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  • 杰克·布雷斯林(Jack Breslin),68岁,美国大学行政人员(密西根州立大学)。[7]
  • Joe Carcione,美国消费者宣导者,“绿色杂货商”,肠癌。[8]
  • 瑞蒙·卡佛(Raymond Carver),50岁,美国短篇小说作家(《当我们谈论爱时我们谈论什么》(What We Talk About When We Talk About Love)、《大教堂》(Cathedral)),肺癌。[9]
  • Nityanand Kanungo,88岁,印度政治家,比哈尔邦邦和古吉拉特邦州长。
  • Nada Klaić,68岁,克罗埃西亚历史学家。
  • 何塞·马格里尼亚,70岁,古巴国际足球运动员。
  • 约翰·宾汉姆,79岁,英国惊悚小说家,侦探和间谍小说家(我的名字叫迈克尔·西布利),军情五处间谍。
  • 詹姆斯·赫维·詹森(James Hervey Johnson),87岁,美国无神论者,真理探索者(The Truth Seeker)的作家和编辑,白人至上主义者,心脏病发作。
  • 阿纳托利·列夫琴科,47岁,苏联宇航员,脑瘤。[23]
  • 弗朗西斯·庞格(Francis Ponge),89岁,法国散文家和诗人。[24]
  • J. Skelly Wright,77岁,美国巡回法官,前列腺癌。[25]
  • 伍德罗·亚当斯,71岁,美国吉他手和口琴演奏家。
  • 吉米·菲德勒(Jimmie Fidler),89岁,美国专栏作家、记者和广播电视名人。[37]
  • M. Carl Holman,69岁,美国民权宣导者(民权委员会),癌症。[38]
  • 贾辛托·塞尔西(Giacinto Scelsi),83岁,义大利作曲家,脑出血。[39]
  • Ramón Valdés,63岁,墨西哥演员和喜剧演员,患有胃癌。[40]
  • 尚-米榭·巴斯奇亚(Jean-Michel Basquiat),27岁,美国艺术家(好莱坞非洲人),海洛因过量。[55]
  • Bhakti Rakshak Sridhar,92岁,印度大师、作家和精神领袖。
  • 梅尔·阿尔马达,75岁,墨西哥职业棒球大联盟球员(波士顿红袜)。[56]
  • Fred Below,61岁,美国蓝调鼓手,肝癌。
  • 基思·汉考克(Keith Hancock),90岁,澳大利亚历史学家和学者。[57]
  • 马丁·海林格(Martin Hellinger),84岁,纳粹德国牙医,负责去除拉文斯布吕克(Ravensbrück)集中营尸体上的金子填充物。
  • Thomas Henty,32岁,英国演员,血友病。
  • 约翰·温德尔·霍姆斯,78岁,加拿大外交官,加拿大驻联合国代表。[58]
  • Gajanan Jagirdar,81岁,印度电影导演、编剧和演员,心脏病发作。[59]
  • 佩吉·曼恩(Peggy Mann),69岁,美国大乐队歌手。[60]
  • 奥托·帕斯曼,88岁,美国政治家,美国众议院议员。[61]
  • William H. Phelps Jr.,85岁,委内瑞拉鸟类学家和商人。[62]
  • Pydimarri Venkata Subba Rao,72岁,印度作家,印度国家誓言的作者。[63]
  • 泰诺·素,21岁,牙买加舞厅歌手,肇事逃逸事故。
  • Gordon H. Scherer,81岁,美国律师和政治家,美国众议院议员。[64]
  • 爱德华·贝内特·威廉姆斯,68岁,美国律师和商人,威廉姆斯和康诺利的联合创始人,结肠癌。[65]
  • Jack Cutting,80岁,美国华特迪士尼动画工作室(Walt Disney Animation Studios)的国际内容主管和动画师。[77]
  • 尼诺·弗兰克(Nino Frank),84岁,出生于义大利的法国影评人和作家创造了“黑色电影”一词。
  • Bruno Mathsson,81岁,瑞典建筑师和家具设计师。
  • Connie Meijer,25岁,荷兰自行车手,心脏病发作。[78]
  • 阿赫塔尔·阿卜杜勒·拉赫曼(Akhtar Abdur Rahman),64岁,巴基斯坦陆军上将,飞机失事。[79]
  • 阿诺德·路易斯·拉佩尔,45岁,美国外交官,美国驻巴基斯坦大使,飞机失事。[80]
  • 小富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福,74岁,美国律师和政治家,美国众议院议员,肺癌。[81]
  • 西迪克·萨利克(Siddique Salik),52岁,巴基斯坦军官,飞机失事。[82]
  • Victoria Shaw,53岁,澳大利亚影视女演员,肺气肿。[83]
  • 撒母耳·西尔金(Samuel Silkin),70岁,英国政治家,英格兰和威尔士总检察长。[84]
  • Jack Straus,58岁,美国职业扑克玩家,主动脉瘤。[85]
  • 穆罕默德·齐亚·哈克,64岁,巴基斯坦军官,巴基斯坦总统,飞机失事。[86]
  • Rejhan Demirdžić,61岁,喜剧二人组Momo和Uzeir的波士尼亚一半。[103]
  • Donald De Lue,90岁,美国雕塑家(Harvey S. Firestone Memorial)。[116]
  • Oscar Marzaroli,55岁,义大利出生的苏格兰摄影师,癌症。[117]
  • Carlos Paião,30岁,葡萄牙歌手和词曲作者,车祸。[118]
  • 弗雷德·皮尔特(Fred Peart),74岁,英国政治家,上议院和下议院领袖。[119]
  • 米尔顿·斯珀林,76岁,美国电影制片人和编剧,美国影业公司老板,癌症。[120]
  • Lala Aragami,65岁,印度诗人。
  • Jinavajiralongkorn,91岁,泰国最高宗主教。
  • Max Black,79岁,亚塞拜然-英国-美国语言,数学,科学和艺术哲学家,心脏并发症。[121]
  • 查理斯·法瑞尔,88岁,爱尔兰舞台、电影和电视演员。
  • 冈瑟·冯·弗里奇(Gunther von Fritsch),82岁,奥匈帝国出生的美国电影导演(猫人的诅咒),中风。[122]
  • 爱琳·希金博瑟姆,70岁,美国词曲作者和音乐会钢琴家(Good Morning Heartache)。[123]
  • 杰克·凯恩(Jack Kane),80岁,澳大利亚参议员。
  • John Lie,77岁,印尼海军少将,中风。
  • 马里奥·蒙特内格罗,60岁,菲律宾电影演员,心脏病发作。
  • 约翰·里奥丹,85岁,美国数学家和作家(组合数学),阿尔茨海默病。[124]
  • William Sargant,81岁,英国精神病学家(电休克疗法)。[125]
  • Costas Taktsis,60岁,希腊作家,被谋杀。[126]
  • 本杰明·威利斯(Benjamin Willis),86岁,美国教育家和学校行政人员,心脏病发作。[127]
  • Hazel Dawn,98岁,美国女演员(《粉红佳人》)。[128]
  • 保罗·格莱斯(Paul Grice),75岁,英国语言哲学家。[129]
  • Guy Hocquenghem,41岁,法国作家和哲学家,爱滋病患者。[130]
  • Jean Marchand,69岁,加拿大工会会员和政治家,国会议员,加拿大国务卿。[131]
  • Max Shulman,69岁,美国作家和幽默家(Dobie Gillis),骨癌。[132]
  • Grace Eldering,87岁,美国公共卫生科学家(百日咳疫苗)。[144]
  • 林·贾尔达蒂(Lin Jaldati),75岁,荷兰出生,现居东德的歌手,大屠杀幸存者。[145]
  • 瓦西里·姆扎瓦纳泽,85岁,乔治亚苏维埃政治家,乔治亚共产党第一书记。[146]


  • Surat Alley,82-83岁,印度工会会员和英国政治活动家。


  1. ^ Wolfgang Saxon. John Cardinal Dearden, 80, Dies; Leading Liberal Voice in Church需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 2 August 1988: A 17 [3 April 2024]. 
  2. ^ Florence Eldridge, 86, Actress on Stage and Screen. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Jul 2024.
  3. ^ Sheldon Kinser, a six-time participant in the.... L.A. Times. Retrieved 17 Jun 2024.
  4. ^ Obituary John F Laboon Jr, 1988. Newspapers.com (The Baltimore Sun). Retrieved 19 Jun 2024.
  5. ^ Stephen John Mills. saintsplayers.co.uk. Retrieved 25 Jun 2024.
  6. ^ Gertrude Welcker
  7. ^ Obit Jacweir Breslin. Newspapers.com (Battle Creek Enquirer). Retrieved 30 May 2024.
  8. ^ Joe Carcione, TV's 'Green Grocer,' 73. New York Times. Retrieved 31 May 2024.
  9. ^ Raymond Carver, Writer and Poet Of the Working Poor, Dies at 50. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Jul 2024.
  10. ^ Quest for change penned in memoir. The New Zealand Herald. Retrieved 29 May 2024.
  11. ^ Tucker McGuire. Internet Broadway Database. Retrieved 30 Jun 2024.
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  13. ^ Major-General Sir Allan Shafto Adair Bt KCVO CB DSO MC. British Empire website. Retrieved 20 Jun 2024.
  14. ^ Brian Brake: MAORI ART: The Photography of Brian Brake. The New Zealand Herald (year of death only). Retrieved 20 Jun 2024.
  15. ^ Leppla, Richard. Traces of War. Retrieved 20 Jun 2024.
  16. ^ Meet Past Ministers. Ministry of Justice and Attorney General. Retrieved 25 Jun 2024.
  17. ^ Vandeleur, John Ormsby Evelyn. Generals.dk. Retrieved 14 Jul 2024.
  18. ^ Waterfield, Harry Lee, 1911-1988. Western Kentucky University (year of death only). Retrieved 15 Jul 2024.
  19. ^ Sarah Lyall. Colin Higgins, Film Director, 47, Creator of 'Harold and Maude'需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 7 August 1988: 1 34 [3 April 2024]. 
  20. ^ Shia Muslim Leader Is Gunned Down in Pakistan. L.A. Times. Retrieved 14 Jun 2024.
  21. ^ James Masters, Marine General, Dies at Age 77. Washington Post. Retrieved 22 Jun 2024.
  22. ^ Mervyn Rothstein. Ralph Meeker, 67, Star of 'Picnic' And Featured Actor in Films, Dies需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 6 August 1988: 1 32 [3 April 2024]. 
  23. ^ Levchenko. Encyclopedia Astronautica. [26 November 2010]. (原始内容存档于20 October 2010). 
  24. ^ Francis Ponge, Writer Of 'Thing-Poetry,' 89需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 9 August 1988: D 20 [3 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-03). 
  25. ^ Marjorie Hunter. Judge J. Skelly Wright, Segregation Foe, Dies at 77需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 8 August 1988: D 10 [3 April 2024]. 
  26. ^ David L. Hoggan, 1923-1988. revisionists.com. Retrieved 13 Jun 2024.
  27. ^ Obituaries : Wilfred Jackson; Animator at Disney. L.A. Times. Retrieved 14 Jun 2024.
  28. ^ Skinner, Ned (1920-1988) and Kayla (1919-2004). History Link. Retrieved 7 Jul 2024.
  29. ^ Alan Ameche, 55, Football Star in 1950's需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 9 August 1988: D 20 [3 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-03). 
  30. ^ Sports of the Times; The Riddle of Kid Chocolate. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Jun 2024.
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  32. ^ Henri Frenay, Resistance Fighter, 82. New York Times. Retrieved 9 Jun 2024.
  33. ^ Sir William Hardie Kininmonth P.R.S.A. (1904 - 1988). Royal Academy of Arts. Retrieved 17 Jun 2024.
  34. ^ Felix Leclerc, the dean of French-Canadian singers, poets and.... UPI. Retrieved 20 Jun 2024.
  35. ^ Alan Napier, Actor, Dies at 85需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 9 August 1988: D 20 [3 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-03). 
  36. ^ Dominic Louis Serventy (1904–1988). Australian Dictionary of Biography. Retrieved 7 Jul 2024.
  37. ^ Jimmie Fidler, 89, Hollywood Columnist需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 12 August 1988: D 18 [3 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-03). 
  38. ^ Carl Holman, 69, A Major Figure in Civil Rights Movement, is Dead. New York Times. Retrieved 13 Jun 2024.
  39. ^ Giacinto Scelsi, Composer, 83需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 12 August 1988: D 18 [3 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2021-07-12). 
  40. ^ Se cumplen 33 años de la muerte de Ramón Valdés, Don Ramón. ADN Sureste. 9 August 2021 [2 September 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-06) (西班牙语). 
  41. ^ Arnulfo Arias, 87, Panamanian who was President 3 Times. New York Times. Retrieved 25 May 2024.
  42. ^ Biography - Antoine Blanchard (1910 - 1988). Rehs Galleries. Retrieved 29 May 2024.
  43. ^ Jean Brachet. 19 March 1909-10 August 1988. Jstor (Royal Society). Retrieved 29 May 2024.
  44. ^ Gerd Grieg Gerd Egede-Nissen. European Literary Bibliography. Retrieved 10 Jun 2024.
  45. ^ Former NFL, Jones High Star Johnson Dies at 40. Orlando Sentinel. Retrieved 15 Jun 2024.
  46. ^ Havzi Nela, 35 years since the hanging of the poet by the communist regime. Euronews Albania. Retrieved 28 Jun 2024.
  47. ^ Adela R. St. Johns, 94, Journalist, Novelist, Teacher and Scriptwriter. New York Times. Retrieved 9 Jul 2024.
  48. ^ Paul Thek Dead at 54; An Artist of the Surreal需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 11 August 1988: D 20 [3 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-03). 
  49. ^ Kelbassa, Alfred. National Football Teams. Retrieved 19 Jun 2024.
  50. ^ Novembre 1988. Pauline Lafont, l’espoir perdu de Bernadette (November 1988. Pauline Lafont, Bernadette's lost hope). Paris Match (in French). Retrieved 19 Jun 2024.
  51. ^ K. Avukkaderkutty Naha. Kerala Legislative Assembly (via Wayback Machine). Retrieved 27 Jun 2024.
  52. ^ Jean-Pierre Ponnelle, 56, is Dead; Was Opera Director and Designer. New York Times. Retrieved 2 Jul 2024.
  53. ^ Anne Ramsey, 59, Best Known in Role Of Ogreish 'Momma'需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 13 August 1988: 1 10 [3 April 2024]. 
  54. ^ Jack Regan. Collingwood Forever. Retrieved 3 Jul 2024.
  55. ^ Basquiat, Jean-Michel. Basquiat-isms. Princeton University Press. 2019-06-04: 112–113. ISBN 978-0-691-19283-3 (英语). 
  56. ^ Mel Almada #21. mlb.com. Retrieved 25 May 2024.
  57. ^ Sir William Keith Hancock (1898–1988). Australian Dictionary of Biography. Retrieved 12 Jun 2024.
  58. ^ John Wendell Holmes. The Canadian Encyclopedia. Retrieved 13 Jun 2024.
  59. ^ Indian Cinema. Directorate of Film Festivals, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. 1988: 89. Gajanan Jagirdar, the well-known and respected Marathi film producer and director and one-time actor in Hindi and Marathi films passed away in Bombay on August 13, 1988 after a heart attack at the age of 81 
  60. ^ Obituaries: Margaret 'Peggy Mann' Dunlap. Newspapers.com (The Herald Statesman). Retrieved 22 Jun 2024.
  61. ^ Thomas J. Lueck. Otto Passman, 88, Louisiana Congressman Who Fought Spending需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 14 August 1988: 1 41 [3 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-03). 
  62. ^ Glenn Fowler. William H. Phelps Jr. Dies at 85; Ornithologist and Conservationist需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 19 August 1988: D 15 [3 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-03). 
  63. ^ Visakhapatnam remembers 'pledge' composer. The Times of India (year of death only). Retrieved 3 Jul 2024.
  64. ^ Gordon Scherer, 81; Served in the House And United Nations需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 17 August 1988: D 23 [3 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-03). 
  65. ^ Albin Krebs. Edward Bennett Williams, Trial Lawyer, Dead at 68; A Brilliant 'Superlawyer'需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 15 August 1988: D 11 [3 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2016-06-03). 
  66. ^ Obituaries : Jail Cell Death for Innovative Musician : Guitarist Roy Buchanan Found Hanged. L.A. Times. Retrieved 30 May 2024.
  67. ^ Cult heroes: Robert Calvert – Hawkwind's prescient space-rock poet. The Guardian. Retrieved 30 May 2024.
  68. ^ Michael Crowder, 1934-88. Cambridge University Press & Assessment. Retrieved 2 Jun 2024.
  69. ^ Enzo Ferrari, Builder of Racing Cars, Is Dead at 90. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Jul 2024.
  70. ^ Justice Kailash Nath Wanchoo, I.C.S.. District Courts of India. Retrieved 15 Jul 2024.
  71. ^ Monroe Wheeler, Board Member Of Modern Museum, Is Dead at 89. New York Times. Retrieved 15 Jul 2024.
  72. ^ Barry Bingham Sr. Is Dead at 82; Louisville Newspapers' Publisher. New York Times. Retrieved 29 May 2024.
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  74. ^ Hans Heinz Stuckenschmidt. Oxford Reference (year of death only). Retrieved 11 Jul 2024.
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  87. ^ The New York Times Biographical Service. New York Times & Arno Press. 1988: 923. 
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  96. ^ Jean-Paul Aron, Philosopher, 61. New York Times. Retrieved 26 May 2024.
  97. ^ Leon McAuliffe, Musician, 71. New York Times. Retrieved 22 Jun 2024.
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  100. ^ Douglas C. McGill. Ray Eames, 72, a Founder of Firm That Designed the Eames Chair需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 23 August 1988: D 19 [3 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-03). 
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  104. ^ C. Desmond Greaves. Desmond Greaves archive. Retrieved 10 Jun 2024.
  105. ^ Robert Allan Humphreys; Priest, Author. L.A. Times. Retrieved 14 Jun 2024.
  106. ^ Dr. Hans Lewy, 83, Mathematics Profesor需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 2 September 1988: B 5 [3 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-16). 
  107. ^ Jack Sher, 75, Writer And Director of Films需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 24 August 1988: D 18 [3 April 2024]. 
  108. ^ Massachusetts, Death Index, 1970-2003
  109. ^ Mel Gussow. Leonard Frey, Actor, Dies at 49; Was in 'Fiddler' and Other Films需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 25 August 1988: D 21 [3 April 2024]. 
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  111. ^ Alfonso A. Narvaez. Ex-Senator Price Daniel, 77, Dies; Was Texas Governor for 3 Terms需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 26 August 1988: D 15 [3 April 2024]. 
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  113. ^ Percy Foreman, Texas Lawyer, 86; Defended the Assassin of Dr. King. New York Times. Retrieved 9 Jun 2024.
  114. ^ Irving Mansfield, 80, a Publicist, Author and Television Producer. New York Times. Retrieved 22 Jun 2024.
  115. ^ Gerald Eskenazi. Art Rooney, 87, Founder of N.F.L.'s Steelers, Dies需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 26 August 1988: D 15 [3 April 2024]. 
  116. ^ Donald DeLue, 90, Sculptor of Monuments. New York Times. Retrieved 4 Jun 2024.
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  121. ^ Dr. Max Black, 79, Author and Philosopher需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 30 August 1988: D 19 [3 April 2024]. 
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