[编辑]卡曼达蕾雅酒有着悠久的历史,据说可追溯到古希腊时期,当时它是在节日中一种流行的饮料。塞浦路斯的干葡萄酒最早被人所知是在公元前800年,由希腊诗人赫西俄德(Hesiod)在诗中称其为Cypriot Manna,意思是塞浦路斯的甘露。[1][2]
12世纪,十字军东征期间,卡曼达蕾雅酒出现在国王理查一世与纳瓦拉的贝伦加丽亚在利马索尔的婚礼上。婚礼上,理查一世当众称赞卡曼达蕾雅酒为“国王的葡萄酒,以及葡萄酒之王”(the wine of kings and the king of wines)[3]。12世纪末,理查一世与将岛卖给了圣殿骑士团,圣殿骑士团又把它卖给了吕西尼昂的居伊,但在利马索尔附近的科洛西(Kolossi)保留了一块封建种植园,这块种植园被称作“La Grande Commanderie”。“Commanderie”的意思是军事总部,而Grande(大)则是为了区分岛上两个较小的指挥所,一个靠近帕福斯,另一个在凯里尼亚附近。这一区域在圣殿骑士团(后来的医院骑士团)控制下成为著名的卡曼达蕾地区(Commandaria)[4]。骑士们开始生产大量的葡萄酒,出口到欧洲的王室宫廷,并提供给前去圣地朝圣的朝圣者。这些葡萄酒也以当地的地名为名。因此,毫无疑问,卡曼达蕾雅酒也是现今仍在生产的有名字的的葡萄酒中,历史最悠久的[5][6]。
虽然今天,卡曼达蕾雅酒仍以“卡曼达蕾雅”这个名字生产和销售,但过去岁月中它曾有过好几个类似名称和拼写方式。1863年,Thomas George Shaw在他的著作《葡萄酒 —— 葡萄藤和酒窖》(Wine, the vine, and the cellar)中将这种酒写称为“Commanderi”[7];在1833年Cyrus Redding在他的著作《当代葡萄酒的历史与特色》(A history and description of modern wines)中,称之为“Commandery”[8];而在1879年,Samuel Baker称之为“Commanderia”。[9]
传说在13世纪法国的菲利普·奥古斯(腓力二世)都举行了有史以来第一次品酒大赛。这一事件被称为“葡萄酒战役(法语:La Bataille des Vins),收录在1224年Henry d'Andeli著名的法国诗集中[10]。这场竞赛收集了全法国乃至全欧洲的葡萄酒,最终由来自塞浦路斯的一支葡萄酒夺魁,相信这支葡萄酒就是卡曼达蕾雅酒[11]。1307年,在镇压了圣殿骑士团后,卡曼达蕾地区也归于(腓力四世)统治。
[编辑]卡曼达蕾雅酒完全是由两种不同类型的塞浦路斯本地葡萄酿造的——Xynisteri和Mavro[13]。葡萄被留在藤上熟透,使其糖分达到所需要的水平(相当高的葡萄汁重量(Must weight):葡萄中糖分含量标准)然后采摘。最特别的是,Xynisteri葡萄在12°Bé(波美度Baumé Scale,测量葡萄汁浓度的单位)采摘,而Mavro葡萄在15-16°Bé采摘。接下来葡萄会放在太阳下曝晒,蒸发水分进一步增加其糖分含量。当葡萄汁重量达到19-23°Bé时,通过挤压榨汁[14]。发酵在一个水池中进行,当酒精浓度达到15%左右时发酵过程自然结束。卡曼达蕾地区的14个指定的村庄按上述方法酿造酒液。根据法规,卡曼达蕾雅酒必须在橡木桶中陈酿(aging)至少4年,陈酿过程可以在卡曼达蕾以外地区进行,但必须在塞浦路斯境内,以受到严格的控制和法律监管[15]。
“ | Forget not next the ripen'd Grapes to lay, Ten Nights in Air, nor take them in by Day; Five more remember, e're the Wine is made, To let them ly, to mellow in the Shade; And in the sixth briskly yourself employ, To cask the Gift of Bacchus, Sire of Joy."[17] | ” |
1879年Samuel Baker在他的作品中描述道:
“ | ...the commanderia grapes are collected and spread upon the flat mud-plastered roofs of the native houses, and are exposed for several days, until they show symptoms of shriveling in the skin, and the stalks have partially dried: they are then pressed……" | ” |
“ | "It has been imagined by some travellers that the grapes are purposely dried before pressing; on the other hand, I have been assured by the inhabitants that their only reason for heaping and exposing their crop upon the house-tops is the danger of leaving it to ripen in the vineyard. None of the plots are fenced, and before the grapes are sufficiently ripe for pressing they are stolen in large quantities, or destroyed by cattle, goats, mules, and every stray animal that is attracted to the fields…."[18] | ” |
从Samuel Baker1879年的著作《我眼中的塞浦路斯》(Cyprus - How I saw it)的数据统计中可以发现,在19世纪后期,塞浦路斯每年卡曼达蕾雅酒产量的约30万okes(一种奥斯曼质量单位),相当于约385,000升(这只是完税产品的生产量)。这其中有180,103 okes从利马索尔港出口,大多数去出口奥地利(155,000 okes值£2,075)[9]。
“塞浦路斯葡萄产品委员会”公布的官方数字表明,生产量有一种普遍增加的趋势。 大多数卡曼达蕾雅酒仍然主要用于出口[19]。
[编辑]目前卡曼达蕾雅酒在欧盟[20],美国[21]和加拿大[22][23]受到“原产地名称保护制度”(Protected Designation of Origin,PDO)于1990年3月2日,塞浦路斯通过立法,只在相邻的14个村庄生产卡曼达蕾雅酒:Agios Georgios,Agios Konstantinos,Agios Mamas,Agios Pavlos,Apsiou,Gerasa,Doros,Zoopigi,Kalo Chorio,Kapilio,Laneia,Louvaras,Monagri和Silikou。这些指定的区域共享卡曼达蕾地区的名称,它们都位于利马索尔地区特罗多斯山(Troödos mountains)南坡海拔500-900米位置。只有种植4年以上的葡萄藤结出的果实才能被用来酿酒。葡萄藤必须使用杯盆培育,而且严禁浇水。葡萄收获需要首先获得“塞浦路斯葡萄产业委员会”认可,“塞浦路斯葡萄产业委员会”根据葡萄中平均糖分含量决定是否对葡萄收获开绿灯。Xinisteri葡萄的糖分含量必须达到212 g/L,Mavro葡萄的糖分含量指标则必须达到258 g/L以上才算合格。糖分含量会随着之后的曝晒而增高,通常要求曝晒7-10天,以严格达到390 to 450g/L的指标窗口范围[24]。
[编辑]- ^ ed. by George Charalambous ... The Quality of Foods and Beverages: Chemistry and Technology. ed. George E. Inglett & George Charalambous. Academic Press Inc. 1981. ISBN 0-12-169101-2.
- ^ Kambas, Michele. Cypriots thought to be first Mediterranean winemakers. Kathimerini (Reuters). 2005-05-21 [2007-04-03]. (原始内容存档于2007-11-20).
- ^ Ktisti, Sarah. Ancient Cypriot wine enters vintage major league. Reuters. Aug 11, 2009 [2009-08-12]. (原始内容存档于2009-08-16).
- ^ Brewster, D. The Edinburgh encyclopaedia (Volume VII, page 538) (PDF). William Blackwood. 1830.
- ^ Levin, David. The Wines of Aphrodite's Isle. Wine Business Monthly (Wine Communications Group). November 2000 [2007-04-02]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-27).
- ^ Campbell Mackay, Jill. On the wine trail with Jill Campbell Mackay. Cyprus Mail. March 5, 2006 [2007-04-02]. [失效链接]
- ^ Shaw, Thomas George. Wine, the vine, and the cellar. Longman. 1863: 315 [2007-02-20]. (原始内容存档于2011-05-22).
- ^ Redding, Cyrus. A history and description of modern wines. Whittaker Treacher & Arnot. 1833: 263 [2007-02-20]. (原始内容存档于2011-05-22).
- ^ 9.0 9.1 Samuel W. Baker. Cyprus, as I Saw it in 1879. Project Gutenberg (Etext edition, 2003). 1879: 120 [2012-05-25]. (原始内容存档于2009-09-24).
- ^ Henri, d'Andeli; (verse 15). La Bataille des Vins. 1224 [2007-04-03]. (原始内容存档于2006-09-13) (法语).
- ^ Wine, the Last 1,000 Years. h2g2. BBC. May 21, 2002 [2012-05-25]. (原始内容存档于2011-05-14).
- ^ Matus, Victorino. Selling Cyprus. The Daily Standard (News Corporation). 2002-04-24 [2007-08-10]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-27).
- ^ Meuse, Stephen. Winemaking in transition. The Boston Globe. June 6, 2010: 2 [2010-06-07]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-26).
- ^ Commandaria Production Details. LOEL website. [2007-01-27]. (原始内容存档于2007-03-07).
- ^ Negotiation results on Wine (page 6 negotiation position No 29) (PDF). European Commission. [2007-03-30]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2007-01-14).
- ^ Jancis Robinson (编). Commandaria. Oxford Companion to Wine Third. Oxford: Oxford University Press: 190. 2006. ISBN 0-19-860990-6.
- ^ Hesiod; Translated from the Greek by Mr. Cooke. Works and Days, Book 2 (verse 301-15). N. Blandford. MDCCXXVIII [2007-06-20]. (原始内容存档于2011-01-30).
- ^ Samuel White Baker,. Cyprus As I Saw It in 1879. ISBN 1-84637-912-1.
- ^ Ioannou, Yiannis. Επιστροφή στην κουμανδαρία (Return to Commandaria). Simerini. 2006-05-08 [2007-06-20]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-28) (希腊语).
- ^ COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 1429/2004 (PDF). Official Journal of the European Union. 2004-08-09 [2007-03-30].
- ^ Agreement between the European Community and the United States of America on trade in wine (PDF). Official journal of the European Union. 2006-03-24 [2007-01-25]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2007-09-28).
- ^ Trademarks Act (PDF). Canada Gazette Part I. 2004-11-12, 138 (50): 3639 [2007-01-25]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2012-03-06).
- ^ Diogenous, Katya. Official patent for Commandaria. Cyprus Mail. 2004-04-16 [2007-01-27]. [失效链接]
- ^ Από τον Ριχάρδο στην Ονομασία Προέλευσης (From Richard the Lionheart to DOC). Politis Newspaper. 2004-03-08 [2007-03-30]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-27) (希腊语).
- ^ Old wine in a new glass. Cyprus Mail. March 26, 2006 [2012年5月25日]. (原始内容存档于2007年1月1日).