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Dr. Azra Quraishi
 英属印度拉贾斯坦邦汤克土邦英语Tonk State

阿兹拉·库雷希(英语:Azra Quraishi,1945年9月22日—2002年11月22日),巴基斯坦植物学家,致力于研究马铃薯,其组织培养研究取得了绝大成功,曾用组织培养出无病毒感染的马铃薯种薯,让巴基斯坦马铃薯产量提高了5%,间接改善了巴基斯坦对进口种薯的依赖之外,阿兹拉还用组织培养筛选出了当地耐盐的小麦和水稻品系[1]。1997年,阿兹拉获颁奖励印度农业及环境研究的博洛格奖英语Borlaug Award[2],2002年,获得法国学术及教育界的最高荣誉勋章学术界棕榈叶勋章[1]



阿兹拉·库雷希于1945年出生于印度的拉贾斯坦邦,是Abdus Sattar Quraishi博士及Salma Quraishi的女儿。她们家后来因为印巴分治造成的动荡,全家搬到巴基斯坦的拉瓦尔品第。库雷希在家乡的格登学院英语Gordon College (Pakistan)获得第一个学位,在1966年在拉合尔旁遮普大学获得硕士学位。

她在拉瓦尔品第的Viqar un Nisa女子学院英语Viqar un Nisa College for Women, Rawalpindi授课几年之后,获得一份巴基斯坦政府的奖学金可以出国留学。她在1973年以《马铃薯BF-15品种组织培养繁殖技术的研究》论文,得到了硕士学位,三年后在法国奥赛巴黎第十一大学获得博士学位,论文标题为《马铃薯BF-15品种不定芽培殖体的愈伤组织与器官形成之研究》(Study of callogenesis and organogenesis from explant of in vitro shoots in Solanum tuberosum var., BF-15)[1]



库雷希在巴基斯坦国家农业研究委员会(NARC)下辖的农业生物科技研究所(Agricultural Biotechnology Institute, ABI)担任主管职务,将组织培养的技术应用于巴基斯坦的农业研究,在NARC首创组织培养的实验室[2]。她以组织培养开发了高产且无病毒感染的马铃薯种薯[3],这项研究让巴基斯坦不用从荷兰进口种薯,改善了巴基斯坦的贸易情形,也让巴基斯坦的马铃薯年产量增加了5%,使她获得国家级的认可[1]。库雷希也成功发起了香蕉枣椰树微体繁殖英语micropropagation计划[4],以及透过组织培养筛选出当地耐盐的小麦和水稻品系[1]。此外,她也参与番茄杂交种、向日葵、田间种植橄榄和甘蔗的相关研究[5]。库雷希因为这些贡献获得了许多奖项,包括1992年的Hamdard奖、1997年的博洛格奖英语Borlaug Award[2]、2001年的PARC/PARSA最佳科学家百万奖(PARC/PARSA Millenium Award for Best Scientists)、以及法国在她过世的2002年颁发的学术界棕榈叶勋章[1]

巴基斯坦农业研究委员会(PARC)的主席 Badruddin Soomro博士在2002年11月26日在伊斯兰堡的纪念活动中表示,农业生物技术与遗传研究所(IABGR)会改名来纪念库雷希博士的贡献。Soomro博士也指出库雷希博士因为受限于玻璃天花板,没有昇到应得的职位。库雷希博士曾担任农业生物技术与遗传研究所(IABGR)的首席科学官兼副总干事。库雷希没有儿女,而她支助她的侄子,也供应许多不幸儿童的生活开销[1]

库雷希博士是巴基斯坦植物协会英语Pakistan Botanical Society等许多协会的成员[1]





  1. Azra Quraishi and Amtul Nafees, 1983 Clonal Propagation of Mango (Mangifera Indicia) Through Tissue Culture. Pakistan J. Agric. Res. Vol. 4, No. I.
  2. Aish Mohammed and Azra Quraishi, 1999. Clonal Propagation of Ginger through Shoot Tip Culture. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 2 (1): 145-147.
  3. Aish Muhammed, Mustafa Sajid , Iqbal Hussain and Azra Quraishi, 1999. In vitro Morphogenesis From Seeds of Helianthus Annuus L. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 2: 1432-1434. DOI: 10.3923/pjbs.1999.1432.1434
  4. T. Malik, Aish Muhammad, M.S. Ahmed and Azra Quraishi, 2000. In vitro Multiplication of Banana c.v. Desi. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 3 (12): 2253-2255.
  5. Hamid Rashid, Kinya Toriyama, Azra Quraishi, Kokichi Hinata and Kauser Abdulla Malik, 2000. An Improved Method for Shoot Regeneration from Calli of Indica Rice (Basmati). Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 3 (12): 2229-2231.
  6. lhsan Ullah, Hamid Rashid and Azra Quraishi, 2000. Varietal Response of Wheat, Triticum aestivum L. To Tissue Culture and Assessment of Somaclonal Variation. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 3 (10): 1598-1600
  7. S.A. Jatoi, G.M. Sajid, H.U. Sappal, M.S. Baloch, A. Quraishi and R. Anwar, 2001. Differential in vitro Response of Tomato Hybrids Against a Multitude of Hormonal Regimes. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences 1 (12): 1141-1144.
  8. Muhammad Ramzan Khan, Hamid Rashid and Azra Quraishi, 2002. Effects of Various Growth Regulators on Callus Formation and Regeneration in Brassica napus Cv. Oscar. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 5(6): 693-695.
  9. Muhammad Ramzan Khan, Hamid Rashid and Azra Quraishi, 2002. In vitro Shoot Development from Juvenile Cuttings of Field-Grown Olive (Olea europaea L.) cv. Leccino. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences 2 (7): 438-440, ISSN 1608-4127
  10. Farheen Niaz and Azra Quraishi, 2002. Effect of Growth Regulators on the Regeneration Potential of Two Sugarcane Cultivars SPF-213 and CPF-237. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 5 (1 0) 1081-1083.
  11. Muhammad Khan, Hamid Rashid and Azra Quraishi, 2002 (December). High Frequency Shoot Regeneration from Hypocotyl of Canola (Brassica napus L.) cv. Dunkled. Plant Tissue Cult. 12(2): 131-138.
  12. Khan, Muhammad Ramzan & Hamid, Rashid and Azra, Quraishi. (2002). Development of Aseptic Protocols in Olive ( Olea europaea L.) cv. Pendollino. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences. 10.3923/ajps.2002.220.221.
  13. Hamid Rashid, Fida Mohammad Abbasi and Azra Quraishi, 2003 (June). Plant Regeneration from Seed Derived Callus of three varieties of Basmati Rice. Plant Tissue Cult. 13(1) : 75-79.


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Zafar, Dr. Yusuf and Ghaffar, Dr. Abdul. Obituary - DR. AZRA QURAISHI (1945-2002)". Pakistan Journal of Botany. 2003, 35 (1): 1-2 [2019-03-12]. (原始内容存档于2016-06-16). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Norman Borlaug Award for Dr. Azra Quraishi 19 (10). PARC NEWS. 1000-10 [2019-03-12]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-04). 
  3. ^ Azra Quraishi, Nuzhat Mumtaz, Saeed Ahmad, Musarrat Bhatti. Advancements in seed potato production through tissue culture at NARC. Research and development of potato production in Pakistan (Pak-Swiss Potato Development Project, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council). [2019-03-20]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-13). 
  4. ^ Quraishi, A. et. al., Sustained Multiplication of Long Term Embryogenic Cultures of Date Palm and Their Field Performance, Pak. J. Bot., 29(1): 135-141, 1997
  5. ^ Aish Muhammed, Mustafa Sajid , Iqbal Hussain and Azra Quraishi , 1999. In vitro Morphogenesis From Seeds of Helianthus Annuus L页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 2: 1432-1434. DOI: 10.3923/pjbs.1999.1432.1434