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斯瓦迪士核心詞列表Swadesh list)是美國語言學家莫里斯·斯瓦迪士在1940年代到1950年代提出的一個列表。他從統計學的角度用分析不同的語言(以印歐語系語言為主),得出一個大約有100個詞的核心詞列表。他認為,基本上所有語言的詞彙都應該包含這些詞語。歷史語言學家使用這個列表來量化不同語言相關聯的程度。




現在最常用的,有207個詞語的列表來自Isidore Dyen[2]




英語 斯瓦迪士的解釋 漢語翻譯
1 I 第一人稱單數
2 you 第二人稱單數。1952版寫thou & ye
3 we 1955版:包含式 我們
4 this
5 that
6 who? 1971年版沒有問號
7 what? 1971年版沒有問號 什麼
8 not
9 all 數個東西里的 全部
10 many
11 one
12 two
13 big
14 long 不是寬
15 small
16 woman 女人
17 man 成年男性人類 男人
18 person 人類個體
19 fish 名詞
20 bird
21 dog
22 louse 虱子
23 tree 不是原木
24 seed 名詞 種子
25 leaf 植物的 葉子
26 root 植物的
27 bark 樹的 樹皮
28 skin 1952版:人的 皮膚
29 flesh 1952版寫meat, flesh
30 blood
31 bone 骨頭
32 grease 1952:脂肪,有機物質
33 egg
34 horn 牛等等的, 1952版沒有
35 tail 尾巴
36 feather 大的,不是絨羽 羽毛
37 hair 人類頭上的 頭髮
38 head 解剖學的
39 ear 耳朵
40 eye 眼睛
41 nose 鼻子
42 mouth 嘴巴
43 tooth 前排的,不是臼齒 牙齒
44 tongue 解剖學的 舌頭
45 claw 1952版沒有1 爪子
46 foot 不是腿
47 knee 1952版沒有 膝蓋
48 hand
49 belly 身體的下半部,腹部 肚子
50 neck 不是後頸 脖子
51 breasts 女性的;1955版寫breast 乳房
52 heart
53 liver
54 drink 動詞
55 eat 動詞
56 bite 動詞
57 see 動詞
58 hear 動詞
59 know 動詞 知道
60 sleep 動詞 睡覺
61 die 動詞
62 kill 動詞
63 swim 動詞 游泳
64 fly 動詞
65 walk 動詞
66 come 動詞
67 lie 在一側,recline
68 sit 動詞
69 stand 動詞
70 give 動詞
71 say 動詞
72 sun 太陽
73 moon 1952版沒有 月亮
74 star 星星
75 water 名詞
76 rain 名詞。1952版說動詞
77 stone 石頭
78 sand 沙子
79 earth 土壤 土地
80 cloud 不是霧
81 smoke 名詞,火的
82 fire
83 ash(es) 灰燼
84 burn 不及物動詞 燃燒
85 path 1952版寫road, trail;不是街道
86 mountain 不是丘
87 red 顏色 紅色
88 green 顏色 綠色
89 yellow 顏色 黃色
90 white 顏色 白色
91 black 顏色 黑色
92 night 夜晚
93 hot 形容詞;1952版寫warm,指天氣
94 cold 指天氣
95 full† 滿
96 new
97 good
98 round 1952版沒有
99 dry 物質 乾燥
100 name 名字

^ 只有1955年版加入了「claw」(爪子),但它被其他專家替換成指/趾甲,因為許多古老的、滅絕的、或是比較不出名的語言裏面沒有「爪子」的說法。




現代標準漢語 英語
1 I [aɪ]
2 you [juː]
3 he [hiː]
4 我們 we [wiː]
5 你們 you [juː]
6 他們 they [ðeɪ]
7 this [ðɪs]
8 that [ðæt]
9 這裏 here [hiə]
10 那裏 there [ðɛə]
11 who [huː]
12 什麼 what [wɒt]
13 where [wɛə]
14 何時 when [wen]
15 如何 how [haʊ]
16 not [nɒt]
17 所有 all [ɔːl]
18 many [ˈmeni]
19 一些 some [sʌm]
20 few [fjuː]
21 其他 other [ˈʌðə]
22 one [wʌn]
23 two [tuː]
24 three [θɹiː]
25 four [fɔː]
26 five [ˈfaɪv]
27 big [bɪɡ]
28 long [lɔŋ]
29 wide [waɪd]
30 thick [θɪk]
31 heavy [ˈhevi]
32 small [smɔːl]
33 short [ʃɔːt]
34 narrow [ˈnæɹəʊ]
35 thin [θɪn]
36 woman [ˈwʊmən]
37 man [mæn]
38 man, person [mæn], [ˈpɜːsn]
39 child [ʧaɪld]
40 wife [waɪf]
41 husband [ˈhʌzbənd]
42 mother [ˈmʌðə]
43 father [ˈfɑːðə]
44 動物 animal [ˈænɪməl]
45 fish [fɪʃ]
46 bird [bɜːd]
47 dog [dɒɡ]
48 louse [laʊs]
49 snake [sneɪk]
50 worm [wɜːm]
51 tree [tɹiː]
52 forest [ˈfɒɹɪst]
53 stick [stɪk]
54 fruit [fɹuːt]
55 seed [siːd]
56 leaf [liːf]
57 root [ɹuːt]
58 樹皮 bark [bɑːk]
59 flower [ˈflaʊə]
60 grass [ɡɹaːs]
61 rope [ɹəʊp]
62 skin [skɪn]
63 meat [miːt]
64 blood [blʌd]
65 bone [bəʊn]
66 fat [fæt]
67 egg [eɡ]
68 horn [hɔːn]
69 tail [teɪl]
70 feather [ˈfɛðə]
71 hair [hɛə]
72 head [hed]
73 ear [ɪə]
74 eye [aɪ]
75 nose [nəʊz]
76 mouth [maʊθ]
77 tooth [tuːθ]
78 tongue [tʌŋ]
79 指甲 fingernail [ˈfɪŋɡəneɪl]
80 foot [fʊt]
81 leg [leɡ]
82 knee [niː]
83 hand [hænd]
84 wing [wɪŋ]
85 belly [ˈbelɪ]
86 gut [gʌts]
87 neck [nek]
88 back [bæk]
89 breast [bɹest]
90 heart [hɑːt]
91 liver [ˈlɪvə]
92 to drink [dɹɪŋk]
93 to eat [iːt]
94 to bite [baɪt]
95 to suck [sʌk]
96 to spit [spɪt]
97 to vomit [ˈvɒmɪt]
98 to blow [bləʊ]
99 呼吸 to breathe [bɹiːð]
100 to laugh [laːf]
101 to see [siː]
102 to hear [hiə]
103 to know [nəʊ]
104 to think [θɪŋk]
105 to smell [smel]
106 to fear [fɪə]
107 to sleep [sliːp]
108 to live [lɪv]
109 to die [daɪ]
110 to kill [kɪl]
111 to fight [faɪt]
112 to hunt [hʌnt]
113 to hit [hɪt]
114 to cut [kʌt]
115 to split [splɪt]
116 to stab [stæb]
117 to scratch [skɹæʧ]
118 to dig [dɪɡ]
119 to swim [swɪm]
120 to fly [flaɪ]
121 to walk [wɔːk]
122 to come [kʌm]
123 to lie down (action), to lie (état) [laɪ] [daʊn], [laɪ]
124 to sit down (action), to sit (état) [sɪt] [daʊn], [sɪt]
125 to stand up (action), to stand (état) [stænd] [ʌp], [stænd]
126 to turn [tɜːn]
127 to fall [fɔːl]
128 to give [ɡɪv]
129 to hold [həʊld]
130 to squeeze [skwiːz]
131 to rub [ɹʌb]
132 to wash [wɒʃ]
133 to wipe [waɪp]
134 to pull [pʊl]
135 to push [pʊʃ]
136 to throw [θɹəʊ]
137 to tie [taɪ]
138 to sew [səʊ]
139 to count [kaʊnt]
140 to say [seɪ]
141 to sing [sɪŋ]
142 to play [pleɪ]
143 to float [fləʊt]
144 to flow [fləʊ]
145 to freeze [fɹiːz]
146 to swell [swel]
147 sun [sʌn]
148 moon [muːn]
149 star [stɑː]
150 water [ˈwɔːtə]
151 rain [ɹeɪn]
152 river [ˈɹɪvə]
153 lake [leɪk]
154 sea [siː]
155 salt [sɔːlt]
156 stone [stəʊn]
157 sand [sænd]
158 dust [dʌst]
159 earth [ɜːθ]
160 cloud [klaʊd]
161 fog [fɒɡ]
162 sky [skaɪ]
163 wind [wɪnd]
164 snow [snəʊ]
165 ice [aɪs]
166 smoke [sməʊk]
167 fire [faɪə]
168 ashes [ˈæʃɪz]
169 to burn [bɜːn]
170 road [ɹəʊd]
171 mountain [ˈmaʊntɪn]
172 red [ɹed]
173 green [ɡɹiːn]
174 yellow [ˈjeləʊ]
175 white [waɪt]
176 black [blæk]
177 night [naɪt]
178 day [deɪ]
179 year [jiə]
180 warm [wɔːm]
181 cold [kəʊld]
182 滿 full [fʊl]
183 new [njuː]
184 old [əʊld]
185 good [ɡʊd]
186 bad [bæd]
187 rotten [ˈɹɒtn]
188 dirty [ˈdɜːtɪ]
189 straight [stɹeɪt]
190 round [ɹaʊnd]
191 sharp [ʃɑːp]
192 dull, blunt [dʌl], [blʌnt]
193 smooth [smuːð]
194 wet [wet]
195 dry [dɹaɪ]
196 correct [kəˈɹekt]
197 near [nɪə]
198 far [fɑː]
199 right [ɹaɪt]
200 left [left]
201 at [æt]
202 in [ɪn]
203 with [wɪð]
204 and [ænd]
205 if [ɪf]
206 because [bɪˈkɒz]
207 name [neɪm]




  1. ^ Swadesh, Morris. ed. Sherzer. Joel 1971
  2. ^ Isidore Dyen et al. 1992


  • Campbell, Lyle. (1998). Historical linguistics; An Introduction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Embleton, Sheila (1995). Review of 『An Indo-European classification: A lexicostatistical experiment』 by I. Dyen; J.B. Kruskal & P.Black. TAPS Monograph 82-5, Philadelphia. in Diachronica 12-2/1992:263-68.
  • Dyen, Isidore; Kruskal, Joseph B.; Black, Paul. An Indoeuropean Classification: A Lexicostatistical Experiment. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. 1992, 82 (5): iii [2021-10-28]. doi:10.2307/1006517. (原始內容存檔於2021-10-29). 
  • Gray, Russell D.; & Atkinson, Quentin D. Language-tree divergence times support the Anatolian theory of Indo-European origin, Nature, 426.
  • Gudschinsky, Sarah. (1956). The ABC's of lexicostatistics (glottochronology). Word, 12, 175-210.
  • Hoijer, Harry. (1956). Lexicostatistics: A critique. Language, 32, 49-60.
  • Swadesh, Morris. (1950). Salish internal relationships. International Journal of American Linguistics, 16, 157-167.
  • Swadesh, Morris. (1952). Lexicostatistic dating of prehistoric ethnic contacts. Proceedings American Philosophical Society, 96, 452-463.
  • Swadesh, Morris. (1955). Towards greater accuracy in lexicostatistic dating. International Journal of American Linguistics, 21, 121-137.
  • Swadesh, Morris. (1971). The Origin and Diversification of Language. 死後由Joel Sherzer編輯. Chicago: Aldine. ISBN 0-202-01001-5. p. 283有最終版的100個詞語的列表.
  • Swadesh, Morris (1972). What is glottochronology? In M. Swadesh, The origin and diversification of languages (pp. 271–284). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.

