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  1. 您的沙盒開始您的新條目,尤其這篇條目是您的處女作時。因為您只要公開這篇條目到主命名空間(main namespace),世界上的任何一個人都可以立刻看到她。如果您不知道怎麼操作,可以訪問WP:WPSCH/P列表上的其他使用者,他們會樂意協助。
  2. Style. Keep the prose 'tight'. This is an encyclopedia—avoid the use of familiar language, contractions (it's, he's, don't, etc.), and magazine or blog style. Do not use the first person plural 'we'.
  3. Avoid advertising. Don't use promotional language英語Hype about your school or words that boost its image. Remember that this is an encyclopedia - it's not a school brochure, website, or Facebook entry.
  4. Avoid stubs. Only add schools that you are willing to do significant research on, and complete most of the generally required page sections. Don't automatically assume that someone else is interested enough in your school to finish it for you. Under certain conditions, very poorly made articles might simply get deleted and your effort will be lost.
  5. Avoid short sections. Consider combining sentences into flowing paragraphs of prose. Remember that books don't have one-line chapters. Section headings are large and too many in a small area make the page look ugly. Delete empty sections.
  6. Avoid ambiguity. Include the country of your school in the lead section. Wikipedia is read worldwide, and not everyone speaks the same English as you; some words have very different meanings in different countries. Dates should always be written out in full i.e. 4 July 1984 in the body as well as in inline references. Abbreviations must be written out in full at the first occurrence, and local terminology must be explained or wiki-linked, for example, K–12, Twelfth grade, Reception英語Reception (school), sixth form. The letter K in the British school system is usually an abbreviation for Key Stage, but in the US is an abbreviation for kindergarten. Kindergarten is a pre-school in most European countries but part of the school system in North America. A prep school英語prep school in the UK is an independent (private) primary/elementary school catering for students up to the age of 13 whereas in America a prep school prepares students for entry to university. A grammar school is a selective secondary school in Europe but an elementary school in North America. A college in the US is usually a university. In the United Kingdom, college has a multiplicity of meanings: Sixth form colleges and further education英語further education colleges provide education for students aged between 16 and 19 years. In the tertiary sector the universities of Oxford and Cambridge are made up of constituent colleges. College is also sometimes used to refer to university education.
  7. Write a strong lead. Be sure to write a lead that concisely summarizes the school into one or two paragraphs which make sense to someone who may know nothing about the school in question, and remember to include the country where the school is located.
  8. Support your contributions. Before you start an article on a school, or make additions, it is strongly suggested you first have an adequate amount of verifiable information about the school readily available, written in reliable published sources, independent of the school. This will make meeting the recommended content requirements far easier than trying to find all the information after you have already started the article (or hoping others will).
  9. Images.: Using images and school crests, emblems, or logos can greatly enhance articles, but only use them when they help illustrate the topic (e.g. are relevant), and ensure that they are freely licensed英語Wikipedia:Text of Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License or in the public domain (See Wikipedia:Image use policy). In most cases, the only way to accomplish this is for you to take the photo yourself and upload it following the instructions for licensing. For crests, emblems, or logos, see the special instructions in the infobox section.
  10. 資訊框資訊框是很多種頁面的重要元素。資訊框給定固定的格式,可以概觀一所學校的重要資訊。(參看下方段落)英文維基百科規定,旗幟符號不應被使用
  11. Go back to your new article in a day or two to see if it has been tagged for you to do something urgent to it. Someone might even have listed it for deletion.
  12. Return to your article frequently. A Wikipedia article, like all encyclopedias, is always a work in progress. Heads change, the number of students changes, new inspections are published, some former students (alumni) become famous, and someone may have changed your edits and damaged your work.
  13. Avoid bulk additions. The mass creation of short school articles is strongly discouraged and can even cause authors to be blocked for disruptive editing.
  14. Get help! post a question at WP:WPSCH/H or check out the various lists of coordinators and active members of this project at WP:WPSCH/P and don't hesitate to ask for help on their talk page, many of them are beginners too and you can help each other, while some of the lists are of really cool experts who just love to help out.
  15. Be bold! If you have already edited Wikipedia pages, you probably know what perfect articles look like. They cover everything they should without going on forever. Common sense could have told you almost all of the items mentioned above. Ultimately, assume good faith and go out there and write some good articles!




避免提及學校的教育理念、教育目標英語Wikipedia:Avoid mission statements,這通常只是宣傳。

避免比較競爭性的、用以促進學校的體育成果、升學考試成績等資料。就算撰寫大專院校條目,依然要避免過度熱衷推廣學術英語Wikipedia:Avoid academic boosterism。之前曾有一些例子:

  • 「某校擁有悠久、輝煌的歷史。」
  • 「某校被認為是甲省、甚至甲國最頂尖的公立高級中學之一。」
  • 「某校是甲國錄取率最低的學校(之一)。」
  • 「某某國民中學國中教育會考A等第者佔87%,有86%的學生通過全民英檢初級。」











對於中小學條目適用的資訊框,社群已經在2020年間完成整合,現在我們統一使用{{Infobox school}}。

該校徽章英語Crest (heraldry)、標誌、校印、象徵或臂章。可自該校網站複製或自校方文書掃描而得。必須提供來源、授權條款,並遵循合理使用規定。


  • 聯絡方式:例如電話號碼、傳真號碼、電子信箱。(見相關方針
  • 副職領導人與臨時職位:例如副校長、副主席(見相關方針)、代理校長
  • 尊稱:前綴英語Pre-nominal letters後綴字(CEO、Dr、BA、BSc、MA、PhD等)及性別用語(先生、女士)。例如:不要使用「黨委書記:王大華先生」,只需要寫出「黨委書記:王大華」就好了。
  • 國家旗幟:在所在地欄位,勿添加如{{USA}}( 美國)的旗幟模板,請單純使用「美國」或「[[美國]]








== 學校歷史 ==
== 管理體系 ==
== 學校組織 ==
== 招生情況 ==
== 課程教學 ==
== 課外活動 ==
== 校園環境 ==
== 獎項及榮譽 ==
== 知名校友 ==
== 知名教職員 ==
== 歷屆校長 ==
== 參考文獻 ==
== 外部連結 ==
* {{official|www.example.edu}}
  • 校史:描繪這所學校的歷史,及其發展的重要里程碑。如果該校是以某人命名,記得放個內連連結到他的條目(不過有個前提,就是那位老兄具有關注度。如果沒有的話,簡單用一兩句話帶過他的生平即可)。如果適用的話,可以提及該校命名來由,還有和這個名字的聯繫。
  • 管理體系:描述其法律狀態、委託契約(foundation deed,如果是私校)、主管單位(如果是國立學校)或理事會的組成。
  • 學校組織:描述學校如何管理學生的宗教、學術或競爭活動。談及班級規模、編班方式、家長與學校如何聯繫、特殊需求。如果人員配置值得關注(如院系、科別等),亦可在此討論。
  • 招生情況(若具關注度):描述其錄取方式、超額比序方式,學費和獎學金亦在此節討論。
  • 課程教學:提供學校課程的簡要說明。它遵循國定、州定課程還是自己的校定課程?可聚焦其特色課程,如它是當地唯一一所教授德文或客家語的學校嗎?它有烹飪科嗎?請勿列出所有科目的清單以及學校的表現(performance),讀者可以從學校的宣傳摺頁或校網獲得這些資訊。
  • 課外活動:提及代表性的校隊及值得關注的內容。如果該校有一些學生會、校刊、俱樂部、定期活動等傳統特色,亦可在此討論。本節標題可依據其校隊、社團、傳統或學生會的重要性而稍做變化,如寫為學生會、體育及傳統班聯會活動
    • 請勿列出人數過少的迷你社團或無指導老師、僅由學生管理的社團。所有學校都有社團,不過列入這些社團不是百科全書需要的學校基礎描述。
    • 除非像是在學時就出名的丹尼爾·拉德克利夫等,否則不應該提到特定學生。主要的課外錦標賽應列入「體育」、「田徑」或「活動」的章節,可包含和該校聲譽特別相關的任何成就,建議僅列出其最高成就,避免過度重視次要者。通常不應列出學生個人榮譽。
  • 校園環境:描述校園的整體形狀、大小,如有自由版權圖像,則應包含在內。如果某棟建築或體育館本身或建築師有趣、非常有名或值得關注,則可提及,並考慮列出單獨的建築校舍)章節,如英文維基百科之倫敦學校#建築。不包含每棟建築物的所有細節、教室或設備的細節。
  • 獎項及榮譽:列出該校(或其教職員工生)獲得的著名獎項、認可、榮譽。本節應僅列出「本身具有知名度」的獎項。若學校曾多次獲得相同類型獎項(如2020年獲得甲獎項、2022年獲得甲獎項),不宜將之分開表列。倘若本節過長,應拆分出子條目,僅在主條目留下摘要。編者亦可斟酌於條目其他段落提及獎項與榮譽,且不受限於該獎項本身須具備知名度之前提。至授予學校社團、校隊之獎項,宜表列於其他恰當段落,如「體育及傳統」段落,您可查看「課外活動」章節指引,了解這類段落替代性標題的細節。倘若該校僅只獲得少數的學術獎項,應考慮是否以散文式書寫列於「課程」段落即可。
  • 知名校友:若可能,提供具關注度的校友名單,並列出適當、可查證的細節。如果此章節過長,可另建新的條目(如國立彰化高級中學校友列表)。本節亦可概述該校校友,參酌列出合宜、可得的細節,如校友對學校名譽的影響、校友所活躍的社會領域,或他們對社會的影響。請見#校友一節以了解更多資訊。
  • 知名教職員:此處僅應收錄本身具關注度(例如本身是作家、曾獲得某教育獎等)的現任/退休教職員,或者被非常新聞報導。
  • 歷任校長:列出歷任校長並簡述其貢獻,如過長則應拆分,如英文維基百科的伊頓公學校長列表
  • 參考文獻 提供這所學校的可查證可靠資訊(獨立於學校本身之外)。條目不應僅包含自我提及之內容(含維基百科條目)。學校官網並非獨立來源,不過仍可引用作為無關價值判斷的資訊其參考來源,例如學校架構。提及學校獲獎/榮譽及爭議事件時,第三方來源更適合且尤其重要。For private schools in North America, an accreditation body or government source should be provided to show the organization is a legitimate school; for the UK this will generally be Ofsted英語Ofsted. There is no requirement on Wikipedia for sources used in articles to be online; either online or offline sources can be used as long as they are correctly cited, reliable, and published. 如果參考來源為線上資源,要考慮可能未來會無法瀏覽,有的傳播媒體甚至僅提供一段時期的免費瀏覽。因此,您應完整記錄其作者、出版來源、完整標題、日期,如果可行,也可以將之存檔。參照Wikipedia:列明來源中註釋格式的技術性細節。
  • 外部連結:記得要有該校網站,如果有中文版會更好。列出一些讀者可能有興趣的連結, but whose contents might be beyond the scope of inclusion in the article (for example, links to the school's Parent Teacher Association). For understanding of adding external links to the school article(s), see guidelines of adding external links.



若您想要創建獲改善學區條目,或學校條目的列表,您可以在Dallas Independent School District英語Dallas Independent School District找到完整的學區條目範例、List of schools of the Dallas Independent School District英語List of schools of the Dallas Independent School District找到完整的學校條目列表範例。如果您覺得那太複雜了,稍微沒那麼複雜的範例可以參考List of Clark County School District schools英語List of Clark County School District schools



School articles should be written from a neutral point of view and only contain material of encyclopaedic interest; lists should be kept to a minimum; prose with context to the individual school is preferred. Remember that Wikipedia is not a directory, a depository of news links, a host of primary source material, or a place for promotional material or advertising.

Any mention of living people must conform with the biography of living persons policy, including the presumption in favour of privacy. While naming the head teacher or principal is permitted, lists or detailed information about current or former pupils, parents of current or former pupils, administrative staff, school secretaries, current or former teachers etc. is usually inappropriate. Special care should be taken in regards to the mention of individual pupils or providing information that would allow individual pupils to be identified (particularly where they are underage); such disclosures should only occur in exceptional circumstances. School articles must be balanced, and not give undue prominence to events outside the control of the school, that have involved staff or students.

學校條目尤其不應該 出現:

  • 大量有關服裝儀容的細節,除非有多項第三方來源敘及。惟制服可在沒那麼多來源的情況下簡短 地被介紹,尤其如果制服很特別的話。
  • Trivia which is only of interest to pupils in the school (such as school timetables, bell schedules英語Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Schools/Archive_14, class-by-class rules, daily lunch menus, location of the toilets, or a room-by-room description of the school facilities);
  • Wikipedia articles about schools must be neutral. The purpose is not to bring shame to educational institutions. Any such additions will be removed by the School Project coordinators or any other editor. The fact that such activities may be reported in the press is no business of an encyclopedia. Persistent reinsertion of such content may result in sanctions for the editor. See: WP:NOTNEWSPAPER, WP:UNDUE, WP:NPOV,and WP:BLPCRIME.
  • Current school events which are only of short-term interest;
  • 電話號碼、傳真號碼、電子郵件位址(郵遞區號寫在資訊框中,是可被接受的)
  • Country or regional flags, including within infoboxes;
  • 接受該中學學生就讀的學院、大學列表
  • 照抄學校的任務陳述,如教學目標等,因一般被視為廣告
  • Comparisons of sports results, exam results, etc. between schools which introduces rivalry, unless third-party reliable sources themselves make such comparisons; otherwise this is a form of original research. Such content can also be considered promotional, and although written for colleges and universities, the advice in Wikipedia:Avoid academic boosterism英語Wikipedia:Avoid academic boosterism also applies here;
  • 校歌歌詞。 However, the lyrics may be placed on Wikisource and linked to from the article using {{Wikisource}} if it can be verified that the song is in the public domain or has been released by the copyright holder under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike licence. See Wikipedia:Public domain and Wikipedia:Non-U.S. copyrights for guidance on when material will enter the public domain.
  • 有關升學考試成績表現,均不應錄入。例如:不應該提到「某高中有多少比例的學生高考在該省平均前50%」(中國大陸),也不應該提到「某國民中學全體學生均在國中教育會考獲得B以上成績」(臺灣)。
  • 校內的學生組織,無論是校隊、社團或學生會,都只應於能找到來自第三方參考來源(不可以是學校官方,或教育行政主管機關出版的資訊來源)有效介紹的前提下寫入。如果引用上述參考來源後,僅能寫出組織名稱,導致條目相關段落變成社團目錄,則不應該寫入。參見Wikipedia:維基百科不是什麼#維基百科不是目錄


  1. 具備獨立關注度的校長,當然可以列出。其條目若存在,並應給出內部連結。
  2. 如果有第三方來源提及某校長任內在這間學校的政績等事,而非僅有一筆帶過他的姓名,可以列入。例如:


  • 校長的姓名
  • 校長的任期
  • 任內的貢獻或重大事件






School subjects would generally be lower case except where they contain proper nouns such as languages. If referring to a specific named course like Geography 205 Spatial Distribution of Populations, that would be capitalized. For a high school class where there's one course in the social sciences department named Geography, it could be capitalized, but there's seldom a need to. Generally – capitalize proper nouns. People in education tend to overcapitalize subject areas, but Wikipedia doesn't.

Applicable categories


Try to avoid overcategorization. Generally all of Category:Education, but especially articles in the subcategories of

See also:





Some schools have published histories. Check the online catalogue at WorldCat. For UK schools the best reference is COPAC. Smaller schools might not have deposited a school history with one of the major deposit libraries so check the catalogue of the relevant local library (most are now online). Even if you do not live in the locality it is possible to borrow any book for a modest fee via the inter-library loan system

Many schools have buildings which are of architectural importance. Some English schools have been classified by English Heritage as listed buildings and are included on the Images of England website, while some American schools are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.





United Kingdom


(Note: Following major changes in UK government in 2010, some UK agencies have changed their focus and/or their websites. See also: Independent School Inspections)

  • England:
    • The Department for Education (DfE) on the GOV.UK website has comprehensive information about schools.
      • "Get information about schools" page allows you to search for a school and provides detailed information such as location, enrolment figures and a link to the school’s Ofsted reports page.
      • The "Standards" page, which contained comprehensive lists of Beacon Schools, academies, and specialist schools, has been "decommissioned" following the 2010 United Kingdom general election – an archive can be found here.
    • Schools are inspected by Ofsted英語Ofsted (a separate government department independent of the DfE) and independent schools are inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate英語Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI).
    • Most county councils and district councils have comprehensive websites which provide details of school admissions policies and other useful information. The "Find your local council" page on the GOV.UK website allows you to find your local council by entering a postcode.
    • Many schools are academies英語Academy (English school) and the websites of these schools as well as the "Get information about schools" page has a link to the controlling Academy trust. They publish annual reports and financial statements that may be of use.

United States




(Note: These are examples only and the list is not intended to be exhaustive. Contributors are welcome to add other notable international or national awards here so that they can be researched and used by other school article editors.)

Awards should only be mentioned if they themselves are notable. Not all awards are genuine awards. Local awards for Beautiful Gardens around the schoolyard, or Good Food for the school canteen do not really count.

In the United Kingdom, information on awards is available at UK teaching awards, and at School Achievement Award Scheme. Budget allocations for a Specialism College (in the UK) are not items for the 'Awards' section.

In the United States, information on awards is available at Blue Ribbon Schools Program run by the United States Department of Education and at Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence Program (BRSE). See also Wikipedia article: Blue Ribbon Schools Program英語Blue Ribbon Schools Program.

In Australia, the Citizenship Award Order of Australia in Queensland confers awards to primary and secondary schools in Queensland each year. Such awards could contribute to the level of notability required for primary school articles. People's Choice Awards gives one prize per year for a school video from over 1,100 registered contenders.

Global: The International School Award for cross-cultural school projects is administered by the British Council in the UK and with partners in many other countries.



All alumni information must be referenced. See Wikipedia:Footnoting for technical help. Individual alumni need a citation to a) verify that they did indeed attend the school, and b) verify the statement of their notability in their short one- or two-line description. When alumni have their own articles in mainspace, it is not necessary for their notability to be referenced, as long as it is done in the biographical articles. Be sure to check the existing biography article to ensure that it demonstrates alumni status with a cited reference.

Who should be included?

For stand-alone lists of alumni, alumni to be included must meet the normal criteria established for that page. Inclusion in Lists of alumni included as part of a large article should be determined by WP:SOURCELIST and the same criteria used to determine the inclusion of other material in the article according to Wikipedia policies and guidelines (including Wikipedia:Trivia sections).

All alumni meeting these criteria are to be included on an alumni list, regardless of how much time they have spent on a school roll, from one day to several years, and whether or not they graduated.

Style of entries

The Wikipedia:Manual of Style (embedded lists) guideline invites consideration of whether information might be more appropriately presented in list or prose form. As the notable alumni of a school typically form an assorted group with little in common, describing all of them in prose would be clumsy. Unless there are very few notable alumni, lists are recommended as the most accessible way of presenting all of them. Adding a prose summary is encouraged, particularly if the list is split off as a separate article.

Entries should be bulleted and have a very brief description of their notability. Links to articles related to an entry are encouraged, but beware of overlinking, for example if many alumni have entered parliament, there is no need to link to the parliament of a certain country more than once. After a description, state when they graduated or what years they attended.

Alumni may be categorized alphabetically, or according to the field that made them famous: e.g. politics, medicine, academia. It is acceptable to list someone in more than one field, provided that this is mentioned in a side note. Add something like: "(Also listed in sport)".

As all alumni who attended a school for any amount of time must be included across all alumni articles, some attendees will have attended more than one school. Place in brackets the name of any other schools that they attended.

Separate alumni pages

If a list of alumni in a school article becomes quite large, consider moving it to another page entitled "List of...". It is not necessary to include "notable" in the article title, as all articles in the mainspace need to follow notability guidelines. Have a look at other alumni pages in Category:Lists of people by school affiliation, for an example of a separate alumni page see List of Old Malvernians英語List of Old Malvernians with its summary. If the alumni are listed in a separate article, the alumni section in the school article should link to the list article and provide a brief summary. See Harrow School#Notable alumni or Baltimore City College#Notable alumni英語Baltimore City College for examples of such summaries.

Notable alumni sources

Alumni to be included should meet Wikipedia notability criteria, and must be verifiable; a biography page in Wikipedia that does not provide a source cannot be used as a reference. The following is a list of external sources which contain notable alumni from various schools. Ideally this should be used for sources that are selective (separating the most notable from the rest of the alumni). When using information from one of these sources, always try to confirm it with another source (such as a newspaper article specifically about the person) and don't automatically assume any source is comprehensive, even in its field of expertise. Ideally you should confirm something from both sides (e.g. the school acknowledges the individual, and the individual acknowledges the school).

International sources

United States


  • The Baseball Cube has a very extensive database of baseball players, with the data searchable by city, high school, college, team, etc.
  • Basketball Reference has a list of NBA players' high schools, searchable by state.
  • National High School Baseball Coaches Association contains lists of BCA award winners back to 1992, including National Senior Players of the Year Winners, Coaches of the Year and Assistant Coaches of the Year (by District), and National Groundskeeper/Field of the Year; District and National High School Baseball Coaches Association All American Teams, 2005 through 2007; National, District, and BCA/Louisville Slugger State Players of Year. The BCA Hall Of Fame lists coaches inducted after meeting criteria, including 20 years of varsity coaching experience, and being elected.

Local sources:

Individual alumni information;

Use this sub-page英語Wikipedia:WikiProject Schools/Alumni for recording school alumni who can't yet be placed in an article (e.g. the school article doesn't exist yet). When an article is made, the info can be moved there. By linking from this sub-page, somebody who creates the article would see this in the backlinks.



