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A young Black man dressed in vest and tie, with leg crossed over his knee and his chin resting on his hand. He looks off-camera to the left.
凯·阿卢姆斯英语Kye Allums美国国家大学体育学会(NCAA)第一级别中第一个公开出柜为跨性别者的运动员

跨性别男性英语trans mantransgender man),或跨性别男人跨性男跨男跨仔女跨男(英语:FTMF2M)是出生时指定性别女性男性跨性别男性的性别认同为男性,且其中许多人会选择通过手术手段激素治疗之一来改变他们的外表以符合他们的性别认同或减轻性别不安;还有许多人选择接受手术和激素治疗[1]



A handsome Black man in a blue suit standing in front of an awards ceremony backdrop.
布莱恩·迈克尔·史密斯英语Brian Michael Smith,演员。
A thin, white man gazing at the camera, wearing a black hoodie, with a snowy background.
艾略特·弗莱彻英语Elliot Fletcher,,美国演员。
A smiling young man of white, Korean, and Filipino descent, standing at a podium, gesturing with one hand.
托马斯·比蒂英语Thomas Beatie,美国公开演讲者、作家、跨性别生育权倡导者。





伊恩·哈维英语Ian Harvie,美国单口喜剧演员。





  • 社会转换,例如在生活中使用自己更喜欢的名字和人称,穿着符合自己性别认同的衣物以及向家人、朋友、工作单位或学校出柜
  • 医疗转换,譬如接受性别肯定激素治疗(又称HRT或GAHT)以及/或者性别肯定手术(SRS)[15]
  • 法律转换,例如在身份文件上更改法律姓名和性别标记[16][17]




美国跨性别男性占总人口的比例尚不清楚,但估计范围在1:2,000到1:100,000之间[20][需要较佳来源][21][22][需要较佳来源]。美国人口普查局 2015 年的一项研究表明,人口普查记录中大约有 58,000 个姓名更改与女性到男性的转变一致,尽管其中只有 7,500 个也改变了性别编码[23][与来源不符]

卡拉·德瓦尼(Kara Devaney)的一项题目为《跨性别研究文献综述》的研究指出,“跨性别”一词包含了无数个不同且独特的,不遵循“常态”性别规则的身份。[来源请求]波特兰州立大学女性、性别与性取向研究副教授米里安姆·J·阿贝尔森(Miriam J. Abelson)写道:“毫无疑问,跨性别男性的经历就是男性的经历,且使我们得以更加深入地理解男性、男性气质性别不平等。”[24]

顺性别男性一样,跨性别男性同样可以有包括异性恋、同性恋、双性恋、酷儿等各种性取向或性向认同[4]。一些跨性别男性认为传统的性取向标签并不适合他们。学术文献普遍表明,比起跨性别女性,跨性别男性被同性所吸引的情况要少见不少;也就是说,比起跨性别女性被女性所吸引,跨性别男性更少被同性所吸引。换句话说,绝大多数跨性别男性是异性恋。不过,美国国家跨性别平等中心英语National Center for Transgender Equality2015年的调查则显示,跨性别男性的性取向或性向认同中存在着更大的方差。在该调查中,23%的受访者认为自己是异性恋,而认同自己为酷儿(24%)、泛性恋(17%)、双性恋(12%)或同性恋(12%)的则占了受访者中的大部分(65%)[25]


跨性别男性相对更难融入顺性别同性恋男性的群体。这一群体往往更注重身体外表,阳具中心主义英语Phallocentrism也往往更加强烈[3][27][28]耶茨哈克英语Irving M. Binik等指出,跨性别同性恋男性因此更常与同是跨性别者的彼此组成伴侣关系,而跨性别男性和顺性别男性的伴侣关系则相对更少见些[3]。不过也有些情况下,女性更可能对跨性别男性改变自己身体的动机发出质询[27]

一些学者认为不应默认跨性别男性大多是异性恋且曾认同为女同性恋。丹·欧文(Dan Irving)和鲁珀特·拉吉(Rupert Raj)的《加拿大跨性别权益运动》(英文:Trans Activism in Canada)一书中,一些研究者指出:“至今为之,将性别认同和性取向混为一谈的人仍普遍持有跨性别男性多为异性恋的错误印象。人们仍然常常默认跨性别男性仅仅被女性所吸引,且在性别转换前曾有过女同性恋的历史。”“来自Trans Pulse项目的最新数据(Bauer, Redman, Bradley, & Scheim, 2013)对这一假设提出了质疑;该数据显示安大略省63%的女跨男光谱上的跨性别者报告了非异性恋身份并且/或者在过去的一年中与跨性别或非跨性别男性发生过性关系。”[29]

查兹·波诺英语Chaz Bono,音乐人、作家、演员,其母亲和父亲分别为雪儿以及桑尼·波诺英语Sonny Bono




一些跨性别男性会经历月经,或者选择怀孕[32]:1 [33]。这取决于他们在激素和手术方面做出的选择[32][33]澳大利亚国民保健的调查显示,2016年和2017年分别有75和40名男性认同人士生下了孩子[34]



尽管近年来各地出现了许多针对跨性别儿童和成人参加运动的限制,还是有不少跨性别青少年男性和成年男性得以参加高中、大学、职业水平等各个等级的体育赛事。早期能参加国际赛事的跨性别男性通常是在女子组别参赛,日后才公开出柜为跨性别男性。知名的早期例子有在1934年世界女子田径比赛获得奖牌的捷克国家冠军兹德内克·科贝克英语Zdeněk Koubek[35];在1934年成为非官方女子世界冠军比利时自行车手威利·德布鲁因英语Willy De Bruyn[36];在1946年奥斯陆欧洲锦标赛英语1946 European Athletics Championships的100米短跑比赛中获得第三名的法国短跑运动员皮埃尔·布雷索尔英语Pierre Brésolles[37][38]。更近的例子包括德国前女子铅球运动员,曾代表东德柏林迪纳摩体育俱乐部英语SC Dynamo Berlin参赛的安得利斯·克里格(生于1965年)[39]和参加了2000年夏季奥运会墨西哥跆拳道选手里卡多·德尔·雷阿尔英语Ricardo del Real

更近期的例子还有克里斯·莫西尔英语Chris Mosier:他是美国双项全能国家队中的双项和三项全能比赛选手,并成功挑战了国际奥委会过去要求跨性别运动员必须接受手术才能参赛的政策[40][41][42]。莫西尔的努力促成了国际奥委会和世界锦标赛中新的关于跨性别者参赛规则的制订和实施[43]。他被认为是2016年这一政策变革的推动者[44][45]。另一个例子是日本奥运会击剑队前成员杉山文野日语杉山文野;他现在是一名跨性别权益倡导者并致力于推动跨性别运动员在日本体育界中的参与和认可[46]

跨性别男性田径运动员有德国退役撑杆跳运动员巴利安·布施鲍姆英语Balian Buschbaum[47]以及美国国家大学体育协会(NCAA)运动员基林·戈德西英语Keelin Godsey链球运动员)[48]。个人运动项目的竞技运动员有美国职业拳击帕特里西奥·曼努埃尔英语Patricio Manuel日本职业拳击手桥本浩真道ゴー(2013-2014年世界拳击理事会女子蝇量级拳王)、NCAA游泳运动员斯凯勒·拜拉尔英语Schuyler Bailar和2017年美国德克萨斯州高中女子摔跤冠军马克·贝格斯英语Mack Beggs[49]

较知名的跨性别男子篮球运动员有:乌干达篮球运动员杰伊·穆鲁查英语Jay Mulucha,LGBTQI活动家以及乌干达篮球联盟(FUBA)魔法风暴队(Magic Stormers)的运动员;美国篮球运动员凯·阿勒姆斯英语Kye AllumsNCAA第一级别中第一名公开跨性别身份的运动员[50]哈里森·布朗英语Harrison Browne是美国职业冰球界中第一名公开跨性别身份的运动员;他于2016年公开出柜,并于2018年退役后开始医学性别转换[51]横山久美是一名日本跨性别男子足球运动员;他曾担任冈山汤乡恋人队和日本女子国家队的前锋[52][53]。昆斯·蒙特恩(Quince Mountain)于2020年成为第一位在艾迪塔罗德狗拉雪橇比赛中参赛的跨性别选手[54]









  1. ^ Bariola, Emily; Lyons, Anthony; Leonard, William; Pitts, Marian; Badcock, Paul; Couch, Murray. Demographic and Psychosocial Factors Associated With Psychological Distress and Resilience Among Transgender Individuals. American Journal of Public Health. October 2015, 105 (10): 2108–2116. PMC 4566567可免费查阅. PMID 26270284. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2015.302763. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Shankle, Michael. The Handbook of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Public Health: A Practitioner's Guide to Service. Routledge. 2013: 175 [January 10, 2016]. ISBN 978-1-136-57355-2. (原始内容存档于2023-10-02). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Binik, Yitzchak M.; Hall, Kathryn S. K. Principles and Practice of Sex Therapy, Fifth Edition. Guilford Publications. 2014: 252 [January 10, 2016]. ISBN 978-1-4625-1389-5. (原始内容存档于2023-10-02). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Bockting, Walter; Benner, Autumn; Coleman, Eli. Gay and Bisexual Identity Development Among Female-to-Male Transsexuals in North America: Emergence of a Transgender Sexuality. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 28 March 2009, 38 (5): 688–701. PMID 19330439. S2CID 27207925. doi:10.1007/s10508-009-9489-3. 
  5. ^ Swann, William B.; Gómez, Ángel; Vázquez, Alexandra; Guillamón, Antonio; Segovia, Santiago; Carillo, Beatriz. Fusion with the Cross-Gender Group Predicts Genital Sex Reassignment Surgery. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 10 February 2015, 44 (5): 1313–1318. PMID 25666854. S2CID 3261825. doi:10.1007/s10508-014-0470-4. 
  6. ^ Polly, Ryan; Nicole, Julie. Understanding transsexual patients: culturally sensitive care in emergency nursing practice. Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal. March 2011, 33 (1): 55–64 [2022-05-14]. PMID 21317698. S2CID 2481961. doi:10.1097/TME.0b013e3182080ef4. (原始内容存档于2022-03-11). The use of terminology by transsexual individuals to self-identify varies. As aforementioned, many transsexual individuals prefer the term transgender, or simply trans, as it is more inclusive and carries fewer stigmas. There are some transsexual individuals, however, who reject the term transgender; these individuals view transsexualism as a treatable congenital condition. Following medical and/or surgical transition, they live within the binary as either a man or a woman and may not disclose their transition history. 
  7. ^ A Swenson, Medical Care of the Transgender Patient, in Family Medicine (2014): "While some transsexual people still prefer to use the term to describe themselves, many transgender people prefer the term transgender to transsexual."
  8. ^ Transsexualism. Gender Centre. March 2014 [2016-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04). Transsexualism is often included within the broader term 'transgender', which is generally considered an umbrella term for people who do not conform to typically accepted gender roles for the sex they were assigned at birth. The term 'transgender' is a word employed by activists to encompass as many groups of gender diverse people as possible. However, many of these groups individually don't identify with the term. Many health clinics and services set up to serve gender variant communities employ the term, however most of the people using these services again don't identify with this term. The rejection of this political category by those that it is designed to cover clearly illustrates the difference between self-identification and categories that are imposed by observers to understand other people. 
  9. ^ @BuckAngel. Transsexual is my identity and where I came from. [...] Transgender does not represent me. (推文). Apr 9, 2019 –通过Twitter. 
  10. ^ GLAAD Media Reference Guide – Transgender Terms. GLAAD. 22 February 2022 [4 June 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-09-28). 
  11. ^ MacDonald, Trevor; Noel-Weiss, Joy; West, Diana; Walks, Michelle; Biener, MaryLynne; Kibbe, Alanna; Myler, Elizabeth. Transmasculine individuals' experiences with lactation, chestfeeding, and gender identity: a qualitative study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 16 May 2016, 16 (1): 106. PMC 4867534可免费查阅. PMID 27183978. doi:10.1186/s12884-016-0907-y. 
  12. ^ Definition of transmasculine. Dictionary.com. [8 September 2016]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-17). 
  13. ^ What is transition?. FTM Australia. 14 April 2007 [4 June 2022]. (原始内容存档于25 July 2008). 
  14. ^ Frequently Asked Questions about Transgender People. National Center for Transgender Equality. 2016-07-09 [2023-08-03]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-04). 
  15. ^ Meriggiola, Maria Cristina; Gava, Giulia. Endocrine care of transpeople part I. A review of cross-sex hormonal treatments, outcomes and adverse effects in transmen. Clinical Endocrinology (Wiley). 25 March 2015, 83 (5): 597–606. ISSN 0300-0664. PMID 25692791. S2CID 11480289. doi:10.1111/cen.12753. hdl:11585/541907. 
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 16.2 Lev, Arlene Istar. Transgender Emergence: Therapeutic Guidelines for Working with Gender-Variant People and their Families. The Haworth Clinical Practice Press. 2004. ISBN 978-0-7890-2117-5. OCLC 51342468. 
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 17.2 Eno, Amanda S. The Misconception of Sex in Title VII: Federal Courts Reevaluate Transsexual Employment Discrimination Claims. Tulsa Law Review. 21 June 2013, 43 (3): 765–792 [2023-08-03]. ISSN 1942-986X. (原始内容存档于2021-06-24). 
  18. ^ MacDonald, Trevor; Noel-Weiss, Joy; West, Diana; Walks, Michelle; Biener, MaryLynne; Kibbe, Alanna; Myler, Elizabeth. Transmasculine individuals' experiences with lactation, chestfeeding, and gender identity: a qualitative study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 16 May 2016, 16 (1): 106. PMC 4867534可免费查阅. PMID 27183978. doi:10.1186/s12884-016-0907-y. 
  19. ^ Bonnington, Adam; Dianat, Shokoufeh; Kerns, Jennifer; Hastings, Jen; Hawkins, Mitzi; Haan, Gene De; Obedin-Maliver, Juno. Society of Family Planning clinical recommendations: Contraceptive counseling for transgender and gender diverse people who were female sex assigned at birth. Contraception (Elsevier BV). 1 August 2020, 102 (2): 70–82 [2023-08-03]. ISSN 0010-7824. PMID 32304766. S2CID 215819218. doi:10.1016/j.contraception.2020.04.001. (原始内容存档于2023-04-03) (英语). 
  20. ^ Conway, Lynn. Estimating the Prevalence of Transsexualism. 17 December 2002 [2023-08-03]. (原始内容存档于2011-01-25). 
  21. ^ Herman, Joanne. There are more of us than you think. The Advocate (LGBT magazine). 12 May 2006 [22 February 2015]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-13). 
  22. ^ Rohde, Maggi. FAQ - Transgenderism. The Alliance of Les-Bi-Gay-Transgender and Straight Ally Students, Michigan State University. 1996 [4 June 2022]. (原始内容存档于20 May 2008). 
  23. ^ Cerf-Harris, Benjamin. Likely Transgender Individuals in U.S. Federal Administrative Records and the 2010 Census (PDF) (报告). U.S. Census Bureau. 4 May 2015 [4 June 2022]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于12 January 2017). 
  24. ^ Abelson, Miriam. Men in Context: Transmasculinities and Transgender Experiences in Three US Regions (学位论文). 17 October 2014. hdl:1794/18512. 
  25. ^ 25.0 25.1 James, Sandy E.; Herman, Jody L.; Rankin, Susan; Keisling, Mara; Mottet, Lisa; Anafi, Ma'ayan. The Report of the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey. (PDF). Washington, DC: National Center for Transgender Equality. December 2016 [4 June 2022]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于30 May 2022). 
  26. ^ Haggerty, George; Zimmerman, Bonnie. Encyclopedia of Lesbian and Gay Histories and Cultures. Taylor & Francis. 2003: 776 [January 10, 2016]. ISBN 978-1-135-57870-1. (原始内容存档于2023-10-02). 
  27. ^ 27.0 27.1 Schilt, Kristen. Just One of the Guys?: Transgender Men and the Persistence of Gender Inequality. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2010: 153 [January 10, 2016]. ISBN 978-0-226-73807-9. OCLC 587209584. (原始内容存档于2023-10-02). 
  28. ^ Sumerau, J E; Mathers, Lain. America through Transgender Eyes. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. 2019: 60–61 [2023-08-03]. ISBN 978-1538122082. OCLC 1064762453. (原始内容存档于2023-10-02). 
  29. ^ Irving, Dan; Raj, Rupert. Trans Activism in Canada: A Reader. Canadian Scholars' Press. 2014: 248 [January 10, 2016]. ISBN 978-1-55130-537-0. (原始内容存档于2023-10-02). 
  30. ^ Patel, Jharna M.; Dolitsky, Shelley; Bachman, Gloria A.; Buckley de Meritens, Alexandre. Gynecologic cancer screening in the transgender male population and its current challenges. Maturitas (Elsevier BV). 20 August 2019, 129: 40–44. ISSN 0378-5122. PMID 31547911. S2CID 201958946. doi:10.1016/j.maturitas.2019.08.009. 
  31. ^ Tang, Songyuan; Tang, Weiming; Meyers, Kathrine; Chan, Polin; Chen, Zhongdan; Tucker, Joseph D. HIV epidemiology and responses among men who have sex with men and transgender individuals in China: a scoping review. BMC Infectious Diseases. 20 October 2016, 16 (1): 588. PMC 5073436可免费查阅. PMID 27765021. doi:10.1186/s12879-016-1904-5. 
  32. ^ 32.0 32.1 Frank, S. E.; Dellaria, Jac. Navigating the Binary: A Visual Narrative of Trans and Genderqueer Menstruation. The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Menstruation Studies. Singapore: Springer Singapore. 25 July 2020: 69–76. ISBN 978-981-15-0613-0. PMID 33347161. doi:10.1007/978-981-15-0614-7_7可免费查阅 (英语). 
  33. ^ 33.0 33.1 Obedin-Maliver, Juno; Makadon, Harvey J. Transgender men and pregnancy. Obstetric Medicine. 28 October 2015, 9 (1): 4–8. ISSN 1753-495X. PMC 4790470可免费查阅. PMID 27030799. doi:10.1177/1753495X15612658 (英语). 
  34. ^ Hattenstone, Simon. The dad who gave birth: 'Being pregnant doesn't change me being a trans man'. The Guardian. 20 April 2019 [4 June 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-13). 
  35. ^ Zdena/Zdeněk Koubková/Koubek页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). encyklopedie.brna.cz
  36. ^ Meyerowitz, Joanne J. How Sex Changed. Harvard University Press. 2009: 33. ISBN 9780674040960. 
  37. ^ Foerster, Maxime. Histoire des transsexuels en France. Béziers: H&O. 2006. 
  38. ^ BRESOLES Pierre. [8 July 2020]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-14). 
  39. ^ Andreas Krieger: Heidi's Farthest Throw, [2021-08-16] (英语) 
  40. ^ Trans triathlete Chris Mosier may be barred from competing at World Championships. Outsports. January 21, 2016 [2016-08-19]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-06). 
  41. ^ Olympic News - Official Source of Olympic News. Olympic.org. June 14, 2016 [2016-08-19]. (原始内容存档于2016-02-02). 
  42. ^ ThinkProgress. The Olympics Are Now Much Friendlier For Transgender Athletes — ThinkProgress. Thinkprogress.org. [2016-08-19]. (原始内容存档于2016-02-01). 
  43. ^ Exclusive: Read the Olympics' new transgender guidelines that will not mandate surgery. Outsports. January 22, 2016 [2016-08-19]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-02). 
  44. ^ The Trans Athlete Behind the Olympic Committee's New Gender Policy. The Cut. [2017-05-06]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-02) (英语). 
  45. ^ The Transgender Man Who Changed the Olympics, Sportshour - BBC World Service. BBC. [2017-05-06]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-21). 
  46. ^ Hatta, Naohiko. Transgender man helps Shibuya make a difference. The Japan Times. July 13, 2016 [2023-08-03]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-16). 
  47. ^ Luke, Savannah. People Profile: Balian Buschbaum. TransgenderUniverse.com. 31 March 2016 [18 April 2017]. (原始内容存档于2017-10-26). 
  48. ^ Stark-Mason, Rachel. A Time of Transition. NCAA. [25 November 2019]. (原始内容存档于22 November 2019). 
  49. ^ Transgender teen wins regional wrestling title despite attempt to ban him from competing - SportsDay. DallasNews.com. 18 February 2017 [18 April 2017]. (原始内容存档于2019-08-09). 
  50. ^ First transgender athlete to play in NCAA basketball. CNN. March 23, 2010 [April 5, 2022]. (原始内容存档于October 13, 2011). 
  51. ^ Pruski, Scout. Harrison Browne talks Ovi, activism in visit to American University. NBC Sports Washington. 28 November 2018 [16 January 2019]. (原始内容存档于January 16, 2019). 
  52. ^ Japan's Yokoyama comes out as transgender man. Reuters. June 22, 2021 [2023-09-05]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-18). 
  53. ^ Orlowitz, Dan. Soccer player Kumi Yokoyama comes out as transgender: 'It would be harder to live closeted'. The Japan Times. 20 June 2021 [2023-09-05]. (原始内容存档于2021-07-13). 
  54. ^ Meet Quince Mountain, the Iditarod's first trans dog musher. NBC News. 9 March 2020 [2023-09-05]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-05). 
  55. ^ Chonwilai, Sulaiporn. Trans community still faces violence. Bangkok Post. 17 May 2016 [4 June 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-02).