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深绿和浅绿: 国际机构统计数据中所指的撒哈拉以南非洲
浅绿:联合国认为 苏丹属于北部非洲[1]

撒哈拉以南非洲[2](英语:Sub-Saharan Africa),指撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲地区,又称亚撒哈拉地区下撒哈拉漠南非洲南非,也有称黑非洲Negro Africa)。自然地理上与埃塞俄比亚界高度重叠。政治上,包括了所有或部分领土位于撒哈拉沙漠以南的国家(苏丹除外,尽管其位于撒哈拉沙漠的东缘)。与这一概念相对应的是北部非洲,其通常被认为是阿拉伯世界的一部分。索马里吉布提科摩罗毛里塔尼亚地理上属于撒哈拉以南非洲,但也是阿拉伯世界的一部分。






根据联合国《世界人口展望(2019)》[3][4],2019年撒哈拉以南非洲人口为11亿。目前的增长率为2.3%。联合国预测,到2050年该地区人口将达到20亿至25亿[5] ,人口密度为每平方千米80人。与之相比,届时西欧、亚洲和美洲的人口密度将分别为每平方公里170人、140人和30人。

撒哈拉以南非洲国家在生育率最高的50个国家和地区中占40个,2008年总和生育率均大于4。除南非和塞舌尔外,其他国家均高于世界平均水平[6]。 除南非以外的撒哈拉以南国家(亦包括苏丹),其中40%以上的人口年龄在15岁以下。[7]

国家 人口 面积 识字率(男/女)[8] 人均GDP[8] 清廉指数(排名/分数)[9] 预期寿命[8] HDI EODBR/SAB[10] PFI[11](排名/分数)
 安哥拉 18,498,000 1,246,700 82.9%/54.2% 6,800 168/2 42.4 0.486 172/171 132/58,43
 布隆迪 8,988,091 27,830 67.3%/52.2% 700 168/1.8 49 0.316 176/130 103/29,00
 刚果民主共和国 68,692,542 2,345,410 80.9%/54.1% 800 162/11.9 46.1 0.286 182/152 146/53,50
 喀麦隆 18,879,301 475,440 77%/59.8% 3,700 146/2.2 50.3 0.482 171/174 109/30,50
 中非 4,511,488 622,984 64.8%/33.5% 700 158/2.8 44.4 0.343 183/159 80/17,75
 乍得 10,329,208 1,284,000 40.8%/12.8% 2,300 175/1.6 50.6 0.328 178/182 132/44,50
 刚果共和国 3,700,000 342,000 90.5%/ 79.0% 800 162/1.9 54.8 0.533 N/A 116/34,25
 赤道几内亚 1,110,000 28,051 93.4%/80.3% 37,400 168/1.8 51.1 0.537 170/178 158/65,50
 加蓬 1,514,993 267,667 88.5%/79.7% 18,100 106/2.9 56.7 0.674 158/152 129/43,50
 肯尼亚 39,002,772 582,650 77.7%/70.2 3,500 146/2.2 57.8 0.519 95/124 96/25,00
 尼日利亚 174,507,539 923,768 84.4%/72.7%[12] 5,900 136/2.7 57 0.504 131/120 112/34.24
 卢旺达 10,473,282 26,338 71.4%/59.8% 2,100 89/3.3 46.8 0.429 67/11 157/64,67
 圣多美和普林西比 212,679 1,001 92.2%/77.9% 3,200 111/2.8 65.2 0.509 180/140 NA
 坦桑尼亚 44,928,923 945,087 77.5%/62.2% 3,200 126/2.6 51.9 0.466 131/120 NA/15,50
 乌干达 32,369,558 236,040 76.8%/57.7 2,400 130/2.5 50.7 0.446 112/129 86/21,50
 苏丹 31,894,000 1,886,068 79.6%/60.8% 4,300 176/1.5 62.57[13] 0.408 154/118 148/54,00
 南苏丹 8,260,490 619,745 1,600
 吉布提 516,055 23,000 N/A 3,600 111/2.8 54.5 0.430 163/177 110/31,00
 厄立特里亚 5,647,168 121,320 N/A 1,600 126/2.6 57.3 0.349 175/181 175/115,50
 埃塞俄比亚 85,237,338 1,127,127 50%/28.8% 2,200 120/2.7 52.5 0.363 107/93 140/49,00
 索马里 9,832,017 637,657 N/A N/A 180/1.1 47.7 N/A N/A 164/77,50
 博茨瓦纳 1,990,876 600,370 80.4%/81.8% 17,000 37/5.6 49.8 0.633 45/83 62/15,50
 科摩罗 752,438 2,170 N/A 1,600 143/2.3 63.2 0.433 162/168 82/19,00
 莱索托 2,130,819 30,355 73.7%/90.3% 3,300 89/3.3 42.9 0.450 130/131 99/27,50
 马达加斯加 19,625,000 587,041 76.5%/65.3% 1,600 99/3.0 59 0.480 134/12 134/45,83
 马拉维 14,268,711 118,480 N/A 1,200 89/3.3 47.6 0.400 132/128 62/15,50
 毛里求斯 1,284,264 2,040 88.2%/80.5% 22,300 42/5.4 73.2 0.728 17/10 51/14,00
 莫桑比克 21,669,278 801,590 N/A 1,300 130/2.5 42.5 0.322 135/96 82/19,00
 纳米比亚 2,108,665 825,418 86.8%/83.6% 11,200 56/4.5 52.5 0.625 66/123 35/9,00
 塞舌尔 87,476 455 91.4%/92.3% 29,300 54/4.8 72.2 0.773 111/81 72/16,00
 南非 59,899,991 1,219,912 N/A 13,600 55/4.7 50.7 0.619 34/67 33/8,50
 斯威士兰 1,123,913 17,363 80.9%/78.3% 11,089 79/3.6 40.8 0.608 115/158 144/52,50
 赞比亚 11,862,740 752,614 N/A 4,000 99/3.0 41.7 0.430 90/94 97/26,75
 津巴布韦 11,392,629 390,580 92.7%/86.2% 2,300 146/2.2 42.7 0.376 159/155 136/46,50
 贝宁 8,791,832 112,620 47.9%/42.3% 2,300 106/2.9 56.2 0.427 172/155 97/26,75
 马里 12,666,987 1,240,000 32.7%/15.9% 2,200 111/2.8 53.8 0.359 156/139 38/8,00
 布基纳法索 15,730,977 274,200 25.3% 1,900 79/3.6 51 0.331 150/116 N/A
 佛得角 499,000 322,462 7,000
 象牙海岸 20,617,068 322,463 3,900
 冈比亚 1,782,893 11,295 2,600
 加纳 24,200,000 238,535 4,700
 几内亚 10,057,975 245,857 2,200
 几内亚比绍 1,647,000 36,125 1,900
 利比里亚 4,128,572 111,369 1,300
 毛里塔尼亚 3,359,185 1,030,700 4,500
 尼日尔 17,129,076 1,267,000 1,200
 塞内加尔 12,855,153 196,712 3,500
 塞拉利昂 6,190,280 71,740 1,600
 多哥 7,154,237 56,785 1,700

GDP per Capita (PPP) (2016, 2017 (PPP, US$)), Life (Exp.) (Life Expectancy 2006), Literacy (Male/Female 2006), Trans (Transparency 2009), HDI (Human Development Index), EODBR (Ease of Doing Business Rank June 2008 through May 2009), SAB (Starting a Business June 2008 through May 2009), PFI (Press Freedom Index 2009)


  1. ^ Composition of macro geographical (continental) regions, geographical sub-regions, and selected economic and other groupings. United Nations Statistics Division. 11 February 2013 [20 July 2013]. (原始内容存档于2010-04-17).  "The designation sub-Saharan Africa is commonly used to indicate all of Africa except Northern Africa, with the Sudan included in sub-Saharan Africa."
  2. ^ sub-Saharan Africa. [2015-08-22]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05). 
  3. ^ "World Population prospects – Population division". population.un.org. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Population Division. [2019-11-09]. 
  4. ^ "Overall total population" – World Population Prospects: The 2019 Revision (xslx). population.un.org (custom data acquired via website). United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Population Division. [2019-11-09]. 
  5. ^ World Population Prospects 2019 – Population Division. Esa.un.org. 28 August 2019 [22 December 2019]. (原始内容存档于15 June 2020). 
  6. ^ Fertility rate, total (births per woman) | Data. data.worldbank.org. [21 July 2016]. (原始内容存档于8 July 2016). 
  7. ^ According to the CIA Factbook Archive.is存档,存档日期5 August 2012: Angola, Benin, Burundi, Burkina Faso, the Central African Republic, Cameroon, Chad, the Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, the Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, and Zambia
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 (2009). Africa Development Indicators 2008/2009: From the World Bank Africa Database AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT INDICATORS. World Bank Publications, p. 28, ISBN 0-8213-7787-6, 9780821377871.
  9. ^ Transparency International. Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2009页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
  10. ^ World Bank. Doing Business 2010, Economy Ranking 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期7 January 2010.
  11. ^ [1]
  12. ^ National Literacy Survey. National Bureau of Statistics. June 2010 [5 September 2015]. (原始内容存档于17 September 2015). 
  13. ^ The World Factbook. Cia.gov. [29 September 2015]. (原始内容存档于28 May 2014).