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  • 含有El的名字,迦南神,后来就直接表示一个神,and hence God.
  • 含有Yah的名字,迦南神,跟Yahweh同源。
  • 含有Baal的名字,a Canaanite deity, by the epiphet 巴力,意思是。后来还发现有很多次Baal被换成Bosheth,含义是可耻的一个




Abdiel – "神的仆人Servant of God"
Abiel – "神是我父亲God my Father"
Abimael – "神派来的父亲A Father sent from God"
Adbeel – "神的云Cloud of God"
Adriel – "神的羊群Flock of God"
Advachiel – "神的快乐Happiness of God"
Ambriel – "神的动力Energy of God"
亚拉尔(Arael)– "神的光Light of God" or "Vision of God"
亚列尔(Ariel)– "神的勇士Lion of God"
阿米沙尔(Armisael)– "神的审判之山Mountain of Judgment of God"
Asmodel – "神的伟大Greatness of God"
阿撒兹勒 (Azael)– "神之强悍God Strengthens"
爱瑟瑞尔(Azrael)– "神帮助的人Whom God Helps"
巴拉基勒 (Barakiel)– "神的照明Lighting of God"
巴迪尔(Barbiel)– "神的启发Illumination of God"
Barchiel – "神的善良Kindness of God" or "Ray of God"
Bardiel – "神的羞愧孩子Humilliated Son of God"
Bethuael – "神的房子House of God"
Betzalel – "神的影子/路Shadow/Path of God"
Boel – "神旁边的他God is in Him"
Camael – "看见神的人He who Sees God"
夏弥尔(Chamuel)– "寻找神的人He who Seeks God"
丹尼尔(Daniel)– "我的判断是神My Judge is God",或者"神已判断God has Judged"
Elad – "神之永恒God Forever"
Eli –(神的另外名字Another name of God)
EliasElijah – "Whose God is the Lord", "神是主", "The Strong Lord", "God of the Lord", "我的神是主" "我的神是耶和华"。含有两个意思(Eli)-(Jah
Elisha – "我的神是救赎My God is Salvation"
Elishama – "神倾听My God Hears"
Eliezer – "神帮助My God Helps"
Elimelech – "我的神是王My God is King"
Elizabeth – "我的神是誓言My God is Oath"
Elkanah – "拥有一切神God has Possessed", or "神之创造God has Created"
Emmanuel – "神与我们同在God is with us"
Ezekiel – "神要加固God will Strengthen"
Ezequeel – "神的力量Strength of God"
Ezrael – "神的帮助Help of God"
加百列(Gabriel)– "神的人Man of God"、"神显现自身的强大God has shown Himself Mighty", "神的英雄Hero of God"、"神的第一强Strong one of God"
迦基尔(Gaghiel)– "神的咆哮之兽Roaring Beast of God"
Gamaliel – "神的奖赏Reward of God"
Hamaliel – "神的祝福Grace of God"
汉尼尔(Haniel)– "神的荣誉Glory of God"
Immanuel – "神与我们同在God is with Us"
Ishmael – "神要倾听God will Hear"
伊斯拉斐尔(Israel)– "与神角力One who has struggled with God"
Joel – "Jah is God"
雷里尔(Leliel)– "神的巨齿Jaws of God"
Malahidael – "神的王King of God"
马特里尔(Matriel)– "神的预料Premonition of God"
米迦勒(Michael)– "谁像神Who is like God" or "好比神Likened unto God"
穆里尔(Muriel)– "Fragrance of God"
纳撒尼尔(Nathaniel)– "Gift of God" or "God has Given"
雷米尔(Ramiel)– "神的慈悲Elevated of God"
拉斐尔(Raphael)– "神的朋友God is Healing" or "Healing one of God"
拉结尔(Raziel)– "神的秘密Secret of God"
Sachiel – "Price of God" or "Covering of God"
Salatheel – "我已请求神I have asked God"
萨哈魁尔(Sahaquiel)– "Ingenuity of God"
Samael – "神的怨恨Venom of God"
Samiel – "盲神Blind God", epithet for Baal巨匠造物主
塞缪尔(Samuel)– "Name/Heard of God"
Satanael – "神的敌人Adversary of God"
夏姆榭尔(Shamshel)– "Lonely Conqueror of God"
Suriel – "神的命令Command of God"
Tamiel – "神的完美Perfection of God"
Tarfiel – "神滋养God Nourishes"
扎法尔(Tzaphquiel)– "神的沉思Contemplation of God"
乌列尔(Uriel)– "神之光明Light of God" or "神之火焰Fire of God"
Verchiel – "神的光芒Shining of God"
Yael – "Delivered from God"
Za'afiel – "神的愤怒Wrath of God"
萨基尔(Zadkiel)– "神的正义Righteousness of God"
Zagzagel – "神的光彩Splendor of God"
沙法尔(Zaphkiel)– "神的知识Knowledge of God"
塞路尔(Zeruel)– "神的臂膀Arm of God"
Zophiel – "神的探索Spy of God"




Abdiel耶和华的仆人Servant of Yahweh
Abiah耶和华,我父Yahweh is my father
Abijah耶和华,我父Yahweh is my father
Abijam Yam是我父Yam is my father(Yam是耶和华另外的名字)
Adaiah 耶和华见证人witness of Yahweh/Jehovah's witness
Ahaziah耶和华的幻象vision of Yahweh
Ahiah耶和华的兄弟brother of Yahweh
Ahijah耶和华的兄弟brother of Yahweh
Amariah耶和华的话语,耶和华的正直Yahweh says; integrity of Yahweh
Amaziah耶和华的力量strength of Yahweh
Jael耶和华是神Yahweh is El/God
Jabin耶和华之子Son of Yahweh/Yahweh is a son




巴力Baal,主master; lord
Baalah,她的偶像her idol; she that is governed or subdued; a spouse
Baalath,欣喜;我们骄傲的主a rejoicing; our proud lord
Baalath-Beer, subjected pit
比利士Baal-berith,立约的偶像idol of the covenant
Baal-gad,幸运和福气的偶像idol of fortune or felicity
Baal-hamon,统治者who rules a crowd
Baal-hanan,巴力是高尚的Baal is gracious
Baal-hermon, possessor of destruction or of a thing cursed
Baali,我的偶像;my idol; lord over me
Baalim,偶像;主人;错误的神idols; masters; false gods
Baalis,欣喜;骄傲的主a rejoicing; a proud lord
Baal-meon,偶像或房之主idol or master of the house
Baal-peor,开工之神master of the opening
Baal-perazim,分割之神god of divisions
Baal-shalisha, the god that presides over three; the third idol
Baal-tamar,棕榈树之主master of the palm-tree
巴力西卜Baal-zebub,飞翔之神god of the fly(原书中是"Lord of the Flies")
Baal-zephon,偶像或者北方领主;隐藏;秘密the idol or possession of the north; hidden; secret

