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軟件名稱 三維顯示 構建模型 最優化 分子動力學 蒙地卡羅方法 並行退火 量子力學 隱含的水 GPU英語Molecular modeling on GPUs 注釋 軟件許可證 網站
Abalone英語Abalone (molecular mechanics) I 生物分子模擬、蛋白質摺疊 專有, gratis, 商業軟件 Agile Molecule
ACEMD[1] 基於CHARMM力場的分子動力學;運行於NVIDIA GPU上,CUDA高度優化 專有、免費和商業版本 Acellera Ltd[永久失效連結]
ADF英語Amsterdam Density Functional Modeling suite: ReaxFF, UFF, QM-MM with Amber and Tripos force fields, DFT and semi-empirical methods, conformational analysis with RDKit; partly GPU-accelerated 專有, 商業軟件, gratis trial SCM
ADUN[2] Charmm, AMBER, user specified (via force field markup language, FFML), QM-MM calculations with empirical valence bond (EVB); framework based (GNUStep-Cocoa); SCAAS for spherical boundary conditions 免費 open source GNU GPL https://web.archive.org/web/20160303133843/https://gna.org/projects/adun
Assisted Model Building with Energy Refinement (AMBER)[3] I ? 專有 ambermd.org
Ascalaph Designer I Molecular building (DNA, proteins, hydrocarbons, nanotubes), molecular dynamics, GPU acceleration Mixed: free open source (GNU GPL) & 商業軟件 Ascalaph Project
Automated Topology Builder (ATB) Automated molecular topology building service for small molecules (< 99 atoms). GROMOS, GROMACS, CNS, LAMMPS formats with validation
Repository for molecular topologies and pre-equilibrated systems
專有 商業軟件, gratis academic use Automated Topology Builder
Avogadro I Molecule building, editing (peptides, small molecules, crystals), conformational analysis, 2D/3D conversion; extensible interfaces to other tools 免費 open source GNU GPL Avogadro
BOSS OPLS 專有 Yale University
CHARMM I I Commercial version with multiple graphical front ends is sold by Accelrys (as CHARMm) 專有, 商業軟件 charmm.org
ChemDoodle 3D Intuitive building of molecules in real-time; production of high quality publication graphics; works on Windows, macOS and Linux; developed by iChemLabs 專有, 商業軟件, free trial ChemDoodle 3D Website
CHEMKIN Chemical reaction kinetics. 專有 CHEMKIN
COSMOS I Hybrid QM-MM COSMOS-NMR force field with fast semi-empirical calculation of electrostatic and/or NMR properties; 3-D graphical molecule builder and viewer 專有, 商業軟件, free without GUI COSMOS Software
CP2K CP2K can perform atomistic and molecular simulations of solid state, liquid and biological systems. 免費 open source GNU GPLv2 or later CP2K
Culgi Atomistic and coarse-grained simulations, mesoscale methods, COSMO-RS and UNIFAC, database integration, mapping techniques, AM1 and interface to MOPAC/NWChem 專有 商業軟件, gratis academic education Culgi BV
Desmond High performance MD; has comprehensive GUI to build, visualize, and review results and calculation setup up and launch 專有, 商業軟件 or gratis D. E. Shaw Research Schrödinger
DFTB+ A fast and efficient versatile quantum mechanical simulation software package. Using DFTB+ you can carry out quantum mechanical simulations similar to density functional theory but in an approximate way, typically gaining around two orders of magnitude in speed. 免費 open source GNU LGPL [1]
Discovery Studio Comprehensive life science modeling and simulation suite of applications focused on optimizing drug discovery process: small molecule simulations, QM-MM, pharmacophore modeling, QSAR, protein-ligand docking, protein homology modeling, sequence analysis, protein-protein docking, antibody modeling, etc. 專有, trial available Dassault Systèmes BIOVIA
(formerly Accelrys)
DL_POLY I DL_POLY is a general purpose classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulation software developed at Daresbury Laboratory by I.T. Todorov and W. Smith. It is part of the DL_Software suite of projects including DL_MESO (DPD), DL_FIELD (FF builder), ChemShell (QMMM environment), etc. 專有 商業軟件, free source for academic use DL_POLY
Energy Calculation and Dynamics (ENCAD) Notably the first MD simulation software by Michael Levitt 免費 open source [2]
fold.it Y / I I University of Washington and The Baker Labs; structure prediction, protein folding 專有, 商業軟件 or gratis fold.it download page
FoldX I Energy calculations, protein design 專有, 商業軟件 or gratis CRG
GOMC GPU Optimized Monte Carlo. Atomistic simulation engine, capable of simulating complex systems. 免費 opensource.GNU Affero General Public License. GOMC website. GOMC Github
GPIUTMD I I I Performs general purpose particle dynamics simulations on a single workstation, exploiting NVIDIA CUDA GPUs 專有 http://gpiutmd.iut.ac.ir
GROMACS [4] I [5] High performance MD 免費 open source GNU GPL gromacs.org
GROMOS Intended for biomolecules 專有, commercial GROMOS website
GULP Molecular dynamics and lattice optimization 專有, free academic use https://web.archive.org/web/20110604021055/http://projects.ivec.org/gulp/
HOOMD-blue General-purpose molecular dynamics highly optimized for GPUs, includes various pair potentials, Brownian dynamics, dissipative particle dynamics, rigid body constraints, energy minimizing, etc. 免費 open source http://glotzerlab.engin.umich.edu/hoomd-blue/
HyperChem De Facto Standard Molecular Modeling System 專有 Hypercube, Inc.
ICM I Powerful global optimizer in an arbitrary subset of internal variables, NOEs, docking (protein, ligand, peptide), EM, density placement 專有 Molsoft
LAMMPS I Has potentials for soft and solid-state materials and coarse-grain systems 免費 open source, GNU GPLv2 Sandia
MacroModel I OPLS-AA, MMFF, GBSA solvent model, conformational sampling, minimizing, MD. Includes the Maestro GUI which provides visualizing, molecule building, calculation setup, job launch and monitoring, project-level organizing of results, access to a suite of other modelling programs. 專有 Schrödinger
MAPS Building, visualizing, and analysis tools in one user interface, with access to multiple simulation engines 專有, trial available Scienomics
Materials Studio Environment that brings materials simulation technology to desktop computing, solving key problems in R&D processes 專有, trial available Dassault Systèmes BIOVIA
(formerly Accelrys)
MBN Explorer[6] + MBN Studio Standard and reactive CHARMM force fields; molecular modeler (carbon nanomaterials, biomolecules, nanocrystals); explicit library of examples 專有, free trial available MBN Research Center
MedeA Combines leading experimental databases and major computational programs like the Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package (VASP), LAMMPS, GIBBS with sophisticated materials property prediction, analysis, visualizing 專有, trial available Materials Design
MCCCS Towhee Originally designed to predict fluid phase equilibria 免費 open source GNU GPL Towhee Project
MDynaMix Parallel MD 免費 open source GNU GPL Stockholm University
MOE I Molecular Operating Environment (MOE) 專有 Chemical Computing Group
MOIL Includes action-based algorithms (stochastic difference equations in time, length) and locally enhanced sampling 免費 open source, public domain, source code MOIL
MolMeccano Semi-automatic Force Field parametrizer 專有 MolMeccano Project
Orac Molecular dynamics simulation program to explore free energy surfaces in biomolecular systems at the atomic level 免費 open source Orac download page
NAB[7] Generates models for unusual DNA and RNA 免費 open source Case group
NAMD + VMD I Fast, parallel MD, CUDA 專有, free academic use, source code Beckman Institute
NWChem High-performance computational chemistry software, includes quantum mechanics, molecular dynamics and combined QM-MM methods 免費 open source, Educational Community License version 2.0 NWChem
Packmol Builds complex initial configurations for molecular dynamics 免費 open source GNU link
Prime I Homology modeling, loop and side chain optimizing, minimizing, OPLS-AA, SGB solvent model, parallalized 專有 Schrödinger
Protein Local Optimization Program Helix, loop, and side chain optimizing, fast energy minimizing 專有 PLOP wiki
Q (I) Free energy perturbation (FEP) simulations, (II) empirical valence bond (EVB), calculations of reaction free energies, (III) linear interaction energy (LIE) calculations of receptor-ligand binding affinities Uppsala Molekylmekaniska HB Q
RedMD[8] I Reduced MD, package for coarse-grained simulations 免費, open source GNU University of Warsaw, ICM
SAMSON Computational nanoscience (life sciences, materials, etc.). Modular architecture, modules termed SAMSON Elements 專有, gratis SAMSON Connect
StruMM3D (STR3DI32) Sophisticated 3-D molecule builder and viewer, advanced structural analytical algorithms, full featured molecular modeling and quantitation of stereo-electronic effects, docking, and handling of complexes. 專有, free 200 atom version Exorga, Inc.
Scigress MM, DFT, semiempirical methods, parallel MD, conformational analysis, Linear scaling SCF, docking protein-ligand, Batch processing, virtual screening, automated builders (molecular dynamics, proteins, crystals) 專有 SCIGRESS.com
Spartan Small molecule (< 2,000 a.m.u.) MM and QM tools to determine conformation, structure, property, spectra, reactivity, and selectivity. 專有, free trial available Wavefunction, Inc.
TeraChem High performance GPU-accelerated ab initio molecular dynamics and TD/DFT software package for very large molecular or even nanoscale systems. Runs on NVIDIA GPUs and 64-bit Linux, has heavily optimized CUDA code. 專有, trial licenses available PetaChem LLC
TINKER I I I Software tools for molecular design-Tinker-OpenMM[9]

Software tools for molecular design-Tinker-HP[10]

專有, gratis Washington University
Tremolo-X I Fast, parallel MD 專有 Tremolo-X
UCSF Chimera Visually appealing viewer, amino acid rotamers and other building, includes Antechamber and MMTK, Ambertools plugins in development. 專有, free academic use University of California
VEGA ZZ I 3D viewer, multiple file format support, 2D and 3D editor, surface calculation, conformational analysis, MOPAC and NAMD interfaces, MD trajectory analysis, molecular docking, virtual screening, database engine, parallel design, OpenCL acceleration, etc. 專有, free academic use VEGA ZZ website
VLifeMDS I 分子模擬軟件Complete molecular modelling software, QSAR, combinatorial library generation, pharmacophore, cheminformatics, docking, etc. 專有 Vlife Sciences Technologies
YASARA 分子顯示、建模、模擬 專有 YASARA.org

See also



  1. ^ M. J. Harvey, G. Giupponi and G. De Fabritiis. ACEMD: Accelerating Biomolecular Dynamics in the Microsecond Time Scale. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 2009, 5 (6): 1632–1639. PMID 26609855. arXiv:0902.0827可免費查閱. doi:10.1021/ct9000685. 
  2. ^ Johnston, MA, Fernández-Galván, I, Villà-Freixa, J. Framework-based design of a new all-purpose molecular simulation application: the Adun simulator. J. Comput. Chem. 2005, 26 (15): 1647–1659. PMID 16175583. doi:10.1002/jcc.20312. 
  3. ^ Cornell WD, Cieplak P, Bayly CI, Gould IR, Merz KM Jr, Ferguson DM, Spellmeyer DC, Fox T, Caldwell JW, Kollman PA. A second generation force field for the simulation of proteins, nucleic acids, and organic molecules. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1995, 117 (19): 5179–5197. CiteSeerX可免費查閱. doi:10.1021/ja00124a002. 
  4. ^ Harrison ET, Weidner T, Castner DG, Interlandi G. Predicting the orientation of protein G B1 on hydrophobic surfaces using Monte Carlo simulations. Biointerphases. 2017, 12 (2): 02D401. doi:10.1116/1.4971381. 
  5. ^ Implicit Solvent - Gromacs 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期July 29, 2014,.
  6. ^ I.A. Solov'yov, A.V. Yakubovich, P.V. Nikolaev, I. Volkovets, A.V. Solov'yov. MesoBioNano Explorer - A universal program for multiscale computer simulations of complex molecular structure and dynamics. J. Comput. Chem. 2012, 33 (30): 2412–2439. PMID 22965786. doi:10.1002/jcc.23086. 
  7. ^ Macke T, Case DA. Modeling unusual nucleic acid structures. Molecular Modeling of Nucleic Acids. 1998: 379–393. 
  8. ^ A. Górecki; M. Szypowski; M. Długosz; J. Trylska. RedMD - Reduced molecular dynamics package. J. Comput. Chem. 2009, 30 (14): 2364–2373. PMID 19247989. doi:10.1002/jcc.21223. 
  9. ^ M. Harger, D. Li, Z. Wang, K. Dalby, L. Lagardère, J.-P. Piquemal, J. Ponder, P. Ren. Tinker-OpenMM: Absolute and relative alchemical free energies using AMOEBA on GPUs. Journal of Computational Chemistry. 2017, 38 (23): 2047–2055. PMC 5539969可免費查閱. PMID 28600826. doi:10.1002/jcc.24853. 
  10. ^ L. Lagardère,L.-H. Jolly, F. Lipparini, F. Aviat, B. Stamm, Z. F. Jing, M. Harger, H. Torabifard, G. A. Cisneros, M. J. Schnieders, N. Gresh, Y. Maday, P. Y. Ren, J. W. Ponder, J.-P. Piquemal. Tinker-HP: a massively parallel molecular dynamics package for multiscale simulations of large complex systems with advanced point dipole polarizable force fields. Chemical Science. 2018, 9 (4): 956–972. PMC 5909332可免費查閱. PMID 29732110. doi:10.1039/C7SC04531J. 

