用户讨论:Pseudo Classes/2021-02
此页面最后更新于2024年7月19日 (五) 17:45 (UTC)。
请问Special:导入页面(您现在可能看不到)中“分配编辑至本地用户,只要命名用户存在于本地”这一勾选项是什么意思?谢谢--东风(留言) 2021年3月29日 (一) 09:18 (UTC)
- ✓Pseudo Classes 于 2021年4月1日 (四) 14:10 (UTC) 已读
- 了解了,感谢您的解释~--东风(留言) 2021年4月1日 (四) 14:11 (UTC)
- 本期内容
- 本期简讯的内容如下:
- 专题导览
- 编辑者可以折叠条目的某些部分,用户必须点击才能看到里面的内容。当您点击了一个指向被折叠内容的链接时,它现在会展开以显示这部分内容。浏览器将向下滚动到该部分。而在以前,这种链接不起作用,除非您已手动展开该内容。 [1]
- API中的citoid将使用
混淆。在Extended Date/Time Format中,这被称为1级而不是0级。 [2] - MediaWiki新版本将于4月6日部署至测试维基及MediaWiki.org,于4月7日部署至非维基百科站点及部分维基百科,并于4月8日部署至所有站点,参见日历。
- PAWS现在可以连接到新的Wiki Replicas。跨数据库
技术新闻由技术大使制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2021年4月5日 (一) 19:40 (UTC)
关于 {{Block}} 模板
您好,我注意到您将 {{Block}} 模板改回了以前的版本(无论移动设备还是电脑都是点开的)。但是请注意,根据该讨论结果,该模板当前的显示效果(电脑上刮开,移动设备点开)是符合预期的,我也更新了模板文档以和实际效果相符。因此我回退了阁下的更改,特此告知。如果您有意见,请在此处 ping 我或者在我的讨论页留言,谢谢!--Tranve (✉) 2021年4月10日 (六) 03:28 (UTC)
帮助:互助客栈 · 删除指导 · 存废复核请求 · IRC聊天频道--Jimmy-bot(留言) 2021年4月17日 (六) 06:35 (UTC)
- 阁下曾提报不符合关注度指引之条目“老鼠爱大米”已过限期,如阁下认为该条目现时尚未合乎关注度标准,可作提删。 --Cewbot(留言) 2021年4月18日 (日) 00:02 (UTC)
- 发给维基媒体旗下站点的电子邮件是由维基媒体编者小组处理,而该志愿者团队现起改用Znuny做出回应,代替原OTRS系统。功能和界面将保持不变。志愿者管理员将尽快提供下一步骤的相关信息。 [3][4]
- 如果您在使用语法突出,您将在编辑模板时在2010版和2017版的维基文本编辑器中看到行号。这将帮助辨别手动换行和谈及特定的行。行号很快将对所有名字空间部署。 [5][6][7]
- 因一项技术变更,提供了类似这个的编辑摘要区域的小工具或用户脚本可能出现问题。如果显示有异,应使用
使其外观恢复原样。 [8] - MediaWiki最新版本将在本周晚些时候部署到维基媒体旗下各Wiki站点。上周无技术新闻和问题。
- 本周没有MediaWiki的新版本。
- 因技术原因,
技术新闻由技术大使制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2021年4月19日 (一) 16:48 (UTC)
Nyhetsbrev nr. 20 fra Wikimedia Norge
Here are the latest news from Wikimedia Norge!
- General assembly
- This year's general assembly was held on March 6th, and the minutes are available here. Amongst other things, it was decided to give Wikimedia Norge an official name in Southern Sámi, Lule Sámi and Kven. That means that we now have 6 official names: Wikimedia Norge (Norwegian Bokmål), Wikimedia Noreg (Norwegian Nynorsk), Wikimedia Norga (Northern Sámi), Wikimedia Vuodna (Lule Sámi), Wikimedia Nöörje (Southern Sámi) and Wikimedia Norja (Kven).
- New board
- Hogne Neteland exited the board after many years of service, we would like to thank him for his efforts! Sigrun Espe continues as board chair. The board has two new board members:
- Fredrik Ljone, Bergen. Board member, elected for the 2021–2023 term. Ljone is dedicated to sharing knowledge, open data and rule of law. He has taken the initiative to make the law more accessible for everyone through jusleksikon.no and rettspraksis.no.
- Stian Amadeus Antonsen, Oslo. Deputy board member, elected for the 2021–2022 term. Antonsen has a lot of experience from different civil society organizations, and works as a political advisor in the Norwegian Students' and Academics' International Assistance Fund (SAIH). He is dedicated to diversity and inclusion, and wants everyone to be able to share in the production and dissemination of knowledge.
- Welcome to them both!
- Arctic Knot
- On June 24–25, Wikimedia Norge will organize the digital Arctic Knot Wikimedia Language Conference.
- Wikipedia is a cornerstone of the digital age, but the knowledge you'll find isn't evenly distributed across languages. The Wikimedia movement is about to implement its 2030 strategy, while UNESCO is working on the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL), which starts in 2022. IDIL shows the potential that technology has in supporting and maintaining indigenous languages. These milestones form a frame for the conference, where we will discuss linguistic diversity in the Wikimedia projects, and how to build good linguistic environments for the users of indigenous and underrepresented language communities.
- Arctic Knot is a conference for all Wikipedians and Wikimedians who are interested in indigenous languages, and also for organizations and institutions working in this field. This year's special focus will be on the Sámi languages. If you have any questions, please get in touch with Jon Harald Søby at [email protected].
- Administrator meetup
- On Saturday, March 20, we held a administrator meetup for the Norwegian-language Wikimedia projects. There were 10 participants, of which one is a Wiktionary administrator, and the rest are administrators on the Norwegian Bokmål Wikipedia. The meetup was initiated by Wikimedia Norge on request from the community.
- During the meetup there was a walkthrough of "hidden" or little-known administrator tools, like mass deletion, new blocking options and patrolling tools. There was also broad agreement that there is a need to update and centralize rules and guidelines on-wiki.
- Wikimedia Enterprise
- With its new project Wikimedia Enterprise, the Wikimedia Foundation is working on a way to cooperate with commercial actors like Google and Amazon. A lot of commercial actors are already using Wikimedia content, but without any formal agreements or financial compensation. Wikimedia Enterprise is meant to be a service that will improve the user experience of Wikimedia outside of the Wikimedia platforms, and also be financially self-sustaining.
- According to an article in Wired, the Wikimedia Foundation wants to make the effort of the volunteers more visible, and stimulate the tech giants to help contribute to the volunteer community.
- Wikipedia 20 years
- The Norwegian minister of education, Guri Melby, has sent a video message to all Wikipedians in connection with the 20th anniversary! Go have a look! Remember that you too can send a message!
Have you already paid your membership fees for 2021? If not, you can always do so by re-registering on this page.
This newsletter is posted by a bot. Leave feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe
Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 2021年4月20日 (二) 14:40 (UTC)
帮助:互助客栈 · 删除指导 · 存废复核请求 · IRC聊天频道--Jimmy-bot(留言) 2021年4月22日 (四) 07:35 (UTC)
{{Sockpuppeteer|checked=yes}} | Draft:Template:Sockpuppeteer |
{{Sockpuppeteer}} | Draft:Template:Sockpuppeteer |
--CreeperDigital1903 2021年4月24日 (六) 01:36 (UTC)
帮助:互助客栈 · 删除指导 · 存废复核请求 · IRC聊天频道--Jimmy-bot(留言) 2021年4月24日 (六) 16:35 (UTC)
2021年4月26日 (一) 21:24 (UTC)
- Twinkle是英语维基百科上的一个小工具,有助于进行维护和巡查工作。这个小工具现在可以在其他wiki上使用。您可以透过GitHub上的twinkle-starter仓库在您的wiki上取得Twinkle。
- 内容翻译工具有一段时间在一些条目无法运作。这是因为有一个缺陷。 [12]
- 为了进行避免程式崩溃的更新,在5月5日06:00 UTC左右的一分钟内,部分功能将无法正常运作,这影响到内容翻译工具、通知和一些其他功能。 [13]
- 参考文献预览将于5月5日成为部分维基的默认功能。由于一些更改,这比预期中晚。如果您想的话您可以使用它而不使用页面预览。之前的计划是可以选择同时启用或同时不启用。 [14][15]
- MediaWiki新版本将于5月4日部署至测试维基及MediaWiki.org,于5月5日部署至非维基百科站点及部分维基百科,于5月6日部署至所有站点,参见日历。
- 如果没有在您的wiki上特别定义CSS类别
,这些类别不适用于移动版读者。自6月起这些类别也不再适用于桌面版读者。这将影响小工具和模板,这些类别可以改成在MediaWiki:Common.css或模板样式中定义。 [16]
2021年5月3日 (一) 15:43 (UTC)
Template:Infobox album/link
但正如文件所述,“当修改本模板时,请一并更新Template:Infobox album/color。”,只修改Template:Infobox album/link,不标准的唱片信息框的分类不会消失,所以请阁下也修改Template:Infobox album/color。
再一次打扰阁下,不好意思。-- 约翰同志-条目裱糊匠(留言) 2021年5月3日 (一) 17:51 (UTC)
- @Comrade John:文件页没有被保护,您可自行修正。 2021年5月4日 (二) 01:38 (UTC)
- Sanmosa已修改color和doc,打扰阁下,不好意思。-- 约翰同志-条目裱糊匠(留言) 2021年5月4日 (二) 08:15 (UTC)
- @Comrade John:之后,如果遇到相同情形,请提多次编辑请求,好让编辑员一并处理,避免编辑员没有时间处理。 2021年5月4日 (二) 16:42 (UTC)
- 《封禁方针》:依现时的实际执行情况修订〈标记用户页〉一节内容。(讨论纪录)
- 《格式手册(朝鲜半岛用语)》暨《格式手册(两岸四地用语)》:规范描述下级行政区划时所使用的论述依据。(讨论纪录)
- 《回退功能方针》暨《新页面巡查方针》:依据社群讨论结果,将上述方针中关于移动时不留重定向的内容整合至《重定向方针》。(讨论纪录)
- 《格式手册(标点符号)》:在〈引号〉一节中补充引号应当用于展示情绪化的意见,并微调对于正文中引文长度的规范。(讨论纪录)
- 《修订版本删除方针》:修订〈概要〉及〈上诉及讨论〉等节,补充、修正内容语病。(讨论纪录)
- 《存废复核方针》:修订导言及〈管理员须知〉一节内容,补充提及修订版本删除。(讨论纪录)
- 《快速删除方针》:废除R3准则条文中关于侵权临时页面重定向页面的内容(讨论纪录),后新增R8准则条文,适用于带有“(消歧义)”字样,且无连入的重定向页面。(讨论纪录)
- 《申请成为管理人员指引》:修订〈流程〉一节内容,明定投票冷静期的起算时间。(讨论纪录)
- 方针:《管理员的离任方针》、《快速删除方针》(一、二)、《侵犯著作权方针》、《不要人身攻击方针》、《机器人方针》、《傀儡方针》、《条目所有权方针》、《保护方针》、《管理员方针》、《修订版本删除方针》、《管理战方针》、《维基百科不是什么》、《生者传记方针》、《文件使用方针》、《编辑禁制方针》、《破坏方针》、《忽略所有规则》、《模板编辑员方针》、《命名常规》、《可供查证方针》、《行政员方针》及《监督方针》。
- 指引:《格式手册(旗帜)》、《捷径指引》、《标志指引》、《高风险模板指引》、《签名指引》、《权限申请指引》、《关注度指引(音乐)》、《隐退指引》、《关注度指引(人物)》、《关注度指引》、《重定向指引》、《格式手册(标点符号)》、《电子游戏条目指引》、《繁简处理指引》、《关注度指引(交通)》、《格式手册(日期和数字)》及《格式手册(文字格式)》。
Books & Bytes – Issue 43
Books & Bytes
Issue 43, March – April 2021
- New Library Card designs
- 1Lib1Ref May
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --2021年5月10日 (一) 11:12 (UTC)
- 您可以在5月22–23日的线上维基媒体黑客松看到参与者计划进行的工作。
2021年5月10日 (一) 15:09 (UTC)
- 回复工具有一个新的工具列,它在维基文本源代码模板中运作,您可以在您的偏好设定中启用。 [17] [18] [19]
- 维基媒体邮件列表将移动到较新版本的Mailman 3,为了使字符编码运作,将从
。 [20][21] - 在技术新闻的先前公告中提到citoid API将以新的方式处理有月份无日的日期,这现已被回退,在更新之前,这对于不同维基的影响需要有更多讨论。 [22]
2021年5月17日 (一) 13:49 (UTC)
Growth Newsletter #18
Welcome to the eighteenth newsletter from the Growth team!
The Growth team's objective is to work on software changes that help retain new contributors in mid-size Wikimedia projects.
Structured tasks
"Add a link" is now being tested in production and is nearing release on our four pilot wikis (Arabic, Czech, Vietnamese, and Bengali Wikipedias). We'll be doing final tests this week and next week, and then plan to deploy to the four wikis either during May 24 week, or May 31 week. After two weeks, we will analyze the initial data to identify any problems or trends. We expect that this feature will engage new kinds of newcomers in easy and successful edits. If things are going well after four weeks, we'll progressively deploy it to the wikis with Growth features.
News for mentors
- We are currently working on a Mentor dashboard. This special page aims to help mentors be more proactive and be more successful at their role. The first iteration will include a table that shows an overview of the mentors current mentees, a module with their own settings, and a module that will allow them to store their best replies to their mentees questions.
- We've conducted our quarterly audit on Growth's four pilot wikis to see the activity of mentors. It appears that the vast majority of mentors are active.
Community configuration
We are working on project to allow communities to manage the configuration of the Growth features on their own. In the past, communities have needed to work directly with the Growth team to set up and alter the features. We plan to put this capability in the hands of administrators, through an easy-to-use form, so that the features can be easily tailored to fit the needs of each community. While we developed it initially for Growth features, we think this approach could have uses in other features as well. We'll be trying this on our pilot wikis in the coming weeks, and then we'll bring it to all Growth wikis soon after. We hope you check out the project page and add any of your thoughts to the talk page.
- Growth features are now available on 35 wikis. Here is the list of the most recent ones: 罗马尼亚语维基百科, 丹麦语维基百科, 泰语维基百科, 印尼语维基百科, 克罗地亚语维基百科, 阿尔巴尼亚语维基百科, 世界语维基百科, 印地语维基百科, 书面挪威语维基百科, 日文维基百科, 泰卢固语维基百科, 西班牙语维基百科, 简单英语维基百科, 马来语维基百科, 泰米尔语维基百科, 希腊语维基百科, 加泰罗尼亚语维基百科.
- A new group of Wikipedias has been defined for the deployment of Growth features. Please contact us if you have questions about the deployment process, or if your community likes to get the features in advance.
- After discussion with the English Wikipedia community, the Growth features will be tested on a small percentage of new accounts. At the moment, registered users can test the features by turning them on in their preferences.
Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
2021年5月17日 (一) 15:23 (UTC)
帮助:互助客栈 · 删除指导 · 存废复核请求 · IRC聊天频道--CreeperDigital1903 2021年5月23日 (日) 11:42 (UTC)
- 《关注度指引(交通)》:修正前次制定指引时的失误,使〈物理路线〉一节内容适用于〈铁路车站〉一节中所列收录要求第一条。(讨论纪录)
- 《快速删除方针》:修订〈其他页面〉一节,新增O8准则,适用于在伪命名空间中建立的非重定向页面;相关模组一并修订。(讨论纪录)
- 《捷径指引》:“NC”(命名常规)及“NT”(关注度)伪命名空间经社群讨论通过正式建立。(讨论纪录)
- 模组:Citation/CS1及其相关模组模组:Citation/CS1/Configuration、模组:Citation/CS1/Whitelist获得更新,解决“url-status”与“dead-url”参数的相容问题。(讨论纪录)
- 经社群讨论通过,新条目推荐候选投票须知微调,限定投票时可使用的支持及反对模板,方便点票工作。(讨论纪录)
- 过去一个月内,共有9名维基人获提名维基奖励并通过:慕尼黑啤酒获授体育特别贡献、Boattoad获授维基摄影专家、Sya eki获授拓荒特别贡献、Easterlies获授维基翻译专家、Ericliu1912获授维基翻译专家、Outlookxp获授激励特别贡献、S8321414获授更新特别贡献、SickManWP获授维基指导专家、卡达获授维基翻译专家。
- 维基媒体运动一直在Freenode网络上使用IRC,但控制该网络的人发生了一些变化,因此Wikimedia IRC Group Contacts决定移动到新的Libera Chat网络,这不是要移动全部频道的正式决定,但大多数的维基媒体IRC都可能会离开Freenode。有一个迁移指南,及对此进行中的维基媒体讨论。
2021年5月24日 (一) 17:07 (UTC)
Nyhetsbrev nr. 21 fra Wikimedia Norge
Hello, here are the latest news from Wikimedia Norge!
- Arctic Knot
- On June 24–25, the Arctic Knot Wikimedia Language Conference is finally under way! The conference is fully digital, and we hope you'll find the program interesting! There will be exciting talks and panel debates, and an opportunity to get to know projects like Abstract Wikipedia and Wikisource.
- The full program is now available on Meta-Wiki, and you can read more about the conference on our blog.
- Registration for the conference has opened, and participation is free of charge.
- You can register all the way up until the conference starts, but if you wish to participate in the Unlocking the potential of digital language archives session, you need to register by June 20th in order to be able to use the Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR) as the session is happening.
- The program is varied and exciting, and we think everyone will find something interesting in the program.
- Du you wish to contribute to the conference as a volunteer? All participation is very welcome!
- Maybe you'd like to help test the platform we'll be using beforehand? Or do you have any questions you think should be raised during the panel debate? Maybe you'd like to contribute with entertainment of some sort? Get in touch on [email protected]!
- The monthly contest on Wikipedia
- The subject of June's monthly contest will be artists. Edits to all articles on artists will yield points, but we hope many would like to write about Sámi and other indigenous artists!
- Wikimania
- This year's Wikimania will also be fully digital, enabling even more people to participate. The theme will be 20 years of Wikipedia, so it is a time to celebrate what the Wikimedia movement has achieved, and look back on the journey that led us here. You can now propose sessions for Wikimania. If you have an idea for a session, but are not sure about how to angle it, feel free to get in touch with us. We can help with brainstorming and whatever else you need!
- Wiki meet-ups
- It's not long before we can hold in-person meet-ups again, and some plans are already under way. It would be great for more people to be able to join meet-ups. Wikimedia Norge can help financially if you wish to organize a meet-up where you live.
- We will still be organizing meet-ups, workshops and admin meet-ups at (ir)regular intervals, either digitally or in-person. If you have any ideas for topics, feel free to get in touch with Jon Harald ([email protected])!
Have you already paid your membership fees for 2021? If not, you can always do so by re-registering on this page.
This newsletter is posted by a bot. Leave feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe
Jon Harald Søby 2021年5月28日 (五) 12:40 (UTC)
- 之前Vector外观上的分类文字及页面标题下的提示文字大小有问题,已在上周一修复。 [24]
- 本周没有MediaWiki的新版本。
2021年5月31日 (一) 17:05 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes later this week
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 8 June. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 9 June. It will be on all wikis from 10 June (calendar).
Future changes
- The Wikimedia movement uses Phabricator for technical tasks. This is where we collect technical suggestions, bugs and what developers are working on. The company behind Phabricator will stop working on it. This will not change anything for the Wikimedia movement now. It could lead to changes in the future. [25][26][27]
- Searching on Wikipedia will find more results in some languages. This is mainly true for when those who search do not use the correct diacritics because they are not seen as necessary in that language. For example searching for
doesn't findBędusz
on German Wikipedia. The characterę
isn't used in German so many would writee
instead. This will work better in the future in some languages. [28] - The CSRF token parameters in the action API were changed in 2014. The old parameters from before 2014 will stop working soon. This can affect bots, gadgets and user scripts that still use the old parameters. [29][30]
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
2021年6月7日 (一) 20:02 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Logged-in users on the mobile web can choose to use the advanced mobile mode. They now see categories in a similar way as users on desktop do. This means that some gadgets that have just been for desktop users could work for users of the mobile site too. If your wiki has such gadgets you could decide to turn them on for the mobile site too. Some gadgets probably need to be fixed to look good on mobile. [31]
- Language links on Wikidata now works for multilingual Wikisource. [32]
Changes later this week
- There is no new MediaWiki version this week.
Future changes
- In the future we can't show the IP of unregistered editors to everyone. This is because privacy regulations and norms have changed. There is now a rough draft of how showing the IP to those who need to see it could work.
- German Wikipedia, English Wikivoyage and 29 smaller wikis will be read-only for a few minutes on 22 June. This is planned between 5:00 and 5:30 UTC. [33]
- All wikis will be read-only for a few minutes in the week of 28 June. More information will be published in Tech News later. It will also be posted on individual wikis in the coming weeks. [34][35]
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2021年6月14日 (一) 20:26 (UTC)
。这可能影响防滥用过滤器。 [36]
- 6月22日,您将有几分钟只能阅读而不能编辑德语维基百科、英语维基导游和29个小Wiki。这计划于UTC时间5时00分至5时30分进行。 [37]
2021年6月21日 (一) 15:49 (UTC)
Editing news 2021 #2
在接下来的几个月内,工作团队预计以默认开启的方式开放回复工具给所有使用者; 而这套模式已经在阿拉伯、捷克与匈牙利文版本的维基百科中使用。
2021年6月24日 (四) 14:12 (UTC)
- 有启用Growth功能的Wiki现在可以直接在各自的Wiki配置Growth功能。这运用到新的特殊页面
。 [38] - 维基文库有一个新的光学字元辨识工具。如果您不想在维基文库上看到“准确文本”按钮,您可以在您的common.css页面加上
.ext-wikisource-ExtractTextWidget { display: none; }
。 [39]
- 6月29日,您将有几分钟只能阅读而不能编辑维基媒体基金会的Wiki。这计划于UTC时间14时00分进行。 [40][41]
2021年6月28日 (一) 16:31 (UTC)