurity. Mood swings, mood lability, especially when disengaged from a person or a project. Physical or cognitive restlessness. A tendency toward addictive behavior. Chronic problems with self-esteem. Inaccurate self-observation. Family history of AD/HD or manic depressive illness or depression or substance abuse or other disorders of impulse control or mood. Recognizing and treating ADD is just as important for adults as it is for children, as it has a wide ranging impact in careers, marriages and families. [1]

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诊断ADHD的标准系依据DSM-IV-TR精神疾病诊断与统计手册的标准,可以连结至美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)查询。美国疾病管制局强调儿童及成人之ADHD诊断必须由受过专业训练的医疗团队(例如:Pediatric psychiatrist 儿童精神科医师团队)才可,否则容易被误诊与处方,这是相当危险的。

According to the DSM-5, symptoms must be present for six months or more to a degree that is much greater than others of the same age[10] and they must cause significant problems functioning in at least two settings (e.g., social, school/work, or home).[10] The full criteria must have been met prior to age 12 in order to receive a diagnosis of ADHD.[10]

ADHD is divided into three subtypes: predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, and combined type.[10][35] A child with ADHD inattentive type has most or all of following symptoms, excluding situations where these symptoms are better explained by another psychiatric or medical condition:[10][36] Be easily distracted, miss details, forget things, and frequently switch from one activity to another Have difficulty maintaining focus on one task Become bored with a task after only a few minutes, unless doing something enjoyable Have difficulty focusing attention on organizing and completing a task or learning something new Have trouble completing or turning in homework assignments, often losing things (e.g., pencils, toys, assignments) needed to complete tasks or activities Seem to not be listening when spoken to Daydream, become easily confused, and move slowly Have difficulty processing information as quickly and accurately as others Struggle to follow instructions Have trouble understanding minute details

  • 容易分心、粗心、忘记事情且经常从一件事情切换至另一件事情。
  • 难以持续对于一件事情保持专注。
  • 除非是从事自己有兴趣的事情,否则很容易对从事一件事情感到无聊。
  • 难以对组职事情、完成一个任务或学习新事物保持专注。
  • 难以完成或(如期)缴交家庭作业并且经常丢失一些用以完成任务或活动的必备东西(例如:铅笔、玩具、作业)
  • 当你在跟患者说话时,该患者似乎没在听你说话。
  • 白日梦、容易困惑、且移动迟缓。
  • 难以和其他非ADHD的人一样精确且快速的在脑海中处理接收到的资讯。
  • 难以遵从指示。
  • 难以认知细微的细节。

A child with ADHD hyperactive/impulsive type has most or all of the following symptoms, excluding situations where these symptoms are better explained by another psychiatric or medical condition:[10][36] Fidget and squirm in their seats Talk nonstop Dash around, touching or playing with anything and everything in sight Have trouble sitting still during dinner, school, doing homework, and story time Be constantly in motion Have difficulty doing quiet tasks or activities Be very impatient Blurt out inappropriate comments, show their emotions without restraint, and act without regard for consequences Have difficulty waiting for things they want or waiting their turns in games Often interrupt conversations or others' activities

  • 坐在椅子上动来动去
  • 一直讲话
  • 四处东奔西跑、碰触或玩弄视野内的任一或每一个物体。
  • 难以在吃饭时间、学校中、做功课的时间、及故事时间坐着。
  • 一直在移动、动作。
  • 难以从事安静的任务或活动。
  • 非常不耐烦。
  • 脱口说出不恰当的话语、毫无掩饰地直接在表情中流露出心理的想法、不顾后果的豪放不羁。
  • 难以接(忍)受延迟的满足、难耐在游戏中因轮流所产生的等待时间。
  • 经常打断他人的对话或活动。

Symptoms of hyperactivity tend to go away with age and turn into "inner restlessness" in teens and adults with ADHD.[15]

People with ADHD of all ages are more likely to have problems with social skills, such as social interaction and forming and maintaining friendships. This is true for all subtypes. About half of children and adolescents with ADHD experience social rejection by their peers compared to 10–15% of non-ADHD children and adolescents. People with attention deficits are prone to having difficulty processing verbal and nonverbal language which can negatively affect social interaction. They also may drift off during conversations, and miss social cues.[37] Difficulties managing anger are more common in children with ADHD[38] as are poor handwriting[39] and delays in speech, language and motor development.[40][41] Although it causes significant impairment, particularly in modern society, many children with ADHD have a good attention span for tasks they find interesting.[6]
难以管理愤怒情绪的情况则较常在儿童ADHD身上显现。且儿童ADHD通常有写字的困难、言语及行动发展的迟缓。虽然这造成患者在现今社会中很大的障碍,然而许多ADHD在他们有兴趣的事情上都能持续维持专注力。 Associated disorders[edit]
In children, ADHD occurs with other disorders about ⅔ of the time.[6] Some commonly associated conditions include:
Learning disabilities have been found to occur in about 20–30% of children with ADHD. Learning disabilities can include developmental speech and language disorders and academic skills disorders.[42] ADHD, however, is not considered a learning disability, but it very frequently causes academic difficulties.[42]
Tourette syndrome has been found to occur more commonly in the ADHD population.[43]
Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and conduct disorder (CD), which occur with ADHD in about 50% and 20% of cases respectively.[44] They are characterized by antisocial behaviors such as stubbornness, aggression, frequent temper tantrums, deceitfulness, lying, and stealing.[45] About half of those with hyperactivity and ODD or CD develop antisocial personality disorder in adulthood.[46] Brain imaging supports that conduct disorder and ADHD are separate conditions.[47]
Primary disorder of vigilance, which is characterized by poor attention and concentration, as well as difficulties staying awake. These children tend to fidget, yawn and stretch and appear to be hyperactive in order to remain alert and active.[45] Mood disorders (especially bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder). Boys diagnosed with the combined ADHD subtype are more likely to have a mood disorder.[48] Adults with ADHD sometimes also have bipolar disorder, which requires careful assessment to accurately diagnose and treat both conditions.[49] Anxiety disorders have been found to occur more commonly in the ADHD population.[48] Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can co-occur with ADHD and shares many of its characteristics.[45] Substance use disorders. Adolescents and adults with ADHD are at increased risk of substance abuse.[15] This is most commonly seen with alcohol or cannabis.[15] The reason for this may be an altered reward pathway in the brains of ADHD individuals.[15] This makes the evaluation and treatment of ADHD more difficult, with serious substance misuse problems usually treated first due to their greater risks.[18][50] Restless legs syndrome has been found to be more common in those with ADHD and is often due to iron deficiency anaemia.[51][52] However, restless legs can simply be a part of ADHD and requires careful assessment to differentiate between the two disorders.[53] Sleep disorders and ADHD commonly co-exist. They can also occur as a side effect of medications used to treat ADHD. In children with ADHD, insomnia is the most common sleep disorder with behavioral therapy the preferred treatment.[54][55] Problems with sleep initiation are common among individuals with ADHD but often they will be deep sleepers and have significant difficulty getting up in the morning.[56] Melatonin is sometimes used in children who have sleep onset insomnia.[57] People with ADHD have an increased risk of persistent bed wetting.[58] A 2016 systematic review found a well established association between ADHD and obesity, asthma and sleep disorders, and tentative evidence for association with celiac disease and migraine,[59] while another 2016 systematic review did not support a clear link between celiac disease and ADHD, and stated that routine screening for celiac disease in people with ADHD is discouraged.[60]




对此,台湾儿童青少年精神医学会理事长、国立台湾大学医学院附设医院精神科主治医师高淑芬回应指出,对ADHD治疗想法可以很多元,但介入方式必需要有科学证据及严谨的研究设计,包括对象治疗多久,都应受到密切监督.[2] 台湾儿童青少年精神医学会并在其官方公告中发布以标题各为孩子和家长接受专业医疗协助的权利,是需要被维护的20160728公听会-台湾儿童青少年精神医学会新闻稿为首的数份新闻稿,其内容涵盖对于当前治疗策略的明确释疑外,亦重申有科学根据、通过临床试验、获得政府安全许可的把关才是一个疗法对患者人生负责任的体现。

Further agendas: Refer to ADHD page English version to seek for inspiration to optimize the Chinese version of ADHD. Refer to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder talk page written in Chinese characters to see whether or not to get involved in listed activities over there. :D 11/20/2016 20:18



当前之医疗环境仍有许多值得改善之处。 包括:



Myth or frequently asked questions




Reference coverages: ADHD用药争议 立法院上演大对决


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For instance 间接医疗协助 (社会资源协助)






  1. ^ Dr. Hallowell on the Today show discussing Adult ADD
  2. ^ ADHD用药争议 立法院上演大对决, 2016年8月
  3. ^ [www.healthnews.com.tw/news/article/30113/三人成虎 三人成虎_ADHD过动症须正视勿轻信谣传]
  4. ^ 中华民国卫生福利部-社会及家庭署
  5. ^ 中华民国高雄市政府社会局