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靈魂投射,又稱星光投射、太空投射(英語:Astral projection、Astral travel)是一種以存在着「星光體」離開物理體而能夠出體旅行的假定所詮釋的靈魂出竅。超自然學說聲稱魂魄是肉體的複製品(只是更為精細),是所謂的在死後安息的那個物體。更進一步說,在特殊的情境下,魂魄能隨意地從肉體中分離出來。如在睡夢中、出神狀態或昏迷中、麻醉劑或毒品的影響下,或者是在遭遇意外傷害時,它能無意識地從肉體中分離出來。
曾有很多關於「靈魂投射」的案例被報道出來。英國科學家羅伯特·克魯考就研究了數百個案例,這些案例都是人們在活着時靈魂離開肉體後,又以不可見的魂魄的形式重返到肉體中。在著作《魂魄的投射》(The Projection of the Astral Body)中,西爾萬·馬爾頓等人和赫里沃德·卡林頓提出了三種類型的投射:意識投射(在這種投射中。投射的主體是清醒的)、半意識投射和無意識投射。無意識投射有兩種不同的形式:一類是不能移動的靈魂投射,這是發生在坐着或站着時的無意識魂魄的僵硬投射;另一類是可移動靈魂投射,這種投射發生在主體躺着的時候。馬爾等人和卡林頓也報道了一些隨意經歷靈魂投射的技術。這些技術都需以投射自己魂魄的簡單而強烈的欲望為前提。[來源請求]
[編輯]- Baba, Meher (1967). Discourses (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館). Vol. II. San Francisco: Sufism Reoriented. ISBN 1-880619-09-1.
- Fock, Niels. Waiwai. Religion and society of an Amazonian tribe. Nationalmuseets skrifter, Etnografisk Række (Ethnographical series), VIII. Copenhagen: The National Museum of Denmark. 1963.
- Hoppál, Mihály. Az uráli népek hiedelemvilága és a samanizmus. Hajdú, Péter (編). Uráli népek. Nyelvrokonaink kultúrája és hagyományai. Budapest: Corvina Kiadó. 1975: 211–233. ISBN 978-963-13-0900-3 (匈牙利語). The title means: "Uralic peoples / Culture and traditions of our linguistic relatives"; the chapter means "The belief system of Uralic peoples and the shamanism".
- Hoppál, Mihály. Sámánok Eurázsiában. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. 2005. ISBN 978-963-05-8295-7 (匈牙利語). The title means "Shamans in Eurasia", the book is written in Hungarian, but it is published also in German, Estonian and Finnish. Site of publisher with short description on the book (in Hungarian)
- Kleivan, Inge; B. Sonne. Eskimos: Greenland and Canada. Iconography of religions, section VIII, "Arctic Peoples", fascicle 2. Leiden, The Netherlands: Institute of Religious Iconography • State University Groningen. E.J. Brill. 1985. ISBN 978-90-04-07160-5.
- Merkur, Daniel. Becoming Half Hidden: Shamanism and Initiation among the Inuit. : Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis • Stockholm Studies in Comparative Religion. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell. 1985. ISBN 978-91-22-00752-4.
- Klemp, Harold. Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel. Eckankar. Minneapolis, MN. [Eckankar Web site: http://www.eckankar.org]: Eckankar. 2003. ISBN 978-1-57043-182-1.
- Roi, Alex. Astral Projection and Lucid Dreams, [Web site=http://www.howtoluciddreamsfast.org].
[編輯]- Robert Bruce (1999). Astral Dynamics: A New Approach to Out-of-Body Experiences. Hampton Roads Publishing. ISBN 1-57174-143-7.
- Robert Todd Carroll (2003). The Skeptic's Dictionary: A Collection of Strange Beliefs, Amusing Deceptions, and Dangerous Delusions. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0-471-27242-6.
- Thomas Gilovich (1993). How We Know What Isn't So: The Fallibility of Human Reason in Everyday Life. Free Press. ISBN 0-02-911706-2.
- Terence Hines (2003). Pseudoscience and the Paranormal. Prometheus Books. ISBN 1-57392-979-4.
- Robert Monroe (1971). Journeys Out of the Body Doubleday. Reprinted (1989) Souvenir Press Ltd. ISBN 0-385-00861-9.
- Sylvan Muldoon and Hereward Carrington (1929). Projection of the Astral Body. Rider and Company. ISBN 0-7661-4604-9.
[編輯]- Astral Projection (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) at the Skeptic's Dictionary
- Astral Projection (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) at the Astral Institute
- Astral Projection (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) at AstralHQ