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ACM圖靈百年慶典,丹尼斯·漢密爾頓(Dennis Hamilton)和查爾斯·巴赫曼






獎項 提供
Alan D. Berenbaum Distinguished Service Award英語Alan D. Berenbaum Distinguished Service Award SIGARCH英語ACM SIGARCH
CHI Academy英語CHI Academy SIGCHI
Danny Lewin Best Student Paper Award英語Danny Lewin Best Student Paper Award SIGACT英語ACM SIGACT
Dhaka Site英語ACM ICPC Dhaka Site 國際大學生程序設計競賽
Dijkstra Prize英語Dijkstra Prize PODC英語Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
Doctoral Dissertation Award英語ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award
Eckert–Mauchly Award英語Eckert–Mauchly Award
Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award英語SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award SIGMOD英語SIGMOD
Eugene L. Lawler Award英語ACM Eugene L. Lawler Award
Gerard Salton Award英語Gerard Salton Award SIGIR英語Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval
Grace Murray Hopper Award英語Grace Murray Hopper Award
Ken Kennedy Award英語Ken Kennedy Award
Mark Weiser Award英語SIGOPS Mark Weiser Award SIGOPS英語ACM SIGOPS
Maurice Wilkes Award英語Maurice Wilkes Award SIGARCH英語ACM SIGARCH
Paris Kanellakis Award英語Paris Kanellakis Award
Penny Crane Award for Distinguished Service英語Penny Crane Award for Distinguished Service SIGUCCS英語SIGUCCS
Prize in Computing英語ACM Prize in Computing
Programming Languages Software Award英語Programming Languages Software Award SIGPLAN
Programming Systems and Languages Paper Award[2]
SIGUCCS Hall of Fame Award英語ACM SIGUCCS Hall of Fame Award SIGUCCS英語SIGUCCS


獎項 提供
克勞德·E·香農獎 電氣電子工程師學會
IEEE電腦先鋒獎 IEEE Computer Society
Harlan D. Mills Award英語Harlan D. Mills Award IEEE Computer Society
哈里·H·古德紀念獎 IEEE Computer Society
Internet Award英語IEEE Internet Award IEEE, 諾基亞
IEEE約翰·馮·諾伊曼獎章 IEEE
Kleene Award英語Kleene Award IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science英語Symposium on Logic in Computer Science
Machtey Award英語Machtey Award IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science英語Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science
Reynold B. Johnson Information Storage Systems Award英語IEEE Reynold B. Johnson Information Storage Systems Award IEEE
IEEE理察·衛斯里·漢明獎章 IEEE, 高通
Seymour Cray Computer Engineering Award英語Seymour Cray Computer Engineering Award IEEE Computer Society
Sidney Fernbach Award英語Sidney Fernbach Award IEEE Computer Society
Test-of-Time Award英語Symposium on Logic in Computer Science IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science英語Symposium on Logic in Computer Science
W. Wallace McDowell Award英語W. Wallace McDowell Award IEEE Computer Society
William C. Carter Award英語William C. Carter Award IEEE Technical Committee on Fault-Tolerant Computing and IFIP英語IFIP Working Group on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance


獎項 提供
美國人工智能協會 Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
Ackermann Award European Association for Computer Science Logic英語European Association for Computer Science Logic
Azriel Rosenfeld Award英語Azriel Rosenfeld Award International Conference on Computer Vision英語International Conference on Computer Vision (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Barwise Prize英語Barwise Prize American Philosophical Association英語American Philosophical Association
BCS Lovelace Medal英語BCS Lovelace Medal 英國電腦學會
Charles Babbage Premium英語Charles Babbage Premium Institution of Electrical Engineers英語Institution of Electrical Engineers
Dahl–Nygaard Prize英語Dahl–Nygaard Prize European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming英語European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
Digital Preservation Award英語Digital Preservation Award Digital Preservation Coalition英語Digital Preservation Coalition
EATCS Award英語EATCS Award European Association for Theoretical Computer Science英語European Association for Theoretical Computer Science
Edison Award英語Edison Awards Edison Awards英語Edison Awards
ERCIM Cor Baayen Award英語ERCIM Cor Baayen Award European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics
Erdős–Rényi Prize英語Erdős–Rényi Prize Network Science Society
Heinz Billing Prize英語Heinz Billing Prize Heinz Billing Foundation of the Max Planck Society
Herbrand Award英語Herbrand Award Conference on Automated Deduction英語Conference on Automated Deduction
IET Mountbatten Medal英語IET Mountbatten Medal 國際工程技術學會 and Institution of Electrical Engineers英語Institution of Electrical Engineers
IJCAI Award for Research Excellence英語IJCAI Award for Research Excellence 國際人工智能聯合會議
IJCAI Computers and Thought Award英語IJCAI Computers and Thought Award 國際人工智能聯合會議
Infosys Prize英語Infosys Prize Infosys Science Foundation頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館
J. W. Graham Medal英語J. W. Graham Medal University of Waterloo Faculty of Mathematics英語University of Waterloo Faculty of Mathematics
Jonathan B. Postel Service Award英語Jonathan B. Postel Service Award 互聯網協會
Kalai Prize英語Kalai Prize Game Theory Society英語Game Theory Society
Konrad Zuse Medal英語Konrad Zuse Medal Gesellschaft für Informatik英語Gesellschaft für Informatik
羅布納獎 Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour英語Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour
Microsoft Award英語Microsoft Award 皇家學會, 法國科學院
Milner Award英語Milner Award 微軟研究院
Nerode Prize英語Nerode Prize European Association for Theoretical Computer Science英語European Association for Theoretical Computer Science, European Symposium on Algorithms英語European Symposium on Algorithms
Newton Faller Award英語Newton Faller Award Brazilian Computer Society
內萬林納獎 (Nevanlinna Prize) 國際數學家大會
O'Reilly Open Source Award英語O'Reilly Open Source Award 歐萊禮媒體
Pirelli Internetional Award英語Pirelli Internetional Award 倍耐力
Presburger Award英語Presburger Award European Association for Theoretical Computer Science
Prize for Innovation in Distributed Computing英語Prize for Innovation in Distributed Computing International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity英語International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity
Roger Needham Award英語Roger Needham Award 英國電腦學會
RSA Award for Excellence in Mathematics英語RSA Award for Excellence in Mathematics RSA Conference英語RSA Conference
斯隆獎 艾爾弗·斯隆基金會
Stevens Award英語Stevens Award Reengineering Forum
Tony Kent Strix award英語Tony Kent Strix award International Society for Knowledge Organisation UK, 英國皇家化學學會 and 英國電腦學會
Tsutomu Kanai Award英語Tsutomu Kanai Award 日立製作所
Tucker Prize英語Tucker Prize Mathematical Optimization Society英語Mathematical Optimization Society
Weizenbaum Award英語Weizenbaum Award International Society for Ethics and Information Technology
White Camel award英語White Camel award Perl Foundation英語Perl Foundation
Van Wijngaarden Award英語Van Wijngaarden Award 荷蘭數學和計算機科學研究學會
J. H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software英語J. H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics英語Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
James H. Wilkinson Prize in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing英語James H. Wilkinson Prize in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics英語Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Karen Spärck Jones Award英語Karen Spärck Jones Award 英國電腦學會, its Information Retrieval Specialist Group (BCS IRSG) and 微軟研究院


獎項 提供
香港資訊及通訊科技獎 創新科技及工業局
J. W. Graham Medal英語J. W. Graham Medal University of Waterloo Faculty of Mathematics英語University of Waterloo Faculty of Mathematics
Kyoto Prize in Advanced Technology英語Kyoto Prize in Advanced Technology Inamori Foundation英語Inamori Foundation
National Prize for Exact Sciences英語National Prize for Exact Sciences (Chile) Ministry of Education英語Ministry of Education (Chile)
O'Moore Medal英語O'Moore Medal Healthcare Informatics Society
Patterson-Crane Award英語Patterson-Crane Award 美國化學學會
Herman Skolnik Award英語Herman Skolnik Award 美國化學學會
Weizenbaum Award英語Weizenbaum Award International Society for Ethics and Information Technology


獎項 提供
Hutter Prize英語Hutter Prize Marcus Hutter英語Marcus Hutter
AI Challenge 滑鐵盧大學 Computer Science Club
American Computer Science League英語American Computer Science League ACSL
Arimaa Challenge 印度鬥獸棋 / Omar Syed
CADE ATP System Competition英語CADE ATP System Competition Association for Automated Reasoning英語Association for Automated Reasoning
World Computer-Bridge Championship英語Computer bridge American Contract Bridge League英語American Contract Bridge League
Cyber Centurion英語Cyber Centurion Cyber Security Challenge UK
CyberPatriot英語CyberPatriot Air Force Association英語Air Force Association
DARPA Network Challenge英語DARPA Network Challenge 國防高等研究計劃署
DARPA Shredder Challenge 2011英語DARPA Shredder Challenge 2011 國防高等研究計劃署
Deadline24英語Deadline24 Tomasz Łakota and Mateusz Brzeszcz
Halite AI Programming Competition英語Halite AI Programming Competition Two Sigma, 康奈爾科技校區
ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge ImageNet
國際信息學奧林匹克競賽 聯合國教育、科學及文化組織 and IFIP英語IFIP
羅布納獎 Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour英語Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour
National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition英語National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition University of Texas at San Antonio英語University of Texas at San Antonio
Netflix Prize英語Netflix Prize Netflix
Outreachy英語Outreachy 軟件自由保護組織
Password Hashing Competition英語Password Hashing Competition Jean-Philippe Aumasson
歐拉計劃 Colin Hughes
SemEval英語SemEval Association for Computational Linguistics英語Association for Computational Linguistics SIGLEX
Text Retrieval Conference英語Text Retrieval Conference 國家標準技術研究所, Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity英語Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity
UAV Outback Challenge英語UAV Outback Challenge Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation英語Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation
University Voting Systems Competition英語University Voting Systems Competition 國家科學基金會 etc.




  1. ^ Turing Award, Encyclopædia Britannica.. [2023-02-15]. (原始內容存檔於2021-09-28). 
  2. ^ ACM Programming Systems and Languages Paper Award. 計算機協會. [2022-08-17]. (原始內容存檔於2023-09-01).