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Majulah Singapura

Frigid Winter/沙盒/2

前進吧,新加坡!》(馬來語Majulah Singapura)是新加坡國歌。這首歌於1958年由朱比賽新加坡議會的正式集會作曲,於1959年新加坡取得自治時獲選為新加坡自治邦邦歌,並於1965年獲得完全獨立時正式採用為新加坡共和國國歌。






முன்னேறட்டும் சிங்கப்பூர்
Mari Kita Rakyat Singapura
Sama-sama Menuju Bahagia
Cita-cita Kita yang Mulia
Berjaya Singapura
Marilah Kita Bersatu
Dengan Semangat yang Baru
Semua Kita Berseru
Majulah Singapura
Majulah Singapura
Come, we fellow Singaporeans
Let us progress towards happiness together
May our noble aspiration bring
A successful Singapore
Come, let us unite
With a new spirit
Together we all proclaim
Onward Singapore
Onward Singapore
சிங்கப்பூர் மக்கள் நாம்
செல்வொம் மகிழ்வை நோக்கியே
சிங்கப்பூரின் வெற்றிதான்
சிறந்த நம் நாட்டமே
ஒன்றிணைவோம் அனைவரும்
ஓங்கிடும் புத்துணர்வுடன்
முழுங்குவோம் ஒன்றித்தே
முன்னேறட்டும் சிங்கப்பூர்
முன்னேறட்டும் சிங்கப்பூர்




Mari kita ra'yat Singapura,
Bangun dengan bersatu sama-sama.
Rukon damai dan bantu membantu,
Supaya kita sama-sama maju.
Kita hidup aman dan sentosa
Kerja sama menuju bahagia
Cita-Cita kita yang mulia
Berjaya Singapura
Marilah kita bersatu
Dengan semangat yang bahru
Semua kita berseru
Majulah Singapura
Majulah Singapura
Come fellow Singaporeans
Let's renew life as one nation
With peace and effort
We move forward together
We live in peace and cooperation
To achieve happiness
May our noble aspiration make
Singapore successful
Come, let us unite
With a new spirit
Together we all proclaim
Onward Singapore
Onward Singapore




此為在維多利亞劇院的新加坡市議會的徽章。其座右銘正是「前進吧,新加坡」(馬來原文Majulah Singapura)。

《前進吧,新加坡!》是新加坡爭取脫離英國管治的時期譜寫的。新加坡當時受英國殖民統治時,演唱的是目前的英國國歌《天佑女王》。1958年,當時的新加坡市議會英語City Council of Singapore副市長王邦文英語Ong Pang Boon請作曲家朱比賽為市議會創作正式集會作曲,歌名為《前進吧,新加坡!》(Majulah Singapura[4]。這首歌歌名源自於1958年9月維多利亞劇院的開幕典禮的座右銘[5]

當時的朱比賽使用了大約一年的時間才完成了這首歌的音樂和歌詞。在1984年的採訪中,他回憶並表示了當時的過程。他表示在改歌這麼短的旋律中,他需要把所有的詞都放進去且要讓歌詞簡易,讓所有人都可以理解新加坡的種族。朱比賽還說到當年他還諮詢了一位馬來語作者以幫助他使用適當的馬來語來做,且讓歌詞詞句不會太深也不會太難。朱比賽在總結他在創作國歌時的哲學時引用了馬來諺語「我們應感恩這土地給予的一切」(馬來原文:Di mana bumi dipijak, di situ langit dijunjung)。















新加坡小學中,國歌和唱國歌是新加坡公民的道德教育課程之一[8] 。而所有學校和新加坡的武裝部隊都會在每天開始或結束當天的事情時舉行唱國歌的儀式,同時會升起或降下新加坡國旗,並朗讀新加坡國家信約[8][9]。但在商業場合上不可做出該行為,以免冒犯其他國家的人事物。








During its run on television, Channel U's founder Singapore Press Holdings initiated the use of authorised translations during the anthem at sign-offs of channels (depending on the respective channel's main language). The practice ended on 1 January 2005, when SPH's MediaWorks properties were merged with Mediacorp; the latter revived the use in 2012, albeit with the translated lyrics only appearing on channels outside Malay. On radio, all radio stations begin their daily broadcast by playing the full version of the anthem at exactly 6:00 am, except Malay station Warna 94.2FM which plays it at 5:00 am as a way of protecting the protocol from reaching the Islamic Azan Subuh (which occurs between around 5:25 and 5:58 am). Since the launch of the updated national anthem on 3 December 2019, all radio stations play the full version of the National Anthem.

The national anthem has lent its name[14] to the Majulah Connection, a Singapore-based not-for-profit organization set up November 2002 to connect Singapore with overseas Singaporeans and friends of Singapore. The organisation was formally established as a non-governmental organization (NGO) in January 2003.[15]








  • 國歌可以在任何適當的場合下或國家場合上所演出[18]。尤其是在新加坡總統敬禮之時。[19]
  • 當演奏新加坡國歌時,所有在場人員必須起立以示尊敬。[20]
  • 演奏國歌前的相關安排:
    • 任何要演唱或演奏新加坡國歌的人員們都必須按照新加坡政府於此法案中所[21]
    • The national anthem may be rearranged in any manner that is in keeping with the dignity due to it, subject to the following conditions:
      (a) the national anthem must not be incorporated into any other composition or medley; and
      (b) every arrangement of the national anthem must accurately reflect the complete tune and the complete official lyrics of the National Anthem.[22]
    • Any person who sings the national anthem must follow the official lyrics and must not sing any translation of those lyrics.[23]

It is an offence for any person to knowingly perform or sing the national anthem in contravention of rule 13(1) (not performing or singing the anthem according to the official arrangement or any other permitted arrangement) or 13(3) (not singing the anthem according to the official lyrics or singing a translation of the lyrics); the penalty is a fine not exceeding S$1,000.[24]

In addition, guidelines issued by the Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI) state that either instrumental or vocal versions of the national anthem may be performed and that dignity and decorum should be observed whenever the anthem is played or sung.[25]



自 1963 年以來,官方機構一直使用Majulah Singapura的刪節版,但存在僅用於盛大儀式的擴展版。該版本是由一個英國人,安排邁克爾·赫德。該編曲於1989年由林佑指揮的新加坡交響樂團首次錄製。[26][27]

國歌的原始版本是G大調,但1983年,學校發行了一個教育錄音帶,描述了唱國歌的常見錯誤,並提供了唱F大調國歌的選項。[26](這是在 1986 年新加坡國慶遊行期間首次向公眾展示的版本。)[28] In 1993, the shorter version of Majulah Singapura was declared to be the official one.[29]

On 19 January 2001, Majulah Singapura was officially relaunched in the F-major key, as it was said to be a "grander and more inspiring arrangement"[30] of the anthem. The Ministry of Information and the Arts (MITA, now the Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI)) took more than a year to produce the new version. Its main objective was to make the anthem more accessible to all Singaporeans. In May 2000, several leading local composers were invited to rearrange the national anthem in F major. An evaluation panel was headed by Bernard Tan. He proposed that the original composition in G major resulted in a highest note being E, which he felt was too high pitched to sing easily, so he proposed a slightly lower F major that results in the highest note being a more easily sung D.[31] The panel selected the version submitted by Cultural Medallion winner Phoon Yew Tien. Phoon's orchestration employed a slower tempo and used more instruments to create a majestic rendition of the anthem. MITA then commissioned Ken Lim[32] to produce a recording by the Singapore Symphony Orchestra conducted by Lim Yau, which was carried out at the Victoria Concert Hall on 20 November 2000. The new arrangement[33] was recorded in seven versions, including two orchestral versions (instrumental, and with soloist Jacintha Abisheganaden and the Singapore Youth Choir) and a piano solo version.[30][34]

On 3 December 2019, a new recording of Majulah Singapura by the Singapore Symphony Orchestra was released with improvements in sound quality. The new version was first broadcast at National Gallery, exactly 60 years after the anthem was first released. In addition, this version is 5 seconds shorter than the 2001 recording. The new version was recorded at The Esplanade Concert Hall on 7 August 2019. The new recording still uses Phoon Yew Tien's arrangement, albeit with more young voices.[35]



In its original composition, an instrumental interlude of the first two verses follows the chorus of the song, then the chorus is sung twice to finish it. Zubir Said modified the song from there, as requested by Toh Chin Chye, by removing 8 bars starting from "Bangun dengan bersatu sama-sama..." to "...kerja sama menuju bahagia!" in order to bring forward the emphasis of the 8th line "Berjaya Singapura!".[36] The move was also seen as making the anthem more neutral as the eight bars also contained subtle motives brought from Malay musical elements.[37] Also, the interlude was removed in the national anthem version.



Interviewed by the Oral History Department in 1989, Toh Chin Chye said it was appropriate for the national anthem to be in Malay, "the indigenous language of the region, as English is not native to this part of the world." He felt that the "Malay version of the national anthem would appeal to all races... it can be easily understood. And at the same time [it] can be easily remembered... . [I]t must be brief, to the point;... and can be sung".[38] However, on 22 July 1991, the English daily newspaper The Straits Times reported that during a meeting between the then Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong and community leaders,[39] a group of grassroots leaders and a lawyer had suggested that "adjustments" be made to the national anthem. The given reason was that many Singaporeans could not sing it in Malay and so did not have "strong feelings" or "strong emotions when they sing the national anthem".[40]

In particular, some grassroots leaders argued that since the Chinese constitute a majority of the population, a Mandarin version of the anthem should be used.[40] The Prime Minister's response was that he would keep the national anthem as it was but would ensure that translations in other mother tongues were more easily available.[39] The proposal to change the lyrics was also criticized by former Deputy Prime Minister S. Rajaratnam, who felt that the Malay lyrics of the anthem were so simple that "anyone over the age of five, unless mentally retarded, had no difficulty singing the anthem. All Singaporean children of kindergarten age have not only had no difficulty memorising the words but have for decades sung it every morning with 'strong feelings and emotion'." He also noted that the anthem had been translated into Singapore's three other official languages (English, Mandarin and Tamil) for those who cannot understand Malay.[40]

A subsequent poll by The Straits Times found that while many Singaporeans knew what the anthem generally meant, only seven out of 35 persons interviewed knew the meaning of each word. However, all but three of those interviewed agreed that the anthem should continue to be sung in Malay. The three persons who disagreed felt that the anthem should be in English because that was the language most commonly used in Singapore. All the interviewees, including those who did not know the meaning of the lyrics, said they felt a sense of pride when they heard or sang the national anthem.[39]

Singer Taufik Batisah was criticised for incorrectly singing the word berseru (to proclaim) instead of bersatu (to unite) during his rendition of Majulah Singapura before the start of the 2009 Formula 1 SingTel Singapore Grand Prix on 27 September 2009. A Straits Times poll then found that out of 50 people only 10 were able to sing the national anthem perfectly. Most people got between 80 and 90% of the lyrics right, while six could recite only the first line or less. Although many correctly stated that the title of the anthem meant "Onward Singapore", a majority did not understand the meaning of the anthem. However, most of the persons surveyed disagreed that the anthem should be in English, with one respondent saying: "It's better in Malay because there's a cultural history to it and [it] is more meaningful, and has traces to our roots."[8]


  1. ^ 新加坡法律第一百五十三A条第一款:马来语,华语,淡米尔语以及英语是新加坡的四种官方语言。英文原文:“Malay, Mandarin, Tamil and English shall be the 4 official languages in Singapore.”. (原始內容存檔於2018年1月8日00時52分02秒). 
  2. ^ National Anthem [國歌]頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)」,通訊及新聞部,最後訪問於2014年8月3日。
  3. ^ Abidin, Rasheed Zainul; Norshahril, Saat. Majulah!: 50 Years of Malay/muslim Community in Singapore. World Scientific. 2016. ISBN 9789814759892. (原始內容存檔於19 September 2020). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 National Anthem - Majulah Singapura [國歌《前進吧,新加坡!》]頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)」,新加坡國家檔案館英語National Archives of Singapore,最後訪問於2014年8月3日。 引用錯誤:帶有name屬性「nas」的<ref>標籤用不同內容定義了多次
  5. ^ Rohana Zubir,Zubir Said: The Composer of Majulah Singapura [朱比賽:《前進吧,新加坡!》作曲者]頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館),東南亞研究所,2012年。
  6. ^ National Anthem. www.nhb.gov.sg. [2017-02-20]. (原始內容存檔於2017-02-20) (英語). 
  7. ^ Bonny Tan,「The Singapore national anthem [新加坡國歌]頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)」,Infopedia(國家圖書館管理局),最後訪問於2014年8月4日。
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Frankie Chee; Magdalen Ng, Majulah muddle: Many Singaporeans either don't know the words to the national anthem or don't understand the lyrics, The Sunday Times (Singapore) (LifeStyle), 4 October 2009: 8 .
  9. ^ See also Lee Hsien Loong, National Education: Speech by BG Lee Hsien Loong, Deputy Prime Minister at the launch of National Education on Saturday 17 May 1997 at TCS TV Theatre at 9.30 am, Ministry of Education, 17 May 1997 [4 November 2007], (原始內容存檔於28 October 2007)  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助), para. 22; Teo Chee Hean, Getting the fundamentals right: Speech by RADM (NS) Teo Chee Hean, Minister for Education and Second Minister for Defence at the NIE Teachers Investiture Ceremony at 2.30 pm on 8 Jul 2003 at the Singapore Indoor Stadium, Ministry of Education, 8 July 2003 [4 November 2007], (原始內容存檔於15 August 2007)  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助), para. 18; Press release: Submission of proposals for privately-funded schools, Ministry of Education, 5 June 2006 [4 November 2007], (原始內容存檔於29 October 2007)  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助), para. 3.
  10. ^ For instance, by the National University of Singapore: see A time to rejoice, a time to remember, Knowledge Enterprise, September 2002 [10 December 2007]  [失效連結].
  11. ^ See, for example, Leonard Lim, This time he gets it right, The New Paper, 6 June 2005 [永久失效連結].
  12. ^ Every national anthem "deserves to be sacred", not to be "experimented with": Dr Rohana Zubir, daughter of "Majulah Singapura" composer, on Ramli Sarip's new rendition. 6 December 2019 [12 December 2019]. (原始內容存檔於11 December 2019). 
  13. ^ 'Majulah Singapura' composer's daughter says Ramli Sarip's rendition is "rather tortuous to listen to" – The Independent News. 9 December 2019 [12 December 2019]. (原始內容存檔於12 December 2019). 
  14. ^ Frequently asked questions, Majulah Connection, 2003 [9 December 2007], (原始內容存檔於1 July 2007), MC stands for Majulah Connection. In the Malay language, majulah means 'to progress.' Singapore's national anthem is titled Majulah Singapura  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助).
  15. ^ About us, Majulah Connection, 2006 [9 December 2007], (原始內容存檔於20 October 2007) .
  16. ^ Singapore Arms and Flag and National Anthem Rules 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期31 March 2009. (Cap. 296, R 1, 2004 Rev. Ed.), as amended by the Singapore Arms and Flag and National Anthem (Amendment) Rules 2007 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期15 April 2016. (S 377/2007).
  17. ^ Singapore Arms and Flag and National Anthem Act (Cap. 296, 1985 Rev. Ed.).
  18. ^ 根據《新加坡武器和國旗及國歌規則》第11條第2項。
  19. ^ 根據《新加坡武器和國旗及國歌規則》第11條第1項。
  20. ^ 根據《新加坡武器和國旗及國歌規則》第12條。
  21. ^ Singapore Arms and Flag and National Anthem Rules, rule 13(1).
  22. ^ Singapore Arms and Flag and National Anthem Rules, rule 13(2).
  23. ^ Singapore Arms and Flag and National Anthem Rules, rule 13(3).
  24. ^ Singapore Arms and Flag and National Anthem Rules, rule 14(3).
  25. ^ The National Anthem – guidelines, Singapore Infomap, Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts (MICA), 2004 [9 December 2007], (原始內容存檔於24 December 2007)  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助).
  26. ^ 26.0 26.1 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Singapore Infopedia的參考文獻提供內容
  27. ^ The 1989 recording was released on compact disc as Zubir Said, Majulah Singapura: National anthem of Singapore [sound recording], Singapore: Ministry of Information and the Arts, 1994 . It was contained in The National Symbols Kit, Singapore: Prepared by Programmes Section, Ministry of Information and the Arts, 1999 .
  28. ^ Caroline Boey, Learning to sing National Anthem again, The Sunday Monitor, 6 April 1983 .
  29. ^ Short version of anthem is official, The Straits Times, 8 May 1993: 32 .
  30. ^ 30.0 30.1 The National Anthem, Singapore Infomap, Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts (MICA), 2004 [9 December 2007], (原始內容存檔於18 December 2007)  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助).
  31. ^ https://www.channelnewsasia.com/watch/majulah-symbols-singapore/majulah-symbols-singapore-1487436 At 19.30/23:02
  32. ^ The National Anthem: Credits, Singapore Infomap, MICA, 2004 [9 December 2007], (原始內容存檔於13 December 2007)  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助); Judges: Ken Lim, Singapore Idol, MediaCorp, 2006 [9 December 2007], (原始內容存檔於17 January 2008)  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助).
  33. ^ Zubir Said, Majulah Singapura: The national anthem of Singapore [sound recording], [Singapore]: Ministry of Information and the Arts, 2000 .
  34. ^ S.E. Tan, It's easier to sing now, The Straits Times (Life!), 22 January 2001: 1, 6 .
  35. ^ Co, Cindy. Fresh recording of Singapore national anthem makes debut. CNA. 3 December 2019 [4 December 2019]. (原始內容存檔於3 December 2019). 
  36. ^ Peters, Joe. Pak Zubir Said and Majulah Singapura. The Sonic Environment. 5 August 2014 [12 October 2016]. (原始內容存檔於12 October 2016).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  37. ^ Peters, Joe, Dr Joe Peters Comments on Singapore National Anthem, 4 August 2014 [12 October 2016], (原始內容存檔於22 April 2017)  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  38. ^ Toh Chin Chye, Dr Toh Chin Chye [oral history interview, accession no. A1063, reel 1], National Archives of Singapore, 1989 . See National anthem – Majulah Singapura, Access to Archives Online (a2o), National Archives of Singapore, [9 December 2007], (原始內容存檔於28 September 2008) .
  39. ^ 39.0 39.1 39.2 Tan Hsueh Yun, Few understand lyrics of National Anthem, The Straits Times (reproduced on Headlines, Lifelines), 26 July 1991, (原始內容存檔於9 December 2007)  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助).
  40. ^ 40.0 40.1 40.2 S. Rajaratnam, Majulah Singapura has been sung patriotically for 32 years, The Straits Times (reproduced on Headlines, Lifelines), 9 March 1990, (原始內容存檔於2 January 2008)  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助).



[[Category:新加坡国家象征|歌]] [[Category:亚洲国家国歌]] [[分類:1958年歌曲]] [[Category:新加坡音樂]] [[Category:联合国会员国国歌]]