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存在时期460 CE – 1081
国家或地区Byzantine Empire
种类Imperial guard (mid-5th – 7th centuries), heavy cavalry (mid-8th – 11th centuries)
驻军/总部Constantinople (5th–8th centuries), Bithynia and Thrace (8th–11th centuries), provincial detachments at least in Longobardia and Hellas (10th–11th centuries)
参与战役Heraclius' campaigns during the Byzantine–Sasanian War of 602–628, Abbasid invasion of Asia Minor (782), Battle of Marcellae, Battle of Pliska, Battle of Boulgarophygon, Battle of Acheloos, Battle of Azaz (1030), Battle of Dyrrhachium (1081)
著名指挥官Justin I, Marcellus, Tiberius II Constantine, Maurice, Philippicus, Priscus, Nicetas, Valentinus, Michael II, Constantine Opos

哨兵军”(拉丁语excubitoresexcubiti,字面意思为“不在床上的人”,即“哨兵”[a];希腊语:ἐξκουβίτορες或ἐξκούβιτοι)是拜占庭帝国皇帝利奥一世(457-474年在位)于460年创立的一支禁卫部队。这支部队原本编制300人,自好战的山地民族伊苏里亚人中招募成员,成为了最重要的一支近卫部队,旧的“帕拉丁宫内军(Scholae Palatinae)”地位下降。接下来的两个世纪中,“哨兵军”保持着积极活动,不过作为禁卫部队,他们不常参与帝国的对外战争。这支部队的指挥官是“哨兵军随从官(拉丁语:comes excubitorum,希腊语:κόμης τῶν ἐξκουβίτων), 因其禁卫职能而成为一个具有很大影响力的官职:查士丁一世就是以“哨兵军随从官”的身份在518年被选中继承皇位,此后这一职务一直有具有重要影响力的人物担任;6世纪后期,提比略二世莫里斯两位皇帝在即位前也都曾担任这一职务。

7世纪后期,“哨兵军”的名号似乎只在阅兵时出现,而其本身已不再是一支真正的部队。几个零散的官印表明,在8世纪初,其指挥官“哨兵军随从官”似乎仅是一种荣誉头衔,而非具有军事职能的实官。这种情况在760年被君士坦丁五世(741-775年在位)改变,他建立了精锐的职业重骑兵部队“塔格马英语Tagma (military)(τάγμα)”,将“哨兵军”列为其中一支分队,“塔格玛”随后成为此后很长一段时间中拜占庭军队的核心。此时,“哨兵军”的指挥官也改称“哨兵军家内官英语Domestikosδομέστικος τῶν ἐξκουβίτων)”,其著名指挥官包括圣人伟大的约安尼基欧斯英语Joannicius the Great和皇帝米海尔二世。之后的几个世纪中,“哨兵军”经常参与帝国各地的战斗,并在11世纪后期帝国的混乱与动荡中逐渐衰亡,1081年的都拉齐翁战役英语Battle of Dyrrhachium (1081)成为“哨兵军”参与的最后一场战役。





“哨兵军”最初由利奥一世皇帝(457-474年在位)于460年创立,这支部队的士兵从顽强好战的伊苏里亚人中招募,利奥一世此举是他对抗在军队中影响力巨大的权臣“军队总长英语Magister militum(Magister militum)”阿斯帕尔英语Aspar以及他手下的日耳曼裔士兵的举措的一部分[2][3][4]。与由“行政总长英语Magister officiorum(Magister officiorum)”统帅并逐渐沦为仪仗部队的旧禁卫部队“帕拉丁宫内军(Scholae Palatinae)”不同,“哨兵军”长期以来保持了精锐战斗部队的地位[5][6][7]

Tremissis of Emperor Justin I, the first commander of the Excubitors to rise to the throne.

哨兵军由“哨兵军随从官(拉丁语:comes excubitorum,希腊语:κόμης τῶν ἐξκουβίτων)指挥,担任此职这不属于任何其他机构,仅向皇帝本人负责[7]。凭借其接近皇帝的特殊地位,“哨兵军随从官”(其已知历史延续到约680年)在6-7世纪成为非常重要的官职,由皇室家族的亲密成员,甚至是皇位继承人担任[4][7][8]查士丁一世(518-527年在位)在登位前就是“哨兵军随从官”,他凭借部下的支持,成功在阿纳斯塔修斯一世(491-518年在位)死后被选为皇帝[9][8]。同样,查士丁二世(565-578年在位)也是依靠“哨兵军”的支持才得以无争议地继位;时任“哨兵军随从官”提比略是他的亲信,因查士丁二世的干预才得到这个职位,后者在其皇帝生涯中仍把提比略当做自己的左膀右臂,最终指定他继承皇位,即提比略二世(578-582年在位)[10][11]。提比略二世最后也选择由他任命的“哨兵军随从官”莫里斯继位[12]。莫里斯(582-602年在位)任命他的姐夫菲利皮科斯英语Philippicus (comes excubitorum)为“哨兵军随从官”,福卡斯(602-610年在位) 则选择普里斯科斯英语Priscus (magister militum)任此官,并把自己的女儿嫁给他[8]。另一位有权势的“哨兵军随从官”是瓦伦蒂诺斯英语Valentinus (usurper),他在641年太后马尔蒂娜英语Martina (empress)摄政时的权力斗争中得到任命,并随即废黜了太后与她的儿子赫拉克罗纳斯,拥立君士坦斯二世(641-668年在位),自己掌握大权,644年他尝试自己夺取皇位,结果被君士坦丁堡的民众杀死[13]

6世纪末,“哨兵军随从官”拥有官阶较高的散官衔,如“贵族(patrikios)”与“最光荣者英语Vir gloriosus(vir gloriosissimus)”[7]。除了担任哨兵军的指挥官之外,他们还另外承担一些职责,如征募新兵、审问涉嫌背叛之人等[7],有时也被派去前线领导军队[7]。这一职位所蕴含的巨大权力,以及普里斯科斯、瓦伦蒂诺斯背叛皇帝的前车之鉴,使得其在7世纪后半叶渐渐失去了权力[14],不过在8世纪仍继续存在,直到“哨兵军”被重组[15]

Lead seal of the Excubitor Basil (7th century)

“哨兵军”也曾数次参加帝国的前线战斗,如598年,莫里斯皇帝曾指派他们防卫阿纳斯塔修斯长城英语Anastasian Wall,抵御阿瓦尔人的进攻[16]希拉克略皇帝(610-641年在位)率领他们对抗萨珊波斯650年,部分“哨兵军”参与护卫教皇马丁一世[17]。7世纪后期,哨兵军似乎也和“帕拉丁宫内军”一样沦为了仪仗部队,不再参加实战[18]。7世纪-8世纪初,“哨兵军成员”与“宫内军成员”似乎逐渐由军事身份演变为被大量授予的散官,类似部分曾经的军事官职的发展演变,如“白军服者(κανδιδα̑τος)”。这一点为大量出土的官印所证实,被称为“哨兵军成员”的人数众多,与之前或之后“哨兵军”为实战军事单位时的情况明显不同。而且部分官印显示,许多拥有“哨兵军成员”(或“宫内军成员”)头衔的官员同时担任其他实官,还有一个名为乔治的人同时拥有“哨兵军成员”与“宫内军成员”头衔[19]



早期“哨兵军”最后一次作为一支军队出现在历史记载之中是在687年查士丁尼二世(685-695及705-711年在位)致教皇若望五世的信中[20]。约760年,君士坦丁五世(741-775年在位)为了制衡地方军区的部队[21][22],建立了精锐中央部队“塔格玛英语Tagma (military)(τάγμα)”,“哨兵军”被重组为其下的一个单位,其指挥官改称“哨兵军家内官英语Domestikosδομέστικος τῶν ἐξκουβίτων)“[23][24]。“塔格玛”为骑兵部队[25],装备中央军械工场生产的优于地方部队(军区部队)的武装,可能为具装骑兵[26]。此后“哨兵军”也不再是宫廷禁卫军,经常外出参战,其原有的禁卫职能被另一支新创建的“塔格玛”部队“守望者英语Vigla (tagma)(Βίγλα)”取代[27]

Nevertheless, the possibly first commander of the tagma, Strategios Podopagouros, was among the leaders of a failed plot against Constantine V's life in 765, and was executed after its discovery. This initiated a purge of the new units from suspected opponents of the Emperor's policies.[28][29] By the 780s, following years of imperial favour and military victories under Constantine V and his son Leo IV the Khazar (r. 775–780), the tagmata had become firm adherents to the iconoclast cause.[21][30] Within less than two months of Leo V's death in 780, Empress-regent Irene of Athens had to foil an attempt spearheaded by the Domestic of the Excubitors to place Constantine V's exiled second son, Nikephoros, on the throne,[31] and in 785/86 Irene forcibly disarmed them and exiled some 1,500 tagmatic soldiers due to their resistance to the restoration of the icons.[32][33][34]

At the same time, the tagmata were extensively employed in campaigns during this period: their participation is attested at least for Constantine V's 773 campaign against the Bulgars, and during the Abbasid invasion of Asia Minor in 782.[27] Indeed, the historian John Haldon remarks that the retention of the tagmata by Irene, despite their iconoclastic bias, is testament to their effectiveness as a field force.[34] The Scholae and the Excubitors nevertheless continued to play an active political role in the events of the following decades: in 792, they attempted to overthrow Irene's son, Constantine VI (r. 780–797), after the disastrous Battle of Marcellae against the Bulgars, and in 797, their support was crucial for Irene's overthrowing her own son and replacing him as sole ruler; and again, the two tagmata were crucial in the deposition of Irene herself in 802.[35]

Solidus of Emperor Michael II and his son, Theophilos.

The Excubitors took part in the disastrous Pliska campaign in 811, when the Byzantine army was routed by Tsar Krum of Bulgaria (r. 803–814); the Domestic of the Excubitors fell in the field along with the other senior Byzantine generals, including Emperor Nikephoros I himself (r. 802–811).[36] The most prominent domestic of the Excubitors of the period was Michael II the Amorian (r. 820–829), whose supporters overthrew Emperor Leo V the Armenian (r. 813–820) and raised him to the throne.[37] The regiment also fought at the battles of Boulgarophygon in 896 and Acheloos in 917, both heavy defeats against the Bulgarians.[38] In the expedition against the Emirate of Crete in 949, the Byzantine force included a contingent of over 700 Excubitors.[38] In 958, the Excubitors participated in the repulsion of a Magyar raid.[38]

The Excubitors took part in the failed Azaz campaign of 1030, where they were ambushed and dispersed by the Mirdasids, while their commander, the patrikios Leo Choirosphaktes, was taken captive.[39] As with most of the Byzantine army, the tagmata of the capital atrophied during the mid-11th century, and many of them disappear in the turmoils of foreign invasion and civil wars that followed the destruction of the Byzantine field army in the Battle of Manzikert in 1071. The Excubitors are last attested in Anna Komnene's Alexiad, where they are recorded as participating at the Battle of Dyrrhachium against the Italo-Normans in 1081, under the command of Constantine Opos.[40][41][42]



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The internal structure of the regiment during its first centuries is obscure.[43] Unlike the Scholae, which comprised several sub-units garrisoned throughout Bithynia (and occasionally in Thrace) as well as Constantinople,[44] the Excubitors were a small and elite unit that served in the imperial palace itself and was intended exclusively to protect the emperor.[45] From their foundation and throughout the early period of their existence, the Excubitors numbered 300 men.[2][4] Originally recruited exclusively from Isaurians, the unit was eventually opened up to other ethnicities, but it is unclear how the new recruits were chosen.[43] Based on the retention of late antique ranks in the middle Byzantine period, the Excubitors appear to have been structured similarly to the Scholae.[46] Their arms and equipment are unknown, other than that they are recorded as carrying maces. Since they were a bodyguard unit intended to serve in the palace, they were most likely infantry.[46]

The presence of officers called scribones in the corps has been controversial: John B. Bury and A. H. M. Jones both suggested that they were a separate, although possibly related, unit.[43][47] Based on the presence of the scribones among the ranks of the later, middle Byzantine incarnation of the Excubitors, however, it is thought that the scribones were the subaltern officers of the count of the Excubitors.[43] The historian Warren Treadgold speculates that they fulfilled a role similar to the regular cavalry decurions, commanding troops of 30 men each,[6] but the scribones also appear in charge of administrative matters such as handing out pay to the soldiers,[46] as well as more sensitive tasks such as delivering letters, making arrests, and preparing expeditions.[43]


Seal of [Mart]inos (?), domestic of the Imperial Excubitors

In its later incarnation as a tagma, the regiment (often called collectively τὸ ἐξκούβιτον, to exkoubiton or τὰ ἐξκούβιτα, ta exkoubita) was structured along the same standardized lines followed by the other tagmata, with a few variations in the titles of its officers.[48][49][50]



The regimental commander, the domestic of the Excubitors (often also shortened to "the Excubitor", ὁ ἐξκουβίτωρ/ἐξκούβιτος),[51] is well attested in the various lists of offices in the 9th–10th centuries, where it is held in tandem with that of the chief (dēmokratēs) of the "suburban" (περατικοὶ, peratikoi) members of the racing faction (dēmos) of the Greens, which functioned as a militia for the defence of Constantinople, and of the regiment of the "Walls".[51][52][53] The domestics were originally of strikingly low court rank (mere spatharioi, 'sword-bearers'), but they gradually rose to importance: while in the Taktikon Uspensky of 842 the domestic of the Excubitors came behind all the thematic commanders (stratēgoi) in order of precedence, in the Klētorologion of 899, the domestic is shown as superior to the stratēgoi of the European themes and even to the Eparch of Constantinople. At the same time, the court dignities they held rose to the much loftier ranks of prōtospatharios ('first sword-bearer') and even patrikios ('patrician').[23][50]

The Escorial Taktikon, written 971/75, records the existence of a "Domestic of the Excubitors of the East" (δομέστικος τῶν ἐξκουβίτων τῆς ἀνατολῆς), and a "Domestic of the Excubitors of the West" (δομέστικος τῶν ἐξκουβίτων τῆς δύσεως), as well as a subaltern "Domestic of the Excubitors".[51] This has led to the suggestion that, probably under Romanos II (r. 959–963), the regiment, like the senior Scholae, was split in two units, one for the West and one for the East, each headed by a respective domestic.[23][54] However, unlike the Scholae, these designations no longer appear in any later source, and they may have been of brief existence.[51] The subaltern domestic of the Excubitors may either by a copyist error, or, according to Vera von Falkenhausen, indicate a subordinate official in charge of Excubitors stationed in the provinces; indeed such provincial detachments are attested, albeit only for the themes of Longobardia in southern Italy and of Hellas in Greece.[55]



The fact that the unit did not partake in campaigns during the 7th century preserved it from the reforms that affected the field army during this period, so that the late antique terminology for its junior officers remained relatively intact.[56] The domestic was assisted by a topotērētēs (τοποτηρητής, 直译:“placeholder”, 'lieutenant') and a chartoularios (χαρτουλάριος, 'secretary').[50][57] The topotērētēs was of relatively low-to-middle court rank (originally stratōr, 'groom' or spatharios, later spatharokandidatos). He may have commanded provincial detachments of the regiment, and there may have been more than one topotērētai at the same time, for each of these detachments.[57]

Based on a reference from the hagiography of St. Joannicius the Great (762–846), who was himself recruited into the regiment and served there until deserting it following the Battle of Marcellae,[58] in 773 the regiment itself was divided into at least eighteen banda, probably each commanded by a skribōn (σκρίβων), showing the retention of the role of the earlier scribones as the main subaltern officers of the regiment.[48][59][60] Each bandon was further divided into sub-units headed by a drakonarios (δρακονάριος, deriving from the late Roman draconarius). The post was originally that of a standard-bearer, but after Constantine V's reform of the unit into a tagma, the drakonarioi probably functioned as junior officers. The junior officers also included the skeuophoroi (σκευοφόροι, 'standard carriers'), signophoroi (σιγνοφόροι, i.e. signifers) and sinatores (σινάτορες, from the late Roman rank of senator, now much reduced in prominence).[61][62][63] There were also the usual messengers (μανδάτορες, mandatores) under a prōtomandatōr, some of whom were also termed legatarioi (λεγατάριοι), possibly entrusted with police duties.[61][63]



“哨兵军”以及整个“塔格玛”的具体规模都难以确定,不同的学者有不同的看法。Drawing on the lists of officers and accounts of Arab geographers Ibn Khordadbeh and Qudamah, historian Warren Treadgold suggested an establishment strength of 4,000 men, which for the Scholae and the Excubitors rose to 6,000 with the division of the regiments in the mid-10th century.[64] Other scholars, most prominently John Haldon, based on a more conservative reading of sources, have provided estimates of around 1,000 men for each tagma.[65] For security reasons, both the Scholae and the Excubitors were scattered in garrisons in Thrace and Bithynia rather than being stationed within Constantinople, making it harder for them to be used in mounting a coup.[27][66][67]


名字 任期 注释
哨兵军随从官(拉丁语:comes excubitorum,希腊语:κόμης τῶν ἐξκουβίτων
Justin I 515–518 Count of the Excubitors under Emperor Anastasius I, before becoming emperor. As count of the Excubitors, he took part in the suppression of the rebellion of Vitalian, leading the imperial fleet against the rebel navy.[68]
Priscus 529 A former secretary (notarius) of Justinian I, he became count of the Excubitors but fell foul of Empress Theodora and was banished to Cyzicus and later a monastery.[69]
Theodore 535–536 As count of the Excubitors, he served with Solomon in North Africa, where he played a critical role in the Battle of Mount Bourgaon. He was murdered in Easter 536 in the mutiny led by Stotzas.[70]
Marcellus 541–552 Count of the Excubitors, he is described by Procopius as an austere and incorruptible man, who took part in the discovery of the conspiracy of Artabanes. In 552, he was member of an embassy to Pope Vigilius.[71]
Marinus 561–562 Count of the Excubitors, he was charged with suppressing racing faction violence in Constantinople, and in investigating the conspiracy to assassinate Emperor Justinian in November 562.[72]
Tiberius II 565–574 He was appointed count of the Excubitors during the reign of Justinian I, and was a protégé of Justin II. In 570 he led the campaign against the Pannonian Avars around Sirmium and Thrace. When Justin II became insane, as the most influential member of the court he was named Caesar and de facto regent.[73]
Maurice 574?–582? A notarius of Tiberius, he was probably appointed count of the Excubitors as the latter's successor when Tiberius became Caesar. He likely held his post in tandem with the position of magister militum per Orientem (commander-in-chief of the East) against the Sasanian Empire, until he himself became Caesar in 582. By 577/78, he was also a patrikios.[74]
Philippicus 582/584–603 The husband of Maurice's sister Gordia, he was made count of the Excubitors sometime early in Maurice's reign, and held it until he retired to a monastery in 603. He also served at the same time as magister militum per Orientem against the Sasanians.[75]
Priscus 603?–612 Already a distinguished general and patrikios before being appointed as count of the Excubitors, shortly after Phocas came to power. In 607 he married Domentzia, daughter of Emperor Phocas, but conspired with Heraclius for the overthrow of Phocas. He led troops in Asia Minor against the Sasanians, but was dismissed and forced to retire as a monk by Heraclius in December 612.[76]
Nicetas 612–613 A cousin of the Emperor Heraclius, he participated in the overthrow of Phocas and was named a patrikios. Named count of the Excubitors in succession to Priscus, he led Byzantine troops against the Sasanians around Antioch, before going to Egypt as governor.[77]
Valentinus 6th/7th century Patrikios and "Count of the Imperial Exkoubiton" (komēs tou basilikou exkoubitou), known only from his seal of office.[78]
Valentinus 641 An Armenian aristocrat, he enforced the coronation of Constans II as co-emperor alongside Heraklonas, and was given the position of count of the Excubitors. From this post, he led campaigns against the Arabs, and may have been responsible for the overthrow of Heraklonas and his mother, Empress-regent Martina. Possibly identical to the previous.[79]
Stephen 7th century "Count of the Divine Exkoubiton" (komēs tou theiou exkoubitou), known only from his seal of office.[80]
哨兵军家内官英语Domestikosδομέστικος τῶν ἐξκουβίτων
Sisinios early 8th century Patrikios, magistros, and domestic of the Excubitors, grandfather of Patriarch Tarasios of Constantinople.[81]
Strategios Podopagouros 765 A spatharios (in one text variant patrikios) and domestic of the Excubitors (domestikos tōn ekskoubitōn 原文如此), executed by Constantine V during his purge of iconophiles in 765.[82][83][84]
Constantine 780 A spatharios of the vikarios and domestic of the Excubitors (domestikos tōn ekskoubitorōn 原文如此), he participated in a conspiracy against Empress-regent Irene of Athens in favor of the Caesar Nikephoros, and finally was arrested and imprisoned in a monastery.[82][85][86]
Niketas 750/800 Imperial prōtospatharios and domestic of the Excubitors, known only from his seal of office.[87][88][89]
Arsaber 750/850 Imperial prōtospatharios and "Domestic of the Exkoubiton" (domestikos tou exkoubitou), known only from his seal of office.[87][88]
Anonymous 811 "Domestic of the Exkoubiton" (domestikos tou ekskoubitou 原文如此), he was killed at the Battle of Pliska.[90]
Michael II 813–? The future emperor Michael II was appointed to the post of exkoubitos by Leo V in 813, and held it for a number of years.[82][88][91]
Anonymous 829/842 Exkoubitos and simultaneously dēmokratēs of the racing faction of the Greens, under Emperor Theophilos.[92]
Constantine 842 An Armenian, he commanded the tagma in 842.[92]
Leo 869 Patrikios and domestic of the Excubitors, he is recorded among the attendants at the 869 Church council in Constantinople.[92][93]
Ashot 896 An Armenian nobleman, he was regimental commander (exarchōn) and fell at the Battle of Boulgarophygon in 896.[92]
Paul 9th century Imperial prōtospatharios and domestic of the Excubitors, known only from his seal of office.[87][88][94]
Sergios 9th century Patrikios, imperial prōtospatharios and domestic of the Excubitors, known only from his seal of office.[87][88]
Symbatios 850/900 Patrikios, imperial prōtospatharios and domestic of the Excubitors, known only from his seal of office. Possibly to be identified with Symbatios the Armenian (860s).[87][88][95]
Theophilos 9th century Imperial prōtospatharios and domestic of the Excubitors, known only from his seal of office.[87][88]
Aetios late 9th/early 10th century Imperial prōtospatharios and domestic of the Excubitors, known only from his seal of office. Potentially identical with a namesake domestic of the Scholae, or a droungarios of the Vigla of the same name.[96]
John Grapson 917 He commanded the regiment and was killed at the Battle of Acheloos in 917. His father Maroules had been Domestic of the tagma of the Hikanatoi. John Skylitzes describes him as a valiant and distinguished warrior.[92][93][97]
Anonymous 949 Referred to simply as "the exkoubitor", he participated with over 700 men and his topotērētēs in the failed expedition to Crete in 949.[98]
Pothos Argyros 958/9 He is mentioned as being a patrikios and domestic of the Excubitors when he defeated a Magyar raid in the Balkans. Identified by some with a namesake domestic of the Scholae 922.[92][99]
Peter 990 Referred to as an excubitus, he was murdered in southern Italy.[100]
Makrotheodoros 997 Referred to as an excubitus, he was murdered at Oria in southern Italy.[100]
Theodore 998 Mentioned in a deed from southern Italy, possibly identical with the previous.[100]
John (?) 950/1050 Imperial prōtospatharios, epi tou Chrysotriklinou (uncertain reading) and domestic of the Excubitors of the West, known only from his seal of office.[101]
Nikolitzes Kekaumenos turn of 10th/11th century The grandfather of the military writer Kekaumenos, who records him as domestic of the Excubitors of Hellas.[100]
Leo Patianos 1017 An excubitus who was killed during the revolt of Melus of Bari in southern Italy.[100]
Leo Choirosphaktes 1030 Commanded the Excubitors during Romanos III's failed campaign into northern Syria.[100]
Constantine Opos 1081 Commanded the Excubitors during the Battle of Dyrrhachium against the Italo-Normans.[102]
Martinos (possibly also Marianos or Adrianos) 9th/11th century Patrikios, imperial prōtospatharios and "Domestic of the Imperial Excubitors" (domestikos tōn basilikōn exkoubitōn), known only from his seal of office.[103]


  1. ^ 罗马军队中,“excubiae ”指的是岗哨,而“excubitores”指的是驻扎其中的士兵[1]


  1. ^ Ng 2012.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Treadgold 1995,第13–14页.
  3. ^ Treadgold 1997,第152页.
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Whitby 2000,第291页.
  5. ^ Evans 1996,第11–12, 41页.
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Treadgold 1995,第92页.
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Haldon 1984,第136页.
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Bury 1911,第57页.
  9. ^ Evans 1996,第11–13页.
  10. ^ Treadgold 1997,第218页.
  11. ^ Evans 1996,第264, 267页.
  12. ^ Treadgold 1997,第227页.
  13. ^ Treadgold 1997,第309–310页.
  14. ^ Kaegi 1981,第174页.
  15. ^ Haldon 1984,第164页.
  16. ^ Haldon 1984,第136–137页.
  17. ^ Haldon 1984,第162页.
  18. ^ Haldon 1984,第121, 136, 161–162页.
  19. ^ Haldon 1984,第162–164页.
  20. ^ Haldon 1984,第161页.
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 Whittow 1996,第168页.
  22. ^ Haldon 1984,第231–232页.
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 23.2 Kazhdan 1991,第646–647页.
  24. ^ Haldon 1999,第78页.
  25. ^ Bury 1911,第48页.
  26. ^ Haldon 1999,第132页.
  27. ^ 27.0 27.1 27.2 Haldon 1984,第234页.
  28. ^ Treadgold 1997,第363–364页.
  29. ^ Haldon 1984,第232–233页.
  30. ^ Haldon 1984,第233页.
  31. ^ Treadgold 1997,第417页.
  32. ^ Whittow 1996,第168–170页.
  33. ^ Treadgold 1997,第419–420页.
  34. ^ 34.0 34.1 Haldon 1984,第235页.
  35. ^ Haldon 1984,第242–245页.
  36. ^ Treadgold 1997,第428–429页.
  37. ^ Treadgold 1997,第433页.
  38. ^ 38.0 38.1 38.2 Kühn 1991,第103页.
  39. ^ Wortley 2010,第359页.
  40. ^ Birkenmeier 2002,第156–159页.
  41. ^ Haldon 1999,第91–93页.
  42. ^ Treadgold 1995,第41页.
  43. ^ 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 43.4 Haldon 1984,第137页.
  44. ^ Haldon 1984,第125–126, 128页.
  45. ^ Haldon 1984,第138–139页.
  46. ^ 46.0 46.1 46.2 Haldon 1984,第138页.
  47. ^ Bury 1911,第59页.
  48. ^ 48.0 48.1 Kühn 1991,第93页.
  49. ^ Haldon 1984,第290页.
  50. ^ 50.0 50.1 50.2 Bury 1911,第58页.
  51. ^ 51.0 51.1 51.2 51.3 Kühn 1991,第94页.
  52. ^ Bury 1911,第105页.
  53. ^ Haldon 1984,第258–271页.
  54. ^ Treadgold 1997,第494页.
  55. ^ Kühn 1991,第95页.
  56. ^ Haldon 1984,第121, 138页.
  57. ^ 57.0 57.1 Haldon 1984,第291页.
  58. ^ PmbZIoannikios (#3389/corr.).
  59. ^ Bury 1911,第58–59页.
  60. ^ Haldon 1984,第291–292页.
  61. ^ 61.0 61.1 Bury 1911,第59–60页.
  62. ^ Treadgold 1995,第102, 104页.
  63. ^ 63.0 63.1 Haldon 1984,第292–293页.
  64. ^ Treadgold 1995,第103页.
  65. ^ Haldon 1999,第102页.
  66. ^ Treadgold 1997,第359页.
  67. ^ Kühn 1991,第92, 93–94页.
  68. ^ Martindale 1980,第649–650, 1295页.
  69. ^ Martindale 1992,第1051, 1510页.
  70. ^ Martindale 1992,第1248, 1510页.
  71. ^ Martindale 1992,第815–816, 1510页.
  72. ^ Martindale 1992,第831, 1510页.
  73. ^ Martindale 1992,第1324–1325, 1510页.
  74. ^ Martindale 1992,第856, 1510页.
  75. ^ Martindale 1992,第1022, 1510页.
  76. ^ Martindale 1992,第1052–1057, 1510页.
  77. ^ Martindale 1992,第940–942, 1510页.
  78. ^ Martindale 1992,第1353, 1510页.
  79. ^ Martindale 1992,第1354–1355, 1510页.
  80. ^ Martindale 1992,第1197, 1510页.
  81. ^ PmbZSisinnios (#6755).
  82. ^ 82.0 82.1 82.2 Kühn 1991,第96页.
  83. ^ Haldon 1984,第355页.
  84. ^ PmbZStrategios Podopaguros (#7130).
  85. ^ Haldon 1984,第355–356页.
  86. ^ PmbZKonstantinos (#3826).
  87. ^ 87.0 87.1 87.2 87.3 87.4 87.5 Kühn 1991,第99页.
  88. ^ 88.0 88.1 88.2 88.3 88.4 88.5 88.6 Haldon 1984,第356页.
  89. ^ PmbZNiketas (#35427).
  90. ^ PmbZAnonymus (#11339).
  91. ^ PmbZMichael II. (#4990/corr.).
  92. ^ 92.0 92.1 92.2 92.3 92.4 92.5 Kühn 1991,第97页.
  93. ^ 93.0 93.1 Haldon 1984,第357页.
  94. ^ PmbZPaulos (#5863).
  95. ^ PmbZSymbatios (#7170).
  96. ^ PmbZAëtios (#20144).
  97. ^ PmbZIoannes Grapson (#22915).
  98. ^ PmbZAnonymus (#31259).
  99. ^ PmbZPothos Argyros (#26730).
  100. ^ 100.0 100.1 100.2 100.3 100.4 100.5 Kühn 1991,第98页.
  101. ^ PmbZIoannes (#23288).
  102. ^ Kühn 1991,第98–99页.
  103. ^ Kühn 1991,第100页.



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  • Croke, Brian. Leo I and the Palace Guard. Byzantion, Revue Internationale des Études Byzantines. 2005, 75: 117–151. ISSN 0378-2506. JSTOR 44172993.