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  • 萊昂·貝拉斯科(Leon Belasco),85歲,俄裔美國演員(我的妹妹愛琳)和音樂家。[1]
  • 赫伯特·費格爾(Herbert Feigl),85歲,奧地利裔美國哲學家(名詞學懸垂者),癌症。[2]
  • 路易士·佛朗哥,89歲,阿根廷散文家和詩人。[3]
  • 彼得·胡爾科斯(Peter Hurkos),77歲,荷蘭裔美國人,聲稱擁有通靈能力,心臟病發作。[4]
  • Ricky May,44歲,新西蘭出生的澳大利亞爵士歌手和音樂家,心臟病發作。[5]
  • 維克多·威林,60歲,英國裸體畫家,多發性硬化症。[6]
  • 馬丁·索默(Martin Sommer),73歲,納粹德國黨衛軍Hauptscharführer,「布痕瓦爾德的劊子手」。
  • 弗農·華盛頓,64歲,美國演員(《最後的星際戰士》《13日星期五:新的開始》)。
  • Russell Harty,53歲,英國電視節目主持人,藝術節目和脫口秀節目,肝炎引起的肝功能衰竭。[28]
  • 伊馮娜·休伯特(Yvonne Hubert),93歲,比利時出生的加拿大鋼琴家。[29]
  • 羅傑·林登(Roger Lyndon),70歲,美國數學家(林登語,克雷格-林登插值法)。[30]
  • Eli Mintz,83歲,奧匈帝國出生的美國演員(《我的孩子們》),肺炎。[31]
  • Philippe Nguyễn Kim Điền,67歲,越南羅馬天主教主教,順化大主教。[32]
  • 查克·羅伯森(Chuck Roberson),69歲,美國演員和特技演員,癌症。[33]
  • 紐特·艾倫,87歲,美國黑人聯盟棒球運動員(堪薩斯城君主隊)。[34]
  • 拉希德·貝赫布多夫(Rashid Behbudov),73歲,阿塞拜疆歌手和演員(The Cloth Peddler)。
  • Leon Falk Jr.,86歲,美國鋼鐵公司高管(福爾克實驗學校),中風。[35]
  • 卡爾·克勞斯,50歲,德國理論物理學家(量子力學),癌症。[36]
  • 西里爾·馬格寧(Cyril Magnin),88歲,美國商人,約瑟夫·馬格寧(Joseph Magnin)的首席執行官,心力衰竭。[37]
  • 拜倫·艾倫(Byron G. Allen),86歲,美國政治家,艾奧瓦州眾議院議員。[38]
  • 亞瑟·加里·畢曉普(Arthur Gary Bishop),35歲,美國被定罪的性犯罪者和連環殺手,被注射死刑。[39]
  • 魯道夫·鄧巴(Rudolph Dunbar),80歲,圭亞那指揮家,單簧管演奏家和作曲家,癌症。[40]
  • Louis L'Amour,80歲,美國小說家(Last of the BreedShalako),肺癌(非吸煙者)。[41]
  • 威利·羅斯(Willie Ross),77歲,蘇格蘭政治家,蘇格蘭國務卿,癌症。[42]
  • 亨利克·斯塔熱夫斯基(Henryk Stażewski),94歲,波蘭畫家、視覺藝術家和作家。[43]
  • 何塞普·塔拉德拉斯,89歲,西班牙政治家,加泰羅尼亞政府主席,慢性肺病。[44]
  • Eugenie Baird,64歲,美國歌手。
  • 馬塞爾·普特(Marcel Poot),87歲,比利時作曲家、教授和音樂家。[48]
  • Thomas McKeown,75歲,英國醫生。[49]
  • Emil Telmányi,95歲,匈牙利出生的小提琴家。
  • Frank A. Beach,77歲,美國動物行為學家和作家(行為內分泌學)。[53]
  • Floyd J. McCree,65歲,美國政治家,密歇根州弗林特市市長,心臟驟停。[54]
  • Robert Seymour,33歲,北愛爾蘭的忠誠者,被I.R.A.槍殺[55]
  • 威利·貝拉斯克斯(Willie Velasquez),44歲,美國社會活動家,創立了西南選民登記教育專案,腎癌。[56]
  • 克萊門特·維斯馬拉(Clement Vismara),90歲,意大利羅馬天主教神父和傳教士。[57]
  • 喬治·沃德,80歲,英國政治家,航空大臣。[58]
  • M. Ajmal,78歲,印度-巴基斯坦演員(Heer Ranjha)。
  • Marco Donat-Cattin,34歲,意大利恐怖分子(前線),行人交通事故。[70]
  • 威廉·哈羅德·赫特(William Harold Hutt),88歲,英國經濟學家。[71]
  • Marie Logoreci,67歲,阿爾巴尼亞女演員(偉大的戰士斯坎德培)。
  • 島田輝,82歲,日本出生的美國演員(你只活兩次)。
  • 格拉迪斯·斯派曼(Gladys Spellman),70歲,美國政治家,美國眾議院議員,昏迷併發症。[72]
  • Aaly Tokombaev,83歲,吉爾吉斯斯坦詩人、作曲家和小說家。
  • 瑪爾塔·阿巴(Marta Abba),87歲,意大利女演員,腦出血。[94]
  • 裴春湃,67歲,越南畫家。[95]
  • 米哈伊·貝尼烏克,80歲,羅馬尼亞詩人、劇作家和小說家,羅馬尼亞作家聯盟主席。
  • 羅伯托·奎瓦·德爾·里奧(Roberto Cueva del Río),80歲,墨西哥壁畫家。
  • Csaba Kesjár,26歲,匈牙利賽車手,賽車事故。
  • 愛琳·泰勒(Irene Taylor),81-82歲,美國歌手(《密西西比泥》(Mississippi Mud)、《柳樹為我哭泣》(Willow Weep for Me))。
  • Jean Boffety,63歲,法國電影攝影師(《一個簡單的故事》)。[96]
  • Șerban Cioculescu,85歲,羅馬尼亞文學評論家、文學史學家和專欄作家。[97]
  • 蜜翠·吉拉斯(Mildred Gillars),87歲,受僱於納粹德國的美國廣播員,被判犯有叛國罪,結腸癌。[98]
  • Svavar Guðnason,78歲,冰島畫家。
  • 阿里·哈希米(Ali Hashemi),26歲,伊朗軍事指揮官。
  • 內維爾·皮克林(Neville Pickering),64歲,新西蘭政治家,新西蘭國會議員。[99]
  • 希勒爾·斯洛伐克(Hillel Slovak),26歲,以色列裔美國音樂家,紅辣椒樂隊(Red Hot Chili Peppers)的結他手,吸毒過量。[100]
  • Jimmy Soul,45歲,美國歌手,心臟病發作。
  • A. Aiyappan,83歲,欽奈政府博物館館長。
  • 威廉·諾丁,51歲,美國海軍上尉,汽車炸彈。[110]
  • Iris Origo,85歲,英國-意大利傳記作家和作家(《Val d'Orcia的戰爭》)。[111]
  • 庫爾特·拉布(Kurt Raab),46歲,西德演員、編劇和劇作家,愛滋病。[112]
  • Alan W. Bishop,68歲,英國岩土工程師(邊坡穩定性)。[114]
  • Chacrinha,70歲,巴西喜劇演員,廣播和電視名人,心臟病發作。
  • 約翰娜·霍費爾(Johanna Hofer),91歲,德國出生的美國女演員。[115]
  • A. S. Nair,57歲,印度畫家、插畫家和漫畫家。
  • Suthi Veerabhadra Rao,41歲,印度電影演員,心臟病發作。[116]


  • 湯米·布魯克金斯(Tommy Brookins),81歲,哈萊姆環球旅行者隊(Harlem Globetrotters)的創始人,中風。[117](6月5日逝世)
  • 戴夫·克勞福德,44歲,美國R&B音樂家和詞曲作者(Young Hearts Run Free、What a Man),被謀殺。
  • 埃裏克·詹寧斯(Eric Jennings),65歲,英國國際足聯(FIFA)上市的足球裁判。


  1. ^ Leon Belasco, Actor, 85需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 13 June 1988: D 12 [16 April 2024]. 
  2. ^ Herbert Feigl papers. University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Retrieved 7 Jun 2024.
  3. ^ La hembra humana / Luis Franco. National Library of Australia (year of death only). Retrieved 9 Jun 2024.
  4. ^ Peter Hurkos, 77, a Psychic Used by Police需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 2 June 1988: D 26 [16 April 2024]. 
  5. ^ Ricky May; Australian Jazz Singer. L.A. Times. Retrieved 22 Jun 2024.
  6. ^ Secret histories. The Guardian (year of death only). Retrieved 16 Jul 2024.
  7. ^ Joseph Grigulevich: A Tale of Identity, Soviet Espionage, and Storytelling. Brill.com (year of death only). Retrieved 10 Jun 2024.
  8. ^ Fred Halstead, Trotskyist Leader, Dies at 61需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 4 June 1988: 1 35 [16 April 2024]. 
  9. ^ Horace Hildreth, 85, Ex-Governor of Maine需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 3 June 1988: A 19 [16 April 2024]. 
  10. ^ Raj Kapoor, Top Indian Film Star, Is Dead at 64. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Jul 2024.
  11. ^ Alexandre A. Bennigsen. Biblical Studies.org.uk. Retrieved 28 May 2024.
  12. ^ Obituaries : Anna Mahler; Sculptor Known for Larger-Than-Life Figures. L.A. Times. Retrieved 21 Jun 2024.
  13. ^ Davey Moore, 28, Is Dead in Accident; Held Boxing Title需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 5 June 1988: 1 36 [16 April 2024]. 
  14. ^ MacDonald, Jessica N.. Encyclopedia.com. Retrieved 28 Jun 2024.
  15. ^ Ex-NHL Player, Brian Spencer, Is Shot and Killed in Florida. L.A. Times. Retrieved 9 Jul 2024.
  16. ^ Majnoon Gorakhpuri. Rekhta.org. Retrieved 10 Jun 2024.
  17. ^ Floyd C Miller obituary. Newspapers.com (The Journal News). Retrieved 24 Jun 2024.
  18. ^ Obituary - Sir Douglas Ralph (Doug) Nicholls (1906–1988). Australian Dictionary of Biography. Retrieved 28 Jun 2024.
  19. ^ Renzo Palmer, born on December 20, 1930 in Milan, Lombardia, ITA, died in 1988. The Population Project. Retrieved 30 Jun 2024.
  20. ^ Edwards, Robert (『Robin』) Walter Dudley. Dictionary of Irish Biography. Retrieved 6 Jun 2024.
  21. ^ Clarence M. Pendleton, 57, Dies; Head of Civil Rights Commission. New York Times. Retrieved 30 Jun 2024.
  22. ^ Roland A. Ritchie. The Canadian Encyclopedia. Retrieved 3 Jul 2024.
  23. ^ 'They have killed so many people' – 1988 interview with Father Chandra Fernando. Tamil Guardian (death year only). Retrieved 7 Jun 2024.
  24. ^ In Memoriam John Jordan. Jstor. Retrieved 15 Jun 2024.
  25. ^ Jacques, Jules, Marie, Joseph Le Roy Ladurie. Assemblée nationale (in French). Retrieved 19 Jun 2024.
  26. ^ Jacques Ledoux: 1921-88. JSTOR. Retrieved 20 Jun 2024.
  27. ^ Joe Partidge. Wisden Obituary. Retrieved 30 Jun 2024.
  28. ^ Russell Harty, Talk-Show Host, 54需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 9 June 1988: B 14 [16 April 2024]. 
  29. ^ Yvonne Hubert. The Canadian Encyclopedia. Retrieved 13 Jun 2024.
  30. ^ Combinatorial Group Theory (biography on page 2). LaBRI - Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique (Springer). Retrieved 21 Jun 2024.
  31. ^ Eli Mintz, Stage and Film Actor And Uncle David in 'Goldbergs'. New York Times. Retrieved 25 Jun 2024.
  32. ^ Archbishop Philippe Nguyen Kim Dien, 67. New York Times. Retrieved 28 Jun 2024.
  33. ^ Obituaries : Veteran Stunt Man C.H. Roberson, 69. L.A. Times. Retrieved 3 Jul 2024.
  34. ^ Newt Allen. MLB.com. Retrieved 23 Sep 2024.
  35. ^ Leon Falk, Executive, Dies at 86. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Jun 2024.
  36. ^ In memoriam Karl Kraus (1938 - 1988). Online Publication Service of Würzburg University. Retrieved 18 Jun 2024.
  37. ^ Cyril Issac Magnin, 88, Ex-Head Of Store Chain and Patron of Arts. New York Times. Retrieved 21 Jun 2024.
  38. ^ Representative Byron G. Allen. The Iowa Legislature. Retrieved 25 May 2024.
  39. ^ Slayer of Five Boys Is Executed in Utah By Injection of Drugs. New York Times. Retrieved 29 May 2024.
  40. ^ Rudolph Dunbar obit The Guardian 07-07-88. Newspapers.com (The Guardian). Retrieved 6 Jun 2024.
  41. ^ Louis L'Amour, Writer, Is Dead; Famed Chronicler of West Was 80. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Jul 2024.
  42. ^ Willie Ross Baron Ross of Marnock. University of Glasgow. Retrieved 3 Jul 2024.
  43. ^ Henryk Stażewski. Britannica. Retrieved 9 Jul 2024.
  44. ^ Steven Erlanger. Josep Tarradellas, 89, a Leader In the Fight for Catalan Autonomy需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 13 June 1988: D 12 [16 April 2024]. 
  45. ^ Obituaries: Nathan Cook; TV Series Actor. L.A. Times. Retrieved 2 Jun 2024.
  46. ^ Ernani J. Cuenco. National Commission for Culture and the Arts (Philippines). Retrieved 2 Jun 2024.
  47. ^ Giuseppe Saragat Is Dead at 89; President of Italy From '64 to '71. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Jul 2024.
  48. ^ Poot Marcel (1901-1988). Matrix [Centrum voor Nieuwe Muziek]. Retrieved 2 Jul 2024.
  49. ^ Obituary T. McKeown. British Medical Journal 1988. Retrieved 22 Jun 2024.
  50. ^ Robert Barry, Ex-Congressman, Dies at 73. New York Times. Retrieved 27 May 2024.
  51. ^ Johnny Farrell, Hall of Fame Golfer, 87需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 16 June 1988: D 26 [16 April 2024]. 
  52. ^ Sara Gallardo’s work has finally been published in English. It’s about time. L.A. Times (year of death only). Retrieved 10 Jun 2024.
  53. ^ Frank A. Beach. JSTOR (American Philosophical Society). Retrieved 7 Jul 2024.
  54. ^ F.J. McCree, Early Black Mayor. New York Times. Retrieved 22 Jun 2024.
  55. ^ An Index of Deaths from the Conflict in Ireland. https://cain.ulster.ac.uk/. Retrieved 7 Jul 2024.
  56. ^ Willie Velasquez, 44, Hispanic Leader, Dies. New York Times. Retrieved 14 Jul 2024.
  57. ^ Fr. Clemente Vismara, "Patriarch of Burma" to be declared blessed. PIME Asia News. Retrieved 14 Jul 2024.
  58. ^ Privy Counsellors 1915 - 1968. Wayback Machine (Leigh Rayment). Retrieved 15 Jul 2024.
  59. ^ Gino Moliterno, ed., Encyclopedia of Contemporary Italian Culture
  60. ^ Miguel Pinero, Whose Plays Dealt With Life in Prison, Is Dead at 41. New York Times. Retrieved 2 Jul 2024.
  61. ^ Brian Baronet died after being in a.... L.A. Times. Retrieved 27 May 2024.
  62. ^ Lane [née Coulborn], Dame Elizabeth Kathleen (1905–1988), judge需要付費訂閱. 《牛津國家人物傳記大辭典》 線上版. 牛津大學出版社. 2004 [4 January 2019]. ISBN 978-0-19-861412-8. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/40092 (英語).  需要訂閱或英國公共圖書館會員資格
  63. ^ Archibald Cochrane (1909–1988): the father of evidence-based medicine. National Institutes of Health (National Library of Medicine). Retrieved 1 June 2024.
  64. ^ International Women's Day 2022. University of Edinburgh (year of death only). Retrieved 10 Jun 2024.
  65. ^ Professor Kjell Kleppe (1934-1988) - Biochemist, genetic engineer and pioneer. University of Bergen (year of death only). Retrieved 18 Jun 2024.
  66. ^ James Barron. Wilford Leach, Theater Director And Papp Associate, Dies at 59需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 21 June 1988: A 22 [16 April 2024]. 
  67. ^ Sallie Martin, Singer, 92需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 22 June 1988: D 31 [16 April 2024]. 
  68. ^ Other Deaths. Newspapers.com (The Boston Globe). Retrieved 3 Jul 2024.
  69. ^ Iàsyr Shivaza: The Life and Works of a Soviet Dungan Poet. University of Toronto. Retrieved 7 Jul 2024.
  70. ^ Mapping Militant Organizations - Prima Linea. Stanford University (year of death only). Retrieved 5 Jun 2024.
  71. ^ William H. Hutt, 89, Professor of Economics. New York Times. Retrieved 14 Jun 2024.
  72. ^ Ex-Rep. Gladys N. Spellman Dies After Being in Coma for 8 Years需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 20 June 1988: D 11 [16 April 2024]. 
  73. ^ Aracy de Almeida. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [16 April 2024] (法語). 
  74. ^ Alex Bein - Library of Congress. id.loc.gov. [16 April 2024]. 
  75. ^ Robert S. Yellowtail Sr., Tribal Official, 98. New York Times. Retrieved 17 Jul 2024.
  76. ^ Bobby Dood, Coach at Georgis Tech, Dies of Cancer at 79. New York Times. Retrieved 5 Jun 2024.
  77. ^ Tennessean Served 24 Years in Congress需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 23 June 1988: D 27 [16 April 2024]. 
  78. ^ Fallece en Barcelona el cantante Pedrito Rico. El País (in Spanish). Retrieved 3 Jul 2024.
  79. ^ "T. E. Utley" in The Annual Obituary (1988), p. 304
  80. ^ Obituaries: Backed Up Major Artists : Jesse Ed Davis, 43; Noted Rock Guitarist. L.A. Times. Retrieved 4 Jun 2024.
  81. ^ Wolfgang Saxon. Dennis Day, 71, The Irish Tenor and Comic Foild for Jack Benny需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 24 June 1988: D 17 [16 April 2024]. 
  82. ^ Hank Edwards. Society for American Baseball Research. Retrieved 6 Jun 2024.
  83. ^ Leslie Bennetts. Bramwell Fletcher需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 24 June 1988: D 17 [16 April 2024]. 
  84. ^ Rose Franken, 92, Author of the 'Claudia' Stories. New York Times. Retrieved 9 Jun 2024.
  85. ^ Tun Lee — a man who wore many hats. The Straits Times, 23 June 1988, Page 8. Retrieved 20 Jun 2024.
  86. ^ Gay Airman Who Fought Ouster Dies From AIDS. New York Times. Retrieved 22 Jun 2024.
  87. ^ Howard Mitchell, 77, Cellist and Conductor需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 23 June 1988: D 27 [16 April 2024]. 
  88. ^ Xiao Jun ri ji bu yi. National Library of Australia (year of death only). Retrieved 17 Jul 2024.
  89. ^ Viola Gentry of Rockingham County: America's "Flying Cashier". Museum & Archives of Rockingham County. Retrieved 10 Jun 2024.
  90. ^ Albert Johnston, 87, Focus of Film on Race. New York Times. Retrieved 15 Jun 2024.
  91. ^ Liang Shuming. Britannica. Retrieved 20 Jun 2024.
  92. ^ Henry A. Murray is Dead at 95; Developer of Personality Theory. New York Times. Retrieved 27 Jun 2024.
  93. ^ Dr. Heinz Pagels, 49, a Physicist, Dies in Fall From Colorado Peak. New York Times. Retrieved 30 Jun 2024.
  94. ^ Marta Abba Dead in Milan at 88; Actress Worked With Pirandello. New York Times. Retrieved 25 May 2024.
  95. ^ Bui Xuan Phai, seascape. University of Michigan Library. Retrieved 30 May 2024.
  96. ^ Boffety, Jean, 1925-1988. Library of Congress. Retrieved 29 May 2024.
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  98. ^ Mildred Gillars, 87, Axis Sally During War. New York Times. Retrieved 10 Jun 2024.
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