Heng Shun, originates from <Buddhist Hua Yan Sutra>: be always obedient to all living beings. It means to be always obedient to kind needs of all living beings. In 1840, Zhu Zhaohuai from Dantu created 「Zhu Heng Shun Distillery」with the business idea 「to be always obedient to the kind needs of all living beings.」 Thus, the development journey of 「Hundred Years Heng Shun」 started.
1926年浙江鎮海人李皋宇接盤恆順,改字號「恆順源記醬醋糟坊」; 1946年李氏第二代李友芳從上海來鎮,全面掌管鎮江恆順業務。
1955年政府向恆順派駐工作組,設立公私合營鎮江恆順醬醋廠;1958年鎮江市政府把全市40餘家醬醋作坊併入恆順,當時有工人403人; 1966年成立國營鎮江恆順醬醋廠,開始建設勞動路(現名中山西路)廠區;2001年「恆順醋業」股票(上交所:600305)在上海證券交易所掛牌上市,成為中國醬醋行業第一家上市公司。
Hengshun Zhenjiang Vinegar is a famous traditional Chinese black vinegar, also known as Chinkiang vinegar. Zhenjiang vinegar is one of China’s Four Famous Vinegars—along with Sichuan Baoning, Shanxi mature vinegar and Fujian’s Yongchun red vinegar—and the most well-known of the four outside China. It originates from Zhenjiang, a city in the Jiangsu province of China, and is produced by the Hengshun Group, one of the leading vinegar manufacturers in the country.
[編輯]- ^ 記者:朱華夏. 镇江香醋:造假谁之过. 責任編輯:高兵強. 人民網,來源:《華東新聞》 (2005年01月12日 第十版). 2005-01-12 [2018-11-06]. (原始內容存檔於2018年11月6日) (簡體中文).