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史實歐洲武術(Historical European martial arts,HEMA)又稱歐洲歷史武技歐洲歷史武術古歐洲武術,是人們對起源於歐洲武術的統稱。史實歐洲武術是一種總稱,其包含的武術項目不一定具有關聯性或傳承關係。

古典武術(如希臘摔跤或角斗)的保存的文獻有限,現存的武術文獻或武術手冊則可以追溯到中世紀晚期。 因此現代HEMA的重點研究時代,主要集中於大約一次世界大戰前後至700年前的時期。目前已知最早的完整歐洲武術手稿,為推定西元1280至1320間撰寫的I.33劍盾術英語Royal Armouries Ms. I.33。保存較完整而較多人研究的項目,有中世紀晚期至文藝復興的日耳曼系統與意大利系統,文藝復興時代到近現代的的伊比利半島、法國、英格蘭與蘇格蘭系統等。

19世紀80年代開始,人們開始復興和還原歐洲傳統武術,並融入一些現代特色[1]。然而由於第一次世界大戰的緣故,19世紀晚期的史實歐洲武術復興就此中斷。第二次世界大戰後,HEMA以兩種不同的路線緩慢的再次復甦,一是現代馬上槍術比賽的參與者,二是20世紀80至90年代,從創造性歷史錯置會英語Society for Creative Anachronism(Society for Creative Anachronism)中分離出來的社群。

史實歐洲武術的重要特色為與學術圈關係密切,許多重要人物本身即具有學者身分,例如出版大量古代武術手稿抄本的科學史博士Patri Pugliese、原為考古學家的Matt Easton、專攻馬上比武與中世紀晚期武裝的華勒斯典藏館策展人Tobias Capwell英語Tobias Capwell等。史實歐洲武術也與歐美博物館保持密切的聯繫,例如利茲皇家兵械庫博物館便經常舉辦相關活動與研討會。[2]





最早提及武術訓練的歐洲文獻之一,為羅馬帝國晚期作家維蓋提烏斯的著作《論軍事(De re militari)》。在該書中描述了羅馬人選兵並進行戰技訓練的方式。然而此書對武術訓練僅提供概念性描述,僅能得知羅馬士兵會從事體能訓練、以木樁為標靶的基本攻擊訓練、各類兵器操作訓練、穿着裝甲進行戰技訓練等項目,但無法得知羅馬時代武術訓練的具體技巧。[3]








中世紀晚期的日耳曼武術以約翰尼斯·李希特奈爾英語Johannes Liechtenauer為中心,李希特奈爾本人的著作並未留下,僅有一首歌訣(Zettel)流傳。最早提及此歌訣的手稿為紐倫堡抄本 GNM 3227a英語https://en-two.iwiki.icu/wiki/N%C3%BCrnberger_Handschrift_GNM_3227a,此抄本紀錄了李希特奈爾的歌訣,並給予具體技巧的註釋與說明。日耳曼流派的武術書多半以此形式展開。


15世紀重要的日耳曼武術大師包括,西吉斯蒙德·瑞格克英語Sigmund Ringeck(Sigmund Ringeck)、彼得·馮·旦澤(Peter von Danzig,參見Cod. 44 A 8英語Cod. 44 A 8),漢斯·塔爾霍夫英語Hans TalhofferPaulus Kal英語Paulus Kal等。以上所有人都表明其技術來自約翰尼斯·李希特奈爾。

日耳曼流派的武術書多半包含其中幾項內容:擒拿術匕首(通常為圓盤匕首英語rondel dagger)、日耳曼戰刀或督薩克刀、長棍、長柄武器長劍、甲冑戰、騎馬戰。一些武術書包含特殊的內容,例如專門用於決鬥審判的決鬥盾(Stechschild)。



最早以意大利語撰寫武術書的大師為費奧瑞·德·李柏提英語Fiore dei Liberi(Fiore dei Liberi),由費拉拉的侯爵贊助。大約在1407至1410年間,他撰寫了著名的武術書《戰爭之花(Fior di Battaglia)》,內容囊括擒拿、匕首、武裝劍、長劍、長柄武器、甲冑戰與騎馬戰。意大利武術的傳統由菲利浦·瓦第(Filippo di Vadi頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館),1482–1487)和佩特羅·蒙提(Pietro Monte,1492, 其著作同時使用意大利、西班牙與拉丁文撰寫。)




第一次世界大戰前,有些武術學者希望可以復興時代更久遠的兵器武術,Alfred Hutton頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館)是當中的領導人物之一,其出版的「Old Sword Play頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館)」便摘錄了部分16至18世紀間,包含護手刺劍和匕首、雙手大劍、籠手劍與拳盾等兵器的動作技巧。


然而,隨着1910年Alfred Hutton去世,加上緊接而來的第一次世界大戰,這股復興古代歐洲兵器武術的風潮也隨之沉寂。












  • Angelo, Domenico, The School of Fencing: With a General Explanation of the Principal Attitudes and Positions Peculiar to the Art, eds. Jared Kirby, Greenhill Books, 2005. ISBN 978-1853676260
  • Anglo, Sydney. The Martial Arts of Renaissance Europe. Yale University Press, 2000. ISBN 0-300-08352-1
  • Blanes, Jerome. Nicolaes Petter, the Biography. Lulu.com, 2014. ISBN 978-1105916694
  • Brown, Terry. English Martial Arts. Anglo-Saxon Books, 1997. ISBN 1-898281-29-7
  • Butera, Matteo, Francesco Lanza, Jherek Swanger, and Reinier van Noort. The Spada Maestra of Bondì di Mazo. Van Noort, Reinier, 2016. ISBN 978-82-690382-0-0
  • Clements, John. Medieval Swordsmanship: Illustrated Methods and Techniques. Paladin Press, 1998. ISBN 1-58160-004-6
  • Clements, John. Renaissance Swordsmanship: The Illustrated Book of Rapiers and Cut-and-Thrust Swords and Their Use. Paladin Press, 1997. ISBN 0-87364-919-2
  • Clements, John et al. Masters of Medieval and Renaissance Martial Arts: Rediscovering The Western Combat Heritage. Paladin Press, 2008. ISBN 978-1-58160-668-3
  • Forgeng, Jeffrey L. The Art of Combat: A German Martial Arts Treatise of 1570. Frontline Books, 2014. ISBN 978-1848327788.
  • Gaugler, William. The History of Fencing: Foundations of Modern European Fencing. Laureate Press, 1997. ISBN 1-884528-16-3
  • Hand, Stephen. SPADA: An Anthology of Swordsmanship in Memory of Ewart Oakeshott. Chivalry Bookshelf, 2003. ISBN 1-891448-37-4
  • Hand, Stephen. SPADA 2: Anthology of Swordsmanship. Chivalry Bookshelf, 2005. ISBN 1-891448-35-8
  • Hand, Stephen. English Swordsmanship: The True Fight of George Silver, Vol. 1: Single Sword. Chivalry Bookshelf,2006. ISBN 1-891448-27-7
  • Heim, Hans and Alex Kiermayer. The Longsword of Johannes Liechtenauer, Part I (DVD). Agilitas TV, 2005. ISBN 1-891448-20-X
  • Kirby, Jared (ed.), Italian Rapier Combat - Ridolfo Capo Ferro, Greenhill Books, London, 2004. ISBN 1853675806
  • Kirby, Jared (ed.), A Gentleman's Guide to Duelling: Of Honour and Honourable Quarrels. Frontline Books, 2014. ISBN 1848325274
  • Knight, David James and Brian Hunt. Polearms of Paulus Hector Mair. Paladin Press, 2008. ISBN 978-1-58160-644-7
  • Leoni, Tommaso. The Art of Dueling. The Chivalry Bookshelf, 2005. ISBN 1-891448-23-4
  • Leoni, Tom. Venetian Rapier. Freelance Academy Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-9825911-2-3
  • Leoni, Tom. The Complete Renaissance Swordsman. Freelance Academy Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-9825911-3-0
  • Lindholm, David and Peter Svärd. Sigmund Ringeck's Knightly Art of the Longsword. Paladin Press, 2003. ISBN 1-58160-410-6
  • Lindholm, David and Peter Svärd. Knightly Arts of Combat - Sigmund Ringeck's Sword and Buckler Fighting, Wrestling, and Fighting in Armor. Paladin Press, 2006. ISBN 1-58160-499-8
  • Lindholm, David. Fighting with the Quarterstaff. The Chivalry Bookshelf, 2006. ISBN 1-891448-36-6
  • Mele, Gregory, ed. In the Service of Mars: Proceedings from the Western Martial Arts Workshop 1999–2009, Volume I. Freelance Academy Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-9825911-5-4
  • Price, Brian R., ed. Teaching & Interpreting Historical Swordsmanship. The Chivalry Bookshelf, 2005. ISBN 1-891448-46-3
  • Runacres, Rob. Treatise or Instruction for Fencing, Lulu.com (2015), ISBN 978-1-326-16469-0
  • Runacres, Rob and Thibault Ghesquiere. The Sword of Combat or The Use of Fighting With Weapons. Lulu.com, 2014. ISBN 978-1-29191-969-1
  • Runacres, Rob. Book of Lessons. Fallen Rook, 2017. ISBN 978-0-9934216-5-5
  • Schmidt, Herbert, Sword Fighting - An Introduction to handling a Long Sword, Schiffer Books, ISBN 978-0764347924
  • Thompson, Christopher. Lannaireachd: Gaelic Swordsmanship. BookSurge Publishing, 2001. ISBN 1-59109-236-1
  • Tobler, Christian Henry. Secrets of German Medieval Swordsmanship. The Chilvarly Bookshelf, 2001. ISBN 1-891448-07-2
  • Tobler, Christian Henry. Fighting with the German Longsword. The Chivalry Bookshelf, 2004. ISBN 1-891448-24-2
  • Vail, Jason. Medieval and Renaissance Dagger Combat. Paladin Press, 2006. ISBN 978-1-58160-517-4
  • Van Noort, Reinier. Lessons on the thrust. Fallen Rook Publishing, 2014, ISBN 978-0-9926735-4-3
  • Van Noort, Reinier. Of the Single Rapier. Fallen Rook Publishing, 2015, ISBN 978-0-9926735-8-1
  • Van Noort, Reinier. Swordplay: an anonymous illustrated Dutch treatise for fencing with rapier, sword and polearms from 1595. Freelance Academy Press, 2015, ISBN 978-1-937439-26-2
  • Van Noort, Reinier and Antoine Coudre. True Principles of the Single Sword. Fallen Rook Publishing, 2016, ISBN 978-0-9934216-0-0
  • Wagner, Paul. Master Of Defence: The Works of George Silver. Paladin Press, 2008. ISBN 978-1581607239
  • Wagner, Paul and Stephen Hand. Medieval Sword and Shield: The Combat System of Royal Armouries MS. I.33. Chivalry Bookshelf, 2004. ISBN 1-891448-43-9
  • Windsor, Guy. The Swordsman's Companion: A Modern Training Manual for Medieval Longsword. The Chivalry Bookshelf, 2004. ISBN 1-891448-41-2
  • Zabinski, Grzegorz and Bartlomiej Walczak. The Codex Wallerstein: A Medieval Fighting Book from the Fifteenth Century on the Longsword, Falchion, Dagger, and Wrestling. Paladin Press, 2002. ISBN 1-58160-339-8


  1. ^ 香港01. 史實歐洲武術——HEMA. [2021-03-16]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-29). 
  2. ^ European historical combat. Royal Armouries Museum. [2021-08-19]. (原始內容存檔於2021-08-19). 
  3. ^ Flavius Vegetius Renatus. The Military Institutions of the Romans. Digital Attic. [2021-08-19]. (原始內容存檔於2021-08-19). 
  4. ^ Kellett, Rachel E. Royal Armouries MS I.33: The Judicial Combat And The Art Of Fencing In Thirteenth- And Fourteenth-Century German Literature. Oxford German Studies. 2012, 41 (1): 32–56. doi:10.1179/0078719112Z.0000000003. 
  5. ^ Wadge, Richard. Verneuil 1424: The Second Agincourt: The Battle of Three Kingdoms. History Press. 2015 [2021-08-19]. ISBN 978-0750963350. (原始內容存檔於2021-05-24). 
  6. ^ The manuscript is dated to the "late 13th century" in the description by Royal Armouries. Alphonse Lhotsky in a handwritten note suggested the late 13th century and identified the scribe as a secretary to the bishop of Würzburg.
  7. ^ Hester, James. A Few Leaves Short of a Quire: Is the 'Tower Fechtbuch' Incomplete?. Arms & Armour. 2012, 9 (1): 20–24. doi:10.1179/1741612411Z.0000000003. 
  8. ^ Historical European martial arts. Wikipedia. 2024-04-26 (英語).