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Dell Remote Access ControllerDRAC是一个基于频带外(out-of-band management)对服务器进行管理的平台,由Dell公司所开发。该平台可以是外插卡或者是以芯片的形式出现,以芯片的形式则称之为iDRAC

DRAC曾是Adrian White的发明专利[1],其提供基于浏览器(browser-based)或是指令列(command-line)的两种界面选项,可以两者择一或是两者兼具,对于服务器的硬件进行管理与监控。



该控制器有独立的处理器、记忆体、网络连线以及存取系统总线的能力。较为关键的功能包括: 电源管理(power management)、虚拟媒体存取(virtual media access)以及远端主控台(remote console)的能力,这些都可以支援网页浏览器(web browser)或是指令列界面(command-line interface)的方式互动。这给予了系统管理员(system administrator)可以透过该方式从远端对于服务器进行设定组态的动作的能力,这对于上百台服务器的管理者来说无疑是一大福音。

带有DRAC界面的基板管理控制器(baseboard management controller,BMC)是根据智慧平台管理界面(Intelligent Platform Management Interface,IPMI)第2.0版的标准而设计的。IPMI 2.0允许IPMI 频带外界面的使用,例如IPMI Over LAN的功能[2]


型号 家族 年分 服务器 说明
DRAC II[3] 2 1999 na 额外插卡的形式
DRAC III[4] 3 2002
DRAC iV[5] 4 2005 Generation 8
DRAC 5[6] 5 2006 Generation 9 额外插卡的形式,virtual console必须运行在 Firefox 1.5上
iDRAC 6 embedded 6 2008 用于刀锋服务器(blade-servers)的第一个版本 以芯片的形式出现于所有Dell的服务器中
iDRAC 6 Express 6 2008 standard on all midrange systems
iDRAC 6 Express 6 2008 刀锋服务器[7]
iDRAC 6 Enterprise[8] 6 2008 additional software features in combination with express; vFlash SD card slot
iDRAC 6 Enterprise[9] 6 2008 blade additional software features in combination with express
iDRAC 7[10] 7 2012 Generation 12 new licensing model, hardware based, NTP support
iDRAC 8[11] 8 2014 Generation 13 quick sync, NFC configuration, UEFI secure boot
iDRAC 9 9 2017 Generation 14 Quick sync 2.0, iDRAC Direct using front Mini-USB Port, New User Interface.


  1. ^ White, Adrian Richard, Methods and apparatus for diagnosing and correcting faults in computers by a support agent at a remote location, 2 Apr 2002 [20 January 2016], (原始内容存档于2016-01-30) 
  2. ^ Exploring the DRAC 5 (PDF). Dell Power Solutions, August 2006. Dell: 27. [2016-02-15]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2016-03-04). 
  3. ^ Manual for the Dell Open Manage Remote Assistant Card II页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 14 December 1999. Visited 7 March 2012
  4. ^ Dell support website DRAC 3 manuals页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), visited 7 March 2012
  5. ^ Dell manuals for DRAC 4页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 9 August 2004, Visited 7 March 2012
  6. ^ Dell manuals for DRAC 5页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 7 June 2006, Visited 7 March 2012
  7. ^ Dell manuals for iDRAC 6 for blade servers页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), visited 7 March 2012
  8. ^ Manual for iDRAC 6 for monolithic servers页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), visited 7 March 2012
  9. ^ Manual for IDrac 6 for blade servers页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), visited 7 March 2012
  10. ^ Dell manuals for iDRAC 7页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), version 1.0, 6 March 2012, visited 7 March 2012
  11. ^ Dell manual for iDRAC 8页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), version 1.0, September 2014, visited 22 April 2015