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那可拿由山达基人经营,是山达基的清新扩展计划的成员之一,帮助建立山达基世界。美国国税局把那可拿归立为山达基有关单位,大约一成收入上献作为使用权费用。山达基教会和 那可拿表示,那可拿是一个世俗计划,独立于贺伯特有关山达基的著作,并且它提供合法的毒品教育和康复。该组织被许多政府报告和前患者描述为山达基掩护组织


山达基以及其附属组织(以下简称本组织)宣称主流的医学对于本组织的“偏方”存有偏见,因此那些“鼓吹用药的医学专家学者无法相信本组织能提供一种不需服药就能治百病的疗法。”[5] 本组织表示那些对于本组织的诋毁皆是肇因于自身的偏见人格所致。[6]也因此那些人是“药物滥用的拥护者,不是在吸毒就是在贩毒”。[7] 本组织的“旨在脱离药物使用”的偏方被专家学者形容为“从医学理论与实务上来说都是危险的、[8]强不知以为知[9][10][11] 以及假医治、真诈财(medical fraud)[12]”, 医学界专家也认为本组织的“教育计画”的内容“毫无医学知识可言,从基本的药物对生理、心理的交互作用及药物滥用都与具有科学实证的医学证据相违背,其中甚至连用词都出现张冠李戴的情形”。[13]





2012年4月17日,加拿大魁北克省下令那可拿三河市中心关门,把32名戒治者迁离。经过魁北克认可中心调查后,当地卫生与社会服务处决定不重新认证那可拿,因为那可拿方法“可能危害戒治者的健康”。[15][16] 卫生与社会服务处主任表示,那可拿治疗方法没有科学依据,中心没有医疗监督,违反了许多在魁北克省康复中心的标准,对戒治者做成危险,近几过月最少有四个人因为那可拿使用的方法而要被送入医院治疗。[17]

2012 年9月,美国加州橙县的一间使用那可拿方法的诊所,被控告疏忽、渎职、疏于监管。中心职员要原告停止使用医生给他的精神科药物处方,他因此试图自杀,从诊所三楼阳台跳下,严重受伤。[18]



Patrick Desmond,美国乔治亚州,诺克罗斯(2008年)


Patrick Desmond是一名前海军陆战队员,因为酒后驾驶被捕,法庭准许他入那可拿代替入狱。2008年6月11日,他在乔治亚州那可拿中心内死于过量海洛因,死时与管房喝醉了,并有两名有海洛因毒瘾记录者在场。他家人控告那可拿过失至死和诈骗,只有门诊牌照却骗法庭是住院设施。[19][20][21]





Kaysie Dianne Werninck (2009年3月3日)



Gabriel Graves (2011年10月26日)



Hillary Holten (2012年4月11日)



Stacy Murphy (2012年7月19日)


Stacy的父亲说,那可拿人员告诉他,当他的女儿被发现单独死在“排毒”房间时,她已经两个半小时没有受检查了。 他说:“这是过长了,如果他们认为她吸毒过量,为什么没有其他人一直看着她?我们送她到那里是转好,而不是死。”[34]


室友Destanie Ramsey,在Stacy死亡之夜打电话报警,为了要离开中心,她说她被关押,违反了她的意愿。[36]





死在美国俄克拉何马州箭头市那可拿中心的Gabriel Graves,死前对母亲说过,那里是他所到过的地方最容易得到毒品之一,有职员用毒品换取与病人性交。一名前病人和一名前职员也说出类似的事件。那可拿代表则强烈否认。Gabriel 也曾对母亲说那可拿尝试使他改信山达基,是整个那可拿的目标。,[37]

Heather Landmeier 在三次不同时间分别到那可拿接受治疗,她家人通过律师声称,第三次当她毒瘾发作时有两名全职人员给她毒品以换取性交。当Heather被验出体内有毒品后,于2008年3月5日被踢出俄克拉何马州箭头市那可拿中心,而家人却没有接到通知。被踢出那可拿数小时后,她在饭店吸毒过量,现在是植物人。她家人提出民事诉讼,律师相信那可拿高管是知情的,但隐瞒这些事件,让它们继续发生,隐藏在职员记录之中。[38]



2013年4月,美国乔治亚州保险业监理专员与地检处人员突击搜查当地那可拿中心,保险专员在调查过程中表示:“我们有可靠资料指出,那可拿正在诈骗医疗保险。”一名戒治者家人说那可拿给保险公司的账单出现从未给予的治 疗,而账单上的医生说从没有见过戒治者。[39]




那可拿毫无科学基础地四处宣称服下的药物将永远囤积在人体的脂肪中,但只要去洗三温暖且使用维他命。医学专家严正驳斥这样的谬论,药物并不会储存在脂肪中就算有也是十分微量的,在统计学上无显著意义,更不可能透过洗三温暖“催汗”来代谢药物。 [40]截至2005年,医界的共识是:“山达基的所谓健康宣导内容,是毫无任何医学根据的。”[40]






2004年,那可拿免费提供反毒宣导给州立学校。旧金山记事报在2004年6月9和10日登载了一连串文章后,加州学区官员调查那可拿的主张,发现那可拿计划没有反映依据医学和科学的做法,并对使用和滥用药物提供误导性的资料。[42][43] 调查的结果,州督学杰克·奥康奈尔于2005年2月23日正式建议,所有州立学校拒绝那可拿反毒计划。[44] 加州医学协会的500名医生一致通过支持这个决定。[45]






英国监狱监察员建议监狱长,那可拿康复程序在监狱中不能使用,但也有一些英国学校在采用那可拿反毒宣导。英国星期日泰晤士报说,这是因为学校不知道山达基教会与那可拿的关连。[47] 在2012年9月,经家长投诉后,英格兰教会在伦敦教区的149间学校被警告不要接受那可拿提供讲课给学生。[48]



新生活教育中心那可拿机构在台湾的分支,位于花莲县寿丰乡盐寮村,世界各地收费以美国的三万三千美元为期三个月为标准,根据当地的生活水平调整。 净耀法师前往美国、墨西哥,实地探访戒治中心及监狱寻找戒毒方法,1998年引进那可拿的监狱版本可明纳(Criminon),在台北监狱进行实验计画。墨西哥和台北的实验计画早已终止,在美国监狱从没有进行。[49][50]








  1. 沟通与面对能力课程,在山达基教会内称为演练常式
  2. 学习技术
  3. 快乐之道课程
  4. 社会人格及反社会人格者课程



快乐之道注重树立好榜样,但作者罗恩·贺伯特特违背了多项自己的指引,他有重婚纪录[53]。根据英国大使馆的调查,贺伯特开设了一所模拟大学,给自己不受到任何承认的博士学位[54]。美国军官协会指控他是多枚紫心勋章的骗子[55]。 1978年,山达基教会的国际“ 白雪行动”被揭露,是当时美国有史已来最大的国内间谍事件,罪行包括在联邦检察官办公室和国内税收服务进行渗透、窃听、窃取文件。 十一名山达基高层主管被判罪二至六年(包括缓刑),贺伯特妻子也在其中,在加拿大被定罪的还未算在内。贺伯特本人被官方称为“未被起诉的同谋者”,至死躲 起来,没有在公众露面。同年,贺伯特在法国的缺席审讯中被判作弊有罪,监禁四年,罚款三万五千,他至死也是法国逃犯。[56]



英国社会学家罗·伊瓦利斯评论说,学习技术是灌输山达基的一个关键因素,用以协助把握教义缓慢的人。其基本原则是,不理解或不同意一篇文章的意义,不是由于文章的错误-比如它是荒谬的-而 是因为读者不理解一个词或概念。读者学习怀疑自己的判断;学习在罗恩贺伯特的写作中找一点意义,毫无疑问他的作品大部分是神化的; 或学习默许接受一半难以理解的声明,希望日后一切都会明确化。极端乏味的“清字”,进一步停顿或抑制个人的关键思想,并使读者准备接受,贺伯特的学说本质 是有意义的。[59]




那可拿成立于66年2月19日,其基础是罗恩·贺伯特的“思考的原理”一书,为一个毒品康复计划,用于美国亚利桑那州监狱的吸毒者。那可拿原来不是指一个组织,是指戒毒程序。它的创始人是威廉·贝尼特斯,前亚利桑那州立监狱囚犯,曾犯了与毒品有关连的罪行。[60] 他的工作得到了山达基创始人贺伯特支持,并在1972年创办那可拿组织。[61] 在1973年,那可拿程序变革,在使用维生素和矿物质补充剂的同时,也用了改编自山达基础课程的培训程序。[61]



1988年12月,山达基教会总裁赫柏·延奇,在西班牙被捕,经调查后发现,他和山达基教会诈骗西班牙公民,和在那可拿中心使用不合格的工作人员。[62] 西班牙公民开始频繁的拨打电话至法院,抱怨遭到那可拿蒙蔽。 法官在案件的新闻发布会上说,山达基唯一的上帝的是金钱。他并说,那可拿骗客户和吸引他们到山达基。[63] 1989年,75个山达基信徒在意大利被逮捕,调查表明,“吸毒者父母付出沉重的月费,但没有得到任何回报。”[64]

在早期,那可拿直接使用山达基课程,该组织并由山达基人员直接管理。但当记者或政治家提出了那可拿与山达基的联系,该组织一再处于争议的中心。山达基教会不仅是有严重的公众形象问题,那可拿与山达基的联系更出现了宪法上的疑问,政府机构赞助宗教附属组织是不适当的。 当那可拿处理程序被宣称为医学上不健全的,这些争论进一步加剧,有许多指控那可拿向山达基教会提供了资金筹集和招募计划。[65][66] 1998年3月1至5日,波士顿先驱报一系列暴露了两个与山达基相关的团体,那可拿和世界扫盲运动,使用反毒和学习阅读的计划,以获得进入公立学校的机会,而没有透露他们与山达基的联系。[67][68] 在先驱报告发表后,国际山达基的总统赫柏·延奇,证实该教会的洛杉矶律师事务所聘请了一家私人调查公司,调查该系列记者约瑟夫·马利亚的个人生活,该报导指出多年来,有无数其他事件,在记者们写故事揭露教会的不端行为之后,受到“噪音调查”的骚扰。[68]


这些变化并未有平息争议。在1990年代初期,那可拿在俄克拉何马州纽柯克附近,开设了一个大型治疗中心,造成了在当地一家报纸上一系列的批评文章。[70] 俄克拉何马州卫生署要求批准那可拿中心,[71] 但心理健康委员会拒绝,并指出“没有科学的、受到良好控制的、独立的、长期的研究结果,直接和明确地确立那可拿程式的有效性,用于治疗对化学药品的依赖。反而有更可信的证据,证明那可拿的程式无效 ..... 委员会得出结论认为,该程式在医学上是不安全。”[72] 即使纽约时报也写了一篇故事,详细说明这个城市最初的乐观前景,被不信任、沮丧和恐惧取代了。 市民说那可拿不诚实,没有明确声明它与山达基教会的联系、资金的筹措、医疗的资格、及工程的计划。那可拿发言人说,所有的不实报告都来自谎称的市民而且“他们若不是贩卖毒品勾结,便是正在使用毒品。”[73] 那可拿的律师蒂姆·鲍尔斯提出了一系列的法律诉讼,针对俄克拉荷马州的机构和官员,并最终获得位于亚利桑那州的评审委员会和康复设施(CARF)的承认。于1992年,俄克拉何马州的官员同意允许那可拿经营,无需执照。

1999年,山达基在佛罗里达州、清水湾,试图将那可拿毒品教育计划,引入皮内拉斯县学区。 听证会后,在这个问题上,学校区委员会拒绝让学生参加这一项反毒品计划,因为计划的基础是山达基创始人罗恩·贺伯特的教诲,在学校教学生什么“情绪等级表”是不恰当的反毒课程。[74]


  1. ^ Narconon license agreement (PDF). Narconon Interational. Association for Better Living and Education. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2004年7月15日). 
  2. ^ Scientology Presents Narconon Program (PDF). Westlake Post. 30 April 1970 [2017-03-05]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2016-03-04). "The conference presented current programs effective in alleviating drug problems. No program which employs drug or electric shock therapy was presented, as it has been discovered that groups which condone these techniques have only been pretending to be effective in drug rehabilitation", said Max Prudente, Scientology spokesman. ... "Based solely on the philosophy and tenets of Scientology, the applied religious philosophy, this program has achieved new and dramatic breakthroughs in the field of drug rehabilitation. Its nearly 85% success ratio has earned high praise from Governors, state and federal officials and correction authorities across the U.S., " Prudente said. 
  3. ^ The Four Basic Social Programs. The Hawaiian-American. 17 December 1975 [6 September 2012]. (原始内容存档于2017-01-05). We talked with Rev. Diana Harris, Pastor of the Church of Scientology of Hawaii ... and she gave us a complete background on the church's social programs for those in need in our community. ... Another community program the church offers is Narconon - a program designed to assist persons to get off drugs and to keep off drugs. The program was utilized in Oahu State Prison for a while and enjoyed a very high rate of success, according to Pastor Harris. They [Scientology] have been asked to consider re-introducing the program to the prison at a later date. 
  4. ^ NARCONON to give awards. The Phoenix Gazette. 19 May 1970 [6 September 2012]. (原始内容存档于2017-01-05). General information regarding the technology of Scientology, upon which NARCONON is based, can be secured from the Institute of Applied Philosophy 
  5. ^ SAN FRANCISCO / Church's drug program flunks S.F. test / Panel of experts finds Scientology's Narconon lectures outdated, inaccurate. SFGate. [2016-11-21]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-23). 
  6. ^ Families question Scientology-linked drug rehab after recent deaths. NBCRock Center. 16 August 2012 [3 September 2012]. (原始内容存档于2017-05-07). 
  7. ^ Town Welcomes, Then Questions a Drug Project. New York Times. Associated Press. 17 July 1989: A13 [13 March 2014]. (原始内容存档于2016-11-16). 
  8. ^ Farley, Robert. Detox center seeks acceptance. St Petersburg Times. 30 March 2003. When Narconon opened its Chilocco facility in 1991, the Oklahoma Board of Mental Health issued a blistering assessment in denying its application for certification. "There is no credible evidence establishing the effectiveness of the Narconon program to its patients," the board concluded. It attacked the program as medically unsafe; dismissed the sauna program as unproven; and criticized Narconon for inappropriately taking some patients off prescribed psychiatric medication. 
  9. ^ Kyle Smith. DON'T BE TRICKED BY $CI-FI TOM-FOOLERY. New York Post. 20 April 2007 [20 March 2014]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-22). Those who want a tan from his celebrity glow will urge a fair hearing for his quackery. Obscure City Councilman Hiram Monserrate suddenly finds himself talked about after issuing a proclamation of huzzahs for L. Ron Hubbard. Three: The Ground Zero maladies are so baffling that workers will try anything. Anyone who feels better will credit any placebo at hand - whether Cruise or the Easter Bunny. In 1991, Time called Scientology's anti-drug program "Narconon" a "vehicle for drawing addicts into the cult" - which the magazine said "invented hundreds of goods and services for which members are urged to give up 'donations' " - such as $1,250 for advice on "moving swiftly up the Bridge" of enlightenment. That's New Age techno-gobbledygook for advice on buying swiftly up the Bridge of Brooklyn. Scientology fronts such as the New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Project - its Web site immediately recognizable as the work of Hubbardites by its logo, which looks like the cover of a Robert Heinlein paperback from 1971 - hint that their gimmicks might possibly interest anyone dreaming of weight loss, higher I.Q. or freedom from addiction. And you might be extra-specially interested if you've faced heart disease, cancer, Agent Orange or Chernobyl. As Mayor Bloomberg put it, Scientology "is not science." Nope. It's science fiction. 
  10. ^ Robert W. Welkos; Joel Sappell. Church Seeks Influence in Schools, Business, Science. Los Angeles Times. 27 June 1990 [13 September 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-23). A fourth article did not mention Hubbard by name, but reported favorably on Narconon, his drug and alcohol rehabilitation program, which is run by Scientologists. 
  11. ^ 30 arrested in Paris crackdown on Scientologists. Agence France-Presse. 14 January 1992 [20 March 2014]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-17). About 30 Scientologists were arrested -- and 19 of them later indicted -- between May and October 1990 on charges of fraud, conspiracy to defraud and the illegal practice of medicine following the 1988 suicide of a church member in Lyon, eastern France. ... The sect has often found itself in trouble with officialdom the world over, accused of defrauding and brainwashing followers and, in France, of quackery at its illegal anti-drug clinics called "Narconon." 
  12. ^ Abgrall, Jean-Marie. Healing Or Stealing?: Medical Charlatans in the New Age (PDF). 2001: 193 [24 September 2012]. ISBN 1-892941-51-1. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2020-09-09). Narconon, a subsidiary of Scientology, and the association “Yes to Life, No to Drugs” have also made a specialty of the fight against drugs and treating drug addicts. ... Drug addicts are just one of the Scientologists’ targets for recruitment. The offer of care and healing through techniques derived from dianetics is only a come-on. The detoxification of the patient by means of “dianetics purification” is more a matter of manipulation, through the general weakening that it causes; it is a way of brainwashing the subject. Frequently convicted for illegal practice of medicine, violence, fraud and slander, the Scientologists have more and more trouble getting people to accept their techniques as effective health measures, as they like to claim. They recommend their purification processes to eliminate X-rays and nuclear radiation, and to treat goiter and warts, hypertension and psoriasis, hemorrhoids and myopia. . . why would anyone find that hard to swallow? Scientology has built a library of several hundreds of volumes of writings exalting the effects of purification, and its disciples spew propaganda based on irresponsible medical writings by doctors who are more interested in the support provided by Scientology than in their patients’ well-being. On the other hand, responsible scientific reviews have long since “eliminated” dianetics and purification from the lists of therapies — relegating them to the great bazaar of medical fraud. ... Medical charlatans do not base their claims on scientific proof but, quite to the contrary, on peremptory assertions — the kind of assertions that they challenge when they come out of the mouths of those who defend “real” medicine. 
  13. ^ Asimov, Nanette. Church's drug program flunks S.F. test / Panel of experts finds Scientology's Narconon lectures outdated, inaccurate. San Francisco Chronicle. 2 October 2004 [7 September 2012]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-23). The program, Narconon Drug Prevention & Education, "often exemplifies the outdated, non-evidence-based and sometimes factually inaccurate approach, which has not served students well for decades," concluded Steve Heilig, director of health and education for the San Francisco Medical Society. In his letter to Trish Bascom, director of health programs for the San Francisco Unified School District, Heilig said five independent experts in the field of drug abuse had helped him evaluate Narconon's curriculum. ... "One of our reviewers opined that 'this (curriculum) reads like a high school science paper pieced together from the Internet, and not very well at that,' " Heilig wrote Bascom. "Another wrote that 'my comments will be brief, as this proposal hardly merits detailed analysis.' Another stated, 'As a parent, I would not want my child to participate in this kind of 'education.' " Heilig's team evaluated Narconon against a recent study by Rodney Skager, a professor emeritus at UCLA's Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, describing what good anti-drug programs should offer students. "We concurred that ... the Narconon materials focus on some topics of lesser importance to the exclusion of best knowledge and practices," Heilig wrote, and that the curriculum contained "factual errors in basic concepts such as physical and mental effects, addiction and even spelling." 
  15. ^ CATHERINE SOLYOM. Health officials shut down Narconon drug rehab centre; Treatments based on Scientology. Montreal Gazette. 18 April 2012. Health officials have ordered the Narconon rehabilitation centre for drug addicts in Trois Rivières to evacuate and relocate its 32 residents, citing concerns over procedures that "may represent a risk to health" and a lack of doctors on staff. 
  16. ^ Narconon Centre in Rivières ordered to relocate its residents. Montreal Gazette. 17 April 2012 [21 April 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012年4月22日). 
  17. ^ Scientologist-run rehab centre ordered closed in Quebec. CBC News. 17 April 2012 [21 April 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-08-15). 
  18. ^ Reynolds, Matt. Patient Sues Scientology-Based Clinic. Courthouse News Service. 18 September 2012 [18 September 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-09-21). SANTA ANA, Calif. (CN) - A man tried to kill himself at a Scientology-affiliated detox clinic after its "purification rundown" took him off his prescribed medicines in a "quick taper," the man claims in court. 
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