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安東·瓦爾特油畫肖像畫,弗里德里希·高爾曼英語Friedrich Gauermann繪於1825年

加布里埃爾·安東·瓦爾特(德語:Gabriel Anton Walter,1752年2月5日—1826年4月11日),鋼琴製造家。《新格羅夫音樂與音樂家辭典》將他稱作「當時最著名的維也納鋼琴製造家」。[1]



瓦爾特出生於德國諾伊豪森。1780年他遷至維也納,[2]1790年他被授予帝國皇家室內管風琴製造家和樂器製造家的身份。到了1800年,他雇用了大約20名工人。[3] 同年,他的繼子約瑟夫·舍夫斯托斯(Joseph Schöffstoss)加入了他的事業,鋼琴也被冠以「安東·瓦爾特與兒子」(Anton Walter und Sohn)之名。[3]瓦爾特最後一架尚存的鋼琴的歷史可以追溯到1825年,他於次年去世。[3]

瓦爾特改進了維也納鋼琴的機械設計,在擊弦機制(action)加入了一個制動托木(back check),從而防止琴錘上下彈動。在瓦爾特的時代,這一創新被其他維也納鋼琴製造商採用。[3] 使用瓦爾特鋼琴的作曲家有貝多芬[4][5]莫扎特海頓[6]




瓦爾特的古鋼琴經常被現代古鋼琴製造家作為典範,如菲利普·貝爾特英語Philip Belt(Philip Belt)、羅德尼·里傑爾(Rodney Regier)、保羅·麥克諾提(Paul McNulty)和克里斯托弗·克拉克(Christopher Clark)等。


  • 保羅·巴杜拉-斯柯達. Paul Badura-Skoda. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Works for piano. Played on an Anton Walter 1790 fortepiano. Label: Gramola.
  • 保羅·巴杜拉-斯柯達. Paul Badura-Skoda with Musica Florea. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Piano concertos K.271, K.414. Played on a copy of a Walter instrument made by Paul McNulty.
  • 雅羅斯拉夫·圖馬. Jaroslav Tuma. Antonin Reicha. 36 fugues for piano. Played on the original 1790 Anton Walter fortepiano.
  • 馬爾科姆·比爾森、湯姆·貝金、大衛·布雷特曼、烏蘇拉·杜奇勒、茲維·梅尼克、巴特·范·奧爾特、安德魯·威利斯。Malcolm Bilson, Tom Beghin, David Breitman, Ursula Dütschler, Zvi Meniker, Bart van Oort, Andrew Willis. Ludwig van Beethoven. The complete Piano Sonatas on Period Instruments. Played on original fortepianos: Salvatore Lagrassa 1815, Gottlieb Hafner 1835, Johann Fritz 1825, Walter fortepiano copy by Paul McNulty, Walter copies by Chris Maene, Johann Schantz copy by Thomas and Barbara Wolf, a Walter and Conrad Graf 1825 copies by Rodney Regier, Label: Claves.
  • 克里斯蒂安·波澤伊登霍特. Kristian Bezuidenhout. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Keyboard Music Vol.2 Played on a copy of a Walter instrument made by Paul McNulty.
  • 羅伯特·萊文與古代音樂學院,克利斯朵夫·霍格伍德. Robert Levin with the Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Piano Concertos Nos. 15 & 26. Played on Mozart’s own Walter (restored).
  • 尼古拉斯·哈農庫特魯道夫·布赫賓德. Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Rudolf Buchbinder. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Piano Concertos No. 23 & 25. Played on a copy of a Walter instrument made by Paul McNulty.
  • 安德烈亞斯·斯泰爾. Andreas Staier. Joseph Haydn. Sonatas and Variations. Played on a copy of a Walter instrument made by Christopher Clarke.
  • 馬爾科姆·比爾森,約翰·艾略特·加德納,英國巴洛克獨奏家。Malcolm Bilson, John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Piano Concertos Nos. 20&21/ Concertos Pour Piano K. 466 & K.467. Played on a replica of Walter fortepiano by Philip Belt. Label: Archiv Production.
  • 馬爾科姆·比爾森。Malcolm Bilson. Franz Josef Haydn. Keyboard Sonatas. Played on a replica of Walter fortepiano by Philip Belt. Label: Titanic Records.
  • 阿列克謝·盧比莫夫和他的同事。Alexei Lubimov and his colleagues. Ludwig van Beethoven. Complete piano sonatas. Played on copies of Stein, Walter, Graf, Buchholtz instruments made by Paul McNulty.
  • 薇薇安娜·索夫羅尼茨基. Viviana Sofronitsky with Warsaw Chamber Opera Orchestra. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Complete Mozart works for keyboard instrument and orchestra (11 CD box). Played on a copy of a Walter instrument made by Paul McNulty.


  1. ^ Walter, (Gabriel) Anton. Grove Music Online. [2021-06-28]. (原始內容存檔於2021-07-01) (英語). 
  2. ^ Latcham, Michael (1997) "Mozart and the pianos of Gabriel Anton Walter." Early Music 25(3):383–400.
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Latcham, Michael (2009) "Anton Walter". Article in the Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, online edition. Oxford University Press.
  4. ^ Carl Czerny, Über den richtigen Vertrag der sämtlichen Beethovenschen Klavierwerke (Vienna 1963), ed. Paul Badura-Skoda p.10
  5. ^ Ludwig van Beethoven, Brief an Nikolaus Zmeskall, Wien,頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) November 1802, Autograph
  6. ^ Mozart and the Pianos of Gabriel Anton Walter Author(s): Michael Latcham. Source: Early Music , Aug., 1997, Vol. 25, No. 3 (Aug., 1997), pp. 382-400 Published by: Oxford University Press
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Translated from the original German in Mozart: Briefe und Aufzeichnungen, ed. Wilhelm A. Bauer and Otto Erich Deutsch (Kassel, 1963), Vol. III.
  8. ^ Mozart Residence : Museums in Salzburg : salzburg.info. www.salzburg.info. [2021-06-28]. (原始內容存檔於2021-07-07) (英語). 

