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Eupithecia innotata
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 节肢动物门 Arthropoda
纲: 昆虫纲 Insecta
目: 鳞翅目 Lepidoptera
科: 尺蛾科 Geometridae
属: 球果尺蛾属 Eupithecia
Curtis英语John Curtis (entomologist), 1825
  • Arcyonia Hübner, 1825
  • Bohatschia Schütze, 1960
  • Catarina Vojnits & De Laever, 1973
  • Delaeveria Schütze, 1961
  • Dietzea Schütze, 1956
  • Dochephora Warren, 1895
  • Dolichopyge Warren, 1900
  • Dyscymatoge Hübner, 1825
  • Epicaste Gumppenberg, 1887
  • Eucymatoge Hübner, [1825]
  • Euphitecia Carnelutti & Michieli, 1958
  • Eurypeplodes Warren, 1893
  • Heteropithecia Vojnits, 1985
  • Hypepirritis Hübner, [1825]
  • Lamelluncia Mironov, 1990
  • Lepiodes Guenée, 1858
  • Leucocora Hübner, 1825
  • Mnesiloba Warren, 1901
  • Neopithecia Vojnits, 1985
  • Pena Walker, 1863
  • Petersenia Schütze, 1958
  • Phaulostathma Warren, 1900
  • Propithecia Vojnits, 1985
  • Sebastia Warren, 1895 (preocc. Kirby, 1892)
  • Stenopla Warren, 1900
  • Tarachia Hübner, 1825
  • Tephroclystia Hübner, 1825
  • Tephroclystis Meyrick, 1892
  • Thysanoctena Warren, 1904
  • Trichoclystis Warren, 1904
  • Zygmena Boie, 1839


本属物种的幼虫基本上都以植物的花和种子为食,而不是其叶片。有很多物种都专只吃一种植物。在夏威夷,部份本物种的幼虫(例如:E. orichloris, E. staurophragma, E. scoriodes)是一种肉食性动物,会假装是一条树枝,透过其背上敏感的细毛作感应,迅速把爬往其身上的昆虫捕获[1]


Common pug, Eupithecia miserulata, feeding on Rudbeckia serotina



  • Eupithecia lavicaria Fuchs, 1902 (syn: Eupithecia lavicata Prout, 1914), described from Norway.
  • Eupithecia minutana Treitschke
  • Eupithecia robusta Dietze, 1910


  1. ^ 「食肉毛蟲」如扒臉異形 偽裝樹枝瞬間捕殺無知蒼蠅. ETtoday新奇新闻. 2013-08-20 [2013-08-31]. (原始内容存档于2017-03-05) (中文(繁体)). 
  2. ^ Eupithecia Curtis, 1825. GBIF. [2022-08-05]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-08). 
  3. ^ 吉本球果尺蛾 Eupithecia yoshimotoi Inoue, 1988. 台湾物种名录. 台湾: 中央研究院生物多样性研究中心. [2013-01-24] (中文(台湾)). 


  • Chinery, Michael (1986). Collins Guide to the Insects of Britain and Western Europe (Reprinted 1991).
  • Eupithecia at funet.fi页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • Montgomery, S. L. Carnivorous caterpillars: the behavior, biogeography and conservation of Eupithecia (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) in the Hawaiian Islands. GeoJournal. 1983, 7 (6): 549–556. doi:10.1007/BF00218529. 
  • Skinner, Bernard (1984). Colour Identification Guide to Moths of the British Isles.