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  • 路易士·多利维特(Louis Dolivet),81岁,出生于奥匈帝国的法国电影制片人,被指控为苏联间谍,自由世界的编辑。
  • 唐·赫夫纳,78岁,美国职业棒球大联盟球员(圣路易士布朗队)。[1]
  • John Hirsch,59岁,匈牙利出生的加拿大戏剧导演(皇家曼尼托巴剧院中心),爱滋病。[2]
  • 约翰·奥格登(John Ogdon),52岁,英国钢琴家和作曲家,肺炎。[3]
  • Luiz Gonzaga,76岁,巴西歌手和词曲作者。[4]
  • Dominic Behan,60 岁,爱尔兰作家、词曲作者和歌手(爱国游戏),胰腺癌。[5]
  • Antonia Brico,87岁,荷兰出生的美国指挥家和钢琴家。[6]
  • William Larimer Mellon Jr.,79岁,美国慈善家和医生,癌症和帕金森病。[7]
  • 佩吉·蒙哥马利(Peggy Montgomery),84岁,美国无声银幕女演员(亚利桑那日)。
  • Egon Orowan,87岁,匈牙利裔英国物理学家和冶金学家(晶体位错)。[8]
  • 科尔斯顿·威斯布鲁克(Colston Westbrook),51岁,美国教师和语言学家,癌症。[9]
  • 阿马多尔·本达扬,68岁,委内瑞拉演员和艺人(Sábado Sensacional)。[29]
  • Irving Cottler,71岁,美国打击乐手,心脏病发作。[30]
  • 罗伯特·卡斯克,68岁,美国中世纪文学教授,脑瘤。[31]
  • Enrico Lorenzetti,78岁,义大利大奖赛摩托车公路赛车手,250 cc 世界锦标赛冠军。[32]
  • 布赖恩·内勒(Brian Naylor),66岁,英国赛车手,划船事故。[33]
  • 鲍比·奥克斯普林(Bobby Oxspring),70岁,英国皇家空军军官,二战期间的王牌飞行员。[34]
  • 乔治·帕普,73岁,美国漫画家(Superboy)。
  • 玛丽·佩平(Mary Peppin),76岁,英国双胞胎姐妹钢琴二重奏组的一半成员,市政厅音乐及戏剧学院(Guildhall School of Music)的钢琴教师。
  • 奥黛丽·拉塞尔(Audrey Russell),83岁,英国 BBC 电台记者和战地记者,阿尔茨海默病。[35]
  • Maja Sacher,93岁,瑞士艺术收藏家和慈善家。[36]
  • László Willinger,80岁,德国出生的美国摄影师,心力衰竭。[37]
  • 理查·亚历山大,86岁,美国电影演员。
  • K. Gunaratnam,72岁,斯里兰卡电影制片人,被谋杀。[38]
  • 邓肯·麦克弗森(Duncan MacPherson),23岁,加拿大冰球运动员,尸体在融化的冰川中被发现。[39]
  • 凯萨琳·马奎尔,63岁,美国女演员(布谷鸟的时光风中的火焰),食道癌。[40]
  • Eckart Muthesius,85岁,德国建筑师和室内设计师(Manik Bagh 宫殿)。[41]
  • Morris Shenker,82岁,美国律师,因与吉米·霍法有联系而闻名,肺炎。[42]
  • H. Montgomery Hyde,81岁,爱尔兰大律师、政治家和作家,国会议员。[43]
  • 乔治·伊格纳季耶夫(George Ignatieff),75岁,俄罗斯出生的加拿大外交官,驻联合国大使。[44]
  • 皮埃尔·马蒂斯(Pierre Matisse),89岁,法国出生的美国艺术品转销商。[45]
  • William Sydney Atkins,87岁,阿特金斯工程谘询公司的英国创始人。[63]
  • 艾伯华(Wolfram Eberhard),80岁,出生于德国的土耳其裔美国人社会学教授。[64]
  • 源田实(Minoru Genda),84岁,日本海军将军,因策划袭击珍珠港而闻名,也是一位政治家。[65]
  • 埃尔维·卡勒普(Elvy Kalep),90岁,爱沙尼亚飞行员,该国第一位女飞行员。[66]
  • 海因里希·克朗,93岁,德国政治家,联邦议院议员。
  • 厄尔·鲁斯,73岁,美国政治家、美国众议院议员、美属萨摩亚州长。[67]
  • Thrasyvoulos Tsakalotos,92岁,希腊陆军上将、希腊陆军总参谋长、驻南斯拉夫大使。
  • 乔治·亚当森(George Adamson),83岁,英国野生动物保护主义者和肯亚作家(母狮艾尔莎(Elsa)),被谋杀。[82]
  • 克拉伦斯·格拉肯(Clarence Glacken),80岁,美国地理学教授。[83]
  • H. B. Halicki,48岁,美国导演、特技司机和演员(60秒消失),拍摄时发生事故。[84]
  • 约瑟夫·拉谢尔,89岁,美国电影摄影师(罗娜秘记)。[85]
  • 天龙三郎,85岁,日本相扑选手(俊寿园事件)。
  • Syd van der Vyver,69岁,南非赛车手。
  • William F. Bolger,66岁,美国邮政局长,美国航空协会主席。[86]
  • 斯科特·芬顿,24岁,澳大利亚 NBL 篮球运动员(悉尼超音速队、珀斯野猫队),车祸。[87]
  • Heikki H. Herlin,88岁,芬兰工程师,通力电梯经理。
  • Otto Schulz-Kampfhenkel,78岁,德国地理学家、探险家、作家和电影制片人
  • Raul Seixas,44岁,巴西摇滚歌手、词曲作者和制作人,心脏骤停。
  • 菲利斯·特雷尔(Phyllis Terrell),91岁,美国女权主义者和民权活动家。
  • 泰德·威尔克斯,73岁,美国职业棒球大联盟球员(圣路易红雀)。[88]
  • Giorgio di Sant' Angelo,66岁,阿根廷出生的美国时装设计师,患有肺癌。[111]
  • Pua Kealoha,86岁,夏威夷出生的美国游泳运动员和奥运会金牌得主。[112]
  • 洛伦佐·纳塔利(Lorenzo Natali),66岁,义大利政治家,公共工程部长。[113]
  • 彼得·斯科特爵士,79岁,英国鸟类学家、环保主义者和奥运会帆船奖牌得主,心脏病发作。[114]




  1. ^ Don Heffner, Former Baseball Player, 78需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 2 August 1989: D 23 [23 March 2024]. 
  2. ^ C. Gerald Fraser. John Hirsch, 59, Director Praised For Supporting Canadian Talent需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 3 August 1989: A 20 [23 March 2024]. 
  3. ^ Will Crutchfield. John Ogdon, 52, a British Pianist Who Championed the New, Dies需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 2 August 1989: D 22 [23 March 2024]. 
  4. ^ Gonzaga, Luiz (1912–1989). Encyclopedia.com. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  5. ^ Behan, Dominic. Dictionary of Irish Biography. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  6. ^ Allan Kozinn. Antonia Brico, 87, a Conductor; Fought Barriers to Women in 30's需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 5 August 1989: 1 10 [23 March 2024]. 
  7. ^ W. L. Mellon, Humanitarian, Is Dead at 79. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  8. ^ Egon Orowan, 87, Engineering Professor需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 5 August 1989: 1 10 [23 March 2024]. 
  9. ^ Colston R. Westbrook. Newspapers.com (Public Opinion, Pennsylvania). Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  10. ^ Paolo Baffi Dies at 77; Headed Italian Bank. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  11. ^ Howards' Way actor dies. Herald Scotland. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  12. ^ Cross, (Arthur) Geoffrey Neale, Baron Cross of Chelsea. Oxford Diction of National Biography. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.需付费查阅
  13. ^ W. Wallace Smith, Missouri Church Leader需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 8 August 1989: B 5 [23 March 2024]. 
  14. ^ John R. Kinard, Museum Director, 53需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 7 August 1989: B 6 [23 March 2024]. 
  15. ^ John H. Larsen, Sr.. Olympedia. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  16. ^ Max Macon, ex-baseball player. Newspapers.com (The Palm Beach Post). Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  17. ^ Thomas, Helen Wyn (1966 - 1989), peace activist. Dictionary of Welsh Biography. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  18. ^ Alcohol Gauged In Toran Death. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  19. ^ Le Monde Founder Hubert Beuve-Mery Dies at Age 87. source. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  20. ^ Former USC Coach Clark, 65, Dies : Apparent Heart Attack Takes Life of ‘57-’59 Football Coach. L.A. Times. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  21. ^ Nathan Levine Dies; Film Executive Was 89. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  22. ^ Gravestone: Peter Rudolph “Rudy” Olgiati 6.8.89. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  23. ^ Frank Sinkovitz. Pro-Football-Reference. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  24. ^ Gerhard de Kock, 63, Pretoria Bank Chief. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  25. ^ Robert F. Jani, 54, a Producer. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  26. ^ Representative Mickey Leland, 44, Dies in Crash. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  27. ^ Man Held in Writer's Death. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  28. ^ Mira Trailovic, Director, 65. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  29. ^ Gravestone: Amador Bendayán 4.8.89. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  30. ^ Drummer Irv Cottler, 71; Called ‘Best in the Business’ by Sinatra. L.A. Times. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  31. ^ Robert E. Kaske, 68, A Professor at Cornell需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 11 August 1989: A 20 [23 March 2024]. 
  32. ^ Enrico Lorenzetti. Motorsport Memorial. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  33. ^ Brian Naylor. Motorsport Memorial. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  34. ^ Oxspring, Robert Wardlow "Oxo". Traces of War. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  35. ^ Russell, (Muriel) Audrey. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  36. ^ Maja Sacher-Stehlin. Personenlexikon des Kantons Basel-Landschaft (in German). Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  37. ^ Laszlo Willinger; Hollywood Photographer. L.A. Times. Retrieved 7 Oct 2024.
  38. ^ 30th death anniversary of K. Gunaratnam of Jaffna: Brutally gunned down by unidentified goons on August 9, 1983. Daily Mirror Sri Lanka. Retrieved 12 Oct 2024.
  39. ^ Eisiges Schweigen (Icy Silence). Süddeutsche Zeitung (in German). Retrieved 8 Oct 2024.
  40. ^ Kathleen Maguire, Actress, 64需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 17 August 1989: B 14 [23 March 2024]. 
  41. ^ Eckart Muthesius (1904-1989). Christie's (year of death only). Retrieved 8 Oct 2024.
  42. ^ Morris Shenker, 82, Lawyer in St. Louis And Hoffa Defender. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Oct 2024.
  43. ^ Hyde, Harford Montgomery [H. Montgomery Hyde]. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Retrieved 8 Oct 2024.需付费查阅
  44. ^ George Ignatieff. The Canadian Encyclopedia. Retrieved 8 Oct 2024.
  45. ^ John Russell. Pierre Matisse, 89, Art Dealer and Promoter, Dies需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 11 August 1989: A 20 [23 March 2024]. 
  46. ^ Gravestone: Bill Cody Jr. 11.8.89. Retrieved 8 Oct 2024.
  47. ^ Levering, Robert Woodrow. Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. Retrieved 8 Oct 2024.
  48. ^ John Meillon Dead at 55. Trove (Canberra Times). Retrieved 8 Oct 2024.
  49. ^ The Times, obituary General Sir Richard Ward 14 August 1989 p.12
  50. ^ Anthoine, Julian Vincent [Mo]. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Retrieved 8 Oct 2024.需付费查阅
  51. ^ Obituary: Emyr Estyn Evans, 1905–1989: An Appreciation. Taylor & Francis (R. H. Buchanan - Obituary). Retrieved 8 Oct 2024.
  52. ^ Lillebil Ibsen. Norsk biografisk leksikon. Retrieved 8 Oct 2024.
  53. ^ Samuel Okwaraji Samuel Sochukwuma Okwaraji (Player). National Football Teams. Retrieved 8 Oct 2024.
  54. ^ Wolfgang Saxon. William B. Shockley, 79, Creator Of Transistor and Theory on Race需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 14 August 1989: D 9 [23 March 2024]. 
  55. ^ Due Protagonisti Dello Spettacolo. La Repubblica (in Italian). Retrieved 8 Oct 2024.
  56. ^ Overlooked No More: Willy de Bruyn, Cycling Champion Who Broke Gender Boundaries. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Oct 2024.
  57. ^ Roldano Lupi. WorldCat. Retrieved 8 Oct 2024.
  58. ^ Tim Richmond, 34, Auto Racer需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 16 August 1989: B 9 [23 March 2024]. 
  59. ^ Rep. Larkin Smith, 45, Dies In Mississippi Plane Crash. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Oct 2024.
  60. ^ Eric Pace. Robert B. Anderson, Ex-treasury Chief, Dies At 79需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 16 August 1989: B 9 [23 March 2024]. 
  61. ^ Pro Athlete Commits Suicide. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Oct 2024.
  62. ^ Story: Robinson, Dove-Myer. Te Ara - Dictionary of New Zealand Biography. Retrieved 8 Oct 2024.
  63. ^ Atkins, Sir William Sydney Albert. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Retrieved 8 Oct 2024. 需付费查阅
  64. ^ In Memoriam: Wolfram Eberhard, 1909-1989. "Asian Folklore Studies" (obit). Retrieved 8 Oct 2024.
  65. ^ Peter B. Flint. General Minoru Genda, 84, Dies: Planned Attack On Pearl Harbor需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 17 August 1989: B 14 [23 March 2024]. 
  66. ^ Elvy Kalep, Early Flier, Friend Of Amelia Earhart. South Florida Sun Sentinel. Retrieved 8 Oct 2024.
  67. ^ Ruth, Earl Baker. Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. Retrieved 8 Oct 2024.
  68. ^ Aubame, Jean-Hilaire (1912–1989). Oxford Reference 需付费查阅. Retrieved 9 Oct 2024.
  69. ^ Amanda Blake, 60, Saloonkeeper On TV's 'Gunsmoke' for 19 Years需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 18 August 1989: A 20 [23 March 2024]. 
  70. ^ Donald Stuart Leslie Friend. Australian War Memorial. Retrieved 9 Oct 2024.
  71. ^ What were your memories of Sooty and its Bradford-born creator Harry Corbett?. Telegraph and Argus (year of death only). Retrieved 9 Oct 2024.
  72. ^ Stavro Skendi, 82, a Professor at Columbia. New York Times. Retrieved 9 Oct 2024.
  73. ^ Fred Frankhouse. Society for American Baseball Research. Retrieved 9 Oct 2024.
  74. ^ Gravestone: Robert Buckner 18.8.89. Retrieved 9 Oct 2024.
  75. ^ Colombian Presidential Candidate Is Slain at Rally. New York Times. Retrieved 9 Oct 2024.
  76. ^ Imre Németh. Olympedia. Retrieved 9 Oct 2024.
  77. ^ Bert Oosterbosch. Pro Cycling Stats. Retrieved 9 Oct 2024.
  78. ^ Colombia Police Chief Slain After Battling Drug Cartel. L.A. Times. Retrieved 9 Oct 2024.
  79. ^ Chrissie White. Surrey Brass. Retrieved 9 Oct 2024.
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  81. ^ Aided 1986 Income Tax Changes需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 21 August 1989: B 8 [23 March 2024]. 
  82. ^ George Adamson, Lions' Protector, Is Shot Dead by Bandits in Kenya. New York Times. Retrieved 9 Oct 2024.
  83. ^ Clarence James Glacken, Geography: Berkeley. Online Archive of California. Retrieved 9 Oct 2024.
  84. ^ Creator of Crashes Killed on Film Set. L.A. Times. Retrieved 9 Oct 2024.
  85. ^ Joseph La Shelle, 89, Cameraman of 'Laura'. New York Times. Retrieved 9 Oct 2024.
  86. ^ Wolfgang Saxon. Ex-postmaster, William Bolger, Is Dead At 66需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 22 August 1989: D 23 [23 March 2024]. 
  87. ^ Perth Wildcats coach Trevor Gleeson’s tribute to Scott Fenton: ‘He was a much loved player and person’. The West Australian. Retrieved 10 Oct 2024.
  88. ^ Ted Wilks. MLB.com. Retrieved 10 Oct 2024.
  89. ^ Dr Charles Hill. UK Parliament. Retrieved 11 Oct 2024.
  90. ^ Huey Newton Killed; Was a Co-Founder Of Black Panthers. New York Times. Retrieved 11 Oct 2024.
  91. ^ Bernadine Morris. Diana Vreeland, Editor, Dies; Voice of Fashion for Decades需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 23 August 1989: A 1 [23 March 2024]. 
  92. ^ Gravestone: Alfred S. 'Al Cass' Cassinelli 23.8.89. Retrieved 11 Oct 2024.
  93. ^ Walter de Sousa. Olympedia. Retrieved 11 Oct 2024.
  94. ^ John T. McQuiston. R.D. Laing, Rebel And Pioneer On Schizophrenia, Is Dead At 61需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 25 August 1989: D 17 [23 March 2024]. 
  95. ^ Nebojsa Mitric. WorldCat. Retrieved 11 Oct 2024.
  96. ^ Jacques Godechot (1907-1989) : historien de l’ère des Révolutions. Bibliothèques universitaires de Strasbourg (in French, year of death only). Retrieved 11 Oct 2024.
  97. ^ Feliks Topolski, 82, a War Artist需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 30 August 1989: B 5 [23 March 2024]. 
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  99. ^ Al Cherny. The Canadian Encyclopedia. Retrieved 11 Oct 2024.
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  102. ^ Hans Børli. WorldCat. Retrieved 12 Oct 2024.
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  107. ^ Bill Shirley, 68; Actor-Singer Was Voice of Prince Charming. L.A. Times. Retrieved 12 Oct 2024.
  108. ^ Eric Pace. Joseph Alsop Dies at Home at 78; Political Columnist Since the 30's需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 29 August 1989: B 6 [23 March 2024]. 
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  110. ^ Glenn Fowler. John Steptoe, 38, Illustrator, Dies; He Also Wrote Children's Books需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 1 September 1989: D 17 [23 March 2024]. 
  111. ^ Georgio Sant'Angelo, a Designer; In the Avant-Garde of Fashion, 56. New York Times. Retrieved 12 Oct 2024.
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  113. ^ Lorenzo Natali, Italian Politician, 66需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 31 August 1989: B 11 [23 March 2024]. 
  114. ^ Sir Peter Scott, Wildlife Advocate And Painter of Birds, Dies at 79需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 31 August 1989: B 12 [23 March 2024]. 
  115. ^ Joe Collins, Former Yankee, 66需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 1 September 1989: D 17 [23 March 2024]. 
  116. ^ Joe De Santis, an Actor, Teacher, And Amateur Sculptor, Dies at 80. New York Times. Retrieved 12 Oct 2024.
  117. ^ Seymour Krim, Author And Critic, Dies at 67. New York Times. Retrieved 12 Oct 2024.
  118. ^ Dinkar Mehta became sole communist mayor of Ahmedabad, beating Sardar Patel’s influence. The Print, India. Retrieved 12 Oct 2024.
  119. ^ Dorothy Schiff, 86, Ex-Post Owner, Dies需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 31 August 1989: B 11 [23 March 2024]. 
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  123. ^ Vladimir S. Littauer, Riding Instructor, 96. New York Times. Retrieved 12 Oct 2024.
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