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最近一届2019 (二百周年)
(官方开埠200周年网页) (英文)

新加坡开埠[1]英文the founding of Singapore[2][3]是指1819年,英国人莱佛士爵士短暂到访新加坡,和天猛公阿都拉曼以及苏丹胡先,三人在2月6日签署条约,批准英国东印度公司在新加坡开设贸易港 [2][4]。另外,因为古代新加坡都曾经是一个主要的商埠,[5] 所以亦会称1819年为“现代新加坡开埠the founding of modern Singapore)”。[6][7][8] 而新加坡政府会在特定的重要周年年份举办不同的纪念活动。[6]




18世纪后期,大英帝国大清帝国商贸日益频繁,而对于航海路线中途设置英国控制据点的需求亦越来越大。于是,英国东印度公司先后在1786年同1791年和吉打的苏丹签订条约租借马来西亚半岛西面的槟城[9]。而在1795年,第一次反法同盟战争期间,荷兰威廉五世在战火下流亡英国,他签发一系列后世称为《基佑宫信函(Kew Letters)》的信件给予荷兰在海外不同的殖民地,指示当地总督将管治权暂时交托给予英国,当中包括马六甲巴东等地[10]

1811年,柔佛的苏丹马末.沙三世(Mahmud Shah III)离世,随即触发他两个儿子谁人继位做新苏丹的问题。大儿子东姑胡先(Tengku Hussein)当时不在柔佛,而是在彭亨举办婚礼,于是乎小儿子东姑阿都拉曼(Tengku Abdul Rahman)把握几会继位成为新苏丹[11]。而大儿子之后就被人放逐隐居到廖内群岛入面的一个岛上[11]





之后在1819年1月28日,莱佛士爵士抵达新加坡[2]。他旋即安排会见当时的天猛公阿都拉曼(Abdul Rahman),并在两日后签订临时协议[17],而且事后立即举行英国旗升旗礼。但因为协议只属临时性质,所以仍然需要一份由当地苏丹签署的正式协议落实[11]












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video icon Princess Alexandra In Singapore (1969)

去到第二年,时任总理李光耀选择2月6日,在新加坡商会筹备的开埠150周年纪念宴会入面致辞,作为一连串庆祝活动的开首[32][3]。当年官方不单只发行纪念邮票与金币[33][34],还特别邀请英国皇室出席开埠纪念活动。当时雅丽珊郡主(Princess Alexandra)就接受新加坡政府的邀请,代表英国女皇伊利沙伯二世出访新加坡参加。在新加坡的七日行程入面,雅丽珊郡主不单只参加开埠纪念节目,出席新加坡国庆日庆典巡游,亦探访新加坡居民[35]




殖民地政府提早一年成立两个特别委员会,为庆祝开埠一百周年出谋献计[37]。“百年纪念委员会(Centenary Memorial Committee)”作为其中一个委员会,决定设立一个基金为高等教育同兴建一所本地大学筹集资金[38]。这个基金随后促成莱佛士学院(Raffles College)的成立,而学院最后会演变成今日的新加坡国立大学[38]





加文纳桥 (Cavenagh Bridge) 于1869年开幕,来庆祝新加坡开埠50周年[41]。这条桥是以1859至1867年期间,海峡殖民地最后一任总督 William O. Cavenagh 爵士的名字而命名[41]



  1. ^ 总理李显龙. 国庆群众大会 2019. 新加坡总理办公室. 2019年2月6日. (原始内容存档于2022年11月7日). 各位同胞,大家晚上好!新加坡开埠200周年纪念
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Stamford Raffles’s landing in Singapore. Singapore Infopedia. 新加坡国家图书馆管理局. (原始内容存档于14 September 2022) (英语). 28 Jan 1819: The Indiana and Enterprise anchor at St John’s Island. Raffles and Farquhar meet the Temenggong...30 Jan 1819: A draft agreement is penned between the Temenggong and the British, and the Union Jack is raised with little ceremony...6 Feb 1819: The Singapore Treaty is signed between Raffles, the Sultan and the Temenggong, with commanders from the accompanying seven ships witnessing the event... The Union Jack is officially raised. This date is recognised as the official founding of Singapore. 
  4. ^ SINGAPORE TREATY IS SIGNED: 6th Feb 1819. HistorySG. 新加坡国家图书馆管理局. (原始内容存档于28 July 2022) (英语). On 6 February 1819, Sir Stamford Raffles, Temenggong Abdur Rahman and Sultan Hussein Shah of Johor signed a treaty that gave the British East India Company (EIC) the right to set up a trading post in Singapore. In exchange, Sultan Hussein received a yearly sum of 5,000 Spanish dollars while the Temenggong received 3,000 Spanish dollars. It was also on this day that the British flag was formally hoisted on Singapore, marking the birth of Singapore as a British settlement. 
  5. ^ China trade. Singapore Infopedia. 新加坡国家图书馆管理局. (原始内容存档于13 January 2023). Temasek, the name for Singapore, emerged as an important port in the early 14th century. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Plans to mark 200th anniversary of the founding of modern Singapore in 2019: PM Lee. The Straits Times. 31 December 2017. (原始内容存档于21 October 2021) (英语). The Singapore story did not begin in 1965, the year of independence. Instead, it stretches back 700 years, telling a tale of ebb and flow...Even before Raffles' arrival at St John's Island on Jan 28 that year, Singapore had a rich history, harking back to the 14th century when it was a maritime emporium. 
  7. ^ Farquhar & Raffles: The Untold Story. BiblioAsia. 新加坡国家图书馆管理局. 31 January 2019. (原始内容存档于15 January 2023) (英语). Farquhar deserves as much credit as Raffles in the founding of modern Singapore. 
  8. ^ 林志强. 淡马锡古国的遭遇. 联合早报. (原始内容存档于2021年6月17日). 淡马锡在王大渊到来之前已经亡国,再也不是商船前来贸易的港口 
  9. ^ Penang Port Commission. HISTORY PENANG PORT. (原始内容存档于2022年11月26号) (英语). Prior to the English, Penang was originally part of the Malay Sultanate of Kedah . It's known as a harbour for pirates at that time. In 1786, Francis Light established Penang the first British trading post in the Far East . Light had persuaded the Sultan of Kedah to cede Penang to the British East India Company in exchange for military protection from the Siamese and Burmese armies who were threatening Kedah. On11 August 1786, Captain Francis Light, known as the founder of Penang, landed in Penang and renamed it Prince of Wales Island in honor of the heir to the British throne. In 1790, when Sultan Abdullah of Kedah heard that the British would not give protection, he formed an army to get rid of the Dutch and the English. He assembled his men at Prai to retake the island of Penang but was defeated. Captain Francis Light had carried out night raids on the enemy's fortress. In 1791, Sultan Abdullah signed a treaty with the British handing over Penang Island to the British. Light promised to pay the Sultan 6,000 Spanish dollars annually. Today, almost two centuries later, the Penang State Government still pays RM 18,800.00 to the Sultan of Kedah annually. 
  10. ^ Andrew Porter. 《The Oxford History of the British Empire: Volume III: The Nineteenth Century》. Oxford University Press. : 374. ISBN 0199246785 (英语). The French Revolutionary Wars drastically reduced the Dutch position in South-East Asia but increased the French challenge to Britain. After the French invaded the Netherlands, William V fled to England and issued the Kew Letters (1795) instructing Dutch Governors overseas to transfer their territories to British safe-keeping. Britain consequently occupied the Cape, Ceylon, Padang (Sumatra), Malacca, Ambon, and Banda. 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 11.2 美国国会图书馆. William Farquhar Correspondence and Other Malay Letters (1812-1832) at the Library of Congress. (原始内容存档于2022年7月3号) (英语). Sultan Abdul Rahman ascended the throne of the kingdom of Johor at the expense of his older half-brother Tengku Hussein who was away in the kingdom of Pahang for his wedding at the time of the passing of their father. Despite the support of certain members at court, Tengku Hussein was unable to claim the throne, and relegated to a quiet existence on an island (Pulau Penyengat). 
  12. ^ 英国国会. Convention Between Great Britain And The Netherlands. (原始内容存档于2022年7月23号). 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 13.2 Singapore: A Country Study. (原始内容存档于2022年11月17号) (英语). By 1818 the Dutch had returned to the East Indies and had reimposed their restrictive trade policies. In that same year, the Dutch negotiated a treaty with the Bugis-controlled sultan of Johore granting them permission to station a garrison at Riau, thereby giving them control over the main passage through the Strait of Malacca. British trading ships were heavily taxed at Dutch ports and suffered harassment by the Dutch navy. 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900. [2023-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2023-01-15) (英语). In 1817 the court of directors confirmed him in the governorship of Bencoolen, and he took up his appointment there on 22 March 1818...Having received information that the Dutch were fitting out expeditions with the view of occupying all the most commanding situations in the Archipelago, Raffles urged upon his superiors the necessity of taking counter steps. Proceeding to Calcutta in the autumn of 1818 to confer with the government of Bengal, a voyage on which he was shipwrecked at the mouth of the Hooghly, he obtained authority to assume charge of British interests to the eastward of the Straits of Malacca, as agent to the governor-general, and prevailed upon the Marquis of Hastings, who had now been brought to express approval of his conduct in Java, to allow the occupation of Singapore. This almost uninhabited island he had selected even before leaving England as highly fitted for preserving to British trade free access to the eastern islands, and preventing the Dutch from securing the exclusive command of the eastern seas. He had discovered its capabilities in the course of his Malay studies. It was unknown alike to the European and to the Indian world, and it had been overlooked by the Dutch, who conceived themselves to have occupied every place available for securing the only two practicable approaches to the Archipelago—the Straits, namely, of Malacca and Sunda. 
  15. ^ Marks, Harry J. The First Contest for Singapore 1819-1824. Brill. 1959: 47 [2023-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2023-01-15) (英语). By this time, of course, Van der CapeIlen had heard of the British occupation of Singapore and had discussed it with Elout, Buyskes, and Wolterbeek. On 25 February 1819 he drew up a document summarizing his views and decisions. "From the somewhat confused reports sent in by the Governor of Malacca," Van der CapeIlen concluded that "it appears almost certain" that a British force under Raffles and Farquhar "has indeed set foot upon the island of Singapore." This island was "a dependency of the empire of Linga, Djohor, Pahang, Riouw, etc.," with which on 28 November 1818 the Netherlands government had signed a treaty wherein the sultan "acknowledged being a vassal of H.M. the King of the Netherlands and as receiving his empire as a lawful and permanent feudal tenure." This document perpetuated the treaty of 1784 which had "never been nuIIified or altered," as the action of former Governor Couperus in ceding Riouw was nuIl and void, never having been ratified by the government. Malacca upon reverting to the Dutch therefore included all the prewar dependencies. Farquhar's "so-called treaty" of the previous August was null and void, the sultan lacking authority to sign such an agreement, and it was expressly outlawed when the sultan in the treaty of 28 November 1818 (Articles 22 and 23) obligated himself never to cede any part of his territories nor to conclude treaties with other powers without consent of the Netherlands government, and abrogated all prior treaties. 
  16. ^ 新加坡国家图书馆管理局. A Royal Wedding Gone Wrong: The 1820 Uprising in Riau That Brought the Bugis to Singapore. BiblioAsia. (原始内容存档于2022年12月21号) (英语). The Dutch Return to Riau
    No such premonitions were apparent to Königsdorffer when the Dutch frigate Tromp dropped him in Tanjung Pinang on Bintan island. Sometime in November 1818, the Dutch had returned to their former possessions in the East Indies (Malay Archipelago) and were eager to renew their old alliances. Arriving in a show of military force on Pulau Penyengat, they promptly signed a treaty with the reigning Bugis Viceroy or Yang Dipertuan Muda Raja Jaafar, which was sealed with the stamp of Sultan Abdul Rahman Muazzam Shah of the Johor-Riau Sultanate. The flag of the Netherlands was raised on the island, and Königsdorffer was appointed Resident and Commandant over the small garrison of 150 men.
  17. ^ 新加坡国家图书馆管理局 Singapore Infopedia 资料库. Temenggung Abdul Rahman. (原始内容存档于2022年8月13号) (英语). On 28 January 1819, Stamford Raffles and William Farquhar landed in Singapore and met with Temenggung Abdul Rahman to negotiate a provisional treaty. The Temenggung signed the preliminary treaty and allowed for a British settlement in Singapore provided the terms were approved by his patron, Tengku Husain. This agreement that was drafted on 30 January 1819 stated that the Temenggung was the "Ruler of Singapore, who governs the country of Singapore in his own name and in the name of Sree Sultan Hussein Mahummud Shah". 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 新加坡国家文物局. A Game of Thrones. Roots. (原始内容存档于2022年8月11号) (英语). The reigning Sultan at the time was Tengku Abdul Rahman. Tengku Abdul Rahman was the second born son, and his older half-brother, Tengku Hussein Shah, should have been the rightful successor. However, Tengku Hussein Shah was away at Pahang at the time of the Sultan's passing in 1811, which led to his younger half-brother, Tengku Abdul Rahman, becoming Sultan instead. The hasty coronation ceremony to instate Tengku Abdul Rahman as Sultan before Tengku Hussein Shah's return was organised with a politically-charged agenda by the leader of the Bugis faction, effectively aligning themselves with the Dutch...Aware of this dispute, Raffles struck a deal with Tengku Hussein Shah, knowing that this man had the support of the Malay chiefs in Riau and Pahang. It was a calculated move on his part, since Abdul Rahman was crowned by the Bugis faction that allied themselves with the Dutch, and this may have presented challenges in the negotiations for a British trading settlement in the region. Raffles summoned Tengku Hussein Shah to Singapore, acknowledged him as the legitimate successor to the throne, and proclaimed him the Sultan of Johor. An official treaty was signed on 6th February 1819 with Temenggong Abdul Rahman and Sultan Hussein Shah, which gave the British East India Company the right to operate a trading post in Singapore. This acknowledgement was beneficial for both the Temenggong and Sultan Hussein Shah. Both men were paid a handsome sum of money yearly to uphold this agreement. 
  19. ^ Singapore Bicentennial Office. Bicentennial: From Singapore to Singaporean. (原始内容存档于2021年10月19号). 
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 政府成立开埠200周年工作组 2019年举办多项纪念活动. 联合早报. 2017年12月31号. (原始内容存档于2018年4月21号). 
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 李显龙, 总理办公室. Speech by PM Lee Hsien Loong at the launch of the Singapore Bicentennial on 28 January 2019. (原始内容存档于2022年9月27号) (英语). Hence I am glad that for the Bicentennial, over 200 groups and organisations are holding commemorative events. 
  22. ^ 1819 marked start of modern, multicultural Singapore: Lee Hsien Loong. The Straits Times. (原始内容存档于2022-12-18) (英语). The year-long series of events was launched by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to mark 200 years since Sir Stamford Raffles' arrival. 
  23. ^ 新加坡开埠200年工作组将招募3800名志工. 联合早报. 2018-04-21. (原始内容存档于2018-04-26). 
  24. ^ 城里的乐光 | 新加坡开埠200周年纪念演唱会. 新浪网. 2019-06-09. (原始内容存档于2023-01-16). 
  25. ^ 新加坡国家发展部 MND Link 新闻通讯. i Light Singapore — Bicentennial Edition x Community. (原始内容存档于2023年1月16号). 
  26. ^ 政府在探讨是否延长开埠200年展览. 联合早报. 2019-08-06. (原始内容存档于2020-10-28). 为纪念新加坡开埠200年设的历史体验展,自6月1日开放给公众预约参观后反应踊跃,也有不少人呼吁让展览延期闭幕。有关当局正在考虑这些请求,也可能将展览改为永久展览,但必须评估技术上的可行性。 
  27. ^ 新加坡邮政局推出开埠200周年纪念邮票. 联合早报. 2019-06-22. (原始内容存档于2019-06-24). 
  28. ^ 开埠200周年纪念钞首发 银行未开已排队. 联合早报. 2019-06-10. (原始内容存档于2019-06-10). 
  29. ^ 金管局推出第二批新加坡开埠200年周年纪念钞. 联合早报. 2019-09-16. (原始内容存档于2022-08-07). 
  30. ^ 1.4 Million Singaporeans to Receive Bicentennial Bonus Benefits in November 2019. 新加坡财政部. (原始内容存档于2022年12月2号) (英语). 
  31. ^ 31.0 31.1 新加坡国家档案馆. 150th Anniversary of the Founding of Singapore. (原始内容存档于2023年1月16号) (英语). National celebrations came under the Ministry of Culture (MC) during the early years. Thus, MC drove the plans to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the founding of Singapore in 1969, on a grand scale and work began in early 1968 following a Cabinet directive. Key programmes included the issue of gold and silver commemorative coins; a series of commemorative stamps depicting key achievements and historical highlights; a commemorative book on the political, economic and social history of Singapore spanning the period 1819-1969; exhibitions; concerts; and other organised activities. 
  32. ^ 新加坡国家档案馆. Document Number: lky19690206 [新加坡国际商会庆祝新加坡开埠 150 周年宴会:总理致辞 - 1969年2月6号]. 1969年2月6号. (原始内容存档于2023年1月16号). 
  33. ^ 新加坡国家图书馆管理局. Stamping History. BiblioAsia. 2018年1月9号. (原始内容存档于2022年7月7号) (英语). The 150th anniversary of the founding of Singapore series in 1969 was the first time that stamps were issued in 12-by-12 centimetre miniature sheets, and featured different designs for each of the six values. To commemorate the milestones in Singapore’s modern history, Eng and Han Kuan Cheng, who were colleagues at Radio Television Singapura, used a semi-abstract graphic style to depict the country's industrialisation (15 cents), entry into the United Nations (30 cents), merger with Malaysia (75 cents), self-government in 1959 ($1), the Japanese Occupation ($5) and the landing of Sir Stamford Raffles ($10). 
  34. ^ 新加坡国家文物局. The Story of Gold in Singapore. Roots. (原始内容存档于2022年8月17号) (英语). This is the first commemorative gold coin commissioned by the Board of Commissioners of Currency and minted by the Singapore Mint in 1969 to mark the 150th anniversary of Singapore's founding by Sir Stamford Raffles. 
  35. ^ Royal Over-Seas League. FROM THE ARCHIVES: PRINCESS ALEXANDRA VISITS SINGAPORE. (原始内容存档于2023年1月16号) (英语). Fifty years ago in 1969, Singapore marked its 150th anniversary in a high-profile manner too and in a link of special interest to the Royal Over-Seas League, Vice-Patron HRH Princess Alexandra was invited by the Singapore Government to represent HM the Queen to attend the commemoration activities. It was noted by the then-British High Commissioner, Sir Arthur de la Mare, that then-Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew wanted to give the visit 'all possible trappings', including 'as many guns as it [was] possible to fire', and to 'take the opportunity to make manifest [Singapore's] connection with Britain'. Such was the warmth and enthusiasm Singapore had towards the British back then! Princess Alexandra's visit to Singapore lasted for seven days, during which she interacted with everyday Singaporeans, officiated the opening of a reservoir, and most notably attended Singapore's National Day Parade as the principal guest. Throughout the visit, she was warmly received by Singaporeans. 
  36. ^ 新加坡国家图书馆管理局. 东南亚国术邀请赛 : 庆祝新加坡开埠150周年纪念, 1819-1969. SG Books. (原始内容存档于2023年1月16号). 
  37. ^ 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 37.4 Centenary Day. Singapore Infopedia. 新加坡国家图书馆管理局. (原始内容存档于2021年11月4号) (英语). The Centenary Day saw celebrations held by each major ethnic group, such as the Arab, Tamil, Muslim, Eurasian and Jewish communities...The Centenary Memorial Committee proposed the formation of a Centenary Day Committee to look into celebrations on the event day...Official celebrations began with the arrival of Governor Arthur Young at Victoria Memorial Hall at 7.30 am...After addressing the crowds, Young unveiled a commemoration tablet on the plinth of the newly relocated statue of Raffles...This was followed by the reading of addresses and congratulatory messages from the various ethnic and business communities in Singapore and abroad, and a choral service of thanksgiving at St Andrew's Cathedral...After the unveiling ceremony, sea sports held at the Singapore harbour commenced. Spectators thronged to Johnston's Pier to catch a view of the boat races, which featured vessels bedecked with flags and decorations. A procession of over 8,000 schoolchildren carrying flags and banners walked along the main roads towards the Serangoon Road Race Course where the festivities continued. 
  38. ^ 38.0 38.1 Raffles College. Singapore Infopedia. 新加坡国家图书馆管理局. (原始内容存档于2022年10月18号) (英语). Raffles College was set up in 1928 at 469 Bukit Timah Road as a college for higher education in the arts and sciences. Its formation was the result of a scheme to commemorate the centenary of the founding of Singapore by Stamford Raffles (Sir). In 1949, Raffles College merged with King Edward VII College of Medicine to form the University of Malaya, which became known as the University of Singapore in 1962, and then the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 1980 after merging with Nanyang University. 
  39. ^ About: 1919 - The Singapore Centenary and Its Celebration. 新加坡国家图书馆管理局. (原始内容存档于2022年10月2号) (英语). Centenary Day took place on 6 February 1919 and marked Singapore's hundredth year as a colonial port-settlement. It was celebrated as a public holiday filled with official festivities and fanfare. 
  40. ^ Statue of Stamford Raffles. 新加坡国家图书馆管理局. (原始内容存档于2023年1月6号) (英语). A tablet was placed at its plinth to recognise the role that Raffles had played in the founding of modern Singapore. The plaque reads: "1819–1919. This tablet to the memory of Sir Stamford Raffles, to whose foresight and genius Singapore owes its existence and prosperity, was unveiled on February 6th, 1919, the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Settlement." 
  41. ^ 41.0 41.1 The Earliest Thoroughfares. Memories of Two Cities. (原始内容存档于2022年7月4号) (英语). Completed in 1869 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of Singapore, the bridge is named after William Orfeur Cavenagh, who was the last governor of the Straits Settlements (1859–1867) before Singapore became a crown colony. 
  42. ^ Singapore River Bridges: Cavenagh Bridge, Anderson Bridge and Elgin Bridge. Roots. 新加坡国家图书馆管理局. (原始内容存档于2022年12月7号) (英语). Cavenagh Bridge is the oldest surviving suspension bridge across the Singapore River. 
  43. ^ Cavenagh Bridge. Singapore Infopedia. 新加坡国家图书馆管理局. (原始内容存档于2022年11月30号) (英语). In August 2019, it was announced that Cavenagh Bridge, Elgin Bridge, and Anderson Bridge would be collectively gazetted as a National Monument.