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15094 Polymele
發現地Mount Lemmon Obs.
其它名稱1999 WB2 · 1997 WR57
曆元 23 March 2018 (JD 2458200.5)
不確定參數 0
觀測弧24.10 yr(8,803日)
遠日點5.6537 AU
近日點4.6781 AU
半長軸5.1659 AU
軌道週期11.74 年(4,289日)
與木星最小軌道相交距離0.2252 AU
自轉週期5.8607±0.0005 h[5]
B–V = 0.652±0.065[10]
V–R = 0.477±0.065[10]
V–I = 0.799±0.068[10]
11.691±0.002 (S/R)[5]

波呂墨勒(15094 Polymele) /pɒlɪˈml/是來自原始特洛伊小行星希臘營的小行星,直徑約為21公里(13英里)。它是露西號太空船預計在2027年9月近距離飛越的目標[9][12]。這顆小行星在1999年11月17日被天文學家從美國亞利桑那州萊蒙山天文台卡特林那巡天系統中發現。它是顆P-型小行星自轉週期5.9小時,形狀可能是球形[11]。它以希臘神話中的波呂墨勒英語Polymele命名,是Menoetius的妻子和Patroclus的母親[1]。在2022年報導,它是雙小行星,其伴星的直徑約為5公里(3.1英里)[13]



「波呂墨勒」是一顆木星特洛伊(或木星小行星),在木星的L4拉格朗日點,領先氣體巨星在木星軌道前方60°希臘營中運行("參見特洛伊天體")。它每11年9個月(4,289天;半長軸為5.17AU)繞行太陽公轉一圈,距離為4.7-5.7AU。它的軌道相對於黃道離心率為0.09,傾斜為13°[2]。後來由「數位化巡天英語Digitized Sky Survey」發佈,這顆小行星的觀測弧始於1951年在帕洛瑪天文臺拍攝的回溯發現,在萊蒙山正式發現觀測它之前48年[1]



這顆小行星是以希臘神話佩琉斯(Peleus)的女兒波呂墨勒英語Polymele(Polymele)命名。根據拉丁作家Gaius Julius Hginus(約西元前64年-西元17年),她是阿爾戈納人Menoeteus英語Menoeteus的妻子和Patroclus的母親,後者參與了特洛伊戰爭[1]。波呂墨勒也被稱為"菲洛梅拉英語Philomela (mother of Patroclus)";該名稱已經用於小行星196 Philomela。波呂墨勒的命名由小行星中心於2016年2月22日發佈(小行星通告98711[14]









根據NASA的廣域紅外線巡天探測衛星NEOWISE任務進行的調查,測量波呂墨勒的直徑為21.075公里,其表面的反照率為0.091[6][7][8],而在2018年,馬克·布傑英語Marc Buie在S-和/或R波段發表了0.073的反照率和11.691的絕對星等[5]。 「協作小行星光曲線連結」假設碳質小行星的標準反照率為0.057,並根據11.6的絕對星等計算出更大的直徑26.64公里[11]



2016年3月,從馬克·布傑英語Marc Buie和大學的光度觀測中獲得波呂墨勒自轉的光變曲線。光變曲線的分析給出了5.8607±0.0005小時的自轉週期0.09±0.03星等U=2-)的微量振幅,表示該小行星具有球形[5]。此前,"露西"任務團隊分別公佈了6.1小時和4小時的自轉速率[9][12]



在2022年3月26日觀測到掩星之後,據報導,波呂墨勒有一顆衛星。這顆衛星是一顆較小的小行星,直徑約為5公里(3.1英里),距離200 km(120 mi),軌道幾乎就在波呂墨勒的赤道平面上[13]。在進一步觀測確定其軌道之前,它不會被正式命名。露西科學團隊用臨時的非正式名稱"肖恩"(Shaun)來稱呼這顆伴星。這是阿德曼動畫公司創作的笑笑羊的名字[15]

100+ largest Jupiter trojans
Largest Jupiter Trojans by survey(A)
(mean-diameter in kilometers; YoD: Year of Discovery)
Designation H WISE IRAS Akari Ln RP V–I YoD Ref
624 Hektor 7.2 225 233 230.99 L4 6.92 0.930 1907 list
617 Patroclus 8.19 140.362 140.92 140.85 L5 102.80 0.830 1906 list
911 Agamemnon 7.89 131.038 166.66 185.30 L4 6.59 0.980 1919 list
588 Achilles 8.67 130.099 135.47 133.22 L4 7.31 0.940 1906 list
3451 Mentor 8.4 126.288 116.30 117.91 L5 7.70 0.770 1984 list
3317 Paris 8.3 118.790 116.26 120.45 L5 7.09 0.950 1984 list
1867 Deiphobus 8.3 118.220 122.67 131.31 L5 58.66 0.930 1971 list
1172 Äneas 8.33 118.020 142.82 148.66 L5 8.71 0.950 1930 list
1437 Diomedes 8.3 117.786 164.31 172.60 L4 24.49 0.810 1937 list
1143 Odysseus 7.93 114.624 125.64 130.81 L4 10.11 0.860 1930 list
2241 Alcathous 8.64 113.682 114.63 118.87 L5 7.69 0.940 1979 list
659 Nestor 8.99 112.320 108.87 107.06 L4 15.98 0.790 1908 list
3793 Leonteus 8.7 112.046 86.26 87.58 L4 5.62 0.780 1985 list
3063 Makhaon 8.4 111.655 116.14 114.34 L4 8.64 0.830 1983 list
1583 Antilochus 8.6 108.842 101.62 111.69 L4 31.54 0.950 1950 list
884 Priamus 8.81 101.093 96.29 119.99 L5 6.86 0.900 1917 list
1208 Troilus 8.99 100.477 103.34 111.36 L5 56.17 0.740 1931 list
1173 Anchises 8.89 99.549 126.27 120.49 L5 11.60 0.780 1930 list
2207 Antenor 8.89 97.658 85.11 91.32 L5 7.97 0.950 1977 list
2363 Cebriones 9.11 95.976 81.84 84.61 L5 20.05 0.910 1977 list
4063 Euforbo 8.7 95.619 102.46 106.38 L4 8.85 0.950 1989 list
2357 Phereclos 8.94 94.625 94.90 98.45 L5 14.39 0.960 1981 list
4709 Ennomos 8.5 91.433 80.85 80.03 L5 12.28 0.690 1988 list
2797 Teucer 8.7 89.430 111.14 113.99 L4 10.15 0.920 1981 list
2920 Automedon 8.8 88.574 111.01 113.11 L4 10.21 0.950 1981 list
15436 Dexius 9.1 87.646 85.71 78.63 L4 8.97 0.870 1998 list
3596 Meriones 9.2 87.380 75.09 73.28 L4 12.96 0.830 1985 list
2893 Peiroos 9.23 86.884 87.46 86.76 L5 8.96 0.950 1975 list
4086 Podalirius 9.1 85.495 86.89 85.98 L4 10.43 0.870 1985 list
4060 Deipylos 9.3 84.043 79.21 86.79 L4 9.30 0.760 1987 list
1404 Ajax 9.3 83.990 81.69 96.34 L4 29.38 0.960 1936 list
4348 Poulydamas 9.5 82.032 70.08 87.51 L5 9.91 0.840 1988 list
5144 Achates 9.0 80.958 91.91 89.85 L5 5.96 0.920 1991 list
4833 Meges 8.9 80.165 87.33 89.39 L4 14.25 0.940 1989 list
2223 Sarpedon 9.41 77.480 94.63 108.21 L5 22.74 0.880 1977 list
4489 Dracius 9.0 76.595 92.93 95.02 L4 12.58 0.950 1988 list
2260 Neoptolemus 9.31 76.435 71.65 81.28 L4 8.18 0.950 1975 list
5254 Ulysses 9.2 76.147 78.34 80.00 L4 28.72 0.970 1986 list
3708 Socus 9.3 75.661 79.59 76.75 L5 6.55 0.980 1974 list
2674 Pandarus 9.1 74.267 98.10 101.72 L5 8.48 1.000 1982 list
3564 Talthybius 9.4 73.730 68.92 74.11 L4 40.59 0.900 1985 list
4834 Thoas 9.1 72.331 86.82 96.21 L4 18.19 0.950 1989 list
7641 Cteatus 9.4 71.839 68.97 75.28 L4 27.77 0.980 1986 list
3540 Protesilaos 9.3 70.225 76.84 87.66 L4 8.95 0.940 1973 list
11395 Iphinous 9.8 68.977 64.71 67.78 L4 17.38 1998 list
4035 Thestor 9.6 68.733 68.23 66.99 L4 13.47 0.970 1986 list
5264 Telephus 9.4 68.472 73.26 81.38 L4 9.53 0.970 1991 list
1868 Thersites 9.5 68.163 70.08 78.89 L4 10.48 0.960 1960 list
9799 Thronium 9.6 68.033 64.87 72.42 L4 21.52 0.910 1996 list
4068 Menestheus 9.5 67.625 62.37 68.46 L4 14.40 0.950 1973 list
23135 Pheidas 9.9 66.230 58.29 68.50 L4 8.69 0.860 2000 list
2456 Palamedes 9.3 65.916 91.66 99.60 L4 7.24 0.920 1966 list
3709 Polypoites 9.1 65.297 99.09 85.23 L4 10.04 1.000 1985 list
1749 Telamon 9.5 64.898 81.06 69.14 L4 16.98 0.970 1949 list
3548 Eurybates 9.6 63.885 72.14 68.40 L4 8.71 0.730 1973 list
4543 Phoinix 9.7 63.836 62.79 69.54 L4 38.87 1.200 1989 list
12444 Prothoon 9.8 63.835 64.31 62.41 L5 15.82 1996 list
4836 Medon 9.5 63.277 67.73 78.70 L4 9.82 0.920 1989 list
16070 Charops 9.7 63.191 64.13 68.98 L5 20.24 0.960 1999 list
15440 Eioneus 9.6 62.519 66.48 71.88 L4 21.43 0.970 1998 list
4715 Medesicaste 9.7 62.097 63.91 65.93 L5 8.81 0.850 1989 list
34746 Thoon 9.8 61.684 60.51 63.63 L5 19.63 0.950 2001 list
38050 Bias 9.8 61.603 61.04 50.44 L4 18.85 0.990 1998 list
5130 Ilioneus 9.7 60.711 59.40 52.49 L5 14.77 0.960 1989 list
5027 Androgeos 9.6 59.786 57.86 n.a. L4 11.38 0.910 1988 list
6090 Aulis 9.4 59.568 74.53 81.92 L4 18.48 0.980 1989 list
5648 Axius 9.7 59.295 63.91 n.a. L5 37.56 0.900 1990 list
7119 Hiera 9.7 59.150 76.40 77.29 L4 400 0.950 1989 list
4805 Asteropaios 10.0 57.647 53.16 43.44 L5 12.37 1990 list
16974 Iphthime 9.8 57.341 55.43 57.15 L4 78.9 0.960 1998 list
4867 Polites 9.8 57.251 58.29 64.29 L5 11.24 1.010 1989 list
2895 Memnon 10.0 56.706 55.67 n.a. L5 7.50 0.710 1981 list
4708 Polydoros 9.9 54.964 55.67 n.a. L5 7.52 0.960 1988 list
(21601) 1998 XO89 10.0 54.909 55.67 56.08 L4 12.65 0.970 1998 list
12929 Periboea 9.9 54.077 61.04 55.34 L5 9.27 0.880 1999 list
17492 Hippasos 10.0 53.975 55.67 n.a. L5 17.75 1991 list
5652 Amphimachus 10.1 53.921 53.16 52.48 L4 8.37 1.050 1992 list
2759 Idomeneus 9.9 53.676 61.01 52.55 L4 32.38 0.910 1980 list
5258 Rhoeo 10.2 53.275 50.77 n.a. L4 19.85 1.010 1989 list
(12126) 1999 RM11 10.1 53.202 n.a. n.a. L5 n.a. ? 1999 list
(15502) 1999 NV27 10.0 53.100 55.67 50.86 L5 15.13 0.875 1999 list
4754 Panthoos 10.0 53.025 53.15 56.96 L5 27.68 1977 list
4832 Palinurus 10.0 52.058 53.16 n.a. L5 5.32 1.000 1988 list
5126 Achaemenides 10.5 51.922 44.22 48.57 L4 53.02 1989 list
3240 Laocoon 10.2 51.695 50.77 n.a. L5 11.31 0.880 1978 list
4902 Thessandrus 9.8 51.263 61.04 71.79 L4 738 0.960 1989 list
11552 Boucolion 10.1 51.136 53.16 53.91 L5 32.44 1993 list
(20729) 1999 XS143 10.4 50.961 46.30 n.a. L4 5.72 1.000 1999 list
6545 Leitus 10.1 50.951 53.16 n.a. L4 16.26 0.910 1986 list
4792 Lykaon 10.1 50.870 53.16 n.a. L5 40.09 0.960 1988 list
21900 Orus 10.0 50.810 55.67 53.87 L4 13.45 0.950 1999 list
1873 Agenor 10.1 50.799 53.76 54.38 L5 20.60 1971 list
5028 Halaesus 10.2 50.770 50.77 n.a. L4 24.94 0.900 1988 list
2146 Stentor 9.9 50.755 58.29 n.a. L4 16.40 1976 list
4722 Agelaos 10.0 50.378 53.16 59.47 L5 18.44 0.910 1977 list
5284 Orsilocus 10.1 50.159 53.16 n.a. L4 10.31 0.970 1989 list
11509 Thersilochos 10.1 49.960 53.16 56.23 L5 17.37 1990 list
5285 Krethon 10.1 49.606 58.53 52.61 L4 12.04 1.090 1989 list
4791 Iphidamas 10.1 49.528 57.85 59.96 L5 9.70 1.030 1988 list
9023 Mnesthus 10.1 49.151 50.77 60.80 L5 30.66 1988 list
5283 Pyrrhus 9.7 48.356 64.58 69.93 L4 7.32 0.950 1989 list
4946 Askalaphus 10.2 48.209 52.71 66.10 L4 22.73 0.940 1988 list
(22149) 2000 WD49 10.2 48.190 50.77 50.37 L4 7.84 1.090 2000 list
(32496) 2000 WX182 10.2 48.017 50.77 51.63 L5 23.34 0.950 2000 list
5120 Bitias 10.2 47.987 50.77 n.a. L5 15.21 0.780 1988 list
12714 Alkimos 10.1 47.819 61.04 54.62 L4 28.48 1991 list
7352 Hypsenor 9.9 47.731 55.67 47.07 L5 648 0.850 1994 list
1870 Glaukos 10.6 47.649 42.23 n.a. L5 5.99 1971 list
4138 Kalchas 10.1 46.462 53.16 61.04 L4 29.2 0.810 1973 list
(23958) 1998 VD30 10.2 46.001 50.77 47.91 L4 562 0.990 1998 list
4828 Misenus 10.4 45.954 46.30 43.22 L5 12.87 0.920 1988 list
4057 Demophon 10.1 45.683 53.16 n.a. L4 29.82 1.060 1985 list
4501 Eurypylos 10.4 45.524 46.30 n.a. L4 6.05 1989 list
4007 Euryalos 10.3 45.515 48.48 53.89 L4 6.39 1973 list
5259 Epeigeus 10.3 44.741 42.59 44.42 L4 18.42 1989 list
30705 Idaios 10.4 44.546 46.30 n.a. L5 15.74 1977 list
16560 Daitor 10.7 43.861 51.42 43.38 L5 1991 list
(15977) 1998 MA11 10.4 43.530 46.30 51.53 L5 250 0.906 1998 list
7543 Prylis 10.6 42.893 42.23 n.a. L4 17.80 1973 list
4827 Dares 10.5 42.770 44.22 n.a. L5 19.00 1988 list
1647 Menelaus 10.5 42.716 44.22 n.a. L4 17.74 0.866 1957 list
(A) Used sources: WISE/NEOWISE catalog (NEOWISE_DIAM_V1 PDS, Grav, 2012); IRAS data (SIMPS v.6 catalog); and Akari catalog (Usui, 2011); RP: rotation period and V–I (color index) taken from the LCDB

Note: missing data was completed with figures from the JPL SBDB (query) and from the LCDB (query form) for the WISE/NEOWISE and SIMPS catalogs, respectively. These figures are given in italics. Also, listing is incomplete above #100.


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 15094 Polymele (1999 WB2). Minor Planet Center. [8 March 2018]. (原始內容存檔於2019-01-14). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 JPL Small-Body Database Browser: 15094 Polymele (1999 WB2) (2015-06-10 last obs.). Jet Propulsion Laboratory. [26 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於2021-09-23). 
  3. ^ List of Jupiter Trojans. Minor Planet Center. 20 June 2016 [8 March 2018]. (原始內容存檔於2016-06-22). 
  4. ^ 'Polymela'在Noah Webster (1884) 英語實用寶典
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Buie, Marc W.; Zangari, Amanda M.; Marchi, Simone; Levison, Harold F.; Mottola, Stefano. Light Curves of Lucy Targets: Leucus and Polymele (PDF). The Astronomical Journal. June 2018, 155 (6): 11 [26 September 2018]. Bibcode:2018AJ....155..245B. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/aabd81可免費查閱. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2023-03-31). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Grav, T.; Mainzer, A. K.; Bauer, J. M.; Masiero, J. R.; Nugent, C. R. WISE/NEOWISE Observations of the Jovian Trojan Population: Taxonomy. The Astrophysical Journal. November 2012, 759 (1): 10. Bibcode:2012ApJ...759...49G. S2CID 119101711. arXiv:1209.1549可免費查閱. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/759/1/49.  (online catalog頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館))
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Mainzer, A. K.; Bauer, J. M.; Cutri, R. M.; Grav, T.; Kramer, E. A.; Masiero, J. R.; et al. NEOWISE Diameters and Albedos V1.0. NASA Planetary Data System. June 2016: EAR–A–COMPIL–5–NEOWISEDIAM–V1.0 [26 September 2018]. Bibcode:2016PDSS..247.....M. (原始內容存檔於2023-03-07). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Mainzer, A.; Grav, T.; Masiero, J.; Hand, E.; Bauer, J.; Tholen, D.; et al. NEOWISE Studies of Spectrophotometrically Classified Asteroids: Preliminary Results. The Astrophysical Journal. November 2011, 741 (2): 25. Bibcode:2011ApJ...741...90M. S2CID 118700974. arXiv:1109.6407可免費查閱. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/741/2/90.  (catalog頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館))
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Levison, H. F.; Olkin, C.; Noll, K. S.; Marchi, S.; Lucy Team. Lucy: Surveying the Diversity of the Trojan Asteroids: The Fossils of Planet Formation (PDF). 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. March 2017, (1964): 2025 [13 April 2017]. Bibcode:2017LPI....48.2025L. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2019-12-17). 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Hainaut, O. R.; Boehnhardt, H.; Protopapa, S. Colours of minor bodies in the outer solar system. II. A statistical analysis revisited. Astronomy and Astrophysics. October 2012, 546: 20. Bibcode:2012A&A...546A.115H. S2CID 54776793. arXiv:1209.1896可免費查閱. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201219566. 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 11.2 LCDB Data for (15094) Polymele. Asteroid Lightcurve Database (LCDB). [26 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-07). 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 Buie, Marc W.; Zangari, Amanda Marie; Marchi, Simone; Mottola, Stefano; Levison, Harold F. Ground-based characterization of Leucus and Polymele, two fly-by targets of the Lucy Discovery mission. American Astronomical Society. October 2016, 48: 208.06. Bibcode:2016DPS....4820806B. 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Clark, Stephen. Ninth asteroid added to Lucy mission; optimism grows on solar array issue. Spaceflight Now. 14 June 2022 [15 June 2022]. (原始內容存檔於2023-01-01). 
  14. ^ MPC/MPO/MPS Archive. Minor Planet Center. [8 March 2018]. (原始內容存檔於2020-04-26). 
  15. ^ NASA’s Lucy Team Discovers Moon Around Asteroid Polymele. NASA. 16 August 2022 [17 August 2022]. (原始內容存檔於2022-08-25). 

