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根据《1867年宪法法令》(Constitution Act, 1867)第91(26)条,加拿大国会加拿大的婚姻及离婚拥有独有的立法权限。《1867年宪法法令》亦在第92(12)条赋予省级立法机构制定法例以规管婚礼的举行(solemnization of marriage)的的权力。


在加拿大结婚,可以选择举行世俗婚姻(civil marriage)仪式,亦可以选择举行宗教婚姻(religious marriage)仪式。婚礼可由神职人员、婚姻监誓员(marriage commissioner)、法官、太平绅士或法庭书记(clerk of the court)主持,具体取决于各省及地区规管婚礼的法律。2001年,加拿大76.4%的婚姻为宗教婚姻,其馀的23.6%则由非神职人员主持。






联邦《婚姻(亲等限制)法令》(Marriage (Prohibited Degrees) Act)第2条[2]禁止以下关系的人士结婚:

(1) Subject to subsection (2), persons related by consanguinity, affinity or adoption are not prohibited from marrying each other by reason only of their relationship.
(2) No person shall marry another person if they are related lineally, or as brother or sister or half-brother or half-sister, including by adoption.


(1) 除第(2)款另有规定外,有血亲姻亲领养关系的人不会仅因他们之间的关系而不得结婚。
(2) 任何人不得与其直系亲属、其同胞兄弟姊妹,或其同父异母或同母异父兄弟姊妹(包括由领养产生的兄弟姊妹关系)结婚。


  • Short title 简称
  • No prohibition 没有限制
  • Prohibition 限制
  • Marriage not invalid 婚姻有效
  • Marriage void 婚姻无效
  • Complete code 完整规则
  • Commencement 生效日期



结婚的双方必须自由同意。 强迫他人结婚为《刑事法典》(Criminal Code)第293.1条所订明的刑事罪行[3]此外,《世俗婚姻法令》(Civil Marriage Act)第2.1条订定:“双方需在自由兼知情的同意下才能结婚成为彼此的配偶。”(Marriage requires the free and enlightened consent of two persons to be the spouse of each other.)[4]





  • 卑诗省:19岁,或16岁(经家长同意)。[11][12]
  • 亚伯达省:18岁,或16岁(经所有家长或法定监护人同意)。[13]
  • 沙斯卡寸旺省:18岁,或16岁(需由家长或监护人在沙斯卡寸旺省结婚许可证发出人、神职人员或任何获授权监理誓章(take affidavits)的人在场的情况下签署并填写《未成年人士结婚同意书》(Consent to Marriage of a Minor)表格。“如果家长或监护人拒绝同意结婚,未成年人可以向省级法院或皇座法庭的法官申请免除其同意要求的裁定。未成年人可以通过向沙斯卡寸旺省的法院申请的方式以获得法官的裁定。”)。[14]
  • 缅尼吐巴省:18岁。[15]
  • 安大略省:18岁,或16岁(需获得双方家长的书面同意)。[16]
  • 魁北克省:18岁,或16岁(经法院批准)。[17]
  • 纽宾士域省:18岁,或16岁(需获得家长或监护人签署的同意誓章)。[18]
  • 诺华斯高沙省:19岁,或17岁(需填写并签署同意书表格) [19]
  • 爱德华王子岛省:18岁,或18岁以下(需获得家长填写并签署同意书表格)。[20]
  • 纽芬兰与拉布拉多省:19岁,或19岁以下(“可能需要特别同意”)。 [21]
  • 育空地区:19岁,或19岁以下(经家长或法定法定监护人同意)。 [22]
  • 西北地区:19岁,或19岁以下(经家长同意)。 [23]
  • 努拿乌特地区:19岁,或16岁(经家长同意)。 [24]



加拿大境内的离婚事宜由联邦《离婚法令》(Divorce Act)规管。[25]


  • 婚姻已破裂至无可挽救,且双方分居已满一年(《离婚法令》第8(2)(a)条)
  • 一方曾有通奸(adultery)行为(《离婚法令》第8(2)(b)(i)条)
  • 一方曾“以身体或精神上虐待的方式对待另一方,以致其无法容忍继续同居”(《离婚法令》第8(2)(b)(ii)条)


  • 1 - Short Title 简称
  • 2 - Interpretation 释义
  • 3 - Jurisdiction 司法管辖权
  • 7.1 - Duties 责任
  • 7.1 - Parties to a Proceeding 诉讼各方
  • 7.7 - Legal Adviser 法律顾问
  • 7.8 - Court 法庭
  • 8 - Divorce 离婚
  • 15 - Corollary Relief 推断性济助
  • 15.1 - Child Support Orders 子女赡养令
  • 15.2 - Spousal Support Orders 配偶赡养令
  • 15.3 - Priority 优先次序
  • 16 - Best Interests of the Child 儿童的最佳利益(即“最能保障儿童利益的情况”)
  • 16.1 - Parenting Orders 管养令[26]
  • 16.5 - Contact Orders 探视令
  • 16.7 - Change in Place of Residence 居住地方的改变
  • 16.9 - Relocation 迁移
  • 17 - Variation, Rescission or Suspension of Orders 命令的更改、撤销或中止
  • 20 - Legal Effect, Enforcement, Compliance and Assignment 法律效力、执行、遵从及转让
  • 21 - Appeals 上诉
  • 21.1 - General 通则
  • 32 - Transitional Provisions 过渡性条文
  • 33 - Divorce Act, R.S. 1970, c. D-8
  • 35.1 - Divorce Act, R.S. 1985, c. 3 (2nd Supp.)
  • 36 - Commencement 生效日期



在加拿大,践行多配偶制婚姻(polygamy)属于刑事罪行[3]但极少被检控。2014年3月,加拿大摩门教一分支组织的两领袖[27]布莱克摩尔(Winston Blackmore)及奥利(James Oler)被控以践行多配偶制婚姻的罪行。[28]对他们的检控是加拿大65年来首例此类案件。[29]2007年,卑诗省的一名独立检控员(independent prosecutor)建议加拿大的法院就“将践行多配偶制婚姻定为犯罪的法律是否符合宪法”作出裁定。[30]卑诗省最高法院(Supreme Court of British Columbia)在2011年的一个案件转介(reference case)中维持了加拿大关于多配偶制婚姻的法律。[31][32]





  1. ^ Marriages. The Daily. Statistics Canada. November 20, 2003 [2022-02-21]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04). 
  2. ^ Marriage (Prohibited Degrees) Act页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), SC 1990, c. 46.
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Criminal Code, RSC 1985, c. C-46.. [2022-02-21]. (原始内容存档于2022-01-15). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Civil Marriage Act, SC 2005, c. 33.. [2022-02-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-26). 
  5. ^ Zero Tolerance for Barbaric Cultural Practices Act, SC 2015, c 29, http://canlii.ca/t/52m2q retrieved on 2018-06-24
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Julia Nicol. Legislative Summary of Bill S-7: An Act to amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, the Civil Marriage Act and the Criminal Code and to make consequential amendments to other Acts. Library of Parliament. 2015-01-26 [2018-06-24]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-21). 
  7. ^ Zero Tolerance for Barbaric Cultural Practices Act: Order Fixing the Day on which this Order is registered as the Day on which Part 3 of the Act Comes into Force. Vol. 149 no. 3. 2015-07-17 [2018-06-24]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-15). 
  8. ^ Laura Payton. 'Barbaric cultural practices' bill debate limited by Conservatives. CBC.ca. 2015-03-12 [2018-06-24]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-21). The legislation, bill S-7, originated in the Senate and would make it illegal for anyone under 16 to get married. 
  9. ^ Olga Khazan. A Strange Map of the World's Child-Marriage Laws. The Atlantic. 2015-03-09 [2018-06-24]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-21). 
  10. ^ Stewart Bell. Conservatives propose increasing legal marriage age to 16, say it will keep 'barbaric cultural practices' out of Canada. National Post. 2014-11-05 [2018-06-24]. 
  11. ^ Marriage Act. bclaws.ca. [2020-05-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-25). 
  12. ^ Formal Marriage Requirements. bclearningnetwork.com. [2020-05-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-24). 
  13. ^ Get a marriage licence. alberta.ca. [2020-05-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-14) (加拿大英语). 
  14. ^ Marriage Licences | Marriages. Government of Saskatchewan. [2020-05-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-06) (英语). 
  15. ^ Manitoba Vital Statistics Agency | Province of Manitoba. Province of Manitoba - Manitoba Vital Statistics Agency. [2020-05-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-30) (英语). 
  16. ^ Getting married. ontario.ca. [2020-05-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-31). 
  17. ^ Legal age for marriage. Ministère de la justice. [2020-05-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-19) (英语). 
  18. ^ Government of New Brunswick, Canada. Getting Married - Frequently Asked Questions. www2.snb.ca. 2017-10-16 [2020-05-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-04) (英语). 
  19. ^ Scotia, Communications Nova. Apply for a Marriage Licence. novascotia.ca. 2018-05-01 [2020-05-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-04) (英语). 
  20. ^ Toolkit, Web Experience. Getting a Marriage Licence in PEI. princeedwardisland.ca. 2016-12-20 [2020-05-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-20). 
  21. ^ Getting Married. Service NL. [2020-05-20] (加拿大英语). 
  22. ^ MARRIAGE ACT (PDF). gov.yk.ca/. [2020-05-20]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2020-09-25). 
  23. ^ Marriage. justice.gov.nt.ca. [2020-05-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-21) (加拿大英语). 
  24. ^ Nunavut Marriage FAQs. canadianbirthcertificate.com. [2020-05-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-21). 
  25. ^ Divorce Act, RSC 1985, c. 3 (2nd Supp.). Justice Laws Website. Department of Justice (Canada). 2007 [2022-02-21]. (原始内容存档于2007-01-02). 
  26. ^ 子女管養權及探視權報告書 (PDF). 香港法律改革委员会. 2005-03 [2022-09-04]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2022-07-10). 
  27. ^ 邦廷富一夫多妻兩人罪成候判 各擁5及25名妻子. www.mingpaocanada.com. 明报加拿大. [2022-02-21]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-01). 
  28. ^ Bountiful sect members face polygamy, child-related charges. CBC News. 2014-08-13 [2018-07-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-21). 
  29. ^ Lak, Daniel. Canada's polygamy legislation. CBC News. January 21, 2009 [2011-12-05]. (原始内容存档于2010-01-27). 
  30. ^ Dowd, Allan. Canada urged to review legality of polygamy ban. Reuters. August 1, 2007 [2011-12-05]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-21). 
  31. ^ Canada's polygamy laws upheld by B.C. Supreme Court. CBC News. November 23, 2011 [2011-12-05]. (原始内容存档于2013-08-30). 
  32. ^ Reference re: Section 293 of the Criminal Code of Canada, 2011 BCSC 1588, Canadian Legal Information Institute 
  33. ^ Judge tosses convicted B.C. polygamists' constitutional challenge. CBC News. 2018-03-09 [2018-07-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-25). Winston Blackmore and James Oler were found guilty of having multiple wives in B.C. Supreme Court last July. They returned to court to argue their convictions were null because the law itself was unconstitutional under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. On Friday, B.C. Supreme Court Justice Sheri Ann Donegan rejected the argument, stating that Blackmore and Oler considered their lifestyles above the law when they continued to marry women in Bountiful, B.C. 
  34. ^ Winston Blackmore and James Oler found guilty of polygamy by B.C. judge. CBC News. 2017-07-24 [2018-07-19]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-10). Two former religious leaders in B.C. have been found guilty of polygamy after marrying more than two dozen women over the course of 25 years.