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  • 小約翰·尤金·凱,74歲,美國作家(沃德·艾倫:薩凡納河市場獵人),腦瘤。[13]
  • David H. Geiger,53-54歲,美國工程師,心臟病發作。[14]
  • Bahadur Khan,58歲,印度薩羅德演奏家和電影配樂作曲家。
  • 安德列·拉斐特,86歲,法國女演員(Trilby)。
  • 鄧尼斯·麥基(Dennis McGee),96歲,美國凱金音樂家。[15]
  • Yvonne Sylvain,82歲,海地醫生。
  • Del Wood,69歲,美國鋼琴家,中風。[16]
  • 諾曼·亞德利(Norman Yardley),74歲,英國板球運動員,英格蘭隊長,中風。[17]
  • 羅伯特·阿什莫爾(Robert T. Ashmore),85歲,美國政治家,美國眾議院議員,患有心臟病和肺炎。[22]
  • 勞倫斯·鄧達斯(Lawrence Dundas),80歲,英國世襲貴族。[23]
  • Noël-Noël,92歲,法國演員和編劇。
  • Big Wilson,65歲,美國電臺名人,心臟病發作。[24]
  • 羅賓·休斯,69歲,阿根廷出生的英國影視演員,肝病。
  • 珀西瓦爾·古德曼(Percival Goodman),85歲,美國城市理論家和建築師,猶太教堂設計師,肺癌。[36]
  • M. King Hubbert,86歲,美國地質學家和地球物理學家(哈伯特峰理論),肺栓塞。[37]
  • 阿諾德·皮克(Arnold Picker),76歲,美國電影高管,佛羅里達州黃金海灘市市長,尼克遜的敵人名單上,肺炎。[38]
  • 保羅·謝納爾,53歲,美國演員和戲劇導演(《NIMH 的秘密》、《疤面煞星》)、愛滋病。[39]
  • 曾憲植,79歲,中國革命家和政治家。
  • 卡門·卡瓦拉羅,76歲,美國鋼琴家,前列腺癌。[40]
  • 喬·福伊,46歲,美國職業棒球大聯盟(波士頓紅襪隊),心臟病發作。[41]
  • Franco Luambo,51歲,剛果音樂家,愛滋病。[42]
  • Sim Var,83歲,柬埔寨政治家,柬埔寨首相。[43]
  • 傑伊·沃德(Jay Ward),69歲,美國動畫電視卡通節目創作者和製片人,腎癌。[44]
  • N. V. Krishna Warrier,73歲,印度詩人、記者和學者。
  • Fred Agabashian,76歲,美國小型賽車和印地賽車手。[45]
  • Lud Gluskin,90歲,美國爵士鼓手和樂隊領隊。[46]
  • Munawar Ali Khan,59歲,印度古典歌手。
  • Merab Kostava,50歲,喬治亞持不同政見者、音樂家和詩人,車禍。[47]
  • 切薩雷·扎瓦蒂尼,87歲,意大利編劇。[48]
  • 約翰·安德森(John J. Anderson),32歲,美國計算機和技術作家(Computer Shopper、MacUser),加利福尼亞地震。
  • 莫特扎·漢納內(Morteza Hannaneh),66歲,伊朗作曲家和音樂家。
  • Mark Krein,82歲,蘇聯數學家(算子理論)。[60]
  • J. B. Malone,75歲,愛爾蘭登山愛好者。[61]
  • 西里爾·馬修(Cyril Mathew),77歲,斯裏蘭卡政治家,國會議員,心臟病發作。[62]
  • R. A. B. Mynors,86歲,英國古典主義者和中世紀主義者,交通事故。[63]
  • 德里克·佩斯,57歲,英格蘭足球運動員(謝菲爾德聯隊)。
  • 埃裏克·迪克森(Eric Dixon),59歲,美國男高音薩克斯管演奏家、長笛演奏家和作曲家。
  • 阿爾伯特·蓋爾達德,75歲,英國國際足球運動員(英格蘭埃弗頓)。[65]
  • Alan Murphy,35歲,英國搖滾結他手,肺炎。
  • Salim Nasir,44歲,巴基斯坦影視演員(Aangan Terha),心臟病發作。
  • 阿爾弗雷德·海耶斯(Alfred Hayes),79歲,美國銀行家,紐約聯邦儲備銀行(Federal Reserve Bank of New York)行長。[70]
  • Jean Image,78歲,匈牙利裔法國導演和動畫電影製片人。
  • Ross Freeman,41歲,美國電氣工程師和發明家,Xilinx 聯合創始人。[71]
  • 伊萬·麥科爾(Ewan MacColl),74歲,英國民謠歌手和詞曲作者(《我第一次看到你的臉》),心臟手術併發症。[72]
  • 托尼·馬內羅,84歲,美國高爾夫球手,1936 年美國公開賽冠軍。[73]
  • 雅各·韋特林(Jacob Wetterling),11歲,美國謀殺案受害者。[74]
  • 羅蘭·溫特斯,84歲,美國演員(Charlie Chan),中風。[75]
  • Edmund E. Anderson,83歲,美國汽車設計師(美國汽車公司、通用汽車)。
  • Armida,78歲,墨西哥出生的美國女演員、歌手和舞蹈家,心臟病發作。
  • Basavaraj Kattimani,70歲,印度小說家和記者。
  • 阿納托利·盧蒂科夫,56歲,俄羅斯國際象棋選手。
  • 康拉德·沃爾夫(Konrad Wolff),82歲,德國鋼琴家和音樂學家,心力衰竭。[76]
  • Dean Alfange,91歲,美國政治家,紐約州副總檢察長,癌症。[77]
  • Gopal Gurunath Bewoor,73歲,印度陸軍上將。
  • Eugène Claudius-Petit,82歲,法國政治家。
  • 菲利斯·格林納克(Phyllis Greenacre),95歲,美國精神分析學家和醫生。[78]
  • Jerzy Kukuczka,41歲,波蘭登山家,從山上墜落。[79]
  • 亞歷克斯·塞德爾,80歲,德國武器製造商,Heckler & Koch的聯合創始人。
  • Sahib Shihab,64歲,美國爵士薩克斯管演奏家和長笛演奏家,肝癌。
  • 唐·巴斯,33歲,美國 NFL 欖球運動員(辛辛那提孟加拉虎隊),被謀殺。[84]
  • Ermal C. Fraze,76歲,美國工程師,拉片開啟器的發明者,腦瘤。[85]
  • 梅布爾·漢普頓(Mabel Hampton),87歲,美國同性戀活動家和舞蹈家,肺炎。[86]
  • 諾拉·萊文(Nora Levin),73歲,美國大屠殺歷史學家,癌症。[87]
  • 查爾斯·佩德森,85歲,韓國出生的美國有機化學家,諾貝爾化學獎獲得者。[88]
  • 戈登·裏德(Gordon Reid),66歲,澳大利亞學者,西澳大利亞州州長,癌症。[89]
  • 辛西婭·斯萊特(Cynthia Slater),44歲,美國性教育家,愛滋病。
  • Kumeko Urabe,87歲,日本電影女演員,燒傷。
  • 羅蘭·安德森(Roland Anderson),85歲,美國電影藝術總監。
  • Róża Maria Goździewska,53歲,華沙起義期間的波蘭兒童護士。
  • 恩達巴·姆隆戈(Ndaba Mhlongo),56歲,南非演員和編舞。
  • 康拉德·貝克,88歲,瑞士作曲家。
  • Sune Lindström,82歲,瑞典建築師。
  • 埃利奧特·拉夫林(Elliott Loughlin),79歲,美國海軍少將。[104]
  • Georgi Partsalev,64歲,保加利亞戲劇和電影演員
  • 羅傑·斯科特(Roger Scott),46歲,英國電臺唱片騎師,胃癌。
  • Walter R. Tkach,72歲,美國總統醫生,心臟病。[105]


  • Wilgar Campbell,42-43歲,愛爾蘭藍調搖滾音樂家,酒精相關疾病。
  • 約翰內斯·馬什安(Johannes Mashiane),南非強姦犯和連環殺手,自殺。
  • 格裏·夢露,56歲,英國流行歌手。


  1. ^ Eric Ball
  2. ^ Manuel Clouthier, Who Sought Mexican Presidency, Dies in Crash
  3. ^ Carlo Dapporto
  4. ^ Mr James Keith
  5. ^ Mr David Lindesay-Bethune
  6. ^ Witold Rowicki, 75, Polish Conductor, Dies
  7. ^ Paola Barbara
  8. ^ Aubrey Boomer
  9. ^ Obituaries. Variety. 18 October 1989: 99. 
  10. ^ Cousin Joe
  11. ^ Gregory Marshall
  12. ^ Vatican recognises martyrdom of Colombian bishop
  13. ^ Barbara and Jack Cay Fund. Georgia Historical Society. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  14. ^ David Geiger, Engineer, 54, Dies. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  15. ^ Dennis McGee Is Dead; Cajun Fiddler Was 96. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  16. ^ Gravestone: Del Wood 3.10.89. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  17. ^ Norman Yardley. Wisden. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  18. ^ Constance L. Hays. Graham Chapman, 48, Comedy Troupe Founder需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 5 October 1989: B 22 [22 March 2024]. 
  19. ^ Frederic de Hoffmann, 65, Dies; Physicist and Salk Institute Chief. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  20. ^ Panamanian Captain Buried Amid Reports of Executions. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  21. ^ Osmanczyk (Edmund Jan) papers. Online Archive of California (year of death only). Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  22. ^ Robert Ashmore, 85, Former Congressman需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 7 October 1989: 1 29 [22 March 2024]. 
  23. ^ Mr Lawrence Dundas. UK Parliament. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  24. ^ Big Wilson Dies at 65; Ex-NBC Disk Jockey. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  25. ^ Cockburn, Patricia Evangeline Anne. Dictionary of Irish Biography. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  26. ^ Albin Krebs. Bette Davis, a Queen of Hollywood, Dies at 81需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 8 October 1989: 1 1 [22 March 2024]. 
  27. ^ Seiler, Reinhard (Jagdgeschwader 54). Traces of War. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  28. ^ Fonds Acc2767 - Jack Turner fonds : [1908-1975; predominant 1908-1919]. Archives Council of Prince Edward Island. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  29. ^ Henrik K. Carlsen, 75, A Heroic Sea Captain. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  30. ^ Story: Elliott, Keith. Te Ara - Dictionary of New Zealand Biography. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  31. ^ Gravestone: Onest Anatone Conley 8.10.89. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  32. ^ New Garda chief’s father was killed in an IRA car bombing almost 30 years ago. The Irish Times. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  33. ^ Óscar Moglia. Olympedia. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  34. ^ Obituary, Salt Lake Tribune, October 10, 1989.
  35. ^ Penny Lernoux, 49, a Reporter. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  36. ^ Paul Goldberger. Percival Goodman, 85, Synagogue Designer, Dies需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 12 October 1989: B 12 [22 March 2024]. 
  37. ^ Alfonso A. Narvaez. M. King Hubbert, 86, Geologist; Research Changed Oil Production需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 17 October 1989: B 8 [22 March 2024]. 
  38. ^ Arnold M. Picker Is Dead at 76; Film Executive Was Fund-Raiser. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  39. ^ Aids at 25. San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  40. ^ Carmen Cavallaro, Pianist, 76. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  41. ^ Joe Foy, Baseball Player, 46需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 14 October 1989: 1 32 [22 March 2024]. (原始內容存檔於2024-03-22). 
  42. ^ Franco, 51, Zairian Band Leader And Creator of the Soukous Style. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  43. ^ Sim Var, Ex-Cambodian Premier, 85. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  44. ^ Andrew L. Yarrow. Jay Ward, 69, The TV Cartoonist Who Created Bullwinkle, is Dead需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 14 October 1989: 1 32 [22 March 2024]. 
  45. ^ Names in the News - Oct. 16, 1989. L.A. Times. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  46. ^ Ludwig Gluskin Dead; Music Director Was 90. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  47. ^ Merab Kostava, 50, a Soviet Rights Figure需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 14 October 1989: 1 32 [22 March 2024]. 
  48. ^ Kevin Sack. Cesare Zavattini, 87, Screenwriter Who Worked With De Sica, Dies需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 16 October 1989: D 15 [22 March 2024]. 
  49. ^ Eric Pace. Martin Broszat, German Historian And War Crimes Expert, 63, Dies需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 2 November 1989: B 21 [22 March 2024]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-30). 
  50. ^ Michael Carmine, 30, Stage and Film Actor. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  51. ^ Names in the News - Oct. 17, 1989. L.A. Times. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  52. ^ René Petit. Olympedia. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  53. ^ Dear Mr. Amancio (or the Architect). Canadian Centre for Architecture. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  54. ^ James Lee Barrett, Award-Winning Scriptwriter, Dies. L.A. Times. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  55. ^ Danilo Kis Dead at 54; Wrote of the Holocaust. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  56. ^ Scott O'Dell, a Children's Author Of Historical Fiction, Dies at 91. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  57. ^ Albert Scardino. Walter Farley, 74, A Writer of a Series On a Black Stallion需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 18 October 1989: D 29 [22 March 2024]. 
  58. ^ Gravestone: Frederick Robert Hoyer Millar 16.10.89. Retrieved 7 Sep 2024.
  59. ^ Peter B. Flint. Cornel Wilde, 74, a Performer and Film Producer需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 17 October 1989: B 8 [22 March 2024]. 
  60. ^ Gravestone: Mark Grigorievich Krein 17.10.89. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  61. ^ Malone, John James Bernard ('J. B.'). Dictionary of Irish Biography. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  62. ^ Cyril Mathew, Sri Lanka Politician, 77需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 18 October 1989: D 29 [22 March 2024]. 
  63. ^ Sir Roger Aubrey Baskerville Mynors (July 28, 1903-October 17, 1989). JSTOR (American Philosophical Society). Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  64. ^ Stan Miasek. Basketball Reference. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  65. ^ Albert Geldard (Player). National Football Teams. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  66. ^ Dahn Ben-Amotz, Israeli Author, 65. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  67. ^ Rupert Costo; American Indian Scholar Who Fought Stereotypes. L.A. Times. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  68. ^ Phul, Gurdial Singh. The Sikh Encyclopedia. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  69. ^ Glenn Collins. Sir Anthony Quayle, British Actor And Theater Director, Dies at 76需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 21 October 1989: 1 10 [22 March 2024]. 
  70. ^ Alfred Hayes, 79, Retired Chief Of the Reserve Bank of New York. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  71. ^ Ross Freeman. National Inventors Hall of Fame. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  72. ^ Ewan MacColl Dies; Folk Singer Was 74. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  73. ^ Tony Manero, Golf Champion, 84. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  74. ^ Parents, investigators recall long quest for answers after Jacob Wetterling's 1989 abduction. ABC News. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  75. ^ Roland Winters, 84; Played Charlie Chan需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 25 October 1989: D 29 [22 March 2024]. 
  76. ^ Konrad Wolff, Pianist And Author, Dies at 82. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  77. ^ Glenn Fowler. Dean Alfange, Liberal Leader, Is Dead at 91需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 27 October 1989: D 19 [22 March 2024]. 
  78. ^ Dr. Phyllis Greenacre, 95, a Psychoanalyst. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  79. ^ Polish Mountain Climber Dies While Scaling Peak in Himalayas. L.A. Times. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  80. ^ Acosta, Manuel Gregorio (1921–1989). Texas State Historical Association. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  81. ^ Michiko Kakutani. Mary McCarthy, 77, Is Dead; Novelist, Memoirist and Critic需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 26 October 1989: A 1 [22 March 2024]. 
  82. ^ Former New England Patriot Steve Moore was.... L.A. Times. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  83. ^ Schmitt, Carl (1889-1989). Connecticut State Library. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  84. ^ Don Bass. Pro Football Reference. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  85. ^ E. C. Fraze, 76; Devised Pull Tab. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  86. ^ Mabel Hampton, Gay Rights Advocate, 87. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  87. ^ Nora Levin, Historian, 73. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  88. ^ John T. McQuiston. Charles Pedersen, 85, Nobel Winner in Chemistry需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 27 October 1989: D 19 [22 March 2024]. 
  89. ^ Gordon Stanley Reid. Australian Dictionary of Biography. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  90. ^ Burton Craige Gray, Executive, 48. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  91. ^ Amy Renee Mihaljevic. FBI.gov. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  92. ^ 'The Last of the Unjust,' About a Jewish Camp Official. New York Times (year of death only). Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  93. ^ Obituary for Darel Dieringer (Aged 63). Newspapers.com (The Indianapolis News). Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  94. ^ Henry Hall. London Remembers. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  95. ^ Louise S. Hay, Professor, 54. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  96. ^ Redmond, William Gerard (Liam). Dictionary of Irish Biography. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  97. ^ Solntseva, Yulia (1901–1989). Encyclopedia.com. Retrieved 8 Sep 2024.
  98. ^ Kateb Yacine, Novelist And Poet, Is Dead at 60需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 31 October 1989: B 10 [22 March 2024]. 
  99. ^ Ted Dalton, 88, Dies; Retired Federal Judge需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 2 November 1989: B 21 [22 March 2024]. 
  100. ^ Obituary: Aristid Lindenmayer. Taylor & Francis (International Journal Of General System). Retrieved 9 Sep 2024.
  101. ^ Reuter, Erich. Traces of War. Retrieved 9 Sep 2024.
  102. ^ Israel Spira, 99, Leader of Bluzhov Hasidim. New York Times. Retrieved 9 Sep 2024.
  103. ^ Pedro Vargas, a Mexican Singer And Film Performer, Is Dead at 85需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 31 October 1989: B 10 [22 March 2024]. 
  104. ^ Gravestone: RADM Charles Elliott Loughlin 31.10.89. Retrieved 9 Sep 2024.
  105. ^ Walter Tkach, 72; Served as the Doctor To Three Presidents. New York Times. Retrieved 9 Sep 2024.