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位置 多米尼加
日期1937年10月2日 (1937-10-02) –1937年10月8日 (1937-10-08)

香菜大屠杀(西班牙语:Masacre del Perejil),1937年10月发生于多明尼加、针对边境地区海地人的种族灭绝事件,多明尼加称呼此次屠杀事件为大斩杀(西班牙语:El Corte[11],海地人则称之为持刀伤人海地克里奥尔语:Kout kouto-a[12])。多明尼加共和国总统拉斐尔·特鲁希略反海地者,他认为海地人在种族、文化上较为低等,迁移至多明尼加的海地人可能对多明尼加的经济与社会造成危害[13],因而下令全国军队对居住在边界的海地人民展开屠杀行动[14]:161,在五天内造成超过20,000名海地人死亡[15][16],甚至有纪录儿童被抛上空中再被刺刀刺穿[17],几乎所有边界地带的海地人都被杀害或逃出多明尼加[14]:630

香菜大屠杀的名称由来是因为多明尼加军队为了区分使用西班牙语的多明尼加人,与使用法语的海地人,而采用的一个口令。多明尼克军人手上会拿著一把香芹(西班牙语:Perejil),如果对方不能以西班牙语清楚的发音说出Perejil,就会被认定是海地人而加以杀害。使用法语海地克里奥尔语的人,在发r音时,采用浊小舌擦音,因此很难清楚发出西班牙语r的齿龈闪音齿龈颤音。后来英文媒体也常使用香菜大屠杀(英语:Parsley Massacre)一词,但多数学者认为此说法为虚构,并无生还者提到屠杀中有使用香芹的情形[18]。在多明尼加共和国中,称呼这次屠杀为大斩杀(西班牙语:El Corte),因为许多多明尼加军队是以大砍刀来杀害海地人,较少使用枪枝。





  1. ^ Turtis, Richard Lee. A World Destroyed, A Nation Imposed: The 1937 Haitian Massacre in the Dominican Republic. Hispanic American Historical Review. August 2002, 82 (3): 589–635 [2020-06-26]. doi:10.1215/00182168-82-3-589. (原始内容存档于2017-02-13). 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  2. ^ Paulino, Edward. Bearing Witness to Genocide: The 1937 Haitian Massacre and Border of Lights. Afro-Hispanic Review. Fall 2013, 32 (2): 111–118. JSTOR 24585148. 
  3. ^ Garcia, Juan Manuel. La matanza de los haitianos: genocidio de Trujillo, 1937. Editorial Alfa & Omega. 1983: 59, 69–71. 
  4. ^ Roorda, Eric Paul. Genocide Next Door: The Good Neighbor Policy, the Trujillo Regime, and the Haitian Massacre of 1937. Diplomatic History. July 1996, 20 (3): 301–319. doi:10.1111/j.1467-7709.1996.tb00269.x. 
  5. ^ Karczewska, Anna Maria. Reconstructing and (De)constructing Borderlands: The Parsley Massacre: Genocide on the Borderlands of Hispaniola in the Farming of Bones by Edwidge Danticat. : 149–165. 
  6. ^ Pena, Julissa. "Yo soy negro, pero negro blanco:" Hispanicity, Antihaitianism and Genocide in the Dominican Republic. Wesleyan University. [2020-06-26]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-07). 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  7. ^ Wucker, Michele. Why the Cocks Fight: Dominicans, Haitians, and the Struggle for Hispaniola. 2014-04-08 [2017-10-13]. ISBN 9781466867888. (原始内容存档于2020-10-03). 
  8. ^ Newman, Graeme R. Crime and Punishment around the World [4 volumes]: [Four Volumes]. 2010-10-19 [2017-10-13]. ISBN 9780313351341. (原始内容存档于2019-04-19). 
  9. ^ Tunzelmann, Alex von. Red Heat: Conspiracy, Murder and the Cold War in the Caribbean. 2012-09-13 [2017-10-13]. ISBN 9781471114779. (原始内容存档于2019-04-19). 
  10. ^ Charlot, Marjorie. Did You Know?: Over One Hundred Facts about Haiti and Her Children. 2015-11-19. ISBN 9781491776896. 
  11. ^ Wucker, Michele. The River Massacre: The Real and Imagined Borders of Hispaniola. Windows on Haiti. [2007-12-16]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-28). 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  12. ^ Lauro Capdevila, La dictature de Trujillo : République dominicaine, 1930–1961, Paris, L'Harmattan, 1998
  13. ^ Law, I.; Tate, S. Caribbean Racisms: Connections and Complexities in the Racialization of the Caribbean Region. Springer. 2015-05-19 [2020-10-02]. ISBN 9781137287281. (原始内容存档于2020-10-03). 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 14.2 Turits, Richard Lee. Foundations of Despotism: Peasants, the Trujillo Regime, and Modernity in Dominican History. Stanford University Press. 2004. 
  15. ^ pg 78 – Robert Pack (editor), Jay Parini (Editor). Introspections. PUB. : 2222. 
    On 2 October 1937, Trujillo had ordered 10,000 Haitian cane workers executed because they could not roll the "R" in perejil the Spanish word for parsley.
  16. ^ Cambeira, Alan. Quisqueya la bella 1996. M.E. Sharpe. 1997: 182. ISBN 1-56324-936-7. 
    anyone of African descent found incapable of pronouncing correctly, that is, to the complete satisfaction of the sadistic examiners, became a condemned individual. This holocaust is recorded as having a death toll reaching thirty thousand innocent souls, Haitians as well as Dominicans.
  17. ^ Paulino, Edward. Dividing Hispaniola: The Dominican Republic's Border Campaign against Haiti, 1930-1961. 2016-02-16. ISBN 9780822981039. 
  18. ^ Hispaniola: Trujillo's Voudou Legacy. (原始内容存档于2013-01-25). 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  19. ^ Roorda, Eric Paul. The Dictator Next Door: The Good Neighbor Policy and the Trujillo Regime in the Dominican Republic, 1930–1945. Durham: Duke University Press. 1998: 132. ISBN 082232234X. 
  20. ^ p.41 – Bell, Madison Smartt. A Hidden Haitian World. New York Review of Books. 2008-07-17, 55 (12).