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趙蓮菊(英語:Anne Chao),是台灣的生態統計學家,任教於國立清華大學統計研究所。



趙蓮菊是60%統計學家,30%數學家與10%生態學家。1973年自清華大學數學系畢業,1977年取得美國威斯康辛統計博士。自1978年起,一直在清華大學任教。2006年起,擔任清華特聘講座教授。1997年獲選國際數理統計學會會士,2005-2008年擔任台灣國家講座教授。多年來一直專研生態學及其相關學科中之數學與統計問題。主要的研究領域包含生態統計,生物多樣性之統計推論,以及生態和環境抽樣資料之統計分析。至2021年二月,她和合作者共出版了130篇學術論文,google scholar引文數超過39000次。這些論文 (i) 發展了Chao1, Chao2, ACE, ICE等物種數的統計估計方法以及生物多樣性相關的一些指數的統計估計方法; (ii) 建立物種多樣性,系統演化多樣性,功能多樣性之整合架構; (iii) 發展針對樣本完整度之稀釋與外插法,使得生物多樣性資料可以克觀比較。以上之統計方法在生態界廣為應用。針對以上的方法,並發展了相關的軟件例如眾多生態學家使用的SPADE和iNEXT。並曾擔任四個主要統計期刊及生態和演化方法論期刊之編輯委員。



Anne Chao, Institute of Statistics, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan Website http://chao.stat.nthu.edu.tw/wordpress/頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=P-rr9foAAAAJ&hl=en頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) Research Gate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Anne_Chao頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館

Anne Chao is 60% statistician, 30% mathematician and 10% ecologist. She received her BS in mathematics from National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, in 1973, and her PhD in statistics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1977. Since 1978, she has been with the Institute of Statistics, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, where she is currently a Tsing-Hua Distinguished Chair Professor. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and held a Taiwan National Chair Professorship. Chao has long been fascinated with mathematical and statistical issues arising in ecology and related sciences; her major research interests include ecological statistics, statistical inferences of biodiversity measures, and statistical analysis of ecological/environmental survey data. She and her collaborators have published more than 130 papers with citations > 28000 in Google Scholar (accessed in February 2021). Their papers have (i) developed several biodiversity measures/estimators including Chao1, Chao2, ACE, and ICE for species richness, as well as some novel methods to infer entropy, diversity and related similarity/differentiation measures, (ii) established a unified mathematical/statistical framework for taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversities, and (iii) generalized the classic sample-size-based rarefaction method to sample-coverage-based rarefaction and extrapolation, to standardize biodiversity samples. To implement their methodologies, Chao and her colleagues/students have also developed statistical software including CARE (CApture-REcapture), SPADE (Species-richness Prediction And Diversity Estimation), iNEXT (iNterpolation/EXTrapolation), PhD (Phylogenetic Diversity) and FunD (Functional Diversity. For the past 20 years, Chao served in the editorial boards of four major statistical journals, and currently serves as an Associate Editor for Methods in Ecology and Evolution.  



趙蓮菊多年來一直專研生態學及其相關學科中之數學與統計問題。主要的研究領域包含生態統計、生物多樣性之統計推論,以及生態和環境抽樣資料之統計分析。至2021年2月,她與合作者共出版了130篇學術論文,google scholar引文數超過28,000次。主要研究成果有:

  • 發展了Chao1, Chao2, ACE, ICE等物種數的統計估計方法以及生物多樣性相關的一些指數的統計估計方法;
  • 建立物種多樣性,系統演化多樣性,功能多樣性之整合架構;
  • 發展針對樣本完整度之稀釋與外插法,使得生物多樣性資料可以克觀比較。

以上之統計方法在生態界廣為應用。針對以上的方法,並發展了相關的軟件,例如眾多生態學家使用的 SPADE 和 iNEXT,並曾擔任四個主要統計期刊及生態和演化方法論期刊之編輯委員。

