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出生1938年2月8日 编辑维基数据 (86岁)
职业人类学家、藏学者、大学教师 编辑维基数据

梅尔文·戈尔茨坦(英语:Melvyn Goldstein,1938年2月8日)是一名美国社会人类学家、藏学家,深入研究西藏社会、历史、现代政治、一夫多妻制等等。




戈尔茨坦是一位顶尖的西方藏语学家和西藏政治史学者,一直相当富有成果。他的作品中的很多内容具有争议,藏人中的民族主义者经常质疑他的意图[2],并认为戈尔茨坦的立场亲中,指控其研究经常得到中国政府的协助,能够从中国政府方面拿到其它西方学者得不到的材料。支持西藏独立的西藏流亡作家嘉央诺布指其著作抹黑西藏历史,并引用诺贝尔经济学奖得主阿马蒂亚·森的话:“可疑的历史无法为可疑的政治辩护”。[3][4]然而,戈尔茨坦其实是以中立的观点来描述西藏,[5]其《西藏现代史》系列被历史学家本诺·韦纳描述为“数十年来对中部西藏社会和历史的开创性学术成果”,[6]学者杰弗里·霍普金斯亦表示“这本书值得高度赞扬,因为它首次尝试对1913年至1951年的西藏政治进行中立而全面的描述”,[7]而美国历史学家莫里斯·罗萨比英语Morris Rossabi也对其作品有类似评价。[8]站在第三方角度,戈尔茨坦对于西藏历史的观点无论与西藏流亡人士还是中国政府的观点相比均有明显的区别。以后者为例,中华人民共和国政府声称西藏是明朝的一部分、明朝继承了元朝对西藏的主权,但戈尔茨坦则持完全不同观点,认为“明朝皇帝对该地区没有行使任何行政权力。明朝皇帝授予藏族领导人许多头衔,但不像蒙古人那样授予权威。明朝皇帝授予已经掌权的藏人爵位,只不过承认了政治现实”。[9]但不管怎样,戈尔茨坦是一位资料工作做得比较好的学者,即使不同意他的观点的人,也很重视他所收集的文献和实地调查资料。











  • "Stratification, Polyandry and Family Structure in Tibet," in Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 27, No. 1: 64-74, 1971.
  • "Serfdom and Mobility: An Examination of the Institution of "Human Lease" in Traditional Tibetan Society," in The Journal of Asian Studies, May 1971, vol. 30, issue 3, pp. 521-534.
  • "Fraternal Polyandry and Fertility in a High Himalayan Valley in Northwest Nepal," in Human Ecology, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 223–233, 1976.
  • "Pahari and Tibetan Polyandry Revisited," in Ethnology, 17(3): 325-347, 1978.
  • (with P. Tsarong), "Tibetan Buddhist Monasticism: Social, Psychological and Cultural Implications," in The Tibet Journal, 10(1): 14-31, 1985.
  • "Re-examining Choice, Dependency and Command in the Tibetan Social System. "Tax Appendages" and Other Landless Serfs," in The Tibet Journal, vol. XI, No 4, 1986, pp. 79-112.
  • "When Brothers Share a Wife," in Natural History, March, 1987.
  • "On the Nature of Tibetan Peasantry," in The Tibet Journal, vol. XIII, No 1, 1988, pp. 61-65.
  • "Freedom, Servitude and the "Servant Serf" Nyima," in The Tibet Journal, vol. XIV, No 2, 1989, pp. 56-60.
  • (与Cynthia M. Beall合著), "China's Birth Control Policy in the Tibet Autonomous Region," in Asian Survey, vol. 31, No 3, 1991, pp. 286-303.
  • "The Dalai Lama's Dilemma页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)," in Foreign Affairs, vol. 77, No. 1, January/February 1998.
  • (与Ben Jiao, Cynthia M. Beall和Phuntso Tsering合著), "Fertility & Family Planning in Rural Tibet页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)," in The China Journal, Issue 1, 2002.
  • (with G. Childs, Phujung Wangdui), "Beijing's 'People First' development initiative for the Tibet Autonomous Region's rural sector — a case study from the Shigatse area页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)," in The China Journal, 2010, Vol. 63, pp. 59–78.
  • (与Cynthia M. Beall合著), "Changing patterns of Tibetan nomadic pastoralism," In Human Biology of Pastoral Populations, Leonard and Crawford (eds.), Cambridge University Press, pp. 131–150.


  • "Adjudication and Partition in the Tibetan Stem Family," in D. Buxbaum (ed.), Chinese Family Law and Social Change, University of Washington Press, 1978.
  • "The Revival of Monastic Life in Drepung Monastery," in Goldstein and Kapstein (eds.), Buddhism in Contemporary Tibet: Religious Revival & Cultural Identity, pp. 16–52, 1998a.
  • "Introduction," in Goldstein and Kapstein (eds.), Buddhism in Contemporary Tibet: Religious Revival & Cultural Identity, pp. 1–15, 1998b.
  • (with Cynthia M. Beall), "Changing patterns of Tibetan nomadic pastoralism," in Human Biology of Pastoral Populations, Leonard and Crawford (eds.), Cambridge University Press, pp. 131–150.
  • "Tibetan Buddhism and Mass Monasticism," in Des moines et des moniales dans le monde. La vie monastique dans le miroir de la parenté (ss la dir. de Adeline Herrou et Gisele Krauskopff), Presses universitaires de Toulouse-le Mirail, 2010.




  1. ^ CWRU. Curriculum vitae of Melvyn C. Goldstein (Revised 1-7-2013) (PDF). cwru.edu. Case Western Reserve University. 7 January 2013 [2013-06-24]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于23 September 2015). 
  2. ^ Robert Barnett. Melvyn C. Goldstein, A History of Modern Tibet. Volume 2: The Calm before the Storm, 1951-1955. Book reviews. China Perspectives. 2009-03, (The Deadlock in Tibet) [2024-07-29]. doi:10.4000/chinaperspectives.4867. (原始内容存档于2024-07-29). 
  3. ^ Norbu, Jamyang. BLACK ANNALS: Goldstein & The Negation Of Tibetan History (Part I). 故乡网. July 22, 2008 [2021-12-11]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-11). 
  4. ^ Norbu, Jamyang. Black Annals: Goldstein & the Negation of Tibetan History (Part II). 故乡网. [2021-12-11]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-11). 
  5. ^ John Pinfold. Tibet. Clio Press. 1991: 40. ISBN 9788184246834. 
  6. ^ Weiner, Benno. A History of Modern Tibet, vol. 4, 1957–1959: In the Eye of the Storm by Melvyn C. Goldstein (review). Twentieth-century China (Johns Hopkins University Press). 2020, 45 (3): E–16. ISSN 1521-5385. S2CID 242571589. doi:10.1353/tcc.2020.0032. 
  7. ^ P. Jeffrey Hopkins. Reviewed Work: A History of Modern Tibet, 1913-1951; The Demise of the Lamaist State. by Melvyn C. Goldstein. JSTOR 2058263. 
  8. ^ Melvyn C. Goldstein. A History of Modern Tibet, 1913-1951: The Demise of the Lamaist State, Volume 1. University of California Press. 2023. ISBN 9780520911765. 
  9. ^ Goldstein(1997年)第4页
  10. ^ Epstein, Israel. My China Eye: Memoirs of a Jew and a Journalist. Long River Press: 277. 2005年9月13日 [2022年9月13日]. ISBN 9781592650422. (原始内容存档于2022年9月13日) –通过Google Books.