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潘毅 (学者)


潘毅(英语:Pun Ngai,?),女,岭南大学文化研究系讲座教授及香港大学社会学系名誉教授,主要研究领域为劳工[1]








  • Made in China: Women Factory Workers in a Global Workplace is the book winner of the C. Wright Mills Award of 2006.
  • The Chinese version, 《中国女工》获取2007年度香港十大书奖
  • “开创一种抗争的次文体:工厂里一位女工的尖叫、梦魇和叛离”《社会学研究》1999, Vol. 83,九月,页11-22。于2003年4月被中国社会科学院评选为 《社会学研究》百期优秀论文。
  • 《大工地上:中国农民工之歌》获取2011年度香港十大书奖。


  • Pun, Ngai (2005) Made in China: Women Factory Workers in a Global Workplace. Durham: Duke University Press. This manuscript has been translated in German, French, Italian, Polish and Chinese.
  • 潘毅 (2008) 《失语年代的光与影》, 香港:进一步出版社。
  • 潘毅 卢晖临 张慧鹏 (2011) 《大工地》,北京:北京大学出版社。
  • 潘毅 陈慧玲 马克·塞尔登 (2015)《苹果背后的生与死:生产线上的富士康工人》,香港:中华书局。
  • Pun Ngai (2016) Labor in Post-Socialist China. Cambridge: Polity Press ( will be out in February).
  • Pun Ngai, Jenny Chan and Mark Selden (forthcoming, 2016), Dying for an iPhone: Apple, Foxconn and Lives of the Chinese Workers. New York: Roman and Littlefield. This manuscript has been translated and published into Italian, Spanish and Chinese in 2015.


  • Pun Ngai, Yan Hairong, Anita Koo & Bun Ku, (2015) Social Economy in China and the World. Routledge.
  • 潘毅 严海蓉 顾静华 古学斌(2014)《社会经济在中国—超过资本主义社会的理论和实践》,北京:社会科学文献。
  • 潘毅 陈凤仪 顾静华 卢燕仪(2013)《不一样的香港社会经济》,香港:商务出版社。
  • 潘毅 卢晖临 郭于华 沈原 (2011) 《富士康辉煌背后的连环跳》,香港:商务出版社。
  • 潘毅 黎婉薇编 (2006) 《失语者的呼声:中国女工口述》,北京:三联书店。Pp1-230.
  • Ku, Agnes and Pun Ngai (2004) Making Citizenship in Hong Kong: (Post-) Colonial Subject, Community and Global City. London and New York: Routledgecurzon.
  • Pun, Ngai and Yee Lai-man, eds. (2003) Narrating Hong Kong Culture and Identity (in Chinese). Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, pp.1-595.


  • Pun, Ngai, and Anita Koo “A ‘World-Class’ (Labor) Camp/us: Foxconn and China’s new generation of labour migrants.” positions (2015): 23(3):411-436.
  • Jenny Chan, Pun Ngai and Mark Selden, “Interns or Workers? China’s Student Labor Regime”, Asian Studies, 11(1), March 2015, 69-99.
  • Pun, Ngai, et al. "Worker–intellectual unity: Trans-border sociological intervention in Foxconn." Current Sociology (2014): 62:2: 209-223.
  • Flecha, Ramon, and Pun Ngai. "The challenge for Mondragon: Searching for the cooperative values in times of internationalization." Organization 21.5 (2014): 666-682.
  • Jenny Chan, Pun Ngai and Mark Selden (2013), “The Politics of Global Production: Apple, Foxconn and China’s New Working Class.” "New Technology, Work and Employment 28(2): 100-15.
  • Pun Ngai and Jenny Chan (2013), “The Spatial Politics of Labor in China: Life, Labor, and a New Generation of Migrant Workers”, The South Atlantic Quarterly 112:1, pp.179-190.
  • Pun Ngai and Jenny Chan ( 2012) “Global Capital, the State and Chinese Workers: The Foxconn Experience”, Modern China. 38(4) 383–410. 2012. Translated in Italian by Ferruccio Gambino and Devi Sacchetto. Pp. 145-74 in Cina, La Società Armoniosa: Sfruttamento e Resistenza Degli Operai Migranti (China, the Harmonious Society: Exploitation and Resistance of Migrant Workers). Sociologia/Attualità Internazionale. Milano: Jaca Book. 2013. Translated in German by Georg Egger, Daniel Fuchs, Thomas Immervoll, Lydia Steinmassl. Pp. 106-29 in Arbeitskämpfe in China: Berichte von der Werkbank der Welt (Labor Disputes in China: Reports of the Workshop of the World). Wien: Promedia Verlag
  • Pun Ngai (2012), “Gender and Class: Women’s Working Lives in a Dormitory Labor Regime in China”, International Labor and Working-Class History, No. 81, Spring 2012, pp. 178–181.
  • Pun Ngai and Xu Yi (2011), “Legal Activism or Class Action? The political economy of the “no boss” and “no labour relationship in China’s construction industry”, China Perspectives, No 2011/2. Pp. 9-17.
  • Pun Ngai and Yuen-Tsang, Woon-ki Angelina (2011), 'The challenges of corporate social responsibility (CSR) multi-stakeholder practices: searching for a new occupational social work model in China', China Journal of Social Work, 4: 1, 57 — 68.
  • Pun Ngai and Hok Bun Ku (2011) “China at the crossroads: social economy as the new way of development” China Journal of Social Work, 4:3:197-199. Pun Ngai and Lu Huilin ( 2010),“Unfinished Proletarianization: Self, Anger and Class Action of the Second Generation of Peasant-Workers in Reform China”, Modern China, 36(5):493-519.
  • Pun Ngai and Lu Huilin (2010), “A Culture of Violence: The Labor Subcontracting System and Collective Actions by Construction Workers in Post-Socialist China”, The China Journal. No. 64, pp.143-158.
  • Pun Ngai and Lu Huilin (2010), “Neoliberalism, Urbanism and the Plight of Construction Workers in China”, Review in World Political Economy. Vol1, No1, pp127-142.
  • Pun Ngai, Chris Chan and Jenny Chan (2010) “The Role of the State, Labour Policy and Migrant Workers’ Struggles in Globalized China”, Global Labor Journal, Vol.1, Issue 1, pp132-151.
  • Jenny Chan and Pun Ngai. 2010. “Suicide as Protest for the New Generation of Chinese Migrant Workers.” The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 18, Iss. 37, No. 2. Translated in German by Andrea Ben Lassoued. “Foxconn-Report: Suizid als Protestform junger chinesischer Wanderarbeiterlnnen.” (Suicide as a Form of Protest for Young Chinese Migrant Workers.” Clean IT. 34 pp.
  • Chris King-chi Chan and Pun Ngai (2009), “The Making of a New Working Class? A Study of Collective Actions of Migrant Workers in South China”, The China Quarterly. Issue 198, June 2009, pp. 287-303.
  • Pun Ngai (2009),Chinese Migrant Women Workers in a Dormitory Labour System. Asia Insights. No. 1, June, pp9-13.
  • Leung, Pak Nang and Pun Ngai (2009), “The Radicalization of the New Working Class: The Collective Actions of Migrant Workers in South China”, The Third World Quarterly.
  • Pun Ngai and Chris King- chi Chan (2008), “The Subsumption of Class Discourse in China”, Boundary 2, Vol 35, No 2, pp. 75-91.
  • Pun Ngai and Yu Xiaomin (2008), “When Wal-Mart and the Chinese dormitory labour regime meet: a study of three toy factories in China”, China Journal of Social Work, Volume 1, Issue 2 July 2008 , pages 110 – 129.
  • Pun, Ngai and Smith Chris (2007),“Putting Transnational Labour Process in its Place: Dormitory Labour Regime in Post-Socialist China”, Work, Employment and Society, Vol 21, No 1, pp27-46.
  • Pun Ngai (2007), “The Dormitory Labor Regime: Sites of Control and Resistance for Women Migrant Workers in South China”, Feminist Economics, Volume 13, Issue 3, 2007, pp 239 – 258
  • Smith Chris and Pun Ngai (2006), “The dormitory labor regime in China as a site for control and resistance”, International Journal of Human Resource Management 17:8 August, pp1456-1470.
  • Pun, Ngai (2005), “Global Production and Corporate Business Ethics: Company Codes of Conduct Implementation and its Implication on Labour Rights in China”. China Journal, July, pp.101-113.
  • Sum, Ngai Ling and Ngai Pun (2005), “Paradoxes of Ethical Transnational Production: Codes of Conduct in a Chinese Workplace”, Competition and Change, Vol. 9, Issue 2, June, pp.181-200.
  • Pun, Ngai (2004), “Women Workers and precarious employment in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, China”, Gender and Development, Volume 12 No. 2, July, pp.29-37.
  • Pun Ngai (2004), “Endengering Chinese Modernities: The Sexual Politics of Dagongmei in a Dormitory Labour Regime,” Asian Studies Review, June 2004, Vol. 28, pp.151-165.
  • Alvin Y. So and Ngai Pun (2004), “Introduction: Globalization and anti-Globalization of SARS in Chinese Societies”, Asian Perspective, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 5-17.
  • Pun, Ngai (2003), “Subsumption or Consumption?: The Phantom of Consumer Revolution in Globalizing China”, Cultural Anthropology, 18(4), November, pp.469-492.
  • Pun, Ngai (2002), “Global Capital, Local Gaze and Social Trauma in China”, Public Culture 14(2): 341-347.
  • Pun Ngai and Lee Kim-ming (2002), “Locating Globalization: The Changing Role of the City-state in Post-handover Hong Kong”, The China Review 2(1): 1-28, Spring.
  • Pun, Ngai (2000), "Opening a Minor Genre of Resistance in Reform China: Scream, Dream and Transgression in a Workplace", Positions: 8:2, pp.1-24.
  • Pun, Ngai (1999), "Becoming Dagongmei: the Politics of Identity and Difference in Reform China", The China Journal, No. 42. July, pp1-19.


  • 潘毅 (2015) “ 中国革命再探索:阶级视角的回归”,《开放时代 》, 262期,页114-128。
  • 潘毅 (2014)“社会主义国家发展经济的初衷是什么——煤矿工人话语权及主体性消逝的忧思”,《学术前沿》(人民论坛),1月,页13-22。
  • 潘毅、卢晖临 (2014) “当代中国第二代农民工的身份认同、情感与集体行动”, 《 社会》,第34卷:1-24.
  • 潘毅 许怡 (2012), “垄断资本与中国工人——以富士康工厂体制为例 ”, 《文化纵横》,24月,页48-55。
  • 潘毅,郭于华,卢晖临(2011),“解构富士康”,《中国工人》,2011年 第1期, pp22-24
  • 沈原,程平源,潘毅(2010),“谁的责任?张家界籍建筑风钻工深圳集体罹患尘肺病调查” 《中国工人》,2010年第1期, pp17-22.
  • 潘毅、卢晖临、张慧鹏(2010)”阶级的形成:建筑工地上的劳动控制与建筑工人的集体抗争”,载《开放时代》,第5期,第5~26页。
  • 潘毅等 (2009) “农民工:未完成的无产阶级化”,《开放时代 》, 6期,页1-20。
  • 余晓敏、潘毅(2008),“消费社会与‘新生代打工妹’主体性再造”,《社会学研究》,第3期。
  • 余晓敏,潘毅(2008),“国际玩具供应链中的企业社会责任——关于沃尔玛在中国南方玩具厂劳工标准的实证研究”,《开放时代》,第5期。
  • 潘毅 陈敬慈 (2008) “阶级话语的消逝”,《开放时代 》, 197期,页53-60。
  • 任焰,潘毅:《农民工劳动力再生产中的政府缺位》,《中国社会科学内刊》,2007年4月,页105-120。
  • 任焰 潘毅 (2007) “跨国劳动过程的空间政治:全球代时代的宿舍劳动体制”,《社会学研究 》, 4月, 页21-33。
  • 任焰 潘毅 (2006) “宿舍劳动体制:劳动控制与抗争的另类空间”,《开放时代 》, 183期,2月, 页124-134。
  • 任焰 潘毅 (2006) “工人主体性的实践:重述中国近代工人阶级的形成”,《开放时代 》, 183期,2月, 页107-123。
  • 潘毅、黄洪(2006)“跨境空间:在中国大陆工作的香港人的阶级政治和身份认同”吴俊雄编,《香港文化研究》,香港:香港大学出版社。
  • 潘毅 (2005) “阶级的失语与发声:中国打工妹研究的一种理论视角”,《开放时代 》, 176期,2月, 页95-107。
  • 潘毅 (2005) “全球化工厂体制与“道德理念重构”:跨国公司生产守则与中国劳动关系”,《开放时代 》, 176期,2月, 页108-125。
  • 潘毅 (2005) “阶级的失语与发声:中国打工妹研究的一种理论视角”,精选于《中国社会科学文摘》,总33 期,6月,页14-15。
  • 潘毅 (1999) “开创一种抗争的次文体:工厂里一位女工的尖叫、梦魇和叛离”《社会学研究》Vol. 83,九月,页11-22。


  1. ^ Prof Pun Ngai. [2017-06-07]. (原始内容存档于2020-06-24). 
  2. ^ C. Wright Mills Award Past Winners. [2016-05-28]. (原始内容存档于2020-08-07). 
  3. ^ 潘毅:首位荣膺C.Wright Mills奖的亚洲学者. [2016-05-28]. (原始内容存档于2011-12-31). 
  4. ^ 挑战苹果的人. 财经. [2016-05-28]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-19). 



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