本頁是以往討論的存檔。請勿編輯本頁。若您想發起新討論或重啟現有討論,請在當前討論頁進行。 |
您好,您的簽名似乎並不符合簽名指引所規定的,必須包含用戶頁、討論頁或貢獻頁其中一項的連結。您應該是在偏好設定中設定了「您的暱稱(簽名時用)」,卻又勾選了「將簽名視為維基代碼」;如果您只是要改變顯示名稱,而沒有要自行設計樣式,請不要勾選此項,確認「目前簽名:」所顯示的簽名包含連結。更多簽名技巧請參考這裏。簽名沒有連結的頁面例如 User talk:215XBus, User talk:ATR50, User talk:Wpcpey。謝謝您參與討論。 --Cewbot(留言) 2018年6月11日 (一) 10:00 (UTC)
歡迎參與維基百科。您所上載的檔案File:東寶.jpg由於沒有註明上載頁面所要求的所有資訊,將作快速刪除處理。請通過編輯圖片的描述頁面補充所需的所有資訊,包括填寫上載頁面的虛線方塊內所有欄目,以及使用了適當的版權標誌。如果您仍然不清楚如何填寫,建議使用文件上傳嚮導按要求重新上傳文件。維基百科嚴格規範圖片上載手續,是為了避免侵犯版權所致,多謝您的注意和合作。--Wcam(留言) 2018年6月30日 (六) 10:34 (UTC)
幫助:互助客棧 · 刪除指導 · 存廢覆核請求 · IRC聊天頻道--Sænmōsà動員令:為西雅圖橋樑列表消綠 2018年8月2日 (四) 13:50 (UTC)
歡迎一起為了維基百科的美好將來而努力,感謝您的加入。除非您惡意作出破壞行為,您的成員資格不會被開除。您可以自由選擇加入{{反破壞工作小組成員}}、{{User 反破壞工作小組成員}}、{{反破壞工作小組成員名單表格}}或{{維基近衛騎士}}模板到用戶頁或者用戶討論頁面上。祝編安。-- FrancoT 會議廳 訪客簽名 您想擁有維基榮譽嗎? 2018年8月19日 (日) 15:14 (UTC)
Thanks! KMB-ATENU139 ※找我?※我的貢獻 2018年8月19日 (日) 15:17 (UTC)
您可以通過在用戶頁加入 |
感謝H2244932君! KMB-ATENU139 ※找我?※我的貢獻 2018年8月20日 (日) 13:33 (UTC)
謝謝閣下對本人貢獻維基的肯定。J豐s盛s地s 2018年8月21日 (二) 12:09 (UTC)
--2018年8月21日 (二) 12:42 (UTC)
第一關 | 第二關 | 第三關 | 第四關 | 第五關 | 第六關 | 第七關 |
跟大家說聲好 | 給地球的邀請 | 小改動、大影響 | 中立觀點 | 可供查證的面紗 | 以禮待人 | 裝點門面 |
閣下拍攝、上傳及登記的香港圖像已獲通過,並符合晉級條件。根據你的貢獻,現授予閣下維基香港圖像獎第1級,特此通知。J豐s盛s地s 2018年8月21日 (二) 13:22 (UTC)
感謝你對於不適當的模板的提刪,下次提刪模板時麻煩使用<noinclude>{{d}}</noinclude>包覆模板,已避免使用此模板的頁面一併被提刪。感謝,編安。--Zest 2018年8月25日 (六) 01:47 (UTC)
閣下拍攝、上傳及登記的香港圖像已獲通過,並符合晉級條件。根據你的貢獻,現授予閣下維基香港圖像獎第2級,特此通知。J豐s盛s地s 2018年9月3日 (一) 21:23 (UTC)
恭喜!您現在已經符合維基見習編輯(B)的最低要求;透過申請榮譽審核後現在授予 閣下:
感謝您對中文維基百科的貢獻。根據您的貢獻,現授予您維基見習編輯(B)榮譽。歡迎您繼續幫助改進維基百科。 |
授予人:— FrancoT 會議廳 訪客簽名 您想擁有維基榮譽嗎? 2018年9月8日 (六) 01:33 (UTC)
請補充檔案File:The Bloomsway Logo.jpg的版權或來源資訊
歡迎參與維基百科。您所上載的檔案File:The Bloomsway Logo.jpg由於沒有註明上載頁面所要求的所有資訊,將作快速刪除處理。請通過編輯圖片的描述頁面補充所需的所有資訊,包括填寫上載頁面的虛線方塊內所有欄目,以及使用了適當的版權標誌。如果您仍然不清楚如何填寫,建議使用文件上傳嚮導按要求重新上傳文件。維基百科嚴格規範圖片上載手續,是為了避免侵犯版權所致,多謝您的注意和合作。--Wcam(留言) 2018年9月16日 (日) 02:17 (UTC)
- @Wcam: 已補回來源,煩請刪除刪除模板。 KMB-ATENU139 ※找我?※我的貢獻 2018年9月16日 (日) 04:53 (UTC)
當時有用戶在颱風山竹 (2018年)掛起模板,要求更名成颱風山竹牛肉 (2018年) 我不明白該用戶的動機,看到模板但又沒有建立討論 無論他的意義及動機為何,私自更改別人討論是不當的行為 相信你也不想別人一句「這樣有意義嗎? 」就改動你的討論吧
破壞他人留言: 擅自刪除或修改別人在討論頁中有簽名的留言及評語,歪曲其意思。除了含有人身攻擊或侵權的討論留言我們需要將其刪除外,請尊重任何一位維基人在維基百科討論中的意見。
Boeing 747(留言) 2018年9月16日 (日) 10:58 (UTC)
這是我昨日晚上攝影到的,不知道934是何時也繞經愉景新城了?我看過很多官方數據,也沒有説有此改動,反倒934A則一向也途經愉景新城外的荃景圍。Sænmōsà把孤獨留給過去 2018年9月19日 (三) 10:37 (UTC)
- @Sanmosa:有甚麼改動這裏應該會説的。 KMB-ATENU139 ※找我?※我的貢獻 2018年9月19日 (三) 12:18 (UTC)
- 完全沒有提及。Sænmōsà把孤獨留給過去 2018年9月20日 (四) 10:18 (UTC)
- @Sanmosa:私以為相片標題毋須加上「Discovery Park」。3ẤṬḔṆỦẄ1(高鐵香港段快將通車)(留言) 2018年9月20日 (四) 10:44 (UTC)
- Sænmōsà把孤獨留給過去 2018年9月20日 (四) 11:02 (UTC)
- 同意以上説法。 KMB-ATENU139 ※找我?※我的貢獻 2018年9月21日 (五) 07:52 (UTC)
- Sænmōsà把孤獨留給過去 2018年9月20日 (四) 11:02 (UTC)
- @Sanmosa:私以為相片標題毋須加上「Discovery Park」。3ẤṬḔṆỦẄ1(高鐵香港段快將通車)(留言) 2018年9月20日 (四) 10:44 (UTC)
- 完全沒有提及。Sænmōsà把孤獨留給過去 2018年9月20日 (四) 10:18 (UTC)
- @Sanmosa: 但是這次改動一定和山竹有關。 KMB-ATENU139 ※找我?※我的貢獻 2018年9月21日 (五) 07:52 (UTC)
送您一個月餅 | |
吃了您的月餅♪(・ω・)ノ,回贈您蓮蓉餡的(笑),中秋節同樂! Kirk 格式手冊大修訂 2018年9月24日 (一) 16:06 (UTC) |
送您一個月餅 | |
您喜歡吃五仁的,還是百果的呢。 「 皇家巡警 」 謹祝您中秋快樂 2018年9月25日 (二) 00:52 (UTC) |
@Vikarna: 我喜歡吃蓮蓉的。 KMB-ATENU139 ※找我?※我的貢獻 2018年9月25日 (二) 09:10 (UTC)
- 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「利彥婷」已過限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。 --Cewbot(留言) 2018年9月26日 (三) 00:03 (UTC)
- @Cewbot: 已改善,不作提刪。KMB-ATENU139 ※找我?※我的貢獻 2018年9月26日 (三) 08:14 (UTC)
閣下拍攝、上傳及登記的香港圖像已獲通過,並符合晉級條件。根據你的貢獻,現授予閣下維基香港圖像獎第3級,特此通知。另請留意,據規定為自己拍攝的圖像加分必須由登記一刻起計滿7天才能進行,為其他用戶核分則無時間限制;我亦留意到你是3位近來活躍於圖像獎的巴士、小巴申請中,唯一有為完整排名榜更新分數並到其用戶頁更新表達式錯誤:無法識別標點符號「?」。的人,惟最近2次(9月21及24日)核分時已沒有再更新排名榜,這樣有機會引致後續其他用戶加分時造成錯誤及混亂,如閣下希望繼續核分則請多加留意,謝謝。J豐s盛s地s 2018年9月26日 (三) 17:01 (UTC)
- @Prosperity Horizons:感謝協助整理分數,本人亦會多加留意。 KMB-ATENU139 ※找我?※我的貢獻 2018年9月27日 (四) 01:28 (UTC)
安裝了!Bluedeck 2018年9月27日 (四) 16:25 (UTC)
,可使用按鈕)來簽名,使系統自動將您的用戶名或IP位址以及發表評論的時間加入到頁面中,請不要自行輸入或是複製他人簽名來修改。這些信息在參與討論時對其他人將很有用。謝謝您的參與。 3ẤṬḔṆỦẄ1(慶祝高鐵香港段順利通車)(留言) 2018年9月29日 (六) 12:42 (UTC)
- 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「尤犀金龜」已過限期(條目已重定向),如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。
- 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「南洋大兜蟲屬」已過限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。 --Cewbot(留言) 2018年10月2日 (二) 00:02 (UTC)
您好,您要求查詢的已刪除內容已獲查詢,請在7日內前往查看。Br2 2018年10月2日 (二) 05:36 (UTC)
您好,您要求查詢的已刪除內容已獲查詢,請在7日內前往查看。Bluedeck 2018年10月13日 (六) 18:38 (UTC)
我習慣複製貼上,比較迅速。-Neville Wang 2018年10月14日 (日) 13:20 (UTC)
- @Neville Wang:好的,但是建議使用{{RFPP}}。--KMB-ATENU139 (Talk) 2018年10月14日 (日) 13:25 (UTC)
- 我知道,謝謝,但是我比較懶惰。-Neville Wang 2018年10月14日 (日) 13:29 (UTC)
提報關注度不足過期提醒:Memoria/夜(Time for the moon night)
- 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「Memoria/夜(Time for the moon night)」已過限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。 --Cewbot(留言) 2018年10月17日 (三) 00:02 (UTC)
您好,您要求查詢的已刪除內容已獲查詢,請在7日內前往查看。Bluedeck 2018年10月19日 (五) 18:17 (UTC)
- 歡迎參與在IRC上舉行之技術建議會議。會議上,義務開發人員可以獲取建議。會議將於10月24日 15:00 (UTC)舉行。參加辦法見此。
2018年10月22日 (一) 23:11 (UTC)
您好,您要求查詢的已刪除內容已獲查詢,請在7日內前往查看。Bluedeck 2018年10月22日 (一) 23:50 (UTC)
您好,您要求查詢的已刪除內容已獲查詢,請在7日內前往查看。Bluedeck 2018年10月26日 (五) 21:09 (UTC)
您好,您要求查詢的已刪除內容未獲查詢。Bluedeck 2018年10月26日 (五) 21:10 (UTC)
雖然新界區專線小巴901線上不了DYK,但我會努力寫好條目,爭取此條目上GA(可先經PR),開下此類條目上GA的先例。 3ẤṬḔṆỦẄ1(請多多關注愛·回家之開心速遞同行評審)(留言) 2018年10月27日 (六) 11:00 (UTC) |
- @Fran1001hk:新界區專線小巴901線能上GA當然是好事!但從DYK的最後一票裏看見有些維基人認為我們在抄條目,所以投下反對票,使我們很難再創建巴士、小巴的條目。望未來可讓更多巴士、小巴條目成功上DYK。--KMB-ATENU139 (Talk) 2018年10月28日 (日) 08:53 (UTC)
- 其實我也是巴士迷,所以才非常關注類似條目,給點建議,開始寫條目時候請不要先看wikia,不然很容易抄襲。然後儘量擴充背景,爭議,意見,等內容。還有請確保來源不要是FB,博客,或者引用了博客等的內容,社論。我也認為雖然路線以及收費,用車有用,但是非常NOTGUIDE,如果要加入就說收費爭議,用車歷史,路線更改等。加油!--Cohaf (向我留言/我的貢獻) 2018年10月28日 (日) 09:03 (UTC)
- @Cohaf:謝謝!--KMB-ATENU139 (Talk) 2018年10月28日 (日) 09:06 (UTC)
- 我認為這個英語維基DYK非常理想的放入用車,路線等,有提出但是絕對不是NOTGUIDE,可以參考這類寫法en:London Buses route 467。--Cohaf (向我留言/我的貢獻) 2018年10月28日 (日) 09:09 (UTC)
- 或許可以以此為基礎重寫現有條目。Sænmōsà請多多關注香港西九龍站條目同行評審 2018年10月28日 (日) 10:03 (UTC)
- 我認為這個英語維基DYK非常理想的放入用車,路線等,有提出但是絕對不是NOTGUIDE,可以參考這類寫法en:London Buses route 467。--Cohaf (向我留言/我的貢獻) 2018年10月28日 (日) 09:09 (UTC)
- @Cohaf:謝謝!--KMB-ATENU139 (Talk) 2018年10月28日 (日) 09:06 (UTC)
- @Cohaf、SH6188:十多年前真的有巴士條目上過DYK(見討論:九龍巴士91M線)。3ẤṬḔṆỦẄ1(請多多關注愛·回家之開心速遞同行評審)(留言) 2018年10月28日 (日) 09:20 (UTC)
- 10年前維基導遊沒有設立,所以可以放入這類訊息。--Cohaf (向我留言/我的貢獻) 2018年10月28日 (日) 09:27 (UTC)
- 個人同Cohaf想法一様,因此那時巴士條目容易入DYK。--KMB-ATENU139 (Talk) 2018年10月28日 (日) 09:36 (UTC)
- @Cohaf:看看這個能否達標DYK或GA。3ẤṬḔṆỦẄ1(請多多關注愛·回家之開心速遞同行評審)(留言) 2018年10月29日 (一) 12:28 (UTC)
- @Fran1001hk:(&)建議1.歷史最後兩段"可是的"可以減少就減少。2.路線有點太長,有沒有旅遊指南,只需要上傳本地然後用在圖片集裏頭就可以同時擁有路線而符合NOTGUIDE。3,參考文獻不要這樣放入,用<ref></ref>然後refill,如果可以用IAB存檔就好了。最後,希望不要是抄Wikia的就好了。改了後應該可以DYK。來源我沒有看就不懂了,但是請看過,不要抄原文,改一點,免費侵權。以上是我的建議。感謝貢獻--Cohaf (向我留言/我的貢獻) 2018年10月31日 (三) 09:08 (UTC)
- 另,本人已決定把新界區專線小巴901線送去WP:GAN。3ẤṬḔṆỦẄ1(請多多關注愛·回家之開心速遞同行評審)(留言) 2018年10月30日 (二) 02:21 (UTC)
- 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「口和交流道」已過限期(條目已掛上提刪模板),如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。
- 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「高野交流道」已過限期(條目已掛上提刪模板),如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。
- 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「吉田掛合交流道」已過限期(條目已掛上提刪模板),如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。
- 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「三次東系統交流道」已過限期(條目已掛上提刪模板),如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。
- 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「松江自動車道」已過限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。 --Cewbot(留言) 2018年10月29日 (一) 00:02 (UTC)
- 社群願望清單調查將於10月29日開始。此次調查將決定社群技術團隊未來工作方向。歡迎於11月11日之前遞交建議,並於11月16日至11月30日間票選各項建議。
- 維基現在有內容安全策略報告。這意味着當您在用戶腳本中加載外部資源時,可能會在JavaScript控制台中收到警告。出於安全原因建議您不要這樣做。將來可能無法在腳本中加載外部資源。 [1]
- 監視列表於近幾日無法標示修改為已閱讀,此問題現已修正。 [2]
- MediaWiki新版本將於10月30日部署至測試維基及MediaWiki.org,及於10月31日部署至非維基百科站點及部分維基百科,並於11月1日部署至所有站點,參見日曆。
- 2006年版維基文本編輯器將不會再獲得支援,並會從Special:參數設置移除。此編輯器已有一段長時間並非標準編輯器,並已由2010年版維基文本編輯器取代。 [3][4]
- 歡迎參與在IRC上舉行之技術建議會議。會議上,義務開發人員可以獲取建議。會議將於10月31日 15:00 (UTC)舉行。參加辦法見此。
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
2018年10月29日 (一) 20:08 (UTC)
謝謝您的星章,我會更加努力編輯維基的。您也加油吧! 希望有機會多多切磋切磋! Cohaf (向我留言/我的貢獻) 2018年10月31日 (三) 09:00 (UTC) |
- 希望有一天可以有一個巴士的GA吧,我會有時候看看英語維基的,翻譯有時候可能比較容易。找到了才通知您,現在好像沒有。加油!--Cohaf (向我留言/我的貢獻) 2018年10月31日 (三) 09:13 (UTC)
閣下拍攝、上傳及登記的香港圖像已獲通過,並符合晉級條件。根據你的貢獻,現授予閣下維基香港圖像獎第4級,特此通知。--KMB-ATENU139 (Talk) 2018年11月3日 (六) 05:32 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-45
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! Para-equestrian is an equestrian sport governed by the International Federation for Equestrian Sports (FEI), and includes two competitive events: One is para-equestrian dressage, which is conducted under the same basic rules as conventional dressage, but with riders divided into different competition grades based on their functional abilities. The other is para-equestrian driving, which operates under the same basic rules as combined driving but places competitors in various grades based on their functional abilities. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2018年11月5日 (一) 01:22 (UTC) |
- 現已可使用模板向導編輯模板。此程式僅可配合2010年版維基文本編輯器使用,而可視化編輯器或2017年版維基文本編輯器則不支援此程式。單擊就可以於彈出式視窗輸入資料。此功能可於測試功能設置中啟用。 [5]
- 現已可選擇以兩欄介面顯示編輯衝突。此功能仍在測試,可在偏好設定中找到。而兩欄編輯衝突介面將會修改,詳情見此。
- 使用可視化編輯器編輯時,可以使用「自動」引用表格,以資生成引文資料。現可於此表格中輸入純文本引文資料,又或者期刊文章或書籍標題。如此,將會搜尋Crossref及WorldCat數據庫並添加首項結果。 [6]
- MediaWiki新版本將於11月6日部署至測試維基及MediaWiki.org,及於11月7日部署至非維基百科站點及部分維基百科,並於11月8日部署至所有站點,參見日曆。
- 歡迎參與在IRC上舉行之技術建議會議。會議上,義務開發人員可以獲取建議。會議將於11月7日 16:00 (UTC)舉行。參加辦法見此。
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
2018年11月5日 (一) 17:29 (UTC)
當然可以,無限歡迎。不過作品完成後記得要分類並放在維基餐廳裏供維基人參考。--維基病夫(給我留言·學生會·維基餐廳·亞利桑那州) 2018年11月8日 (四) 09:19 (UTC)
恭喜!您現在已經符合維基見習編輯(B)的最低要求;透過申請榮譽審核後現在授予 閣下:
感謝您對中文維基百科的貢獻。根據您的貢獻,現授予您維基見習編輯(B)榮譽。歡迎您繼續幫助改進維基百科。 |
授予人:— BenedictusFX 會議廳 訪客簽名 2018年11月11日 (日) 12:18 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-46
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! Ennigaldi-Nanna's museum is thought to be the first museum by some historians, although this is speculative. It dates to circa 530 BCE. The curator was Princess Ennigaldi, the daughter of Nabonidus, the last king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire. It was located in the state of Ur, located in the modern-day Dhi Qar Governorate of Iraq, roughly 150 metres (490 ft) southeast of the famous Ziggurat of Ur. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2018年11月12日 (一) 01:02 (UTC) |
- 一些舊的移動瀏覽器可以再次使用監視列表。這已經有一段時間了。這些瀏覽器稱為C級瀏覽器。這有助於例如帶有Internet Explorer的Windows Phone 8.1和帶有Windows 10的Lumia 535。 [7]
- 歡迎參與在IRC上舉行之技術建議會議。會議上,義務開發人員可以獲取建議。會議將於11月14日 15:00 (UTC)舉行。參加辦法見此。
2018年11月12日 (一) 19:21 (UTC)
您好,您要求查詢的已刪除內容已獲查詢,請在7日內前往查看。Bluedeck 2018年11月14日 (三) 11:17 (UTC)
您好,您要求查詢的已刪除內容未獲查詢。Bluedeck 2018年11月14日 (三) 11:18 (UTC)
有數個未加分的被閣下存檔了。 Fran(Talk | Contributions) 2018年11月16日 (五) 07:56 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-47
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! Moravec paradox is the discovery by artificial intelligence and robotics researchers that, contrary to traditional assumptions, high-level reasoning requires very little computation, but low-level sensorimotor skills require enormous computational resources. The principle was articulated by Hans Moravec, Rodney Brooks, Marvin Minsky and others in the 1980s. As Moravec writes, "it is comparatively easy to make computers exhibit adult level performance on intelligence tests or playing checkers, and difficult or impossible to give them the skills of a one-year-old when it comes to perception and mobility". (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2018年11月19日 (一) 01:18 (UTC) |
特別星章 | |
但願永沒有終止 但命運緣盡於此 共度歲月有多少 腦內淨過便容易眼淺~ 維基病夫[stressfulness]發表於 2018年11月19日 (一) 14:26 (UTC) |
- 社群願望清單調查現已開放投票,並將於11月11日結束。此次調查將決定社群技術團隊未來工作方向。
- 現就
數據進行A/B測試,以令搜尋引擎能夠更易找到正確資訊。這只會修改頁面元數據,而不會影響頁面外貌。 [12]
- 本週並無MediaWiki新版本。
- 歡迎參與在IRC上舉行之技術建議會議。會議上,義務開發人員可以獲取建議。會議將於11月21日 15:00 (UTC)舉行。參加辦法見此。
2018年11月19日 (一) 23:28 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #339
- Events
- Baltic Audiovisual Archives Council Conference in Tallinn, Estonia - November 7, 2018. Sandra F. gave a keynote on GLAM-Wiki projects, Wikidata and Structured Data on Commons.
- Museum Computer Network conference in Denver, Colorado - November 14, 2018. - Andrew Lih gave a presentation, A First Date with Wikidata
- Wikicite on 27-29 November 2018: the program is published
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- A new tool to display Wikimedia Commons categories (and Wikipedia/Wikidata tags) with coordinates on the OSM map
- The Association of Research Libraries published the draft of a Wikidata Task Force White Paper on how libraries and Wikidata/ Wikibase con join forces aroud linked open data for both library discovery systems and Wikipedia, and advancing a diversity and inclusion agenda in the cultures of both libraries and Wikimedia. The draft is open for public comment until 30 November.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Winterthur Glossar URL, IIIF manifest, category for members of a team, chord progression, season ends, number of volunteers
- External identifiers: DBU playerprofile, AllMusic release ID, MusicNotes product ID, Playbill venue ID, Portal to the Flora of Italy ID, Digital Flora of Central Africa ID, Envanter.gov.tr Monument ID, Letterboxd actor ID, Argentinean NCAA Airport code, MusicNotes song ID, B3Kat dataset ID, Sotheby's person ID, Santiebeati ID, Letterboxd film ID, Threatened Species Link ID, Littera ID, Soccerway team ID, Playbill person ID, Siamzone film ID, Thaifilm ID, VD 18 ID, Newseum newspaper front page ID, APA ID, SWH Release ID, Virtual Guide to the Flora of Mongolia ID, DanNet 2.2 word ID, À nos grands hommes ID, Verspreidingsatlas.nl ID, BioOne journal ID, ortsnamen.ch ID, Academy Awards Database film ID, The Hendon Mob ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: work quoted textually, verbally or lyrically, work whose melody is quoted, excerpt, exonym, Danmarks Statistiks filmkode, text features, mission statement, number of lines, number of stations, funding scheme, noun class, eponymous category, taxa protected, river bank, tautomer of, Global Startup Ecosystem Ranking, proper name of astronomical object, research site
- External identifiers: Corpus typographique français ID, Academy Awards Database nominee ID, World Poker Tour ID, ANICA ID, r-hockey.ru person ID, Sotheby's Museum Network ID, Académie d'Arles member ID, Google News publication ID, ALCA ID, Luding editor ID, BoardGeekGame editor ID, Atlas of Florida Plants ID, British Executions ID, System16 identifier, BLR ID, LEGO set ID, LEGO design ID, LEGO element ID, NAS ID, Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States ID, Welsh Book Trade Info ID, Sega Saturn game ID, TWAS Fellow ID, Bitraga author ID, Bitraga work ID, EUNIS ID, Cal-IPC ID, eFloraSA id, Dimensions Publication ID, Dimensions Source ID, Dimensions Author ID, Microsoft Academic Work ID, Microsoft Academic Source ID, Microsoft Academic Author ID, Microsoft Academic Institution ID
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: Vasily
- Showcase items: Fugger
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fixed a bug that was saving the statement too early when trying to add a qualifier with the keyboard (phab:T154869)
- Made changes to disallow edits (until the user reloads) if they accidentally get logged out. (phab:T124451)
- Turn the new change tag back on wikidatawiki (phab:T208846)
- Better linting against things that don't work in IE11
- Fixed the wdqs-frontend docker image (phab:T208681, phab:T209206)
- Fixed html elements in the table result of wdqs (phab:T207257, thanks to user:Frog23)
- Getting ontology changes deployed to wikiba.se
- Using maplink or mapframe to view coords on wikidata (phab:T184933)
- Consistent capitalization of Lexeme/Form/Sense/Item/Property in UI messages
- Make Lexemes appear in global usage of Commons files (phab:T204066)
- Work on a new interface for the termbox on mobile (phab:T207150)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-48
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! Home Children was the child migration scheme founded by Annie MacPherson in 1869, under which more than 100,000 children were sent from the United Kingdom to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and South Africa. Australia apologised for its involvement in the scheme; in February 2010 UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown made a formal apology to the families of children who suffered. On 16 November 2009, Canadian Immigration Minister Jason Kenney stated that Canada would not apologise to child migrants. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2018年11月26日 (一) 00:50 (UTC) |
- 在帶有翻譯擴展的wiki上,當你移動一個有可翻譯子頁面的頁面時,你可能會造成混亂。子頁面是指使用
。子頁面將被移動但不會被翻譯。子頁面不再自動移動。這是為了使頁面移動更安全。 [15]
- 所有維基媒體wiki上都默認提供高級搜索界面。它使得更容易使用大多數編輯不知道存在的一些特殊搜索功能。它已經在德語、波斯語、阿拉伯語和匈牙利語維基百科上使用。 [16]
- Special:UnusedCategories會顯示沒有文件或其他分類的空分類。您很快就可以選擇不顯示軟重定向分類或某些維護分類。你可以用魔術字
來做到這一點。 [17] - MediaWiki新版本將於11月27日部署至測試維基及MediaWiki.org,及於11月28日部署至非維基百科站點及部分維基百科,並於11月29日部署至所有站點,參見日曆。
- 歡迎參與在IRC上舉行之技術建議會議。會議上,義務開發人員可以獲取建議。會議將於11月28日 16:00 (UTC)舉行。參加辦法見此。
函數在2012年已棄用,它將在下周刪除。在JavaScript控制台查找警告Use of "mw.util.jsMessage" is deprecated
。 [18]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
2018年11月26日 (一) 22:22 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #340
- Discussions
- Events
- Past: women editathon in Mexico City, November 24th
- Past: Wikidata "Train the trainers" workshop in Berlin, November 23th-25th
- Running: WikiCite 2018, November 27th-29th, Berkeley, California, USA. Some livestream will be provided on Youtube
- Upcoming: Wikidata "Train the trainers" workshop in Vienna, November 30th-December 2nd
- Upcoming: Wikidata meetup in Berlin, with a focus on Open Refine, January 15th
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Wikidata-related videos during GLAMwiki conference:
- Wikidata — What's new - Jens Ohlig
- A Gentle Introduction to Wikidata for Absolute Beginners - Asaf Bartov
- SPARQL workshop - Maarten Dammers
- Engaging GLAM institutions with Wikidata - Sharing Experiences and Techniques - Andrew Lih
- Sum of all Paintings and Open Data - Maarten Dammers
- Wikidata’s role in metadata creation and reuse workflows in libraries - Michelle Futornick
- Open your structured GLAM data with Wikibase — install your own instance of the technology behind Wikidata - Jens Ohlig
- Impact and potential of structured data on Wikimedia projects for the GLAM sector - Sandra Fauconnier
- Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons - Introduction and panel of Wikimedia pilots
- Introduction to Wikidata in 7min by Asaf Bartov
- Introduction to Wikidata by Lydia Pintscher in 20min, during Shani Evenstein's university course about Wikidata
- Wikidata-related videos during GLAMwiki conference:
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata Senses (documentation), new tool by User:Vesihiisi to add senses to lexemes
- The Swedish National Heritage Board has started working on a project, related to Structured Data on Commons, that focuses on ways to feed back improved (crowdsourced) metadata to cultural institutions who contribute media files to Wikimedia Commons.
- Please alert your GLAM partners to a new survey about crowdsourcing, metadata and Wikimedia Commons, which informs the research for this project!
- Scribe, a project to support under-resourced Wikipedias based on Wikidata's content, has been proposed for a grant
- Tool to convert Wikibase JSON to RDF without storing it in a repository
- Call for paper for the data quality workshop in Berlin on January 18th. Open until December 3rd
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: running mate, research site, quotes work
- External identifiers: World Poker Tour player ID, GLAMOS glacier ID, Academy Awards Database nominee ID, ANICA ID, National Portrait Gallery (United States) object ID, r-hockey.ru person ID, Sotheby's Museum Network ID, MNAV artist ID, Google News publication ID, ALCA author ID, Atlas of Florida Plants ID, BoardGeekGame game publisher ID, Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States ID, Luding game publisher ID, NAS ID, Depósito Legal ID, Corpus typographique français ID, British Executions ID, Bantu Lexical Reconstructions ID, Welsh Book Trade Info ID, System16 identifier, Académie d'Arles member ID, Sega Saturn game ID, Bitraga author ID, TWAS Fellow ID, Bitraga work ID, Cal-IPC ID, EUNIS ID, Dimensions Author ID, Dimensions Publication ID, Dimensions Source ID, Disney A to Z ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: language use, has variant, has version, rationale text, HABS ID, Wikia Article URL, CNPJ
- External identifiers: AJOL ID, Microsoft Academic Source ID, GameFAQs company ID, BDFA player ID, Sabinet ID, NSW State Archives and Records Authority Agency ID, Guida al fumetto italiano ID, Bygdeband location, OeBL 1815-1950 ID, Badtaste ID, Badgames ID, defined term ID, Wikia Article ID, Female mexican soccer players ID, Geolex ID, OBV editions, BBC News topic id, member of the Portuguese parliament ID
- Query examples:
- Place and century of discovery of the archaeological objects of St Raymond museum (France) (source)
- Location of city halls in Spain (source)
- Timeline of famous pirates (source)
- Authors who are the most cited in Nature Chemistry (source)
- Scholarly articles published about Wikidata (adapted from here)
- The world's 200 tallest mountains, and whether Wikidata knows they've been climbed (source)
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Kākāpō, WikiProject Scholia
- Newest database reports: Fugger
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fix an error when entering an incomplete filename (phab:T199420)
- Fix the unreadable references for unpriviledged users (phab:T186006)
- Create new page properties for number of Forms and Senses of a Lexeme (phab:T199611)
- Adapt the API to efficiently format large numbers of entity IDs (phab:T207484)
- Switch "save" to "publish" in the Lexeme interface (phab:T203354)
- Fix a bug showing outdated link formats in the history of Lexemes (phab:T208423)
- Add Special:MergeLexemes to Special:SpecialPages (phab:T204397)
- Add Wikipedia link in the other projects sidebar of Wikisource (phab:T180303, thanks to Tpt)
- Work on displaying the language of the gloss with the language name, both in reading and editing mode (phab:T203457, phab:T209931)
- More work on improving the interface of the termbox on mobile
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
This Month in Education: November 2018
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-49
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! The Hiroshima Maidens are a group of 25 Japanese women who were school age girls when they were seriously disfigured as a result of the thermal flash of the fission bomb dropped on Hiroshima on the morning of August 6, 1945. They subsequently went on a highly publicized journey to get reconstructive surgery in the US in 1955. Keloid scars from their burns marred their faces and many of their hand burns healed into bent claw-like positions. These women, as well as the other citizens affected by the A-bomb, were referred to as hibakusha, meaning "explosion-affected people". (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2018年12月3日 (一) 02:06 (UTC) |
- 如果管理員被其它管理員禁封,他們將無法為自己解封。這是為了避免當其他人非法接管管理員帳戶時,其他管理員將無法封禁他們造成的損害。如果您的社群認為這個是個問題,您可以在P站上報告,你也可以在元維基提問。在P站有一個關於如何解決兩個管理員在一個小維基上互相爭鬥的討論。 [19]
- 當你在MediaViewer中看到它們時,較小的SVG圖像現在可以變大了。 [20]
- 您可以通過單擊部分名稱轉到編輯摘要中的某個部分。在此之前,您必須單擊箭頭。 [21]
- 當你跳到一篇文章中多次引用的腳註時,可能很難看到你在文本中的位置。現在有跳躍標記和亮點可以幫助您找到回頭路。 [22][23]
- 本週並無MediaWiki新版本。
- 歡迎參與在IRC上舉行之技術建議會議。會議上,義務開發人員可以獲取建議。會議將於12月5日 16:00(UTC)和23:00(UTC)舉行。參加辦法見此。
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
2018年12月3日 (一) 16:12 (UTC)
- 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「謝志良」已過限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。
- 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「早島交流道」已過限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。
- 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「粒江停車區」已過限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。
- 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「水島IC」已過限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。
- 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「鴻之池服務區」已過限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。
- 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「兒島交流道」已過限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。
- 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「櫃石島交流道」已過限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。
- 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「岩黑島IC」已過限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。
- 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「與島停車區」已過限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。
- 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「坂出北交流道」已過限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。
- 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「坂出交流道」已過限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。 --Cewbot(留言) 2018年12月4日 (二) 00:02 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #341
- Discussions
- New request for comments: How to handle heat treating as a qualifier for material properties ?
- New development input: Identify problems with adding new languages into Wikidata
- Events
- Upcoming: "Researcher meets Curator", with a subquestion: "What are the consequences of collecting born digital sources, working with digital network analysis and engaging with linked open data initiatives such as Wikidata", in Maastricht on 22 March 2019. Call for papers
- Upcoming: Advanced Wikidata Training in India, December 15-16
- Past: "Wikibase: configure, customize, and collaborate" workshop at SWIB 18 in Bonn, Germany on November 26, 2018. Workshop materials
- Past: EveryPolitician event to identify political data sources for Wikidata in Madrid, Spain, on December 1, 2018.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Author Disambiguator (github source), new tool by d:User:ArthurPSmith (based on SourceMD) for linking author items to their works.
- OpenRefine 3.1 was released
- New API module to format multiple entity IDs
- You can now access the number of Forms and Senses of Lexemes through API and special page
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: reference has role, tautomer of, eponymous category, language style, ratified by, funding scheme
- External identifiers: GameFAQs company ID, AJOL journal ID, LEGO set ID, BDFA player ID, Sabinet journal ID, NSW State Archives and Records Authority Agency ID, Bygdeband location ID, Austrian Biographical Encylopedia ID, Badtaste ID, Badgames ID, Mexican female soccer players ID, member of the Portuguese parliament ID, BBC News topic ID, OBV editions ID, Geolex ID, CNPJ, Defined Term ID, Guida al Fumetto Italiano ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: gained independence from, nachgewiesen mittels, measured by (KPI), OpenTrials ID, administrated by the administrative territorial entity, level of description, stored as lexeme, taxon author citation, Astronomical coordinates, catchphrase, real estate developer, Danske Taler speaker
- External identifiers: TrENSmissions person ID, LIGA profile, SEINet ID, BIBSYS work ID, Jewish Museum Berlin person ID, UK Parliament Identifier, HAER ID, Vesti.kz person ID, Genius album ID, Genius song ID, TASS reference, DIR3 ID, NooSFere story ID, L'Encyclopédie philosophique ID, RegiowikiAT ID, Discord Store game SKU, kohanimeregister, ARLLFB member ID, ARB person ID, Biographie nationale de Belgique ID, protected area authority ID, Flora of Wisconsin ID, identifiant Monument aux morts
- Query examples:
- Timeline of early Western movies (source)
- Species represented in the exhibition "Espèces en voies d'illumination" in the natural history museum of Paris (source)
- Properties most used to describe cats in Wikidata (source)
- List of UK embassies (source)
- Map of places of residence for accused witches in Scotland with a layer for occupations (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Add Lexeme to Wikibase's ontology.owl (phab:T195368)
- Prepare to drop change_tag.ct_tag column (phab:T194163)
- Create Federated Wikibase instance on Beta Commons (phab:T204748)
- More work on preparing a new termbox for the mobile version of Wikidata
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-50
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! Dazzle camouflage was a family of ship camouflage used extensively in World War I, and to a lesser extent in World War II and afterwards. Credited to the British marine artist Norman Wilkinson, though with a rejected prior claim by the zoologist John Graham Kerr, it consisted of complex patterns of geometric shapes in contrasting colours, interrupting and intersecting each other. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2018年12月10日 (一) 02:06 (UTC) |
Wikidata weekly summary #342
- Discussions
- New request for comments: Scholarly articles that are book reviews
- Events
- Past: SWAT4HCLS in Antwerp Belgium December 3:
- Wikibase tutorial
- "Wikidata as an intuitive resource towards semantic data modeling in data FAIRification" short paper
- "WikiCite, Wikidata, and Scholia: Linking Publications to Topics" (demo /food/ aspect)
- Past: Workshop "Wikidata - what is that and why it's relevant in the field of geospatial information technologies?"? at Latvia's Geospatial Information Technology (GIT) conference (slides)
- Past: Introduction to Wikidata for Wikipedians in Stokholm, Sweden, December 4th
- Upcoming: Introduction to Wikidata for Wikipedians in Göteborg, Sweden, December 10th
- Past: SWAT4HCLS in Antwerp Belgium December 3:
- Press, articles, blog posts
- "Detailed depictions with IIIF, Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons" by Martin Poulter, Bodleian Digital Library blog
- Report of the GNDCon in the Kurier (in German)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- iD, the default OSM editor at openstreetmap.org has recently had an update which pulls data from Wikidata.
- WikidataCon 2019, the conference for open data enthusiasts, will take place on 25-26 October 2019 in Berlin
- Miniature map will be displayed for coordinate properties
- New passwords requirements will apply on all wikis to new accounts and privileged accounts starting on December 13th
- New grant request by MySociety: Wikidata post-election updating toolkit
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: award rationale, heat treating, copyright status, level of description
- External identifiers: SEINet ID, LIGA profile, BIBSYS work ID, UK Parliament identifier, Jewish Museum Berlin person ID, Vesti.kz person ID, Genius album ID, Genius song ID, TASS reference, OpenTrials ID, NooSFere story ID, DIR3 ID, L'Encyclopédie philosophique ID, TrENSmissions person ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: creator, WordLift ID, Specific age inside fictional universe, type of rear suspensions, type of front suspensions, ride height, approach angle, departure angle, Drag coefficient, related category, SinemaTürk person ID, SinemaTürk film ID, Nombre annuel de passagers
- External identifiers: BDEL ID, ZVR, NARA record group number, MMLO, IEC database ID commemorative monument of Catalonia, Meteorological Service of Canada climate ID, PomBase systematic ID, Volksbund ID, iTunes music movie ID, Paris Musées ID, Beachsoccer.ru player ID, BSRussia player ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- We are now showing the language name instead of the language code of a Gloss (phabricator:T203457, phabricator:T209931)
- We added a Page property for easier programmatic access to the number of Senses and Forms of a Lexeme (phabricator:T199611)
- The code samples in the query service have been improved (phabricator:T207749, thanks abian!)
- We're working on tracking how often the different Lua functions that Wikibase provides are used in the Wikimedia project to see how that changes over time (phabricator:T191416)
- We worked on and fixed a security incident related to blocking (phabricator:T210953)
- We are continuing to bring the termbox (showing labels, descriptions, aliases) to mobile viewers
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes later this week
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 11 December. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 12 December. It will be on all wikis from 13 December (calendar).
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 12 December at 16:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- New accounts will need passwords that are at least 8 characters long. Admins, interface admins, bureaucrats, oversighters, CentralNotice admins, global renamers, check users, stewards and some other user groups will need passwords that are at least 10 characters long. This is because an attacker could cause damage to the wikis if they took over these accounts. [24][25]
- When you hover over a footnote it will show you the reference as a pop-up. This is so you don't have to jump down to the bottom of the page to see a reference. This will happen in 2019. Some wikis already have gadgets that do this. You will be able to turn it off. [26]
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
2018年12月10日 (一) 17:33 (UTC)
提報關注度不足過期提醒:上之鄉交流道、臨空交流道 (大阪府)、泉佐野系統交流道、泉佐野交流道
- 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「上之鄉交流道」已過限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。
- 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「臨空交流道 (大阪府)」已過限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。
- 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「泉佐野系統交流道」已過限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。
- 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「泉佐野交流道」已過限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。 --Cewbot(留言) 2018年12月11日 (二) 00:02 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-51
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! Guangfu is a town in Yongnian District, Handan, Hebei, China. It comprises the Guangfu Ancient City, a AAAAA-rated tourist attraction that preserves the appearance of a Ming-era Chinese town through its architecture, large city walls, and expansive moat. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2018年12月17日 (一) 01:38 (UTC) |
- 因節假日,下一期技術新聞推遲到2019年1月7日發送。
- 現在,一些和頁面內容有關的通知模板將直接顯示在移動網站上。在大多數情況下,它們之前是隱藏的。 [27][28]
- 管理員不再可以解除對自己的封禁,除了自我封禁。一位被封禁的管理員可以封禁封禁他的用戶。這是為了預防一位管理員封禁維基上所有管理員而沒有制止措施的情況。 [29]
- ParserMigration擴展已經移除。它用來比較兩種MediaWiki的wikitext解析器的結果。它曾用在我們從Tidy切換到Remex解析庫的時候。
標籤可以使用類似「name」或者「group」的參數屬性。如果一次過有超過兩個參數屬性的話,則全部參數都會失效。並且不會得到任何錯誤提示。這個問題將會不久後修復。 [30]
- 歡迎參與在IRC上舉行之技術建議會議。會議上,義務開發人員可以獲取建議。會議將於19 12月 16:00 (UTC)舉行。參加辦法見此。
- 維基基金會移動應用團隊正在進行使流動電話更容易地進行編輯的改善。你可以閱讀此處了解更多此項計劃。如果你有Android手機並至少會兩種語言的話,可以使用英語參與測試。可以通過郵件或用戶討論頁聯繫Dchen (WMF)參與測試項目。
- 工具項目站點
將會停止運作。這兩個項目站點沒人管理而且使用舊的作業系統。使用這兩個站點的工具將會停止使用,這將包括the mapnik gadget、 hill shading、 hike and bike layers。新的運行管理者將會協助使這些工具恢復可用。 [31]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
2018年12月17日 (一) 20:34 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #343
- Discussions
- New request for comments: Split identifier into KEGG Drug Identifier, KEGG Compound Identifier, etc?
- Closed request for comments: Clarifying rights and responsibilities of Property Creators
- Events
- Past: 26 November 2018: Adding your own stuff to Wikidata. Workshop at SWIB18, Bonn, Germany
- Past: 04 December 2018: Chancen und Risiken einer komplementären Nutzung von GND und Wikidata. Präsentation auf der GNDCon in Frankfurt Main, Germany
- Past: 11–12 December 2018 in Namburu, India: Wiki Advanced Training 2018 (with special focus on Wikidata) by Asaf Bartov
- Upcoming: 35th Chaos Communication Congress, December 27-30, Leipzig. There will be Wikidata staff and volunteers and Wikidata-related sessions
- Press, articles, blog posts
- 6 "inside-out" activities librarians are doing — numbers 4 and 5 involve Wikidata
- From the "Annalen der Pharmacie" to the "European Journal of Organic Chemistry" about using Wikidata for capturing (some of) the history of chemistry
- Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons, by Sandra Fauconnier, in EuropeanaTech 10 Insight Issue 10: Innovation Agenda
- Many faces of Wikibase: Lingua Libre makes languages audible, by Jens Ohlig (also available in German)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Call for contribution for the WikiWorkshop, forum bringing together researchers exploring all aspects of the Wikimedia projects, held in May 2019 in San Francisco, is now open until January 31st
- Research questionnaire about Wikidata as a learning platform by Shani Evenstein as part of her PhD research.
- Interactive map of the Sibthorp & Bauer Expedition, produced by the Bodleian Libraries, powered by Wikidata
- Scholia's "missing" pages (example) now link to the new Author Disambiguator tool, and a Listeria list is available to help prioritize co-author disambiguation for authors with sitelinks.
- Draft of behavior norms policy, feel free to leave comments
- Wikimedia hackathon in Prague: apply for a scholarship until January 4th
- Discuss if you can edit your own item, and vote here on the proposed policy.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: real estate developer, collection creator, digital representation of, specific age inside fictional universe, catchphrase, subject lexeme, right ascension, declination, epoch, galactic longitude, galactic latitude
- External identifiers: ARLLFB member ID, Flora of Wisconsin ID, RegiowikiAT identifier, Discord Store game SKU, Bavarian protected area ID, BDEL ID, Danske Taler speaker ID, Place Names Register ID (Estonia), Biographie nationale de Belgique ID, ARB person ID, Monument aux morts ID, IEC commemorative monument of Catalonia ID, MMLO, Meteorological Service of Canada climate site ID, Volksbund ID, PomBase systematic ID, Paris Musées work ID, LEGO design ID, LEGO element ID, iTunes music movie ID, BSRussia player ID, Beachsoccer.ru person ID, SinemaTürk person ID, SinemaTürk film ID, Wikia article ID, MinDat mineral ID, Harvard Index of Botanists ID, MinDat Locality ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Garzanti Linguistica, Buried in this place, specific rotation, Data interval, Minimum wage, Danmarks svampeatlas ID, friend of, copyright representative, rights statement, co-director, Berliner Schutzgebiets-ID, preparation instructions
- External identifiers: SVT Open archive, Hymnary.org page, Anbytarforum, Multiplayer ID, Amazon Music artist ID, Parliament of South Africa ID, Objectif Gard topic ID, Epic Games Store ID, Hymnary author ID, IPPDH ID, French Academy of Sciences member ID, OTRS ticket number 2, MNopedia ID, NCpedia ID, ICCD IDs, Weeds in Ontario ID, AllMusic performance ID, bbcmicro.co.uk identifier, YSA ID
- Query examples:
- (UK) Ambassador by country list - Listeria report which writes 240 by-country reports on UK Ambassadors - h/t NavinoEvans for the approach
- Presidents of the United States ranked by the number of species named after them (source)
- Communes of France whose name starts with "Saint" (source)
- Italian toponyms with suffixes of Celtic origin (-ago, -ate, -asco) (source)
- List of ABBA songs in A major (source)
- Newest WikiProjects: Wikidata:WikiProject Policies
- Newest database reports: Nicolas Cage filmography
- expanded list of Christmas films
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Test that the issue with blocked users will not happen anymore (phab:T211120)
- Finish up on showing Language and Language codes when editing glosses (phab:T209931)
- Work towards having QualityContraints on Beta (phab:T209957)
- Work on tracking usage of Wikibase Lua Functions (phab:T191416)
- Some more work on string length limits (phab:T154660)
- Work on some Wikidata toolkit improvements (phab:T209399)
- Fix some errors happening in production (phab:T208924)
- More under-the-hood work for the termbox on mobile
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-52
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! The Roman Thermae (Bulgarian: Римски терми, Rimski termi) are a complex of Ancient Roman baths (thermae) in the Black Sea port city of Varna in northeastern Bulgaria. The Roman Thermae are situated in the southeastern part of the modern city, which under the Roman Empire was known as Odessus. The baths were constructed in the late 2nd century AD and rank as the fourth-largest preserved Roman thermae in Europe and the largest in the Balkans. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2018年12月24日 (一) 01:38 (UTC) |
Wikidata weekly summary #344
- Discussions
- Closed request for comments: Changes in email property, Datatype of P667, How to capture negative results in Wikidata?
- Events
- Current: Chaos Communication Congress (35C3) where several Wikidata people are present and related sessions happening
- Next Wikidata IRC office hour: January 8th, 18:00 (UTC+1) on the channel wikimedia-office
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Wikidata architecture overview by Addshore
- Créer une carte avec Wikidata, OpenRefine et uMap (in French) by Jean-Baptiste Pressac
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: API endpoint, demonym of, specific rotation, concentration, copyright representative, Berlin protected area ID, advertises
- External identifiers: Garzanti Linguistica ID, Multiplayer ID, Danmarks svampeatlas ID, Boobpedia article, Amazon Music artist ID, Objectif Gard topic ID, Epic Games Store ID, ZVR-Number, IPPDH ID, French Academy of Sciences member ID, MNopedia ID, NCpedia ID, Weeds in Ontario ID, ICCD ID - S form, ICCD ID - CF form, ICCD ID - CG form, ODNR Division of Wildlife ID, Penthouse ID, bbcmicro.co.uk identifier, YSA ID, ARTIC exhibition ID, ARTIC artist ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: maintenance method, second family name in Scandinavian names, organizational unit, story by, Code of Natura 2000 FFH habitats, century fl., adjective of, holonym 2, meronym 2, has contraction 2, yield, colorist, distinguishing property, Wikispecies template for this work, affiliation string
- External identifiers: bgm.tv person identifier, bgm.tv character identifier, PC-9801DB ID, ACB.com coach ID, The Armory Show at 100 ID, researchportal.helsinki.fi profile URL, Scoresway tennis person ID, Dictionnaire de spiritualité ID, Muséosphère ID, Historical RNA ID, TheFinalBall coach ID, TheFinalBall referee ID, WorldFootball.net referee ID, teams.by player ID, pressball.by player ID, AMFR player ID, premierliga.ru staff ID, premierliga.ru referee ID, CFU player ID, AIC player ID, RusTeam player ID, Critique d'art ID, Centre Pompidou ID, Agence photo RMN ID, INE ID (Portugal), Agence photo RMN package ID, Wikiapiary entry, England Football Online player profile, England Football Online manager profile, DVR Number, Politika topic, Goodreads character ID
- Deleted properties: P4570 (Wikidata project)
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Writing a maintenance script to make configuring WikibaseQualityConstraints easier (phab:T209958)
- Working on new ID generator using different SQL to attempt to stop lock errors when creating lots of items (phab:T194299)
- Making more parts of the Query Service UI more configurable such as the copyright page, title, and started work on the favicon / logos (phab:T194175)
- Adding tracking for Wikibase Lua functions so we can see how they are used on various different projects (phab:T191416)
- Working on fixing alignment issues with glosses (phab:T207401)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #345
- Discussions
- New request for comments: Do we want automatic inverse property creation and if so, how should they happen?
- Press/Blogs
- Introduction to Wikidata as a platform and data source
- Europeana Innovation Agenda
- The Hand-editor’s Tale
- mySociety 2018 report including their work on Wikidata
- Using WikiData API to get the sense of words
- The Evolution of Power and Standard Wikidata Editors: Comparing Editing Behavior over Time to Predict Lifespan and Volume of Edits
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- In Pywikibot, you can now add a new statement with qualifiers and/or references in a single edit (phab:T112577, phab:T170432)
- A couple of gran proposals under review need your input and endorsement
- There are now over 2 million Wikidata infoboxes on Commons!
- Happy New Year! (L40653)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: bgm.tv character identifier, ACB.com coach ID, bgm.tv person identifier, PC-9801DB ID, Hymnary author ID, The Armory Show at 100 ID, Dictionnaire de spiritualité ID, Swedish Anbytarforum, researchportal.helsinki.fi profile ID, Wikimedia OTRS ticket number, AllMusic performance ID, Wikibase Registry ID, Scoresway tennis person ID, Historical RNA ID, Muséosphère work ID, pressball.by player ID, premierliga.ru staff ID, premierliga.ru referee ID, WorldFootball.net referee ID, TheFinalBall referee ID, TheFinalBall coach ID, RusTeam player ID, CFU player ID, AIC player ID, AMFR player ID, teams.by player ID, vehicle identification number, Centre Pompidou ID, INE ID (Portugal)
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: agglomerative, urban population, rural population, Linear reference, located in urban area
- External identifiers: SHARE-VDE author ID, Panorama de l'art ID, PCGamingWiki ID, MDWS place ID, JKT48 member ID, Uppsala General Catalogue ID
- Query examples:
- Graph of student-master relationship of Christian Thielemann #Neujahrskonzert (source)
- Cricket teams in the world by number of players and their gender (source)
- Buildings designed by Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer (source)
- Species have been named after Donald Trump (source)
- Catchphrases (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Not much happened this week because we took some time off over the holidays. Getting back to full speed again in the next days.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-02
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! Geo Bogza was a Romanian avant-garde theorist, poet, and journalist, one of the most influential Romanian Surrealists. Also known for his left-wing and communist political convictions. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2019年1月7日 (一) 00:40 (UTC) |
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Tech News writers, editors and translators wish you a pleasant 2019 year.
Recent changes
- RelatedSites extension has been undeployed. It was used to create interwiki links on Wikivoyage, now handled by Wikidata. [32]
- MediaWiki logstash logging is moving to a new infrastructure. This is an ongoing deployment. [33]
- codesearch.wmflabs.org has been updated, with new and updated repositories and a new search options for code. [34]
- On several wikis, an account named "防濫用過濾器" has been created on December 17 to perform some technical maintenance on AbuseFilter. This account has sysop rights but it's a system user and no human can use it. The account already existed on wikis where AbuseFilter can perform blocks, which are issued using this account. See T212268 for more information and future plans.
- In AbuseFilter, the "受限" action takes three parameters: count, period and groups. They must now strictly respect the requirements listed on mediawiki.org. A list of broken filters is on Phabricator. If you're familiar with AbuseFilter, please take a look and fix them. [35]
Changes later this week
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from January 8. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from January 9. It will be on all wikis from January 10 (calendar).
- Search Platform Office Hours is rescheduled to January 9. Check the details for time and date.
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
2019年1月7日 (一) 18:29 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-03
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! the Aluminum Christmas tree was a type of artificial Christmas tree that was popular in the United States from 1958 until about the mid-1960s.In the highly acclaimed and successful 1965 television special, A Charlie Brown Christmas, the tree was specifically targeted as symbol of the commercialization of Christmas and was subsequently discreted.By the mid-2000s aluminum trees found a secondary market online, often selling for high premiums. The trees have also appeared in museum collections. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2019年1月14日 (一) 01:36 (UTC) |
Wikidata weekly summary #347
- Events
- Past: IRC office hour, January 8th
- Upcoming: Wikidata meetup in WikiBär, Berlin, January 15th (in German)
- Upcoming: Academic workshop on data quality management in Wikidata, Berlin, January 18th (registration needed)
- Upcoming: Wikidata hackathon in Ulm, Germany, on February 22-24. The organization team is looking for people who can give introduction to Wikidata, QuickStatements or gadgets (in German).
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Connecting PCGamingWiki and Wikidata by Connor Shea
- VOSviewer supports large number of new data sources (including Wikidata)
- Interview of Denny Vrandečić on the podcast Between the Brackets, about Wikidata and plenty of other things
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Structured data for Commons: multilingual captions are deployed on Commons on January 10th (documentation)
- The Wikidata Query Service has been encountering some data corruption issues that impact the results you can see when running a query. Some may still be running. You can check the current ticket for more updates.
- New dashboard for percentage of pages on a Wikimedia project make use of data from Wikidata (doesn't include sitelinks, doesn't include Commons file and category pages for now)
- Science Stories, a project highlighting women in sciences, uses Wikidata
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: urban population, rural population, corporate purpose, closest approach
- External identifiers: Uppsala General Catalogue ID, IFPNI species ID, Dictionnaire des Wallons ID, The White-files species ID, Hymnary text ID, Lace bugs database ID, Doctrine ID, Genius artist numeric ID, OLAC video game genre vocabulary, OSGS-Number, MNAM artwork ID, IHOI work ID, Conférence du stage secretary ID, Musée Picasso artwork ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: official color, euler characteristic, REDIZO, number of articles, property for implied values, BNP Catalog ID, Psyl'list species ID, charter URL, works in collection, precedes word-initial, WordLift ID
- External identifiers: Litchfield Ledger ID, NicoNicoPedia, Bahamut Gamer's Community ACG Database, Bunkacho Media Art Database (Development Version): Animation Database, Bunkacho Media Art Database (Development Version): Comic Database, Interpol WOA ID, MAMVP ID, VectorBase Taxonomy ID, Köztaurusz azonosító, TV Spielfilm, Norwegian silvertax 1816 contributor ID, Krugosvet article, infosport.ru person ID, Viperson ID, iTunes TV season ID, sportufo.ru person ID, RBU person ID, biathlon.com.ua person ID, skiresort.info ID, AiF dossier, JORFSearch organization ID, ELNET ID, U-DISE code, AISHE code, EIIN number
- Query examples:
- Schools of magic by numbers of students (source)
- Members of the Association for Computing Machinery who also gave TED talks (source)
- Languages where some lexemes have more than one grammatical gender entered in Wikidata (source)
- Timeline of early French aviation pioneers (source)
- Map of schools where virtual twins were educated (source)
- Most cited Magnuses in Wikidata (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Solving an issue that blocked deployments over the past weeks (phab:T212427)
- Improved the visual appearance of glosses (phab:T207401)
- Fixing problems with reverting Sense addition (phab:T211438)
- Improving our Javascript to be more standard (phab:T210744)
- Working on performing more constraint type checks in PHP before falling back to SPARQL (phab:T209504)
- Making the query service logo and favicon configurable in one's own Wikibase (phab:T212210)
- More work on displaying the termbox on mobile (phab:T207150)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 你現在可以在內容翻譯工具使用Google翻譯。 [36][37]
- 你現在可以對共享資源上的檔案添加說明,說明是檔案的簡短描述,它可以翻譯成任何語言,但不能使用wiki標記語法。
- 之前帶引號的HTML屬性值後需要跟隨着一個空格,現在不用了。這意味着即使你沒有修改頁面的某個部分,在保存後該部分的顯示效果可能有所不同。 [38][39]
- 帶<templatestyles>的模板在測試時無法區分生產版和沙盒測試版的差異,現在該問題已經被修正。<templatestyles>增加一個新屬性
,你可以使用該參數作為一個CSS選擇器來用於區分,例如:.mw-parser-output <wrapper參數值> <CSS頁的選擇器>
。 [40]
- 您可以使用FileExporter將文件從您的wiki移動到維基共享資源並保留文件歷史。從1月16日起,它將成為所有wiki的測試功能。如果您想測試它,請啟用它並檢查您的wiki的配置文件。
- 那些帳戶被其他人接管可能會對維基造成更大損害的用戶,必須擁有更安全的密碼,這包括管理員和其他用戶組,他們不能使用常見密碼列表中的密碼,使用常見密碼的帳戶很容易被接管。幾週前,常用密碼列表變得更長,並且有不同的錯誤消息。某些用戶組已添加到無法使用常見密碼的用戶組中,這是為了保護所有擁有可能造成損害的用戶權限的帳戶。 [42]
- 防濫用過濾器的變數
已經被移除,它在2016年起被棄用,現在您不能使用它了。您可以修復使用這個變數的過濾器,可以使用Special:AbuseFilter的搜尋框來找到它們。 - MediaWiki新版本將於1月15日部署至測試維基及MediaWiki.org,及於1月16日部署至非維基百科站點及部分維基百科,並於1月17日部署至所有站點,參見日曆。
- 歡迎參與在IRC上舉行之技術建議會議。會議上,義務開發人員可以獲取建議。會議將於16 1月 16:00 (UTC)舉行。參加辦法見此。
- 以後將可以禁止用戶編輯特定頁面或命名空間。「封禁」的意義將會改變,您可能需要更新您維護有關處理封禁的工具。 [43]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
2019年1月14日 (一) 17:54 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-04
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! Yuxiang (simplified Chinese: 魚香; traditional Chinese: 魚香; pinyin: yúxiāng; literally: "fish fragrance") is a seasoning mixture in Chinese cuisine, and also refers to the resulting sauce in which meat or vegetables are cooked. It is said to have originated in Sichuan cuisine, but has since spread to other regional Chinese cuisines (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2019年1月21日 (一) 01:35 (UTC) |
Wikidata weekly summary #348
- Events
- Past: Workshop on Data Quality Management in Wikidata, 18 January, Berlin. You can check the collaborative documentation
- Upcoming: free software workshop (including Wikidata) in Lyon, France, January 23rd
- Upcoming: Wikidata workshop in Côte d'Ivoire, February 9th
- Upcoming: Library data camp, a training for librairies about open data and Wikidata, Manchester, UK, March 11th
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: WordLift ID, official color, member category, located at street address, charter URL, works in collection
- External identifiers: Crew united title ID, Genius album numeric ID, Genius song numeric ID, Litchfield Ledger ID, Microsoft Academic ID, Bahamut Gamer's Community ACG Database, Bunkacho Media Art Database (Development Version): Animation Database, Bunkacho Media Art Database (Development Version): Comic Database, REDIZO, Archives of Maryland Biographical Series ID, Interpol WOA artwork ID, Online Catalog of Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal ID, MAMVP artwork ID, Psyl'list species ID, VectorBase taxonomy ID, iTunes TV season ID, Hungarian public thesaurus ID, TV Spielfilm film ID, Viperson ID, Krugosvet article, biathlon.com.ua person ID, RBU person ID, sportufo.ru person ID, Skiresort.info ID, Educational Institution Identification Number, U-DISE code, AISHE code
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: inverse label, tussenvoegsel, Linked to profession, chassis, Swedish Organization Number, COOL species ID, Trading name, funk channel ID, personal pronoun
- External identifiers: Skimap.org ID, Gault et Millau ID, ID theatreonline.com, Swiss Films, Dizionario di Storia Treccani ID, Romanian Soccer player ID, sports.md athlete ID, iTunes movie ID, iTunes book ID, vodnimlyny.cz ID, Smarthistory ID, World Cube Association ID, CORE (Connecting Repositories) ID, GEOFON earthquake ID, LevskiSofia.info player ID, LevskiSofia.info coach ID, Homosaurus identifier, DIZIE ID, identificador Gran Enciclopèdia de la Música
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Data Quality
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fixed a small bug that we introduced with editing badges on wd.org (phab:T213998)
- Finished collecting data about the user of the termbox (phab:T211015)
- Fixed an i18n message (phab:T206416)
- Created some maintenance scripts for creating and approving oauth consumers (phab:T211568)
- Checked for possible data coruptions due to an issue with change tags (phab:T213281)
- Fixed an issue with restoring merge revisions in Lexeme (phab:T204041)
- Configured WikibaseQualityConstraints on test.wikidata (phab:T209922)
- Turned on the new entity id formatting for properties (phab:T201838)
- Continued work on glosses, displaying the language name also in edit mode (phab:T209931)
- Starting investigating on Shape Expressions
- Mobile termbox: showing language, description and aliases (phab:T207150)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 內容翻譯工具現在將第二版作為使用這個測試功能的用戶的預設版本。例如它對於那些可能有機器翻譯又未修正問題的翻譯加入了跟蹤分類
找到該分類。 - https://mediawiki2latex-large.wmflabs.org現在能一次轉換至多800頁到PDF、EPUB或ODT,之前只能至多200頁。
- 當使用可視化編輯器編輯模板時,有時會將所有內容放在同一行,使得使用wiki文本編輯器的編者難以閱讀,也在差異模式下難以看到變更的內容。這個問題影響了1月8日至17日間的編輯,而問題現在已修復。 [45]
- 群發消息用來將訊息發佈到大量頁面上,但它沒有正常地工作,有些訊息沒有發佈給所有人。 [46][47]
- 由於一個必須立即修復的數據庫問題,你在1月17日(UTC)的幾分鐘無法編輯大部分的wiki,這已經修復了。 [48]
- 你將能在
命名空間使用模板樣式。 [49] - MediaWiki新版本將於1月22日部署至測試維基及MediaWiki.org,及於1月23日部署至非維基百科站點及部分維基百科,並於1月24日部署至所有站點,參見日曆。
- 歡迎參與在IRC上舉行之技術建議會議。會議上,志願開發人員可以獲取建議。會議將於23 1月 16:00 (UTC)舉行。參加辦法見此。
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
2019年1月21日 (一) 20:37 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-05
The winner this Translation of the week is en:Reindeer in Siberian shamanism Please be bold and help to translation this article! Reindeer in Siberian shamanism reflect the cultural, as well as the economic, relationship between the native peoples of Siberia, a region of Northern Asia, and the reindeer that live there. It involves the nomadic reindeer herders, those that hunt wild reindeer and those who maintain domesticated ones. Their religious beliefs reflect the spiritual philosophy of shamanism, and their traditions often involve reindeer in several steps of the process of practicing their religion. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2019年1月28日 (一) 02:55 (UTC) |
Wikidata weekly summary #349
- Discussions
- Open requests for adminship: Deror avi, Wildly boy
- Events
- February 19th: Wikidata meetup in London - Facebook event
- Incoming: Wikidata Lab XII in São Paulo, Brazil, February 14th.
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Making Wikidata visible, by Martin Poulter on Bodleian Digital Library's blog
- How to query Wikidata using R, by Envel Le Hir
- Inventory of the Cleveland Museum of Art images, by Magnus Manske
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- There is now a tool to validate mappings between Wikidata and external RDF vocabularies done with the properties equivalent property and equivalent class.
- Topic matcher, a tool to help you adding a "main topic" or "depicts" statement to items about streets, articles, painting, etc.
- Editing Wikidata - Swedish Cuisine by JanAinali on Twitch
- City-Country-Shapes visualization based on Wikidata: how many of a country's largest cities do you need to put on a map to be able to recognise the country?
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: ELNET ID, iTunes book ID, iTunes movie ID, Romanian Soccer player ID, Skimap ID, sports.md athlete ID, Gault et Millau ID, Theatreonline.com ID, Dizionario di Storia Treccani ID, Smarthistory ID, vodnimlyny.cz ID, World Cube Association ID, COOL species ID, CORE ID, LevskiSofia.info coach ID, LevskiSofia.info player ID, Gran Enciclopèdia de la Música ID, JORFSearch organization ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: journal series, has alt-text, has lyrics, day of regular release, CBFC rating, full work on commons
- External identifiers: sport-strana.ru article ID, football.odessa.ua person ID, NMSRCP reference number, AKB48 member ID, TV Spielfilm Series ID, MCULE ID, Global Species ID, Georgian National Filmography ID, Bureau van Dijk Orbis company ID, Bureau van Dijk Orbis person ID, Musicbrainz Event ID, ManualsLib brand ID, LGD local body code, Hymnary hymnal ID, Hymnary tune ID, Hymnary instance ID, Getty Images ID, Amsterdam code
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Protected areas in Germany
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Started development on Shape Expressions
- Termbox: show an expanded-by-default section for the user's preferred languages (phab:T211865)
- Provide visualization LUA usage on a dashboard (phab:T211768)
- Fixed issues with sense ID wrapping (phab:T210502)
- Background work to support the deployment of the next pieces for Structured Data on Commons
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
This Month in Education: January 2019
對不起,我也不想的,我只是跟規則做事罷了。維基病夫祝您萬事如意 2019年2月3日 (日) 02:43 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #350
- Press, articles, blog posts
- „Eisberg voraus!「 – Sächsische Landeskunde mit SXRM, Wikisource und Wikidata by Jens Bemme (in German)
- Linking the OLAC Video Game Vocabulary with Wikidata by Tracy Hoffmann and Peter Chan
- Adam blogged about how to update an existing Wikibase docker instance
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Got some time? SpeedPatrolling, a tool to simplify patrolling of recent changes on Wikidata (documentation), has been announced and you can use it to help fight vandalism.
- Got some time? Match some streets and the humans they are named after.
- Got some time? Help link OpenStreetMap and Wikidata Items with the new OSM <-> Wikidata matcher.
- Wikidata Query Service now has over 7 billion triples.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: affiliation string, RightsStatement status according to source website, trading name, Alexander–Briggs notation
- External identifiers: DIZIE ID, football.odessa.ua person ID, sport-strana.ru article ID, Homosaurus ID, funk channel ID, GEOFON earthquake ID, Georgian National Filmography ID, infosport.ru person ID, ManualsLib brand ID, MusicBrainz event ID, LGD local body code, HAER ID, Hymnary hymnal ID, Hymnary instance ID, Hymnary tune ID, Global Species ID, Amsterdam code
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: does not have quality (2), Den Digitale Byport-ID, expression of, calendar feed url, Total goals in career, Strepsiptera database species ID, Brentidae of the world species ID, Illustrated catalog of Tessaratomidae species ID, WBCHSE code
- External identifiers: Douban Book ID, Douban Musician ID, Douban Author ID, Douban Music ID, Douban Drama ID, Douban Game ID, Douban Read Author ID, Douban Read eBook ID, Douban Site Name, Douban Username, Zhihu username, Bilibili user ID, QQ number, Bilibili video ID, Bilibili bangumi ID, Bilibili tag ID, Mtime movie ID, Mtime people ID, Dictionary of Anhui Writers ID, Fuzhou Architecture Heritage ID, Eventa Servo ID, Rocks Backpages author ID, Rocks Backpages artist ID, Rocks Backpages publication ID, Hulu movie ID, Hulu series ID, Democracy Club ID, ISA ID, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Schutzgebiete-ID, DALFAN ID, GameFAQs franchise ID, CABB player ID, castingvideos ID, Bildarchiv, Herder-Institut, IEEEXplore document ID, IEEEXplore author ID, Antarctica NZ Digital Asset Manager, Pacific Coast Architecture Database building ID, Twitter user ID, Australian Antarctic Data Center, Enciclopedia delle donne ID
- Deleted properties: P1112 (Pokédex number)
- Query examples:
- Common topics of publications by people affiliated with a given organization
- World __ days and other awareness days in calendar order (Source)
- timeline of writing systems (source)
- family tree of Donald Duck (source)
- Common long words in titles of scholarly articles (source)
- schools of magic by number of students (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Making progress towards first showable version of basic Shape Expression support
- Layout polishing for the mobile termbox (the box that shows labels, desctiptions and aliases) and continuing work on the "in more languages" and "all entered languages" sections in it
- Added tracking for the number of Senses and Forms to our graph for tracking the number of Items, Properties and Lexemes
- Worked more on making it easier to set up Quickstatements in other Wikibase instances
- Preventing an entity to redirect to itself (phabricator:T214919)
- Working on making Federation (reusing Wikidata's Items and Properties to make statements) work for Wikimedia Commons to get the rollout of the next stage (support for depicts statements) unstuck
- Fixed an issue with adding sitelinks from Commons (phabricator:T213975)
- Fixing Cognate support for yue Wiktionary (phabricator:T214400)
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-07
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! The Fairbank train robbery occurred on the night of February 15, 1900, when some bandits attempted to hold up a Wells Fargo express car at the town of Fairbank, Arizona. Although it was thwarted by Jeff Milton, who managed to kill "Three Fingered Jack" Dunlop in an exchange of gunfire, the train robbery was unique for being one of the few to have occurred in a public place and was also one of the last during the Old West period. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2019年2月11日 (一) 02:26 (UTC) |
本人是SH6188,只前因私事退維,現想重返維基。但退維前設定能編輯,煩請管理員於U:SH6188/common.js刪除有關字眼,謝謝。--留言) 2019年2月11日 (一) 14:45 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #351
- Events
- Past: Linking OpenStreetMap and Wikidata at FOSDEM
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: day of regular release, Euler characteristic, has lyrics, maintenance method, CBFC rating, does not have quality
- External identifiers: Code of Natura 2000/FFH habitat, Douban Author ID, Douban Book ID, Douban Drama ID, Douban Game ID, Douban Music ID, Douban Musician ID, Douban Read Author ID, Douban Read eBook ID, Douban Site Name, Douban Username, Zhihu username, Bilibili bangumi ID, Bilibili tag ID, Bilibili username, Bilibili video ID, Eventa Servo ID, Mtime movie ID, QQ number, Swedish Organization Number, Rock's Backpages artist ID, Rock's Backpages author ID, Rock's Backpages publication ID, Mtime people ID, Democracy Club ID, Hulu movie ID, Hulu series ID, ISA ID, Fuzhou Architecture Heritage ID, DALFAN ID, Den Digitale Byport ID, GameFAQs franchise ID, NMSRCP reference number, Swiss Films ID, CABB player ID, castingvideos ID, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern protected area ID, IEEEXplore author ID, IEEEXplore document ID, Strepsiptera database species ID, Image Archive, Herder-Institut, WBCHSE code, Antarctica NZ Digital Asset Manager, Brentidae of the world species ID, Pacific Coast Architecture Database building ID, Illustrated catalog of Tessaratomidae species ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: creator name string, Literate population, Illiterate population, designated survivor, stall speed, maintain, Insects (Insecta) of the World ID, solar eclipse type, student organization of
- External identifiers: BibliotecaVirtualAndalucia authority ID, BIDICAM authority ID, BVPH authority ID, CCBAE ID, identifiant sur l'annuaire du service public, Joan Miró Online Image Bank ID, ISTC No., KSI player ID, Board Game Atlas ID, LSE article ID, JWF Wrestlers Database, Georgian National Filmography ID for Persons, Eliseu Visconti Project ID, Indian census area code (1991), AICTE Permanent ID, German School ID, DOGC ID, DoBIH Number
- Query examples:
- Counts of Indian films directed and written by the same person, sorted by film language (source)
- Sovereign states that have more than one capital city (source)
- Decreases in sex ratio for mandals of West Godavari district between 2001 and 2011 (source)
- Counts of articles published in different Indian medical journals, sorted by year/journal (source)
- Forms to Lexeme ratio per language (source)
- Airports and railway stations named after fictional people or works of fiction (source)
- Species of hummingbirds, their genus, and image (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Working on the "in more languages" and "all entered languages" parts of the termbox on mobile
- Working on making undo, revert, edit summaries and more work for Shape Expressions
- Fixed an error when detecting the same label and description in another Item (phabricator:T194770, thanks Matěj)
- Making Lemma input on Lexeme pages save your input when you press enter (phabricator:T206140)
- Making QuickStatements work more easily for other Docker-powered Wikibase instances (phabricator:T205606)
- Worked more on making Federation work for making Statements on Wikimedia Commons (phabricator:T214557)
- Working on stripping whitespaces at the beginning and end of Glosses when saving them (phabricator:T212019)
- Looking into adding more signals to ORES' vandalism detection model so we can detect bad edits more accurately (phabricator:T194737)
- Preventing a redirect of an Entity onto itself (phabricator:T214775)
- Fixed an issue with adding sitelinks from Wikimedia Commons (phabricator:T213975)
- Unified the separators between language and lexical category in different places (phabricator:T201808)
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!