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維基百科:臺灣教育專案/臺大植物分類學 (107-2)/提報作業/Golden Lycoris


界: 植物界 Plantae
門: 被子植物門 Magnoliophyta
綱: 單子葉植物綱 Liliopsida
目: 天門冬目 Asparagales
科: 石蒜科 Amaryllidaceae
屬: 石蒜屬 Lycoris
種: 金花石蒜 L. aurea
Lycoris aurea
(L'Herit.) Herb.

Golden Lycoris(Botanical name: Lycoris aurea ;common name: Golden Spider Lily,also known as Spider lily or Naked lily)[1]




Golden Lycoris originated from limestone areas of China. The spidery flowers face upwards and are a orange-cadmium yellow. It can often be a difficult species to get into flower. It requires a hot dry resting period during summer to promote flowering. Lycoris are splendid autumn-flowering bulbs when their requirements are met, and make excellent garden subjects and provide a good supply of cut flowers. Golden Lycoris is listed as a critically endangered plant in the wild, although it is cultivated in the gardens.[2]



Golden Lycoris is in the family of Amaryllidaceae, and the genus of Lycoris. It originated from south to southwest of the Yangtze River Basin in China, also in Japan, Ryukyu, Vietnam, Laos.Golden Lycoris distributed in the north of Taiwan, Japan, Myanmar and Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guangdong, Fujian, Sichuan in China. It grows in an area between 600 meters and 2,300 meters above sea level, often found in the wet hillsides back to the sun. It is listed as a critically endangered plant in the wild, although it is cultivated in the gardens.[3]



Golden Lycoris is perennial plant. The bulb is nearly spherical, 3.5 to 6.5 cm in diameter, and is covered with a dark brown bulbous cortex. Leaves grow from the stem underground, fleshy and thick, broad-lined, 25~60 cm long, 3~5 cm wide. The upper part is tapered, the base is purple, top is yellow-green, and the back is gray-green. Flowers are prior to leaves, calyx is 30~60 cm high; cymose terminal, 5~10 flowers, short stalk, corolla yellow to golden yellow, flower tube less than 2 cm long, 6 lobes, ca. 5-7 cm long , about 1 cm wide, revolver, marginal wave margin; 6 stamens, sessile outside the corolla; ovary lower, 3-loculous, style and stigma slender. Achenes are split and have many seeds. Flowering period from September to October. The fruiting period is from October to December.[4]



It can be used for viewing. The bulb is poisonous. In addition to extracting the lycopene for medicinal purposes, it can also be used for the starch industry.[5]






  1. ^ https://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Golden%20Spider%20Lily.html
  2. ^ http://kplant.biodiv.tw/%E9%BE%8D%E7%88%AA%E8%8A%B1/%E9%BE%8D%E7%88%AA%E8%8A%B1.htm
  3. ^ http://kplant.biodiv.tw/%E9%BE%8D%E7%88%AA%E8%8A%B1/%E9%BE%8D%E7%88%AA%E8%8A%B1.htm
  4. ^ http://kplant.biodiv.tw/%E9%BE%8D%E7%88%AA%E8%8A%B1/%E9%BE%8D%E7%88%AA%E8%8A%B1.htm
  5. ^ https://zh-two.iwiki.icu/wiki/%E9%87%91%E8%8A%B1%E7%9F%B3%E8%92%9C