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奥基陨击坑(Auki)是火星第勒尼安海区的一座撞击坑,其中心坐标位于南纬15.76度、西经263.13度。它的直径约为40公里, 2015年,国际天文联合会(IAU)行星系统命名工作组(WGPSN)以所罗门群岛马莱塔省奥基市命名了它[1]


一组研究奥基陨击坑的研究人员报告了热液作用的有力证据,该陨坑中分布的山脊可能是在撞击产生的裂缝之后形成的。他们利用火星勘测轨道飞行器上的仪器发现了蒙脱石二氧化硅沸石蛇纹石碳酸盐以及在地球上撞击诱发的热液系统中常见的绿泥石等矿物[4][5][6][7][8][9] ,其他研究火星陨坑的科学家也提供了火星撞击后热液系统的另外证据[10][11][12]





  1. ^ "奥基陨击坑". Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. USGS Astrogeology Research Program.
  2. ^ 存档副本. [2021-08-18]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-14). 
  3. ^ Hugh H. Kieffer. Mars. University of Arizona Press. 1992 [7 March 2011]. ISBN 978-0-8165-1257-7. (原始内容存档于2017-03-12). 
  4. ^ Carrozzo, F. et al. 2017. Geology and mineralogy of the Auki Crater, Tyrrhena Terra, Mars: A possible post impact-induced hydrothermal system. 281: 228-239
  5. ^ Loizeau, D. et al. 2012. Characterization of hydrated silicate-bearing outcrops in tyrrhena Terra, Mars: implications to the alteration history of Mars. Icarus: 219, 476-497.
  6. ^ Naumov, M. 2005. Principal features of impact-generated hydrothermal circulation systems: mineralogical and geochemical evidence. Geofluids: 5, 165-184.
  7. ^ Ehlmann, B., et al. 2011. Evidence for low-grade metamorphism, hydrothermal alteration, and diagenesis on Mars from phyllosilicate mineral assemblages. Clays Clay Miner: 59, 359-377.
  8. ^ Osinski, G. et al. 2013. Impact-generated hydrothermal systems on Earth and Mars. Icarus: 224, 347-363.
  9. ^ Schwenzer, S., D. Kring. 2013. Alteration minerals in impact-generated hydrothermal systems – Exploring host rock variability. Icarus: 226, 487-496.
  10. ^ Marzo, G., et al. 2010 Evidence for hesperian impact-induced hydrothermalism on Mars. Icarus: 667-683.
  11. ^ Mangold, N., et al. 2012 Hydrothermal alteration in a late hesperian impact crater on Mars. 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science. #1209.
  12. ^ Tornabene, L., et al. 2009. Parautochthonous megabreccias and possible evidence of impact-induced hydrothermal alteration in holden crater, Mars. 40th LPSC. #1766.
  13. ^ Dohm, J.; Hare, T.; Robbins, S.; Williams, J.-P.; Soare, R.; El-Maarry, M.; Conway, S.; Buczkowski, D.; Kargel, J.; Banks, M.; Fairén, A.; Schulze-Makuch, D.; Komatsu, G.; Miyamoto, H.; Anderson, R.; Davila, A.; Mahaney, W.; Fink, W.; Cleaves, H.; Yan, J.; Hynek, B.; Maruyama, S. (2015). "Geological and hydrological histories of the Argyre province, Mars". Icarus. 253: 66–98. Bibcode:2015Icar..253...66D. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2015.02.017.
  14. ^ Grieve, R., V. Masaitis. 1994. The Economic Potential of Terrestrial Impact Craters. International Geology Review: 36, 105-151.
  15. ^ Larry O'Hanlon. Mining Mars? Where's the Ore?. Discovery News. February 22, 2010 [2021-08-18]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-22). 


  • Lorenz, R. 2014. The Dune Whisperers. The Planetary Report: 34, 1, 8-14